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September 11, 1962 - Image 53

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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1 it

Intramural Department Offers Someth

Michigan's Intramural Sports
Department is among the-biggest
and best in the nation.
- Divided into 12 divisions, and
operating contests in over 30 dif-
ferent sports, there is surely an
activity that will be attractive to
every male student on the Univer-
sity campus.
Director Earl Riskey and Asso-
ciate Director Rod Grambeau head
the large staff that operates the
Intramural Program. Most of the
activities are centered in the
Sports Building, on Hoover St.
just west of State St: Outdoor
activities take plase at both South
Ferry Field and Wines Field. Some
activities are run in the Union.
The 12 divisions of the Intramur-
al Program allow participation for
every male on campus. These di-
visions are as follows:
- 1) All-Campus. The majority of
the activities in this division are
tournaments in individual partici-
pation sports,, which are open to
any male student. These tourna-
ments will include during the year;
cross country, twenty-one, hand-
ball singles and doubles," squash,
paddleball singles and doubles, ta-
ble tennis, bowling, diving, code-
ball, boxing, fencing, gymnastics,
weight lifting, foul throwing, arch-
ery, badminton, tennis, horseshoes,
rifle shooting, golf, and life sav-
Also included in the all-campus
division will be. team competition
in baseball, lacrosse and ice hock-
ey. Another aspect of the pro-
gram is competition to enter the
Sigma Delta Psi athletic frater-
2) Clubs. The I-M Department
sponsors a club program, through
which any group of students in-
terested in a particular sport or
athletic activity may form a club.
Clubs generally obtain a faculty
advisor, and then set up their own
program and competition. Infor-
mation about this procedure may
be obtained at the I-M office.
3) Co-Recreation. The only part
of the I-M program in which there
is female involvement is the co-
recreation evenings held every Fri-
day night at the Sports Building.
At this time there is swimming,
basketball, volleyball, paddleball,
badminton, and trampoline facili-
ties. available for both male and
female participants.,
4) Faculty. There is a 15-sport


program for faculty members set
up under the I-M Department.
Points and trophies for individual
and all-year champions are award-
ed. in this competition.
5) Fraternity. The social frater-
nity program, which involves 44
fraternities in a 23-sport program,
is one of the largest divisions of
the Intramural Program. The
sports that are involved in this
division include: touch football,
track, cross country, volleyball,
h a n d b a 11, swimming, bowling,
wrestling, basketball, paddleball,
water polo, table tennis, relays,
foul throwing, softball, horseshoes,
tennis and golf.
In this division champions are
crowned in each sport, and total
points are kept on the year so that
one house is the all-around winner
at the end of each year..
6). Professional Fraternity. In
this division there are 20 fraterni-
ties that compete in 12 sports.
The sports are touch football, vol-
leyball, handball, bowling, basket-
ball, table tennis, swimming, soft-
ball, horseshoes, tennis and golf.
Here again champions are crown-
ed by sport and for the year.
7) Independents. Competition in
this division is for students who
are not affiliated with any of the
other divisions, such as fraterni-
ties or residence halls. The inde-
pendent schedule includes 15
sports: touch football, volleyball,
paddleball, bowling, handball, bas-
ketball, table tennis, relays, swim-
ming, foul throwing, softball, rifle
shooting, horseshoes, tennis and
In this division there are indi-
vidual and a yearly champion.
Students who want to compete in
team sports and who do not have
an affiliation in any other divi-
sion are encouraged to form teams
and enter the independent compe-
tition. One can enter a team in all
the sports, or in any individual
sports as they wish. An individual
who wants to compete, but is not
able to form a team, is invited to
report to the I-M office where the
directors will attempt to place him
on a team.
8) International Center. The
competition sponsored jointly by
the International Center and the
I-M Department is carried on be-
tween students from various for-
eign countries. It is a nine-sport

ing for All
10) North Campus. Since 1956
there has been a separate I-M
program for North Campus resi-
dents. New sports are added to
this program as the need arises.
11) Residence Halls. Like the
fraternity division, the residence
halls compete in a 23-sport pro-
gram. There are 21 houses that
take part in this. The sports are
the same as in the fraternity divi-
sion, and champions again are
crowned in each sport, as well as
a single over-all champion.
12) Special Events. A number of
special events are conducted at
the Sports Building each year.
Such things as campus dances,
high school championship meets,
special activities for campus groups
and regular physical education
classes for men are included in
this division.
The I-M department will an-
nounce each of the activities that
it conducts as the year moves for-
ward. The Daily will publicize these
on its sports page, and the Sports
Building will post all schedules
and activities on the extensive bul-
letin boards in the building lobby.
The I-M department also prints
a yearly bulletin which includes
all schedules, all rules, and a des-
cription of each of the divisions
mentioned above. These may be
obtained by prospective intramural
athletes at the Sports Building.
The I-M Department awards
plaques and trophies for the
champions in most individual and
team competitions. The most cov-
eted award in I-M competition is
the All-Around Athlete Award,
which is presented jointly by the
I-M Department and The Daily
each spring to the one participant
in the I-M program who has been
most outstanding on the basis of
his achievements throughout the
year. Many individuals represent
their teams in all team activities
and also enter all of the individual
tournaments. It is from these ver-
satile performers that the All-
Around Athletes is chosen each
With such an extensive Intra-
mural program available to Michi-
gan students, it is the hope of the
directors that every student will
take part in some phase. Whatever
sort of activity you enjoy, you
are sure to find it in the Michigan
I-M Program.




program including soccer, volley-
ball, table tennis, basketball, bad-
minton, swimming, softball, tennis
and cricket. Individual sport and
an all-year champio nare crowned.
Students representing any coun-
try are urged to form a team and
enter competition in any or all of
these sports. If there are not
enough from any one country, stu-
dents are urged to join with oth-
ers to form a team.
9) Instruction. Instruction in al-
most any sport is available through
the I-M Department. Outstanding
athletes in many sports volunteer
their services ta act as instructors
for interested students. Special
hours and facilities at the Sports
Building are set aside for this in-
struction. Students wishing such
help should inquire at the I-M of-


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