Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN Reconnaissance Photo LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: WC1JN Has No Policy Editorial Policy, 4 After the Referendum:' Where We Go from Here THEIR ECSTATIC and wellknown hour of pus has endorsed USNSA precisely as it exists jubilation over, it is time now for the friends now. The prevailing idea and probably the and proponents of the United States National deciding factor was not that USNSA is an Student Association to thank the campus for unmitigated blessing, but that it is possible a mature vote of confidence by demonstrating to reform the organization in several im- that USNSA was indeed worth the support portant ways. it received in Wednesday's referendum. It is not coincidental, but very significant What motivated the various campus fac- that for the first time in many years, it was tions to support USNSA will probably never the conservative and not the liberal spokesmen be fully known. It is undoubtedly true, as who established the points of contention and Robert Ross pointed out, that some, people formulated the issues. were influenced by the many well-informed It was the proponents of USNSA who were and articulate speakers who addressed organ- left with the burden of proof. They demon- izations and housing units and debated ef strated admirably-and to the satisfaction of fectively against USNSA's opponents. a greater percentage of the campus than they It is also true that some students who might had dared hope would assert-the real values have been convinced to vote against the or- of the association, but neverthless the final ganization changed their minds when they appeal in the last few days of the campaign became disgusted with unfair pressure exerted rested firmly on the point that it was possible on them by members of "Better Off Out" to to reform the organization from within than vote no. any other single issue. The unusually large turnout of foreign stu- dents and graduates helped the USNSA effort A, CAMPAIGN won even partially on such a enormously, as did the votes of many students premise deserves the most thoughtful and who, not totally convinced by either side, chose extensive of followups. Every faction which to give the organization the benefit of the took a stand on the controversy now has an doubt. important role to play. Student Government Council members must TWO POINTS are to be made about a "yes" stop filing USNSA releases. It must begin dis- vote emerging from this complexity of mo- cussing them at meetings and acting on some tivation. The first is that students are loath of the services and projects the association to withdraw from an organization which offers offers the campus. representatives from all across the country a The proposals for reform must come both change to m eet, discuss issues and debate from the BOO members who first cited a need ideals. for improvement and from the friends of University students have assented to the USNSA who argued that reform can easily be fact that there is indeed such a thing as a achieved. national. community of students. Regardless of What the two groups have in mind is ob- whether the nature of this community is what viously not the same type of reform. But with the liberals claim it to be, the student body the pressures of an imminent election eased, of this campus acknowledges itself a part there ought to be time and opportunity now of it. for as much probing, discussion and investiga- The campus has said that regardless of the tion as is necessary and all University students flaws which currently exist in USNSA, the or- must be invited and encouraged to take full ganization has a value too great to be ignored part in this consideration. and that it is better to work democratically for reform from within than to lobby and THE VICTORY was a victory for the idea of politic for it from without. USNSA. It is not to be misconstrued as either a personal victory for Voice or a personal T HIS MEANS also and most importantly that defeat for the members of BOO. The narrow- the University recognizes the great danger ness of the margin makes it obvious that the inherent in negativism and isolationism and pro-USNSA faction cannot afford to rest on a has agreed with the friends of USNSA that the good campaign. The- overwhelming victory for time is long past when any forum for meeting Steven Stockmeyer shows that the decision to and discussion may be ignored simply because remain in USNSA was not a personal rejection several or even a majority of the participants by the campus of the more conservative feel that it is not accomplishing its task as ideology. well as it might. Both groups therefore have a mandate to In an important miniature, this is a vote of begin a long and intensive dialogue of the assent for the United Nations and for the nature of the National Student Association. progress of human civilization because it is It is time for both sides to forget the bitter- a vote against retreat. ness of this most unfortunate of campaign j and give the campus the type of progress it THE SECOND point is that a 184 vote ma-voted for an Wednesday. jority for preserving University member- -JUDITH OPPENHEIM ship in USNSA does not mean that the cam- Editorial Director Speaker Ban and Ideals roREL, ERE , INSPWM 1 \ *Si To the Editor: RE: WCBN'S association with candidate endorsements and the USNSA referendum, I would like to state a few facts for the benefit of Daily readers, the WCBN staff, and our advertisers. Bob Prfice and Harry Doerr engage in a nightly expression of their viewpoints on "Headlines and Bylines." During the past two weeks they interviewed candidates on their show, discussed the United States National Student Association, and formulated their opinions on the individual can- didates and the referendum issue. Each night a disclaimer is read, which states, "The opinions ex- pressed on 'Headlines and By- lines' are those of the commen- tators and not necessarily those of WCBN, its advertisers, or of organizations to which the com- mentators belong." NEVERTHELESS, during the course of the campaign certain ads were run in The Daily stating that specific candidates were sup- ported by WCBN, and an article on the front page listed 'VCBN as one of the organizations advo- cating withdrawal from USNSA. I feel that the damage has been done; WCBN has been wrongly as- sociated with opinions which were not in any respect representative of the opinions of the station staff, and now the election is over. I hope that the editors (and the readers) take note and remem- ber the following: WCBN's one and only editorial policy is that WCBN has no official editorial policy. -Harvey Kabaker, '64 General Manager Accuracy... To the Editor: THE ACCURACY of Michael Harrah's whole editorial on Mr. Nixon was reflected in his one reference to ABC as the American Broadcasting System. -David Patt, '64E -Phillip Kaufman, '64E Distortion ... To the Editor: AS A DEVOTEE of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, I can only express my most sincere disapproval of the editorial written by Michael Harrah. It is a tear-jerking, false presentation and more dishonors Mrs. Roosevelt than honors her. His opening paragraph, would appear to set the pace for his article, in which he takes each well-known fact of her life and enmeshes it in a sticky-sweet coating. The references to her early childhood insecurities and the fact that she was "packed off" to pri- vate schools; the insinuation that she regarded marriage as a form of psychological therapy are 'to- tally unnecessary. In the past, The Daily has re- printed editorials from the New York Times-I fail to comprehend why you could not have done this in this case, and instead permitted a pompous and arrogant-and de- cidely anti-Rooseveltian-boy to write her obituary. Eleanor Roosevelt is dead-why not let her rest in peace? -Patricia Morris, '66 Punishment . . To the Editor: I THINK it is only fair for me to ask, not only as a resident of South Quadrangle, but also as a concerned member of this uni- versity community, how far cam- pus organizations will be allowed to infringe upon rights granted us by this University. This question has been raised before in reference to honorary tapping proceedings; however, the latest incident of this type of obtrusion, having occurred on the eve of the Student Government Council elections, is of a much more critical nature. Perhaps your story in Wednes- day's edition concerning the dis- tribution of campaign literature within the quadrangles was a little nearsighted; for, not only is this action a violation of South Quad- rangle regulations (S Q Standing Legislation and S Q Policy), but is also a breach of University regulations as set forth in the "Handbook for Student Organiza- tions," section 4, part 2. * * * FURTHERMORE, resident of the quadrangles, in particular are supposedly secure from such soli- citation according to the terms of room contracts. Such an overt and flagrant disregard for the rules of student conduct cannot easily be passed off as an innocu- ous means of achieving a political end. Granted, a well-informed stu- dent body is a desireable end, but it should not be attained through extra-legal methods. It is my con- sidered opinion that the respon- sible organizations should be se- verely dealt with through the available judicial . channels, and that we re-evaluate our opinions of those members of political hierarchy who have betrayed our trust. Passive resistance will not in itself obliterate the existence of this act as a precedent. Punitive measures should be effected now in order that such violations oc- cur no more, and that good faith may be restored. -John A. Jarp, '65' ~I n% OlcWmk. V r war, te6s. I I PROBLEMS OF INDIA: Resist Agricultural Progress (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of a five apart analysis of In- dia's problems.) By PHILIP D. SHERMAN MADRAS-The border crisis will pale to insignificance in com- parison to what might happen if India's agriculture doesn't do bet- ter in the immediate future than it did last year. India's farmers are supposed to be producing about 100 million tons of foodgrains by 1965-66, a 20- 25 million ton increase over to- day. This would take care of pop- ulation increases and improve the present meagre Indian diet - a daily pound of foodgrains per per- son. * *.* TO ACHIEVE this objective, In- dia's planners have sanguincly projected a whopning six per cent annual agricultural growth rate until the target is met. This is double the last decede's average. Last year (1961-62). agricultur- al output actually went up a bare 1.6 per cent. Between plan and reality fell shadows called hunger and stag- nation, if not now, tIl en in a few years unless the situation im- proves. T'he need for icreased produc- tion, leading to national agricul- tural self-sufficiency and surplus, is as obvious vs it is imperative. People have to eat, and the stark fact is that there will be 25 mil- lion more mouths to fiAl in 1965-66 at present rates of population growth. In addition, the abomid- ably low level of nutrition must be raisEQ. * * * BEYOND even this, agricultural well-being is an absolutely nec- essary base for genel al economic expansion. Not only can the coun- tryside provide mach of the de- mand to stimulate manufactures. The huge agricultural sector must also provide a good deal of the internal savings ffor planned agri- cultiral and indus ±ani investment. Agricultural problems boosted food imports during the Second Plan, and the foreign exchange probkrms eventually led to serious cutbacks in planned development, inidicating the need3 for domestic solf-fufficiencv, tMany experts roint out, further, that in the crisis lcomng on the Horizon. imports simplyi won't be able to bridge the gr p between inwernal supply and need.) 1 ough many argue it is no. doing erough, the government has mounted a broad-gauge attack on a:,r culture's imaa r se troubles. As evidenced by last year's debacle, success won't come automatically, but experts agree the problem is theoretically soluble. ONE of the specific planned programs is called "intensifica- tion of inputs"-stimulating use of more capital and effective la- bor on the land. Another program: promotion of better agricultural methods. Both aim at increased productivity, a crying need evi- denced by the fact that India's average per acre rice yields, at eight to nine hundred pounds, are among the world's lowest, one- third of Japan's rate. Another in- dicator: the 20 million ton increase in foodgrain output over the past decade has come mostly from ex- pansion into new crop land, not from increased productivity. So the government is sponsor- ing the huge irrigation (and hy- dro-electric) projects that catch development headlines and a host of other smaller but cumulatively more important programs. Exam- ples: small, well-based irrigation, better seeds and breeds, new cul- tivation methods, such as the Jap- anese way to grow rice, and in- creased use of artificial fertilizer. (Cow dung, an abundant potential fertilizer, must be dried and burn- ed for fuel in wood-short India; the wisdom of a green compost isn't apparent to a farmer who can't grow enough to feed himself and his animals). These ways to boost output are propagated by an extensive network community de- velopment and extension services. A Ford Foundation sponsored experts' group said in 1959 such measures could raise Indian pro- duction fivefold if they are ade- quately carried out. They are not. * * * - IN A COUNTRY which has yet to go through such basic agri- cultural revolutions as introduction of the metal plow as substitution of scythe for sickle, the "cake of custom" has a potent force and it stands directly opposed to change. DISCUSSION of speaker regulations at Mich- igan State University by the university's chapter of the American Association of Uni- versity Professors Tuesday night provided significant insight into the interplay of per- sonalities and issues, or ideals and realities. Gradually one particular point became clear in both open statements and a more subtle atmosphere-advance concession of ideals to "reality" is the most deadening form of defeatism. Such a mood of high principles and individ- ual character was generated in the nature of the gathering. The professors were associated not as officials, but as professional colleagues and personal friends. Many expressed out- spoken idealism, as can only be done in a closed system of mutual respect and trust, in the language of personal communication as opposed to official declaration. Nearly all who spoke were agreed on one principle--solidarity with their students, par- ticularly those who were recently suspended from their offices and placed on probation as a result of their refusal to clear speakers from the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Com- mittee. Their defense of these students was sometimes being passionate. Said one, "I am half ashamed and half proud that our students are so far ahead of us on this issue of academic freedom." Even those who did not object to the speaker ruling pro- hibiting advocacy or obscene behavior or vio- lent overthrow of the government agreed that the probation should be lifted. BEHIND THESE statements was an identifi- cation with students in the quest for knowl- edge so profound as to constitute a philosophy transcending the practical tenets of adminis- tration. And yet, tragically, there were those who smiled in wry embarrassment at such idealism, and felt compelled to speak of "the realities" of the situation as if those realities could never possibly be compatible with the first principles of education. Thus there was turned some of them from aspiration to accept- ance. One of the professors commented, "In the McCarthy era it was the older people who stood up for individual rights, people whom I considered over the hill. Now, the situation is reversed; it is we who are over the hill, and it is the younger people, the students, who must lead us." Another, whose proposal that the AAUP re- solve that it was opposed to any rule what- soever limiting the freedom of speech failed to pass, quoted Charlie Brown, of "Peanuts" fame: "Whenever the individual comes in con- tact with an institution, he losses." IN THESE statements, the speaker ban issue shown itself in an aspect not often noted. The question becomes one of whether human ideals should be surrendered to "reality" before con- flict between them actually arises. Underlying this question is another more basic: Does "reality" prevent men from exercising fully their ideals, or is the preventative factor actu- ally an imagined reality, a reality postulated and accepted before it exists? The absurdity of speaker censorship is that no one can tell what a speaker will say before he says it, and after he has said it, censorship is useless. The evil of speaker censorship is not only that it prevents an idea from the test of dialogue, but also that it must, eventually, limit he ideal of dialogue itself. Professors and students, more than any other identifiable group, are engaged in the process of dialogue, and must preserve that ideal. In- formation, including biased information, must precede judgment, and the breadth and depth of judgment determines the breadth and depth of the mind. ANOTAER of the MSU professors engaged in Tuesday's dialogue declared that "It is time for the university to take a stand, to support free society and the right to know." Freedom of speech is not only freedom granted Mrs. Kusum Nair cites two signifi- cant interviews she had in Mysore State, halfway up India's west coast. A peasant explains why he isn't using water from the irrigation channel that flows right through his own 10 acres: "It rained last year so I did not take. It has rained this year also, so I have not taken. I will take when the rains fail." Mrs. Nair wasn't con- vinced by this because "even this year the rains were not regular." A local government agricultural worker says: "We carry manures and improved seeds in a trailer and offer to deliver them right at the doorstep to induce the cultiva- tors to use them. We offer them loans to buy the seeds and man- ures. We go to their fields and of- fer to let the water in for them. We request them to try it out first on only two acres if they are not convinced. They could quad- ruple their yields if 'they would only take our advice and at least experiment. Still they are not com- ing forward." THIS IS NOT a universal pic- ture, but this only softens the sit- uation. It does not redeem it. Another basic problem, cited by A. M. Khusru of Delhi Unicersity's Institute of Economic Growth, is the institutions of agriculture. Changes in land-holding and land- using arrangements, he suggests, could encourage the new methods and "intenser" inputs and help solve the problems of agricultural underemployment. The basic aim is the same as the more important programs of direct teaching meth- ods and input stimulation: in- creased production for consump- tion and investment. Among present government in- stitutional programs, Khusru lists rent reduction, ceilings on individ- ual land-holdings with provision for sale of surpluses and protection of five-year tenants from eviction. There are also some cooperative movements and pressures for con- solidation of scattered individual holdings, the result of multiple in- heritance. In all this, the idea is to work with what is available. The specific policy aims are sev- eral: security of tenure can en- courage long-term planning and investment, notably lacking among many Indian farmers. Lower rent means fewer debts and more in- centive and surplus for saving and investment. Cooperation brings the economics of scale into play. Own- ership arrangements make for an optimum size farm. IF FARMS are too small, as many are, underemployment re- sults. Four "workers" for instance, can work eight acres, yet four often work but five acres. Bullocks, ex- pensive to feed, yet the basic non- human rural power source, are similarly underused. If the farms are too big, the "psychology of easy satisfaction" can take hold. Statistically speak- ing,:, average inputs on an Indian farm increase at a rate substan- tially less than acreage, and so the land produces less than it can. A team of bullocks can work ten acres. Yet a farmer won't buy a second team to work. 11. If he is acquiring land, he won't take the second team till he has nearly 20 SOPH SHOW: 'Birdie' Soars High "BYE, BYE BIRDIE" is a campus hit which indicates that Soph Show has grown, up. The condescending, nice-try-kids type of review is no longer appropriate. The Soph Show deserves to be criticized with the same criteria we apply to Musket and University Players'. pro- ductions. It is no secret that "Birdie" is an enormously successful satire on rock and roll and American values with a few jibes thrown at tele- vision, motherhood, and show business. The show is tuneful with more than the usual amount of "hit songs" ("Put on a Happy Face," "One AT CINEMA GUILD: Go See 'Citizen Kane' Boy," "A Lot of Livin' to Do," and "Kids") and superb comedy that rocked Dick VanDyke and Paul Lynde to fame in the Broadway production. Mike Schapiro as Albert, Conrad Birdie's agent, carries much of the show's success on his shoul- ders. His soft shoe with Elleva Davidson is the best we have seen on campus. His handling of come- dy is mostly commendable and his singing voice is adequate. Unfortunately, the production's great virtue - unboundless en- thusiasm (what condition that chorus must be in!) mars his performance. Mike tends to mug to the point of irritation particu- larly during Rose's opening song. This defect also marred the hu- morous performances of Mike Stulberg and Jim Timonen who were at first funny but then re- sponded to the audience's accep- tance by giving more obnoxious mugging than any audience could endure. THE GIRLS were uniformly good. Gayle Weinberger played Rose, Albert's secretary, with a strongrvoice (once she got over her nervousness) and a nice comedy style and appearance that are reminiscent of Chita Rivera. If her stumbling on lines was due to opening night jitters, it is okay. The outstanding performances were turned in by Cora Ridall and Linda Shaye. Miss Ridall's voice and acting are so good that she could transfer, to a professional company and not look out of place. The excellent character roles of Birdie, Albert's mother, and Gloria Rasputin - a girl with undescrib- able physical "abilities" - are carried off with vigor and humor by Marshall Rubinoff, Norma Weinstock, and Barbara Linden. '70: Comedy;, A4 Tear SOME ,like their entertainment strictly for laughs, others pre- fer it straight and with a "mes- sage." Boccacio '70 is a film for both 'the lovers of good and of melancholy. The trilogy begins with Fellini's Dr. Antonio Mazzuolo who spends his days campaigning against all manner of obscenity -low-cut gowns, dance hall girls. Imagine his consternation when, opposite his own office, he is confronted by a 100-foot-high billboard of Anita Ekberg. A billboard which is all for a good cause - Drink Milk- but the overall effect! Dr. A must rescue the innocents who play be- neath the scurrilous Anita. Alas, it's Dr. A. who must be rescued. Romy Schneider and Visconti make the second story an unfor- gettable film experience. Miss Schneider, as a wealthy German countess married to a playboy Milanese Count, is as smooth as velvet. She convinces her wayward husband to give her a job to ap- pease her irate, wealthy Papa. From now on, she is to be paid for love, just as his call girls. This unusual solution comes after we have watched the mar- velous Miss Schneider move about in her beautiful Chanel clothes, amidst a sumptuous set. The story has a quality of irony, melancholy. De Sica's The Raffle is one zany piece of Neopolitan humor. Zoe, Sophia Loren, the much admired fixture in the local carnival shoot- T ONIGHT'S your last chance to see "Citizen Kane." If you haven't seen it before, prepare for an all out assault on the Archi- tecture Aud. to get in to see it. And if you have seen it before at least attempt to see it again, for Orsen Welles has created a land- mark in the cinema, a superlative movie that needs bow to only a very few of the finest motion pic- tures ever made. What will render "Citizen Kane" unforgettable in the viewer's mind is its direction. Sharp and subtle constrasts of black and white, light and shadow, intensely realis- tic dialogue and odd camera an- gles are utilized to heighten the mood. More important, Joseph them with fear from his trance- like state. He constantly searches hoping to recover the "Rosebud"- the last word that wells forth from his body as he dies. The life of Kane has no correla- tion to reality and Welles heigh- tens this feeling with odd shoot- ing angles, from ankle height to long range distances and zooming in on the subject. The realistic presentation even lengthens the distance between Kane's world and the real one. * * * THE INTENSITY of "Citizen Kane" is scorching. It may lack gentle humanity or humor, but this lack tends to strengthen the tension even more. It is like Hawthorne's short stories-deep in