In the United States and Britain The Beat ,Generation and THE By RONALD WILTON Eastern essence. By JUDITH OPPENHE"I FIVE OR SIX years ago, a new term entered the American vocabulary of "isms" and has since been misused as glibly and indiscriminately as "Commun- ism," "Fascism" and "atheism" although up until recently it was more fashionable than all the other three together. The term is "beatism" or, as it is more com- monly known, "Beat," and its followers are known as "the Beat Generation." To the popular mind, Beat calls up a picture of a bohemian dressed in black with an unshaved face and uncombed hair who takes dope, indulges in an incredible lamount of illicit sex, writes obscene poetry, uses such words as "hip", "cool," "dig" and "man," almost exclusively and begins every sentence with, "like." These bohemians are referred to as Beatniks, Beats or Hipsters and allegedly frequent coffee shops specializing in strong expresso coffee drunk to a back-' ground of progressive jazz and poetry. Most people know nothing deeper about Beat than this arty surface and have spent much time damning or praising it without ever trying to find out what it really is, At about the same time as Beat ap- peared on the scene a group of authors evolved in England popularly known as the Angry Young Men. The mention of these gentlemen also conjures up a cari- cature, this one being a young man like Jimmy Porter, the hero of John Osborne's play "Look Back in Anger," who mopes around a grimy apartment, refuses to work ,abuses his wife and orates passion- ately against every phase of life. Because they are social critics, the Angry Young Men are often considered "British Beat- niks" and both groups are widely dis- cussed and seldom understood. The key to the philosophy of the Beat Generation is the equation E-MC2. Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg, co-editors of a book entitled The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men, say, "Man having found the means to release the natural force imprisoned in matter and thereby to obliterate himself, has creat- ed the most pervasive fact in his history; one must learn to breathe, eat, make love in its presence; it is a part of every living consciousness." BUT THE H-bomb threat seldom ob- trudes on daily activities. For most people life goes on from week to week in home and office because there is really nothing else for anyone to do but con- tinue living life as it has always been lived and hope that the explosion will not come. Yet the Beat knows this de- liberate unawareness cannot last for- ever. Feldman and Gartenberg comment, "He glimpses the portent of chaos every- where and correspondingly grows aware of his own nakedness and impotence - his nothingness." His fate depends less on his own character and morals than on the "scarcely audible assents and dissents of power figures almost too fear-stricken to make decisions." "Everybody's radioactive!" cries Beat novelist Jack Kerouac. "Our sickness has a very contemporary name, and the name is E-MC2." Searching for the cause of the uncertainty of the time, poet Allen Ginsberg finds the same answer: Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments! Moloch whose mind is pure ma- chinery . . . Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb! Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sex- less hydrogen! Moloch whose name is the mind! Since the Beats cannot choose to ig- nore the constant threat of instantaneous annihilation hanging over the world, they cannot live a "square's" existence and place value on suburban homes with pic- ture windows and flower gardens. It seems absurd to them to save money for a home, a car, new appliances or clothing. Marriage, established and perpetuated to assure continuation of the race and the family seems utterly illogical as does any- thing else which assumes predictability and stability as the future of the world. Why plan for the future when each morning is more likely than the last to see the inevitable mushroom cloud bil- lowing on the horizon and the extinction of humanity?, Feldman and Gargenberg ask. W HAT IS the other alternative? The Hipsters feel that man must forget the future and live for the moment. Since man has less and less control over the future, and only the present seems to hold the possibility of meaningful par- ticipation, he must at any cost possess the moment. He must live as though every second will be his last, and rush through whatever life is left him in a panicked attempt to find meaning by ex- periencing to the full every possible physi- cal and mental sensation. This is the philosophy of the Hipster, and, once analyzed, it appears that if it is hideous, it is also practical. Bernard Wolf explains, "Faced with the horror of annihilation . . . only the Hipster, that sexual outlaw with his morality of the bottom, can survive in the contradictory and unbearable society which first created his neurosis." In his struggle'to find reality, the Beat must be constantly moving. Ralph Gleason says, "As he was the illegitimate son of the Lost Generation, the Hipster was really nowhere, and, just as amputees often seem to localize their strongest sensations in the missing limb, so the Hipster longed, from the very beginning to be somewhere." This ceaseless chase to get somewhere (somewhere apparently being absolute reality) is what causes the Hipster in Kerouac's novels to take dope, dash off violent poetry, run from one love affair to the next and go wild listening to pro- gressive jazz which is in itself a sensa- tion purely of the moment. "We gotta go and never stop going till we get there," declares one character in On the Road. "Where we going, man?" THIS AMOUNTS to a restatement of the core principle of the Beatniks and accounts for their wild enthusiasm for living. Kerouac says, "We love every- thing, Billy Graham, the Big Ten, Rock and Roll, Zen, apple pie, Eisenhower - we dig it all. We're the vanguard of the new religion." Many of the Beats do claim that their search for reality is also a search for God. They are seeking God in Yoga, Zen, or vague deism, according to Basil Ross. "I want God to show me his face," says Kerouac, yet his novels preach "Seek ye first the kingdom of kicks, e.g., drinks, drugs, jazz and chicks." - all of which provide great momentary intensity and seldom much more. This seems to be the essence of Beat, then, and it has aroused a tidal wave of poets who feel that the Beat verdict of society is trenchent and on the button. Stephen Spender says the Beats are running from the "sham pageant of liv- ing" and the "social lie" (these being the square's suburban existence and naive faith in the future). They are "part an- gel, part demon, busy with a laboratory experiment in total sincerity," he says. Kenneth Rexroth sympathizes with them because they are "appalled by the ruin and disorder of the world," making their "diagnosis of absolute corruption." . .utterly disillusioned, this new breed of experimenter (the Hipster) is resolutely turning his back on all he once held true and viable, and is making a valiant effort to start anew. For this type, starting anew means leading a vagrant's life, tackling anything, clinging to nothing, re- ducing one's needs and one's desires, and, eventually, out of a wisdom born of desperation - leading the life of the artist ... one who is indifferent to reward, success, fame . .. who is reconciled from the outset to the fact that the better he is the less chance he has of being accepted at face value. These young men .. . are now roaming around in our midst like anonymous visitors from another planet ... when the smashup comes, as now seems inevitable, they are more likely to survive the catastro- phe than the rest of us. At least they will know how to get along without cars, without refrigerators, without vacuum cleaners, without electric razors and all the other "indispens- ables," Bruce Bliven comments. Other writers, such as Paul O'Neil, look with scorn on the Beatniks: .th Beat generation is a cult of the Pariah. . . The bulk of Beat writers are undisciplined and slovenly amateurs who have deluded them- selves into believing their lugubrious absurdities are art simply because they have rejected the form, style and attitudes of previous generations and have seized upon obscenity as an ex- pression of "total personality." They insist that poetry, until they leapt upon the scene, was written simply for other poets and "not for the people," but most of them not only write for but about each other and regard the "people" as residents of Squaresville. Herbert Gold feels that writers like Kerouac and Ginsberg whom O'Neil criti- cizes in the excerpt above are not really Beats. The true Beat, he feels, is the Hipster who is on the move without realizing why. The writers who expound the Beat philosophy, he says, care too much and too loudly to be really Beat, and they are phony to the extent that they are literary. The Hipster-writer is only pretending to be Beat and is "like the perennial perverse Bar Mitzvah boy, proudly announcing: 'Today I am a mad- man, now give me the fountain pen.' " NOT ALL THE Beats express the same outlook all the time. Some of the early writing of the new Beat leaders is not wild and frantic, but only sad and wistful. An early poem of Ginsberg's points out the elementary need for free- dom of sympathy, generous exploration of thought, and the open response of man to man: The weight of the world is love. Under the burden m of solitude Under the burden of dissatisfaction The weight. The weight we carry is love. Win Wells is a Beat poet who once readx his works at The Hungry I and The Tan- trum, two Beat nightclubs in downtown Detroit. Wells does not believe that there is any AND IT IS SAID that sometime in the future an angel of God appeared over the United States, and the curious mul- titudes gathered round. Many were the questions asked of the angel of the pur- pose of life and the nature of heaven and hell, but the angel would not a'nswer. Finally one of the curious gathered his courage and asked in a tremulous voice, "Tell us, o angel, of the nature of God." And the angel spoke to the multitudes, "I have not answered your questions because God has directed me to tell you nothing pertaining to life and di- vinity. Of the last question I am allowed to tell you a little. I can tell you: SHE is Black." So we laugh, because psychology tells us that we laugh at things that are in- congruous, and this is incongruous to the extreme. We all know that there is not one human race of the idealists or the three biological races of the anthropolo- gists, but only two-the white and the non-white. If the white were not "His chosen children," they would not have progressed the way they have. And who can doubt that the white man has progressed? Admittedly he is a minority race, most chosen races are. Yet wherever in the world he has spread out from his European base, he has brought the indigenous natives of the America's, Africa, Asia and Australasia the twin blessings of civilization and Christianity. He has created nations where no nations stood before, and he has brought the light of redemption 'to mil- lions of heathens. His agricultural and - medical techniques have saved millions from starvation and disease. Surely the white man is. wonderful. "What's that? Do I hear a voice from the rear? Oh, yes, I recognize the dark gentleman in the back of the bus. Do you have a comment to make, sir?" "I agree, the white man is wonderful. Who else could go to a South Pacific island where there is no starvation, no war, no unemployment and no poverty and call it primitive?" HIS NAME is Dick Gregory, and we sit in a nightclub and laugh at his jokes. It is good laughter and yet is somewhat guilty, because it is weighed down by his- tory. While throughout history both races have gained temporary ascendency, the past 300 years has seen the numerically inferior white man establish himself as the dominant force in the human world. Before that, things had see-sawed. The Egyptians held sway over their neigh- boring Negro populations extending down into the present day Sudan. The Mesopo- tamians, the Greeks and the Romans contented themselves by and large with fighting other whites, although the latter two did skirmish with non-whites around the periphery of their domains. (The term white includes -Arabs and Persians but excludes Indians, although they are regarded as members of the Caucasian race.) After the fall of Rome, the white race quieted down until the middle of the 6th century when it suddenly found itself in a fratricidal fight due to the eruption of the Arabs from the peninsula and their territorial designs on Europe. In the 12th century, however, things changed dras- tically when Genghis Khan led his Mon- gol hordes out of the steppes of Central Asia almost to the Danube, while the rest of Europe expected to be next. After Genghis' death his empire stopped ex- panding, but Europe's breath of relief was short lived, as two centuries later Tamerlane basically repeated the feat. This was the hour of the non-white race, of the nomadic society based on the horde over civilization based on the settle- ment. But the horde depends on the leader of a kingpin, and when Tamerlane died, it signalled the end of the non-white nomadic supremacy. WITH THE COMING of the 16th cen- tury the white race began to gather its strength and assert itself. In the Amer- icas the Spanish, aided by their gun- powder and transportation methods overthrew the Aztec and Incan civiliza- tions. The Portugese found a new route to India -by sailing around Africa and on their trips stopped at that continent SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1962 WHITI, long enough to pick off the choicest' members of the population as slaves. The Russians took advantage of the disin-1 tegration of the Mongol empire and by. the end of the 18th century had drivenI westward to the Pacific, In the 19th century the whites really outdid themselves. The white Americans drove across the North American con- tinent, destroying the indigenous Indian social organizations in their wake. The British finally, gained effective control of the Indian sub-continent and in con- cert with other European powers es- tablished economic control over China.+ The dark continent of Africa suddenly didn't seem so dark in 1878, so the Euro- pean powers got together and parceled it up amongst themselves. The Maoris and bushmen of New Zealand and Australia were subjugated by the British settlers. About the only safe non-whites in the world were the Eskimoes. How can we account for this success, the success of a minority race in es- tablishing its hegemony over so much of the world? The answer can probably be summed up by one word-technology. followed that they had a license to spread this, and they did. The people who have been killed in the name of peace-loving Christianity have never been numbered,- but ever since Christ died, Christianity has been giving nature a fairly good run. for its money in the race to see who can wreck the most destruction against hu- manity. But, no matter how many died in the process of conversion, there was always the rationalization that others were gaining the means of entering hea- ven. Thus, as was natural, the white man's own belief system was'the judge by which he determined his superiority over the non-white peoples. It did not matter that they may have had no starvation. no unemployment, no weapons of mass des- truction, the fact that they had no steam ships, railroads nor telegraphs automati- cally meant that they were ignorant. The fact that. many non-white peoples had belief systems just as Christian as the one the whites professed to believe in and lived by them much less hypocritically was overlooked for the fact -that non- whites believed in from one to a MINORIL suffered unde necessity of lif for the pious: democracy am used by the they would us man did not. that the pov conditions aro able because was now rich e So here we races are caug rising expectati in the world i: a minority in wealth. The w cal minority b developed mat Now it's p underdevelope to get anyw) revolution in future they a economic aid f have been rec development : with populatio The cause o They have be of the inter-w the United Sta the one hand, Eastern Euror elude Commu developed wo coutries). In upper hand i both sides ha white underd get them to i larger amount of aid might b would be settl fact that the U $50 million a and about $4 aid. A LOT of w are agains sent the spiri They say too the aid is ow rendered und fore they ar properly recep ing their cour war as said A the cold war can be fairly s side or the o But what wou were to end; o to some kind All the deve are white. If tomorrow an aggression pac tensions of th nations would straits. For in probably be no suasion, which to compel the non-whites co white man's : they were blue do them no go ment. As a pr ments it is ra Also frighter of continuing taking over m the whites no ditional politic subverted the m the natives to Christian con things as femi tide, ancestor initiation rite stantially chai horror and sa; but when you from him, yo his ideological pecially as ma (Conch Ronald Wil in political editor on T Before the industrial revolution the world1 was a very big place. There was no way F for the Romans to transport a large army to India except overland, and this would have over-extended their lines of supplyI and communication to the breaking c point (as happened to Alexander). The t mongol's did it only because their nomadic form of society took its life essentialst along with it when it moved. But with c the industrial revolution and the develop-t ments of swift communication methods1 and efficient naval units, combined witht the growing explosive effects of gun- t powder, the white man could mobilize t his resources to an extent unmatched by any other non-white people.f BECAUSE his society was based on this1 technological progress it by necessityi came to have an extremely positive valuet in his ideological system and thus the average white man came to associate pro-c gress solely with the idea of technological progress. Thus he could go into Africa t oir Asia and look on the people as ignorant} savages, not fit to rule themselves.i The second impetus to the white man'st push was the idea of his holy mission as the bearer of Christianity. The white race was the chosen people. (It does not mat- ter that the white race itself was splitt about just what segment of it was the t real signers of the Covenant). Since theyt had a monopoly on absolute truth itI large number of gods and spirits, none of approximation to the one and only Jesus Christ. The native was told to become as much like the whites as possible, so he did. He learned how to lie, steal and com- mit adultery. And don't be so quick to slough off any twinge of guilt by asserting that the native was that way before he contacted the white man. At that time, the natives in Africa and Australia were living in closely knit tribal societies where' the learned sins would not have been tolerated even if they were known be- cause of the disruptive influences they would have had. The same could be said for the tribal and semi-feudal societies of Asia. As a matter of fact, Colin Turn- bull in his book The Lonely African, notes that many Europeans in Africa will only hire non-Christian Africans as ser- vants because they consider the converted ones untrustworthy. sO THE white man brought with him civilization, christianity and superior- ity; and included in the two former lie the seeds of the destruction of the latter. Because after World War II the non- whites woke up. Not all of them, not the tribesman in the African bush or the Chinese peasant in his rice paddy, but the small but growing middle classes be- gan to see that the social and economic and political discrimination that they