INDIA-CHINA WAR: A NEW STAGE? See Editorial Page YI L SirA i Au :4Iaiti CLOUDY High-45 Low--35 Windy, occasional showers through tonight Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Khrushchev Agrees To Remove Bombers * * * * * * * * * * * * Kennedy Orders Blockade Lifted Soviets Comply With U.S. Demands; Announce Limit on Withdrawal WASHINGTON (A)-President John F. Kennedy disclosed last night that Nikita S. Khrushchev has promised to pull all of Russia's offensive bombe'rs out of Cuba in 30 days.' Kennedy immediately ordered an end to the United States naval blockade of Cuba. Kennedy called for continued vigilance, adequate inspection and lasting safeguards against the mounting of any more offensive weap- ons in the island. But he said that the danger has receded and "in this week of thanksgiving, there is much for which we can be grateful." The Chief -Executive held his first news con- 'Na as ease ire PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY . . . lifts blockade Issue Order, On Ho0using WASHINGTON (A) - President John F. Kennedy signed yesterday his long-delayed order barring ra- cial discrimination in all future housing built with direct govern- ment help or federal home loan insurance and guarantees. Less sweeping than many had anticipated the order does not provide for enforcement against discriminatory practices in "con- ventional" mortgages - housing loans which are not underwritten by the.government-or in the sales of existing houses by private indi- viduals. But officials called it a "first bite"-indicating that it may be broadened later, when the admin- istration becomes more certain of its legal ground. Deny Assistance Builders and lenders undertak- ing new tract developments, apart- ment houses and other multi-fam- ily projects would be denied fed- eral assistance if they discrimin- ate in the sale or leasing of the housing. Housing officials estimated the action would affect about 25 per cent of all new housing-the por- tion which is financed by the Fed- eral Housing Administration and the V e t e r a n s Administration through loan guarantees, mortgage insurance and GI loans. This would bring a substantial part of the nation's future housing under the anti-bias ban. Mounting Pressure Kennedy has been under mount- ing pressure and criticism, because of his 1960 campaign pledge to outlaw housing bias. "It is neither proper nor equi- table that Americans should be denied the benefits of housing owned by the federal government or financed through the federal assistance on the basis of their race, color, creed or national ori- gin," the President said. Besides publicly subsidized low- rent housing and units underwrit- ten by the FHA and VA, the order applies to the federal program of housing for the elderly. Student Rips WSU Paper The chairman of W a y n e State University's homecoming committee ripped the Wayne Col- ference in 10 weeks and said he wanted to use it to bring the American people up to date on the Cuban crisis and make several other statements. To 381 newsmen, and with his words going out over national ra- dio and television networks, Ken- nedy started off by saying, "I have today been informed by Khrush- chev that all of the bombers now in Cuba will be withdrawn in 30 days." He also agreed that these planes can be observed and count-, ed as they leave. Reduce Danger "Inasmuch as this goes a long way toward reducing the danger which faced this hemisphere four weeks ago, I have this afternoon instructed the Secretary of De- fense to lift our naval quarantine." Secretary Robert S. McNamara quickly followed through with the announcement implementing this. The Cuban crisis, of course, commanded the center of the stage at the news conference. But Kennedy also announced he is sending a mission to beleagured India and, at home, that he has ordered an end to racial discrimi- nation in federally financed or as- sisted housing. No Invasion Promise Despite Khrushchev's pledge to get jets out of Cuba, Kennedy still was withholding the solid promise the Soviet Premier seeks that the United States will not invade Cuba. First, Kennedy said, there must be adequate arrangements for ver- ification of the removal of all of- fensive weapons systems from the island and for the continued with- holding of such weapons from Cuba. Once that is done, he said, "we could give assurances against invasion of Cuba." "Until that is done," Kennedy said, "difficult problems remain." Checking Process And until that is done, he said, "this government has no choice but to pursue its own means of checking on military activities in. Cuba." This appeared to hint at continued aerial surveillance. "As for our part," Kennedy said, "if all offensive weapons are re- moved from Cuba and kept out of the hemisphere in the future, un- der adequate verification and safe- guards, and if Cuba is not used for the export of aggressive Com- munist purposes, there will be peace in the Caribbean. And as I said in September, we shall neith- er initiate nor permit aggression in this hemisphere."' Nehru Aides Respond To Proposal Call Move Treachery; Await Specific Plan By The Associated Press TOKYO-Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was awakened at 2 a.m. in New Delhi and in- formed of the Peiping broadcast announcing the Red China cease- fire. An official spokesman then told newsmen, "This is a treacherous move on the part of the Chinese and they mostly do this whenever they have committed aggression. If they are genuine about it, why don't they withdraw immediately?" However, some time later, an- other official spokesman issued a different comment on the Peiping announcement. Await Proposal "We have received no such pro- posal before making any com- ment on it," the spokesman said. "If in detail the Chinese proposal is the same as the government of India's-namely restoration of the status quo as it existed before Sept. 8, 1962-then we will posi- tively respond to it." Red China said the measures it announced were taken on its own initiative in a sincere desire to settle the border dispute peace- fully. It warned, however, that fighting would resume if Indian troops try to advance beyond the positions outlined by Peiping. Harriman Mission In Washington last night Presi- dent John F. Kennedy said he is dispatching Secretary Averell Har- riman "in order to better assess" India's needs in fighting the Chinese intruders. India has been sending mounting lists of arms it wants from the United States, but United States authorities have had difficulty in ascertaining pre- cisely what the Indians need. Kennedy took pains to make clear that American arms aid to India is Designed to help defend India against Red China, not to fortify India in her dispute with neighboring Pakistan, a United States ally. Pakistan Position The President said "our help to India in no way qualifies our com- mitment to Pakistan" and this has been made known to both gov- ernments. Rather, he said, the Chinese drive against India poses a threat to Pakistan as well as India. In answer to a question, Ken- nedy indicated there had been no Indian request for United States troops. As for United States mili- tary technicians, he said a pur- pose of the Harriman mission was to ascertain what type of support was needed. GMC MAON WE ::.. ... ... :%:I :: .. ..:.p HIMLAYAN WAR-Arrows show w hereAIdian trosweer getn. wti 0 ie f suddenly<: pulled a surpriseoveby allng ca . . y. :::i:: :: :::: ii:r:i-::.:._.::i:: :i::: :;:;: :::::' -:':. :::,:' :: ''" ..:' ; 6:::" :?:i:":1: ::: ii'j {:i::iiii! j:,$i:;:S:<::: :'i: : .::>:: :::{:: v: ': ::: 4 .: ... ....:.::. ..:: " " ....r:: ::::: 'L'";:: ii~2:i-i A :i%: _AP Wirephoto HIMILAYAN WAR-Arrows show where Indian troops were re- treating under the pressure of heavy Chinese offensives. After getting within 80 miles of the rich Plains of Assam, Red China suddenly pulled a surprise move by calling a cease fire. Suspends. University Students u. vy AT A RG'uAt , f AFL-CIO: Meany' Asks New Start In NAACP Relations 1 1 i WASHINGTON () - AFL-CIO President George Meany called for new harmony yesterday between his union federation and the Na- tional Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People. But a warning accompanied his call. "We cannot disregard a cam- paign of systematic falsehood and distortion," he said. Clemson Wins First Round Of Law Suit ANDERSON, S.C. (A') - Harvey Gantt, Negro student seeking to transfer to Clemson College, ad- mitted under cross examination yesterday that he never completed one application for admission to Clemson. Under questioning by Attorney William Watkins of Anderson, Gantt said he did not complete the application for the school year beginning in 1962. The testimony came during trial of a suit brought by Gantt, who is seeking to transfer from Iowa State University to Clemson, South Carolina's engineering s c h o o l which has an all-white enrollment. Gantt's lawyers claim he is bar- red by a segregation policy. Clemson officials argued that Gantt was not admitted because he did not follow proper procedure. Relations between the AFL-CIO and the NAACP were strained near the snapping point last week when the labor organization's executive council said it cannot work with Herbert Hill, the NAACP's labor secretary. Suspended Contributions Meany said then his organiza- tion was suspending its financial contributions to the NAACP. Roy Wilkins, NAACP executive secre- tary, replied, "They are suspend- ing something that doesn't exist." He said individual unions, not the AFL-CIO, contribute to t h e NAACP. Hill has charged several unions with discriminating against Neg- roes. Meany said in a letter to Wilkins yesterday, "These attacks are objectionable to use on three grounds." First, "They are un- true." False Impressions Second, "These attacks seek to create the impression that the AFL-CIO is blocking Negro pro- gress . . . the facts are that the trade union movement has spear- headed every phase of the fight to advance the cause of Negro equality." Third, the NAACP, he said, by asking the National Labor Rela- tions Board to decertify a United Steelworkers Union in Atlanta, had tried to destroy a union. "The fact is," Meany said, "whatever progress has been made toward equality for Negroes in this in- stance has been made by the un- ion. Is it sensible to suppose that destroying the union will hasten the process? We think not." Meany said he had outlined the AFL-CIO's differences with the NAACP "in the hope that we may re-establish the mutual under- standing and good will with which we once worked in the case of civil rights ... "But I am sure you will recog- nize that such unity is impossible in the present atmosphere." BY DAVID FAN~BEM Four students at the University of Nebraska have been suspended from school "for an indefinite period of time" for participation in sub-rosa or secret, factional or-g ganizations on the campus. The suspensions resulted from extensive investigation of the ac-1 tivities of these organizations by G. Robert Ross, dean of studentI affairs at Nebraska. Ross cited seven major areas where members of the organiza- tions from Pi Xi and Theta Nu Epsilon fraternities, and Rho Del- ta sorority had broken state laws1 and the university code.i Cite Violationss They were the creation of sus- picion among students and fac-I ulty members; division of student1 groups in the student government; acts of dishonesty and vandalism; unlawful consumption of alcoholic beverages and failure to assume responsibility for acts or state-, ments. This group of individuals, not all of which were affiliated, had banned together in an attempt to infiltrate campus groups, and, through manipulation and deceit, gain positions of leadership and responsibility. Members use this power for personal gain to the detrement of the group the stu- dent asserted. It is a secret or- ganization, and members will not admit to membership in it. The group has never stated its purpose for existence. Fraternity Dissolved Theta Nu Epsilon had dissolved itself from Nebraska's campus in 1951, and had only been re- established there in 1957 through the efforts of their alumni organ- ization. In connection with sub- rosa the fraternity had been dis- solved again in 1961. The student government, the Interfraternity Council, and other major campus organizations have all issued statements condemning sub-rosa action and supporting Dean Ross' immediate action. Dean Ross, in commenting on the activities of sub-rosa, stated, "The opposition of the University to such groups is based upon their violation of the fundamental American concept of democracy, their incompatibility with the methods the university employs in its search for truth and know- ledge and in its efforts to sup- port the maximum development of personal integrity." The in- vestigations are being continued in an all-out effort to rid the campus of sub-rosa activity. Experts To Study Tracking Station TOKYO (WP) - Japan has ap- proved an American request to allow experts to study the possi- bility of setting up a satellite tracking station in Japan, For- eign Minister Masayoshi Ohira said yesterday. Japan is reported reluctant to approve the tracking station for fear it may be labelled a military facility. Indian Government Awaits Confirmation Communists Pledge To Withdraw Troops from All Fronts by Dec. 1 By The Associated Press Red China unexpectedly announced yesterday orders for its troops in India to cease fire at midnight and prepare to pull back on all fronts along the disputed Himalayan frontier. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's government awaited official communication of the Peiping measures before making final judgment. But a New Delhi spokesman said India would "positively respond" if Peiping's plan conforms to Nehru's proposals for negotiating a settle- ment. Old Fronts The Indian spokesman said this meant a return to positions each side held before the Chinese launched major drives on three fronts 1, f Sept. 8, breaching India's moun- tain defenses and pushing to with- in 25 miles of the populous plains of Assam. Peiping claimed its intentions more than matched Nehru's condi- tions, and indicated the Chinese troops will begin withdrawing Dec. 1 no matter what position India takes. However, Peiping urged In- dia to make comparable moves, and called for early talks to settle the dispute peacefully. Indian officials were skeptical,j however, and the immediate offi- cial response-apparently contra- dicted later-called Peiping's an- nouncement treacherous. Indian officials noted that the Chinese were neither abandoning their claims to 40,000square miles of territory India considers her own or giving up large areas of it. - Early Advances Only hours before the surprisei Peiping announcement, Chinese troops were reported pressing their advances into India, at some points; even beyond areas Red China1 claims. The United States government advised all United States citizens in the threatened northern As- sam Valley to get out at once. In Washington, President John F. Kennedy announced that a spe- cial high-level mission will be sped to India to determine what arms the United States can supply. British Aid In London, the British govern- ment announced it also is sending a mission of high military and diplomatic officials to New Delhi. It was assumed there the United States and British missions will work together. A Commonwealth relations spokesman said he did not know how Peiping's announce- ment will affect the work of the mission. Britain has offered to send India massive military aid and is set to start an airlift almost immediate- ly. Evacuate Women The British said they still are flying women and children of British tea planters out of the danger zone. The British govern- ment expressed surprise at Pei- ping's announcement and disclos- ed that Red China had rejected a British feeler on mediation. The Chinese statement said its troops would begin withdrawing Dec. 1 to 12/ miles behind the line of actual- control of Nov. 7, 1959. On the eastern sector, said the announcement broadcast by Peiping radio, the Chinese will withdraw to the disputed McMah- on Line and then pull back an ad- ditional 12% miles. Claim Territory - The Chinese claim about 12,000 square miles in Ladakh, in the West, and in recent fighting have occupied almost all they claim. To pull back to the 1959 control line would appear to be giving up more than they captured in the recent fighting but would still leave them in control of the major share of the disputed area. The middle and eastern sectors are on the opposite ends of the dis- puted border with Chinese-ruled Study Group Hears Dean By, JAMES NICHOLS The Union-League Study Com- mittee, which is working on "rec- ommendations to the respective governing board of the Michigan Union and the Women's League for improved operational effective- ness, including the possible desir- ability of a merger," heard out- lines for four of the possible forms the committee's final recommen- dations can assume. Associate Dean of the Literary College James H. Robertson said the committee could decide to rec- ommend no changes of any kind in either organization; to recom- mend certain "internal reorganiza- tions" in either facility; to suggest a merger of the student staffs of both organizations into a central activities-oriented policy board, with both Union and League re- maining separate entities and pro- viding resources jointly; or, the committee could decide to recom- mend a complete merger of Union and League. The group expects to complete its study in March. New Structure The last alternative would pro- vide "a whole new structure de- voted to stud'ent activities," possi- bly in a new, more centralized lo- cation, Robertson said. The second would probably provide for less participation by students in the management of the organizations' physical plants, he added. Union President Robert Finke, '63, told the committee the ex- perience he has gained in that office is "unquestionably well worth all that it requires. Some aspect of this ought to be preserv- ed," he said. The group also decided to meet on Monday with Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis and other Office of Student Af- fairs administrators, and with the Faculty Senate Student Relations Subcommittee, headed by Prof. Richard L. Cutler of the psychol- ogy department, to discuss present needs of students, contributions now made to the campus by Union and League, and "concrete sugges- 'tions" for changes in the two fa- cilities, Joint Conference Robertson said the joint con- ference was intended "to reduce some of the unknowns" faced by the committee at this stage of its discussions. Other members sug- gested that the effects on student needs of the planned trimester sys- tem, the University's desire for a conference center, and the exten- sion of facilities on North Ca- pus should be discussed at the meeting. The committee yesterday re- ceived the report of a League staff seminar. The report questioned the wisdom of a complete Union- League merger, but suggested that the two occupy the same building. It called for a merger of some FREEDOM: Students To Desert Campus By HARRY PERLSTADT C Co-Magazine Editor "Five at Markley, two at 702 East University, all for the de- pot." "Willopolitan leaves at 7:45 a.m.?" "My ride is in a convertible, it's free but cold." With these cheerfulproverbs floating o'er the Ann Arbor at- mosphere, anyone can tell that a mass exodus is taking place. Fleeing the armies of the pharoah of tests, papers, and early morn- ing classes, the children of Mich- igan hurry to the parental lands. They carry sandwiches to nibble on train, car and plane and lug Discard Mandatory ROTC In Proposed New Program By The Collegiate Washington Press Service While the details are not yet clear, it is obvious that the Defense Department is about to come up with a new Reserve Officers Train- ing Corps program to be offered on a purely voluntary basis to American Colleges and Universities. The services are backing away from the large compulsary pro- "9i 'i>s ~