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November 17, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-17

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Legislators Give

Views on Campus Speaker Bans

State legislators, according to a Daily survey, do not like
the idea of Communists speaking on Communism or advocating
violent overthrow of the government on the campuses of state
supported colleges and universities.
Twenty seven legislators, 16 Republicans and 11 Democrats,
all members of the outgoing Legislature, replied to the question-
naire. It asked their Views on Communist speakers on campus,
the teaching of Communism and Facism in classrooms and
whether the Legislature should attempt to influence speaker
The number of replies is too small to be considered a con-
clusive sample of the 144 member Legislature;, however, those
answering did show striking unanimity on at least one point;
all except one agreed that a Communist, advocating violent

overthrow of the government, should not be allowed to speak
using the facilities of a state-supported college or university.
Not Object
Only Rep. Hugh Smale (D-Detroit), who will not be
returning to the Legislature this year because of a defeat
in the August primary, said that he would not object to a
Communist speaker advocating violent overthrow.
The Legislators showed themselves more divided on other
ppints; only 14 would object to a Communist speaking on
theoretical Communism while 10 said they had no objection.
See complete questionnaire, page 2
Twenty of the legislators said they had no objection to a
Communist speaking on academic, subjects such as physics or
mathematics while only four were opposed.
The three others did not answer the questionnaire but
sent in letters explaining their views: they did not distinguish

between a Communist advocating violent overthrow of the
government and Communists speaking on other matters.
Favor Barring
Twelve also said they were in favor of barring groups other
than the Communist party from campuses while six said they
did not think any other groups should be kept away.
Eighteen answered that outside speakers should not have
to have their talks reviewed by university authorities beforehand
while four said that all speeches ought to be precensored.
Fourteen favored the teaching of Marxism, Socialism, Com-
munist and Facism in University classrooms while nine were
opposed. Eighteen backed having the works of Marx, Hitler
and Communist and Facist political theorists in university
libraries while five were opposed.
Violent Overthrow
Along party lines, all were against Communist speakers
advocating violent overthrow of the government. However, there

was unanimity among the Democrats on a "no objection"
policy toward Communist speakers talking on an academic
specialty. The Republicans split nine to four in favor of such
Even more marked was the split on Communists speaking
on theoretical Communism. Only three Democrats said they
would object whereas 11 Republicans were opposed.
On the issue of having books by Marx, Hitler and Com-
cunits and Facist political theorists in university libraries, no
,Democrats at all were opposed while the Republicans split on
a seven to five margin in favor.
Thayer Objects
Locally, Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said he
would object both to a Communist speaking on theoretical
Communism and also one advocating violent overthrow of the
government using University facilities.

. . ........

See Editorial Page

Sir igaui

:4E it

Colder with possible snow
flurries or showers

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Grand Jury Returns
Secret Indictments
Accuses Marshals in Mississippi
Of 'Agitating, Provoking Violence'
OXFORD (MP)-A county grand jury accused federal marshals yes-
terday of "agitating and provoking violence" in a night of bloody riot-
ing over desegregation at the University of Mississippi.
r The grand jury returned two indictments in the Ole Miss case,
but, under Mississippi law, the names of the persons and the charges
will be kept secret until arrests are made.
Circuit Judge Water M. O'Barr told newsmen the persons indicted
were not residents of Mississippi.
Not Named
He also said, "neither the President nor the attorney general was
named." Sheriff Joe Ford of Lafayette County was ordered by the
grand jury to place the two per-
sons under arrest and have them
Form er f e "in the next session of court,"
which is March 2, 1963.
O'Barr, a Mississippi native, pre-
Tours Natlon viously charged the 23-man grand
jury to indict anyone who helped
incite the Sept. 30 riot at Ole Miss
-including President John F.
To Tell s Kennedy and "stupid little broth-
er Robert Kennedy," the United
By PHILIP SUTIN States attorney general.
Wendell Phillips, a former Ful- Assail MShane
lerton, Calif., Junior College weld- In its final report, the grand
ing instructor fired for refusing jury assailed Chief United States
to name one-time associates in Marshal James P. McShane for his
the Communist party, visited Ann order to fire tear gas toward dem-
Arbor yesterday after speaking onstrating crowds the night Negro
the night before in East Lansing. James Meredith entered the uni-
Phillips, on a nationwide tour to versity under federal court orders.
drum up interest in his case, said "We find that this illegal action
he complied with California's Dil- on the part of McShane set off the
worth Act and told about his past, tragic violence which followed,"
but refused on moral grounds to the grand jury said.
identify fellow members of the Despite a criticism that federal
Communist party. marshals were under "leadership
Convinced that the danger of of the poorest sort," the grand jury
war, unemployment and violations commended the marshals "for not
of civil rights' were not being firing their pistols directly into the
solved in the capitalist system, crowds."

SGC Seats
New Group
At Meeting
Student Government Council
seated the seven members-elect
at a special meeting yesterday.
Council member Sharon Jeff-
rey, '63, was the only member to
end her term of office. Miss
Jeffrey did not run for re-election
since she will graduate in Feb-
SGC president Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, read a letter from Prof.
Richard L. Cutler, chairman of
the Faculty Senate Subcommittee
on Student Relations, regarding
participation on Council's Com-
mittee on Membership.
Review Purpose
In an interview Prof. Cutler
said that before the SRC would
submit a list of potential mem-
bers, it would "like to review again
what the purpose and the function
of the committee was."
He said that there is an in-
formal reservation on the part of
the SRC as to whether SGC has
"adequate authority without fac-
ulty support."
Council Responsibility
The SRC has questioned what
the level of responsibility Council
should exert and whether SGC is
without the power to consider
membership problems without fac-
ulty participation, Prof. Cutler
Since last spring SGC has been
trying to fill two vacant seats on
the Committee on Membership.
The positions must be filled by
two faculty members or a faculty
member and an administrator.
Submits List
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis has sub-
mitted a list of possible adminis-
trators who would serve on the
SGC also approved appointments
to the related boards. David Aron-
er, '64, was made chairman of the
Human Relations Board; Chris-
topher Cohen, '64, chairman of
the Student Book Exchange; Ann.
Speer, '63M, chairman of Cinema
Guild and James Ravin, '64, chair-
man of the Early Registration Pass















Issues Financial


4 _

Phillips explained he joined the
Communist party in the 1930's to
bring reforms.
Quit Disgusted
However, he quit in 1951, dis-
gusted with Communist attempts
to infiltrate the Democratic Party
and with the lack of internal dem-
ocracy within the party, Phillips
Phillips said he attempted to re-
join the Communist party in 1957,
hopeful that Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev's revealation
of Stalin's crimes meant more
rank-and-file influence on the
The party rejected him, Phil-
lips claims, because it knew he
was trying to reform it.
Workers Party
Phillips joined the Social Work-
ers Party in 1958 and is still a
He declared that he opposed
infringements of civil rights, but
noted that he had remained in-
side Wayne State University's
speaker policy when he spoke there
Wednesday. He spoke off-campus
to 75 Michigan State University
students to avoid a conflict with
MSU's speaker policy.
He told the MSU audience that
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was
a "lousy cop"~ who has tried to
conceal his blunders by placing
1600 undercover agents in the
Communist Party.
MSU Seeks
$40 Million

Critical Injuries
The marshals suffered several
critical injuries in the riot.
In Washington, Atty. Gen. Ken-
nedy reiterated that the marshals
acted "with great bravery and re-
Kennedy said all federal actions
on Sept. 30 "were made by pre-
arrangement" with Mississippi
Gov. Ross Barnett-this in answer
to the grand jury claim that fed-
eral authorities gave insufficient
notice they they were bringing in

Lists Funds,
For '61='62
The University spent a total of
$114,402,201 for its operations over
the last school year, Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont told the Re-
gents yesterday.
These expenditures are $5,183-
110 higher than those for school
year 1960-61-a boost in spending
of about 4% per cent.
The University's sources of in-
come during 1961-62 included state
appropriations ($38 million); fed-
eral funds ($28172 million); medi-
cal and hospital services ($14 /2
million); residence halls, student
centers and other activities ($13
million); and student fees ($11
million). Gifts, grants, depart-
mental and investment income
comprised the remainder.
Larger Share
Regarding spending, Pierpont
reported that a slightlyhlarger
share-71 per cent-of the Uni-
versity's budget went to its em-
ployes for salaries, wages, retire-
ment, group insurance, social se-
curity and other benefits. These
totalled $802 million.
Other major expenditures in-
clude supplies and miscellaneous
($241/2 million) and construction
and modernization ($10 million).
The total value of the Univer-
sity's physical facilities has reach-
ed $237,523,776 as of June 30.
Total Assets
This places - the University's
total net assets, the sum of the
eight funds into which it divides
its finances, at over $321 million.
Pierpont also noted a significant
increase in the volume of research,
gifts and grants, and endowments.
The amount of money loaned to
I students dropped slightly, but he
said that this resulted from de-
creased demand, not- a lack of
In addition, Pierpont reported
to the Regents that "quite satis-
factory" progress has been made
on the University's current build-
ing projects. He said that the first
unit of the Kressge Hearing Re-
search Institute is now complete,
the Physics-Astronomy Building
will be partially ready by the
spring semester and a bid has been
accepted for the Church St. Park-
ing Structure, which will replace
parking space preempted by the
Physics-Astronomy Bldg.
Pierpont, in discussing Willow
Run Airport which is owned by the
r . .._...1 ... a . ., . . :. .


A Weekend, of, Opera

Set Defense
For Planes
Soviet Union Supports
Castro's 'Sovereignty'
Over Shooting Craft
By The Associated Press
States government served notice
yesterday that it will continue its
aerial checking on Cuba, providing
protection for its picture-taking
planes if necessary.
This was the response from the
state and defense departments to
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro's threat to shoot down the
American reconnaissance craft
flying over Cuba. So far, most
of the United States planes have
encountered no attacks.
There is mounting concern
among Washington policy-makers
as the United Nations-mediated
negotiations for a settlement of
the Cuban crisis heads toward a
Follow Through
One worry is' that Castro might
follow through on his threat, thus
setting off shooting in the dispute
over a Soviet nuclear threat in
The Cuban crisis sharpened as
the Soviet Union defended Cas-
tro's threat to shoot down the
Soviet Delegate Valerian A. Zor-
in said the Cuban' Prime Minister's
protest against the United States
reconnaissance flights "is per-
fectly legitimate" and that at-
tempts to violate Cuban sover-
eignty "cannot but provoke uni-
versal condemnation."
He termed the flights unlawful
and said the United States deci-
sion to continue them caused
"deep concern for the peace of the
But United States Delegate Ar-
thur Dean told the committee that
Castro's threat carries no weight.
Pending Agreement
Dean said that pending United
States-Soviet agreement on all
measures for verification of re-
moval of offensive weapons from
Cuba "the United States will be
forced to continue to take its own
appropriate measures to assure
against the possibility that the
people of the western hemisphere
may be threatened from Cuban
He said the members of the
Organization of American States
had decided to take all steps neces-
sary to guard against any threat.
Another object of United States
concern is the continued presence
in Cuba of Soviet jet bombers.
President John F. Kennedy re-
gards them as offensive weapons
which must be removed, along
with the missiles and other nu-
clear war equipment already ship-
ned away from the island.

OPERATIC VARIETY-Mozart's comic opera "The Marriage of Figaro" and Verdi's tragic opera "Rigo-
" letto" (pictured above), presented by the New York City Opera Co., are the offerings of the Univer-
sity Musical Society for this weekend. The former will be presented tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud.
and the latter tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 p.m. "The Marriage of Figaro" will be sung in English.
Doris Yarickwill be heard as Susanna, Donald Gramm as Figaro and Chester Ludgin as the Count.
"Rigoletto" will be performed in its original Italian. Frank Poretta will be heard as the Duke, Igor
Gorin as Rigoletto, his court jester, and Nadja Witkowska as Gilda, Rigoletto's daughter.
Brandeis Views Freedom o0f Sp eeeh

'Seattle in Ann Arbor'

The issues of speaker ban and
freedom of the press have recently
been raised at Brandeis University,
both for the first time.
Prior to the Cuban crisis, Gus
Hall, secretary of the United
States Communist Party, was in-
vited by a student organization
to speak on the university cam-
pus. Three deans, representing the
faculty, asked the students to post-
Council PlansI
Policy Report
On Speakers
The Michigan Co-Ordinating
Council on Higher Education will
bring out its recommendations for
a state-wide policy on campus
speakers on Nov. 27, Regent Eu-
gene B. Power said yesterday.
9 nnmmf-o of+ i On vtgno+

pone the invitation, and said that1
it' the students refused, the uni-
versity would probably forbid
Hall's appearnce.
The students did refuse the
postponement, but the Commun-
ist Party itself then cancelled
Hall's appearance as the Cuban
situation developed, fearing that
his speech would be met with vio-
lent opposition.
Strong Possibilityi
William Friedman, staff membert
of the Justice, the university stu-
dent newspaper, says that had the
invitation remained in force,1
"there is a strong possibility that1
the university would not have al-
lowed Hall to come."
This was the first such action
ever taken at Brandeis, according
to Friedman.
In addition, Dean Arbam Sacks,
representing the administration,
institute a publications board com-
has announced a probable plan to
posed of three students and two
faculty members, either elected or
annintr y fp fil.pn an r-

taste, but his advice is not bind-
ing. Staff members of the Justice
are subject as individuals to the
general rules of the university.
Friedman added that there have
been alleged informal complaints
by members of the Board of Trus-
tees against the Justice," and that
"many feel that the dean is un-
der pressure." Though 'no formal
vote has been held, Friedman feels
that the student government fav-
ors the publications board pro-
Three editorials appearing in
the Justice have opposed the pro-
United States has informed
India it is ready to provide
more military help with one
stipulation-that it be used
only to repel Chinese Commun-
ist invaders.
Indian diplomatic sources
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