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November 11, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-11

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Stands on





'63; High School Student Gov-
ernment President; Sigma Alpha
Epsilon Fraternity, rush chair-
man, house judiciary.
The current conflict over contin-
ued membership in USNSA pro-
vides a good illustration of my
philosophy of the role of Student
Government Council. It is my be-
lief that on-campus and not off-
campus issues should be the dom-
inant concern of SOC. This prem-
ise provides an answer to those
who assail the conservative mem-
bers of the Council for pressing
the issue of a referendum on NSA
before the student body is ade-
qiately informed. If NSA were im-
p rtant to the individual student
there has been enough time for
it to make its presence felt. But
as Ralph Kaplan of Voice Political
Party has said in his defense of
NSA, "it provides a forum for stu-
dents and student leaders to dis-
cuss national and international is-
sies as well as educational con-
cerns vital to all universities." It
is precisely because the emphasis
is on the first part of Kaplan's
statement rather than the second
that NSA has failed to gain at-
tention on this campus.
If SGC is to be an effective body
it must prove to the Regents, the
administration, and the student
body that it is concerned with and
capable of handling student af-
fairs. And even more explicitly,
student affairs on this campus.
Other issues of current interest
do fall within the province of our
affairs. Of these, the attempt to
eliminate discrimination and more
directly the work of the Committee
on Membership is most important.
It is in this area that the work of
the Council is probably best known
G lbar
A&D; Young Democrats;
;oice Political Party.
What does the Student Govern-
;met Council do for us?
To this question many people
find it very difficult to come up
with a concrete answer. For now
the SGC is deprived much of its
1ghtful authority of student self-
government by University regula-
tions, and it denies itself of much
1nfluence due to its own lack of
responsible action. SGC effective-
0e0s can be increased by making
sure that the members are repre-
sentatives of the student conmun-
ity and not just a special interest
group. This may mean the elimin-
ation of ex-officio. So SGC may be
able to get some help and infor-
mation on our problem from Unit-
ed States National Student Asso-
ciation which is an organization of
student governments with great
resources, besides helping to train
leaders of SOC to have a wider
perspective and inform them on
new ideas. The Council must real-
ze that our problem are problems
of most student governments and
student bodies, and must try to
assert the students rightful posi-
tion in the academic and world
community. A strong statement
should be made as to the students'
rights and responsibilities in these
communities. SGC must assert it-

I ---.<*>

and precisely for the reason that
its efforts do affect the individual.
Time spent in reasonable and'
careful analysis of this problem
will be more important than one
hundred condemnations of Presi-
dent Quigg Newton in the Color-
ado Daily dispute.
A related way in which the ef-
fectiveness of SGC should be im-
proved is a gradual increase in
control over student; rules until
eventually, direct control is in the
hands of the Council. The Council
should work toward a cautious lib-
eralization of policy in: women's
hours, coeducational housing, and
automobile permission keeping
within the framework of regental
policy and practical considera-
tions These are the questions of
concern to students and they of-
fer the greatest opportunity for
student government to gain re-
spect and. improve its position in
student affairs. Thus I would bend
my efforts toward making SGC an
effective governing body concerned
with representing student opinion
on student concerns.

'64BAd; Former member of IFC;
Member of Sigma Chi Fraternity
--Social Chairman, Executive
The University stddent body is
presently faced with three import-
ant issues the outcome of which
will decidedly shape its official
policy both as a national voice and
an efficient and purposeful organ-
ization on campus. These major
issues stand as the question of off-
campus obligations, the policy of
discrimination within campus or-
ganizations and the question of
membership of the University in
the United States National Stu-
dent Association.
Three criteria are directly per-
tinent to these issues, especially to
the controversial issue of campus
obligations. First, will the Coun-
cil's decision on an off-campus is-
sue have any effect upon the situ-
ation, or will it merely be token
legislation, a psychological seda-
tive to ease Council's conscience,
rather than establish a policy
which is directly affected by ac-
tion. Secondly, with the newly ini-
tiated limit upon Council sessions,
Council will have to economize its
time in order to obtain the maxi-
mum from its efforts, and thus
must honestly ask itself whether
the item is of sufficient import-
ance to necessitate action. Third-
ly, will the action thus taken on
the issue be representative of the
attitude of the student body, or
might it not be the feelings of
some represented group.
SGC has recently passed an
amendment improving the func-
tion of its Membership Committee
by establishing that investigation
into the nature of any member-
ship clause believed to be discrim-
inatory must be made in writing,
and that the complainant must be
made known to the group in ques-
tion and must present evidence.
The move is aimed at elimination
of undue investigation and un-
based charges.
In reference to further action
with the five sororities who have
not submitted statements of ade-
quacy, the Council should, with
all immediacy and by the power
invested in them by the Regents,
seek to obtain these statements
without hastily resorting to undue
Should we remain a member of
the United States National Stu-
dent Association? This can be an-
swered by looking at its theor-
etical functions. These are 1) to
represent the student voice and
opinion, 2) to furnish guidance to
student governments, and 3) to be
an international representative of
the students. Yet in reality their
only function is that of misrepre-
senting student opinion, while con-
stituting one fifth of the SGC
budget. The subsidy of minority
groups, the voices predominantly
heard through this organization,
would more equitably be handled
through funds expressly ear-

'64E; Winchell House Social
Chairman, Homecoming Chair-
man, Publicity Chairman; House
The purpose of SGC is to pro-
vide for meaningful student parti-
cipation in the formulation, im-
provement, and promotion of the
educational goals of the Univer-
sity. The important feature in this
definition is that action be mean-
ingful. On this criterion the func-
tions of SGC succeed or fail. Con-
sequently, meaningful legislation
is vital to the fulfillment of its
purpose; it explicitly calls for an
effective policy.
However, for effectiveness, prac-
ticality must be considered. An ef-
fective program is feasible and
protects the rights of its constitu-
ents from extreme theories. An
SGC and those it represents into
separate social factions. In lieu of
practicality, specific issues will be
Heretofore, USNSA has been in-
effectual on campus and yet SGC
annually budgets a sizable sum

ganized groups is a principle ac-
cepted in general practice and re-
iterated by the Regents. SGC did
have the authority to eliminate
discriminatory practices in stu-
dent groups. However, with tech-
nical barriers eliminated, SGC
should continue adherence to the
Brown motion. This policy does
not infringe upon basic tenets of
fraternities and sororities and
shows national chapters that SGC
is a responsible group achieving
proper and necessary ends as rea-
sonably as possible.
The Regents' speaker by-laws
are in keeping with good policy.
Ideally, there should be no limi-
tation on freedom of speech, yet
the University, being state sup-
ported, cannot openly sanction
subversive ideas. This is a prac-
tical compromise.
Positively speaking, a need ex-
ists to spark interest in SGC by
better communication through
present means.iThe ex-officio
members of SC working through
an orientation program can pre-
sent a more personal and percep-
tive approach for the attraction of
more students. I would work to-
ward strengthening this program
to produce a thriving and effective
With meaningful policies, SGC
can command respect from, and
permeate its ideas into, all
branches of society. Rather than
separation into an isolated com-
munity of thought, students will
demonstrate leadership in all lev-
els of human affairs.

'63 BAd; WCBN; Beta Theta
Pi; IFC Publications Chairman;
Member of Judiciary Study
Committee; Member and Treas-
urer of SGC.
Student Government Council is
a body which can play a very
important role on this campus if
it can command the respect of the
students, faculty and administra-
tion. In order to achieve this,
members must be responsive to
the students' desires; must behave
rationally; must deal in reality
with issues and therefore know
how to accomplish their ends.

marked for this purpose, and com-
ing from other sources.
The University itself, by reason,
should not prostitute itself by
lending its name and prestige to
the USNSA, idly hoping for re-
form in the future.
There is a real need in SGC for
leaders who will properly repre-
sent the attitudes of the students,
rather than solely representing
their immediate affiliations.

(approximately $2,000) for mem-
bership. No effective programs
have been forthcoming from this
association. Only a few have bene-
fited by attendance at its national
meetings, and then only on na-
tional concerns. USNSA voices stu-
dent opinions on national affairs
so as to alienate students into a
set social class. Attendance sta-
tistics leave doubt as to whether
USNSA is truly representative.
Under present conditions USNSA
is not practical or beneficial and
our membership should be with-
That discrimination and racial
prejudice are unacceptable in or-


Election Facts
Thirteen candidates are running for seven Student Govern-
ment Council seats. Three are incumbents. The candidates are
Charles Barnell, Thomas Brown, Russell Epker, Donald Filip,
Gary Bilbar, Bruce Hopkins, Michael Kass, David Nelson, Regina
Rosenfeld, Robert Ross, Steven Stockmeyer, Frank Strother and
Thomas Swaney.
The incumbents are Brown, Ross and Stock-meyer.
Six of the newly-elected Council members will serve full
year terms; one will be on SGC for half a year.
Normally, SGC elects six candidates in the fall and five in
the spring. The one additional position was left open by former
Council member Katy Ford.
Students will have the opportunity to vote in an all-campus
referendum on the question: Shall the University remain a mem-
ber of the United States National Student Association? I
In order for the referendum to be valid 3000 students or 75
per cent of those voting in the election, whichever is greater,
must participate in it.
There will be a second referendum for men. Five minor
constitutional amendments to the Michigan Union constitution
will be voted upon.
Polling Places
Thirteen places have been selected for polls. They are South
Quadrangle, West Quadrangle, East Quadrangle, Mary Markley,
Tennis Courts, Freize Bldg., the Women's League, the Michigan
Union ,the Engin Arch, the Undergraduate library, the Diag, the
Fishbowl and the Business Administration Bldg.
The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The election
will be held on one day and one day only, Wednesday, Nov. 14.
Election System
The candidates will be selected under the Hare system of
voting. To become elected on the first ballot a candidate will have
to receive one-eighth of the total votes cast.


'64; Young Republicans, con-
vention delegate, 1962; Member,
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity,
pledge trainer, rush chairman;
Freshman Honors, 1961; IFC
rush counselor; Students for
I regret that I have been unable
to explain my views to every voter
during the campaign, but in the
limited space I am now permitted
I will present my stand on three
major issues.
First the question on member-
ship. I thoroughly support the
recently passed delineation of the
functions of the committee on
membership. This new procedure
should end the needless antagoni-
zation of fraternities and sorori-
ties, while still providing an effi-
cient vehicle to deal with viola-
tions. With a specific complaint
necessary to incite an investiga-
tion, the relations of SGC and the
Greeks should be greatly im-
However, the council has one
major task remaining in this area.
The council must deal with the
five sororities who have not sub-
mitted their membership state-
ments. I feel the council must get
these sororities to submit their
statements, for without a state-
ment from each and every organi-
zation nothing will be gained and
the council's authority in this
area will be greatly impaired. The
efforts of the council 1o snttain
these statements must be care-
fully planned, but if ultimatums
are necessary they must be issued.
However, the council must con-
tinue to approach the problem
with the idea of working with
these groups to eliminate discrim-
Secondly, the council must deal
with USNSA. The ideals of a na-
tional organization of students

self by following through on its!
stand on non-discrimination and
it should take a strong stand to
assure adequate judicial proceed-
ing to all students. For now the
student does not have the guar-
antee of due process, the right
of council, the right to face his
accuser, the right to have wit-
nesses and is subject in som cases
to the possibility of double jeop-
ardy. Another important dispute
that SGC has avoided has been
economic issues which affect the
student directly. If SGC cannot
face its responsibilities to the stu-
dent body then maybe there is
a more effective measure of stu-
dent representation in University
policy making.

working with one another, helping
others are highly commendable.
However, USNSA is far from this
ideal as it is removed,from campus
issues and too politically involved.
Therefore, I feel the proper course
of present act;on is withdrawal
from USNSA. Still I feel we should
observe USNSA and maintain con-
tacts with other student govern-
ments because the above mention-
ed ideals should not be abandoned.
Thirdly, the council must work
for more power. The more students
can govern themselves the better
their position in the University.
Three means of increasing self-
government are 1) obtaining the
five remaining sorority statements,
thereby solidifying authority on
membership issues, ) 2 attaining
control of the judiciary system in-
cluding a stronger role in deci-
sions regarding rules and regula-
tions, and ) 3 playing a role in
academic decisions tnrough closer
faculty-student relations.
Thus I feel the council must
attack these three major issues
while covering all campus issues
lauge or small, betteiirig campus
communications, and increasing
student responsibility.

The Council has recently set up
a committee to study the entire
judicial structure on this campus.
If the committee is to develop
an adequate system, it must not
only consider the need for more
due process, the role of the faculty
and administration, and the gen-
eral current philosophies of stu-
dent judiciaries, but also changes
which are already being made and
the past history.
Although it was difficult to get
the question of USNSA on the
ballot, we must now decide wheth-
er or not to remain in USNSA.
The answer is definitely "No-'
The $2400 SGC is spending on
USNSA this year nothing that is
concrete for the student on this
campus. The USNSA standing
committee set up by SGC has
done nothing, even though its
membership is primarily made up
of proponents of USNSA. USNSA
and its officers are trying to set
the students apart from the resr,
of society by creating a fourth
estate. Our goal should be to in-
tegrate society vertically, not to
create class rifts by separating
society horizontally.
The speakers policy on this
campus is an excellent one if it
is interpreted to prevent speak-
ers from preaching violent over-
throw of our form of government.
The proposing of forming a gov-
ernment which would take away
the liberties our form of govern-
ment gives us without allowing
the people to choose peacefully
and rationally could lead to force
defeating rationality.
The recent change in the Com-
mittee on Memberships charge ex-
tended due process and clarified
the committee's procedures. How-
ever, it is still advisable for the
committee to make its proced-
ures for validation of complaits
and charges public so that they
may be evaluated and understood
by all organizations.
The careful consideration of
issues is what will prove to be
the Council's main 'strength and
any candidate elected must be
capable rationality, be responsive
to student opinions and deal wih

'64; Member, Inter-Fraternity
Council; Young Republicans;
Debate Team.E

Council Candidates Discuss
USNSA, Speaker Questions

'Issues have been central in this
Student Government Council elec-
tion, taking place Wednesday.
The 13 candidates have taken'
stands on the United States Na-
tional Student Association, SOC's
role in requiring membership se-
lection practice statements from
sororities and fraternities and the
power and role of student govern-
The new speaker policy, t;Ye
Office of Student Affairs Advisory
Committee, a student book store,
off campus issues and the quality
of education at the University
also have been discussed by the
The Voice Political Party can-
didates, Robert Ross, Gary Gilbar,
Michael Kass, and Regina Rosen-
feld favor continued participation
The other. eight candidates are
campaigning for the University's
withdrawal from the association.
They are Charles Barnell, Thomas
Brown, Russell Epker, Donald
Filip, Bruce Hopkins, Steven
Stockmeyer, Frank Strother and
Thomas Swaney.
The Voice candidates maintain
that the new Regent's speaker by-
law should be made 1more liberal.
The others support the present

with their relations with the na-
tional organizations, rather than
punish the local of ganization.
Others maintain that Council has
done all it can do to inform the'
groups of the University regula-
tions concerning discrimination
and that penalties are now in
New Functions
*The changes in function of the
SGC Committee on Membership
have also been discussed by the
candidates. The new functions are
more defined than the old ones.
Candidates have expressed views
on the possibility of faculty-
student government which wo'ild
have policy making powers over
the student's extra-classroom life
and express opinion on academic
Candidates have also split on
the question of the value, purpose
and function of the (_1SA' advisory
board to which Council will send
seven delegates from its membee~-
ship. Some candidates believe chlat
this is an extension of Council's
powers and others see it a.s a
Off-Campus Issues
The question of the effective-
ness of Council expression on off-
campus issues has been raised by

I believe that Student Govern-
ment Council should do two things.
rIt should express the views of the
!students and provide services for
Council should always try to ex-
press the opinions and take the
action that the. student body de-
sires. However, one bloc on Coun-
cil seems to consider' the students
incapable of making intelligent
decisions. This attitude was dis-
played when they refused to allow
the students to decide by referen-
dum whether the University should
remain in the United States Na-
tional Student Association.
If I am elected to Council, I
will work for having a ref eren-
dum on this issue submitted to
the voters. I will then try to con-
vince the campus that we should
withdraw from USNSA.
I am against Council taking

eliminating discriminatory clauses
from the constitutions of frater-
nities and sororities. It is now
time for them to recognize the
fact that these organizations are
private social clubs organized on
a national basis, and that their
existence does not depend on the
whims of SGC members. I am
dedicated to the fraternity sys-
tem and I don't want to see it
destroyed by a group of "reform-
ers" who have never had any con-
nection with the system they want
to reform.
I support the Regents new
speaker policy. Speaker bans
should be eliminated as fast as
public opinion will allow. The idea
that any University student could
have his loyalty undermined by
listening to a lecturer is ridiculous.
In regard to service, I feel that
SGC should look into the pos-
sibilities of establishing a co-
operative book store, for new as
well as old books, along the line
of the Harvard Cooperative So-
ciety. The establishment of such
a cooperative would enable stu-
dents to buy books and other
supplies at wholesale prices.
Finally, if elected I will work
to establish' more communication
between the students and Stu-
dent Government Council.

stands on off-campus issues which
do not directly involve the stu-
dents as students. Council mem-
bers are elected on the basis of
local issues and personalities; it
is presumptuous of them to feel
that this gives them the right to
pass off their views on national
politics as the views of the whole
student body.
The Council has succeeded in

Remember To Vote*i Election
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N M I: ......... .
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SINE 1905:
Chart Student Government History

The history of student govern-
ment at the University began in
The first campus-wide student
government acted as an intermed-
iary between student and the Uni-
versity disciplinary authorities and
as the preserver of "Michigan
Back in 1916 the student gov-

junior men and three seniors.
A Student Advisory Committee
made up of the president and vice-
president of the Council, the editor
of The Daily and two Council
members appointed by the presi-
The committee's purpose was to
express student opinion to the
faculty and report faculty opin-

an executive cabinet running the
Although a representative group,
SL was too large to be effective.
It was an excellent debating so-
ciety, but could not take effective
In 1953 a committee to study
student government was establish-

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