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November 18, 1962 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-18

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-- _, _,.

Regents List Promotions,
Appointments, Changes

The Regents approved the fol- 3
lowing appointments, promotions
and other faculty and staff;
changes at their meeting Friday:x
Abraham Kaplan of the philos-
ophy department, appointed full
professor for the 1963-64 academic1
Frank M. Koen of the psychol-
ogy department, named assistant
professor for a three-year term,i
beginning next February, and ap-
pointed research assistant in theE
Center for Research on Learning1
and Teaching.
Prof. Ralph R. Steward, presi-
dent emeritus of Gordon CollegeI
in Pakistan, to become researchs
associate, two-thirds time, at the
University Herbarium; Prof. Don-
ald F. Eschman of the geology
department, to succeed himself fori
a three-year term on the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors.t
Full Professor
Gerald D. Abrams of the medi-
cal school, promoted to professor;
A.' Richard Krachenberg of thel
Dearborn Center, appointed as-
sistant professor.
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the
geography department, to retire
June 8, 1963; Prof. Norman F.
Miller, chairman of the obstetrics
and gynecology department,
granted retirement furlough ef-
fective Jan. 1, 1964.
Prof. Alexander Berry of the
Anderson' Tells
New Forecast
For Economy
Unless the federal government
makes significant cuts in the per-
sonal income tax, automakers can
expect a $1 billion drop in sales
in 1963, W. H. Locke Anderson,
acting director of the Research
Seminar on Quantitative Eco-
nomics, told the 10th annual con-
ference on the Economic Outlook
last week.
Delivering the Michigan Eco-
nometric Forecast for 1963, An-
derson said that "unless there's
a 15 per cent cut across all
brackets, the economy can look
forward to another year of slow
growth rate.
"Under a tax cut the rate of
growth of private demand would
more than double," he continued.
Examining the results of a tax
cut, Anderson predicted that with
such a cut automakers could ex-
pect a sales year substantially
higher than the 1955 record. There
would be more than $1 billion of
additional induced plant and
equipment investment, a mild in-
ventory boom and the unemploy-
ment rate would fall to four per-

Medical School, permitted leave
with full salary from April 13-
June 1, 1963, to continue medical
research in Finland; Lynn A.
Beattie, of the Institute of Science
and Technology, granted sick
leave for Nov. 8-Dec. 31, 1962.
Granted Leave
Prof. Peter A. Franken of the
physics department, granted leave
without salary for the spring sem-
ester-,to do writing under a Sloan I
Foundation fellowship.
Ralph W. Gerard of the Med-
ical School and the Mental Health
Research institute, granted leave
with salary from Jan. 1-May 15,
1963, and without salary from May
16-Sept. 30, 1963, to write a mon-
graph summing up a schizophrenia
research project and to assist the
Ames Research Center, Palo Alto,
Calif., in developing neurophysiol-
ogy research.
Prof. Assya Humesky of the
slavic languages department, given
leave without salary for the spring
semester, to finish work on a
Russian language textbook; Elea-
nor Tabor Lilienthal, research as-
sociate, granted sick leave with
salary for Oct. 18-Nov. 15, 1962.
No Salary
Prof. Lawrence B. Kiddle of the
Spanish department, granted
leave without salary for the school
year 1963-64, to accept a Fulbright
Lectureship in Bogota, Colombia;
Albert J. McQueen, study director
of the Survey Research Center,
granted extension of leave without
salary from Oct. 1, 1962-March 31,
1963, to 6onclude research work in
Merlyn Carl Minick, research
associate in the medical school,
granted leave without salary from
Sept. 15, 1962-June 30, 1963, to
pursue studies for doctoral de-
gree; Prof. Donal E. Stokes of the
political science department and
the SRC, granted leave without
salary to do work at Nuffield
College in England.
Off-Campus Job
Prof. Marvin J. Eisenberg, chair-
man of the art history department,
assigned to off-campus duty from
Dec. 12, 1962-Jan. 28, 1963, to
continue research on the Floren-
tine painter Lorenzo Monaco;
Prof. Robert R. Miller of the Zoo-
logy department, granted off-
campus assignment for Feb. 18=
April 15, 1963, for field work to
further studies in the toconomy
and genetics of Mexican fishes.
Prof. Walter M. Spink of the
art history department, granted
off-campus assignment from Dec.
20, 1962-Feb. 3, 1963, to study
firsthand the Indian sculpture of
the Deccan period; Prof. Robert
E. Ward of the political science
department, assigned to off-
campus work to pursue research
under a Carnegie Corp. grant, for
school year 1963-64.

E~ t
View EEC
At Meetings
Three prominent business eco-E
nomists disagreed on whether the{
growth of the European Common
Market will be immediately harm-
ful or beneficial to the American
At a round-table discussion at
the tenth annual Conference on
the Economic Outlook held Friday,
Harold H. Hutcheson of Interna-
tional Business Machines World
Trade Corp. took an optimistic
J. Wilner Sundelson of the Ford,
Motor Co. and William F. Butler,
of the Chase Manhattan Bank+
stressed the problems created by
the Common Market.
Major Competitor
Sundelson saw in the Common'
Market "a major and powerful
competitor for the raw materials
we need and for the markets
which our exports must find.
"A powerful trading bloc is rap-
idly engendering large scale effi-
cient producers who are about to
enjoy a burgeoning market while
protected from outsiders," he de-
The United States position 'is
improving as wage rates within
the Common Market increase, he
said. But he called for "a strong
United States desire to compete
in the world's markets" plus "a
real export drive supported by in-
dustry and labor and above all by
an understanding and coopera-
tive government."
Magnitude of Changes
Butler underscored "the magni-
tude of the economic changes"
brought about during the past five
years by the brilliant success of
the Common Market.
Five years ago, he said, "the
prevalent idea was that Europe
could not hope to compete with
America in world markets. Then,
suddenly, the pendulum swung the
other way in 1959 as the United
States ran a large balance of pay-
ments deficit."
He forecast "much tougher"
bargaining with the Common
Market in the future than in the
past on the matter of tariffs.
Hutcheson saw development of
the Common Market as offering
"lucrative opportunities for Amer-
ican industry."

(Continued from Page 2)
vid S. Bates, Enid Dubbe, and Laurie
Efrein will be performed by soloitsts
and instrumental ensembles on Mon.,
'Nov.19, 8:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Open to the general public.
Automatic Programming Seminar:
"Multiprogramming Storage Allocation
on 'STRETCH'," Cont., L. R. Herche,
4:00 p.m., Computing Center, Seminar
Automatic Programming seminar:
"Programming of Highly Parallel Com-
puters," Jon Squire, 4:00 p.m., Comput-
ing Center, Seminar Room.
The Faculty Seminar on Conflict Res-
olution will meet at 12:30 in the Kala-
mazoo Room of the Women's League
on Nov. 19. Our speaker will be Arthur
Waskow, senior staff member of the
Peace Research Institute of Washing-
ton, D.C., who will discuss the work of
the Institute as well as current re-
search in progress.
Mr. waskow will address the Faculty
Seminar on Arms Control and Disarma-
ment at 8 p.m. the same day in the
Conference Room of the Mental Health
Research Institute.
Guest Pianist: Fred Coulter, pianist,
will present a recital on Mon., 4:15 p.m.,
in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The composi-
tions he will play are by Schoenberg,
Pierre Boulez, Elliott Carter, and Schu-
bert. His recital is open to the public.
State of Wis., Dept. of Admin., Madi-
son, Wis.-Social work opportunities
for men & women. Openings for Parole
Agents & Institution Caseworkers. Pref.
will be given to those who have com-

pleted Grad trng. in Social Work, but
will also accept BA with 2 yrs. casework
The Pontiac Press, Pontiac, Mich.-
1) Copy Editor-male or female-to edit
& write headlines for wire & local copy.
2) Reporter-male, draft free-to gath-
er & write business & labor news, re-
write, assist city editor. Requirements
for both: Journalism degree or English
major. Exper. on college or home town
Gaylord Container Div., Crown Zeller-
bach Corp., Columbus, Ohio-Opening
for Industrial or Mechanical Engnr.
Should have high degree of interest
i nareas of Methods Improvement Work,
Standards, Job Evaluation & Plant Lay-
out. 1-5 yrs. exper. Location: Balti-
more, Ohio.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
212 SAB-
Open every Mon. thru Thurs. from
1:30 to 5:00 p.m. and Fri. from 8:30 to
12 & 1:30 to 5:00. Come & look over
summer jobs in Business & Industry,
Govt., Hospitals, Social Service, Camps,
Resorts, Secretarial, Summer Theatre,
Recreation, Selling & others.
Attention: For Government jobs, you
must take the Civil Service exam which
is given on the first Sat. in every
month. Your application-Form 57-
should be in early. Come to Summer
Placement for further info.
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call General Div., Ext. 3544 for
interview appts. with the following:
MON., NOV. 26--
U.S. Marines-An exhibit will be held
in the Fishbowl in Mason Hall. Candi-
dates interested in obtaining a Marine
Corps commission may talk with Cap-
tain Hauck at the exhibit from 9:00

.;y:... W:C. . "". . .. .v :".:.... . .. 4. ".sw. . .* 'L.f***... arr..:T.. ...^
...... ...v..:.-.f..1... s4... ' ........{:".v:: ..1::w......... .....sva t :.}S sk"s

a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vacancies exist for
both ground & aviation.
Harvard Graduate School of Educa-
tion-Feb., June & Aug. grads. Master
of Arts in Teaching & Master of Educ.
degrees are open to men & women
grads. Minimum of eight half courses
must be completed at Harvard for the
degree; transfer of credit from other
institutions is not permitted. There Is
no thesis or language requirement or
comprehensive exam required for a
TUES., NOV. 27--
U.S. Marines--(See Mon.).
Harvard Grad Sch, of Educ. -- (See
Women's Army Corps, U.S. Army-In-
terviewing with Marine Corps recruiting
team in Mason Hall. Major St. John
will talk to all women interested in
executive positions as commissioned of-
ficers in any of the occupational fields
available. Will also explain summer
"Cadet" prog., which is offered with
pay but without obligation.
WED., NOV. 28-
U.S. Marines-(See Mon.).
Women's Army Corps-(See Tues.).
THURS., NOV. 29-
Consolidated Edison Co. of New York,
N.Y.-Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men in
Liberal Arts & Bus. Ad. for Personnel
& Prod., Econ., Electrical Computing,
Mgmt. Trng., Purchasing, & Sales Pro-
motion. Men with degrees Journalism
for specific Journalistic jobs in this co.
Pref .£s given for Journalistic exper. &
for knowledge of business or engrg. in
addition to writing abilities.

NO 5-9655, if busy call NO 5-3800
1308 South University


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