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November 10, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-10

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Illini Confront

aize and Bluein Last Home Game

See Editorial Page

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glilt igau


Rain today, clearing,
cooler tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Top Admiral Says
U.S. Followed Subs


Destroyers Blockading Cuba
Chance 'To 'Exercise Trade'

NEW YORK (A)-The Navy's top admiral said last night United
States destroyers blockading Cuba detected and followed Russian subs
for long periods in the Caribbean and Atlantic waters where the quar-
antine fleet is on station. -
Adm. George W. Anderson Jr., chief of naval operations, thus
confirmed officially reports which surfaced publicly 10 days ago. In a
" speech prepared for the New York

Men Favor
yCo-ed Dorms
In Principle
Vice-President for Student A-
fairs James A. Lewis recently ob-
served that, although nearly every-
one seems to favor the principle"of
co-educational housing, most peo-
ple want it to be instituted "some-
where. else."
The-;results of an ppinion sur-
vey conducted last night among
the presidents of six houses in
South Quadrangle - one of the
units chosen by the Residence
Halls Board of Governors to house
the pilot program in the fall -
somewhat supports this observa-
President William Allington, '64
E, of Frederick House recalled a
questionnaire he circulated in the
house about four weeks ago. Those
responding "were strongly in fa-
vor" of co-ed housing, even in
South Quad.
Personally Favored
Allington said hie personally f a-
vored dividing the building hori-
zontally, with women living in the
four upper floors. He felt this
would result in "more mixing" of
the sexes. ,"The other way (ver-
tically), it's like two separate
The Frederick House poll showed
about two-thirds of the residents
would move to the hill "if it is
necessary to make co-ed housing
work." About half of these said
they "would be happy to," he re-
called. Frederick occupies the two
lowest floors in the east half of
the quadrangle.
Huber House, however, consists
of the top two floors in this wing.
It will be moved to Markley if
South Quad is divided horizontally.
Its president, David Woods, '66,
feels there are "some reservations
in the house" about the proposed
program. "It ;s the general feeling
in the house" that a vertical divi-
sion should be chosen, he noted.
Wf't Wing
Reeves Rouse is located on the
third 'and fourth floors of the
west "wing of the quadrangle. It
will remain there if the horizontal
scheme is chosen.
"Women shou.d have the top
four floors, and men should have
the bottom,"' ays Reeves House
President John Giese, '64Ed. "We'll
have a lot less trouble that way."
Giese elaimed a vertical division
of the quadrangle would reduce
the benefits of co-ed housing. If
the program's geal for the partici-
pating residents is "mingling and
getting to know each other, then
they're gotng about it in a funny
way. The only thing that would be
gained would be that they would
be eating together," he said.
By contrast with Reeves, about
40 per cent of the men of Scott
House would be willing to move to
the hill, Scott House President
David Houseman, '64BAd, said. In
a poll taken about four weeks ago,
almost 90 per cent of the residents
favored the principle of co-ed
housing, and about 60 per cent
would live in a co-educational
South Quad, he said.
Defeating Purpose
Hlouseman, whose house would
be moved if a horizontal division
is made, nevertheless favors this
plan. "They are almost defeating
their purpose" if a horizontal di-
vision, is chosen, he said. He. pre-
dicted Scott could "continue to
function as a unit" if moved to
Of the house presidents contact-
ed, Leslie Loomans, '65E, of Van
Tyne House was the most strongly
opposed. VanTyne, occupying the

Council of the Navy League, An-
derson said:
Finest Opportunity
"The presence of Russian sub-
marines in Caribbean and Atlantic
waters provided perhaps the finest
-opportunity since World War II
for our antisubmarine warfare
forces to exercise at their trade, to
perfect their skills, and to manifest
their capability to detect and fol-
low submarines of another nation.
"Some of those submarines they
detected did--after long periods of
surveillance-come to the surface.
Our ASW (antisubmarine warfare)
air and surface did a magnificent
The Navy chief did not elabor-
ate, but informed sources disclosed{
on Oct. 29- that more than two
Russian subs were tracked for
about two days in the general
blockading area.
They were followed by destroy-
ers and aircraft, apparently with
sonar devices, until they broke
water to charge their batteries.
The Russian subs went their
way without incident, sources have
Anderson's speech was devoted
to a glowing account of the opera-
tions of the military services, par-
ticularly the Navy, during the
Cuban crisis, which at one point
appeared to verge on direct mili-
tary action against Cuba.
He said the clamping on of the
quarantine was rapid and effec-
"It demonstrated dramatically
the ability of the Air Force and
the Navy promptly to effect superb
liaison between land based air-
craft, carrier based aircraft, and
the ships which were involved,"
Anderson said.
Race's Dubious
WASHINGTON (AP)-The razor-
thin margins separating rival can-
didates for governor in four states
may mean that the outcome won't
be finally determined for weeks.
In two of the states, Minnesota
and Rhode Island, no unofficial
winner has yet been decided. Re-
counts are possible in those two
states and in Maine and Massa-

Say Cuba
To Resist
HAVANA (AM)-- Cuban officials
insist that no Cuban merchant
vessels will submit to inspection
of any kind, diplomatic sources re-
ported last night.
The reported . Cuban position
raised the possibility of United
States - Cuban confrontations on
the high seas.
The diplomatic informants add-
ed that Cuban ships were said to
have received orders not to stop
for inspection no matter what the
consequences may be.
No Cuban ocean-going ship was
known to be en route to Cuba at
this time.
In negotiations at United Na-
tions headquarters in New York,
the Soviet Union has agreed to
permit representatives of the in-
ternational committee of the Red
Cross to board Cuba-bound Soviet
ships or ships under Soviet char-
ter to make arms inspections.
But presumably permission to
board a Cuban ship would have to
come from Havana.
United States sources at United
Nations headquarters have said
the United States will insist on
inspection of all Cuba-bound ships,
including Cuban ships. These
sources maintained that should
any ships refuse to submit to the
Red Cross inspection 'once the
present blockade is lifted, the Unit-
ed States will feel free to take any
action Washington believes appro-
Algerian Head
Reveals Plans
For Reforms
SETIF, Algeria (P)-Premier Ah-
med Ben Bella told thousands of
Berber tribesmen yesterday that
the government will take control
of 500 private factories, large es-
tates and .sales of citrus fruit and
Beginning a speaking tour of the
new nation, Ben Bella gave the
first indication of how Algeria will
proceed with agricultural reform.
"Large estates will not be divid-
ed but will be administered for the
good of all," he said.
The state will put back in oper-
ation 500 factories once owned by
European settlers, he added. Most
of Algeria's industry was left idle
when Europeans fled the turmoil
and uncertainty of the new nation.
Ben Bella said the government
also plans to start a vast recon-
struction program at the end of

I C Calls for 'No' Vote
On USNSA Referendum,
Interquadrangle Council Thursday night recommended that a
negative vote be cast on the United States National Student -Associa-
tion referendum.
The Council felt, this month's IQC newsletter said, "that the
present worth of the University's membership in USNSA is negligible,


that changes must be made in the
In Staffs
House of Representatives bill
4999 is dead, but the conditions
that prompted its introduction
still exist.
The nation needs more doctors,
dentists and other health person-
nel, and their shortage will be
felt even more in the next few
years with the population growth
the U. S. is experiencing, agree
three members of the medical,
dental and nursing schoolsat the
The Health Professions Educa-
tional Assistance Act of 1962, re-
ported to the House Rules Com-
mittee last March, would have:
Authorized $75,000,000 for the
construction of teaching facilities
in accredited public or nonprofit
schools of medicine, dentistry, os-
teopathy, pharmacy, optometry,
podiatry, nursing or public health;
Established a loan fund with
any public or nonprofit school of
medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry
located in a state. This would be
available to students enrolled in
a full-time course of study lead-
ing to a degree.
University officials of the med-
ical, dental and nursing schools
numbered among supporters of
the bill. Dean W. Mann of the
School of Dentistry would have
welcomed funds for the building
program his school would like to
initiate. Both Mann and Dean M.
Wegman of the School of Public
Health wired Michigan congress-
men and urged their active sup-
port of the proposal.


Start Checking1
Russian Vessels

association and that these changes
would best be accomplished from
without the organization.'
In other action, Fletcher Hall
President John Dolfin III, '63, de-
clared that house's intention
of immediate disassociation with
IQC. The delegation from Fletch-
er did not wish to discuss the is-
sue but left after declaring them-
selves unaffilihted from the orga-
Not Binding
IQC President Robert Geary,
'63E, noted that the Council con-
sidered this action not legal or
"The house has signed contracts
to be in the residence hall sys-
tem. IQC is the official body for
recognition due to its authority
from the Residence Hall Board of
Governors," he said.
See related story,,Page 2
Without the official recognition
of the body, Fletcher will not be
able to use University facilities,
participate in social events, have
access to the Daily Official Bulle-
tin or participate in Intramural
Through Channels
"IQC will take action on this
through the appropriate Universi-
ty offices," Geary noted.
The Council accepted the con-
stitutions of three West Quadran-
gle houses and West Quadrangle
Council, under powers granted to
IQC by the Residence Hall Board
of Governors.
Geary announced to the Council
that the University is no longer
the headquarter school for the Big
Ten Residence Hall Association.
"There was some difficulty in find-
ing interested people to participate
in working for the organization,"
he said.
The BTRHA is an organization
which acts as a clearing house for'
information on housing through-
out the Big Ten. Conferences are
held yearly to discuss problems of
housing in the same group.

-AP Wirephoto
MIKOYAN IN CUBA-Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan
is shown at the Michurin farm during a tour he took -with Cuban
Prime Minister Fidel Castro. He was showing-Mikoyan the agri-
cultural developments achieved in the provinces by the Cuban-
Ford Rotunda Collapses
In $15 Million Blaze
DEARBORN (A)-The Ford Rotunda, one of the nation's 10 most-
visited tourist attractions, burned like an erupting volcano yesterday.
The loss was estimated at $15 million.
In less than two hours the huge eight-sided building, built to
resemble a gear, collapsed after the roof caught fire from a tarring
operation. Some of the permanent staff of 60 at the building were

To Remove
42 Missiles
By Monday
Take Photographs
Of Russian Rockets
I Waterproof Cases
WASHINGTON (o) -- United
States warships began yesterday
their at-sea checking of Soviet
missiles from Cuba and reported
seeing nuclear rockets on the decks
of outbound ships which jcooperat-
ed with the examination.
At the United Nations, a Soviet
representative was reported to
have given United States officials
a list of 42 missiles and their sup-
porting equipment and to have
said all would be clear of the Com-
munist-ruled island by Monday.
This count was close to an ear-
lier one given by Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev. The 42 fig-
ure is believed also to be some-
where in the area of estimates by
United States intelligence officials.
Kuznetsov Reports
Officials here said the report at
the United Nations came from Vas-
ily Kuznetsov, Soviet deputy for-
eign minister and Khrushchev's
special representative in Cuba.
In accordance with arrange-
ments made earlier, the naval ves-
sels drew close alongside four So-
viet merchantmen early yesterday
and later reported sighting what
appeared to be missiles on the
decks of three of them.
Russian crewmen were said to
have pulled back canvases from
the bulky deck loads and disclosed
to the Navy observers what ap-
peared to be missiles encased in
skin-tight waterproof coverings to
protect them from weather and
Flown Back
Photographs were taken and
flown back to the United States
for expert analysis. Assistant Sec-
retary of Defense Arthur Sylvester
explained to newsmenf:
"The responsible people of this
governmentnaressatisfied that what
is being reported are the missiles
but the final determination will
await analysis of the photographs
. Intercepts are expected to con-
tinue at least for the next few
days as the Navy plays its grim
numbers game of counting the

away at lunch. The others escaped
when the fire started. A group ofd
118 school children from South
Bend, Ind., had just left.
The building, originally designed
for the Chicago World's Fair of
1933 and later moved to Dearborn,
was used as a glamorous display
arena for Ford products.
One wing, which firemen still
hoped to save, housed 90 per cent
of the vast archives of the Ford
Motor Co. Another wing housing a
theatre was ablaze on the roof but
the walls were intact.
Huge clouds of black smoke
belching from the roof could be
seen for upwards of five miles.
The fire was described like this
by an observer:

. Police said about 40 were inside
Programs from voter registra-
tion drives in the South to sem-
inars on Japan and Berlin are
conducted by the United States
National Student Association on
national and regional levels.
The most spectacular of these
endeavors is USNSA's Southern

"The roof was a ball of fire. Project. Included in the project
There was no fire inside. But sud- are the Southern Student Human
denly the roof crashed through. Relations Seminar and a voter
Everything inside turned to flame. registration drive in the South.
Student Government Council
member Sharon Jeffrey, '63, took


part in the registration drive last outgoing weapons. They are look-
summer, attempting to increase ing for at least 40, the Defense
the number of registered Negro Department disclosed after Soviet
troretu n 1W atchnan Giv s W oodsy Ref lecio S svoters in Raleigh, North Carolina. Premier Khrushchev said Wednes-
USNSA also holds a Student day the missiles already were leav-
Body Presidents Conference three ini Cuba and mentioned 40 as a
By LOUISE LIND 'days before the fullUSS o- number.
BEchildren under the shady ever- plant in the entire 150 acres-fr month, the age at which the will devote my leisure to planting dayes. At th fnce studentcn- mb Looking For
Strange as it may seem, Nichols greens. I planted most of then, myself." Board of Regents requires Uni- and caring for the grounds." government officials exchange What the Navy is looking for
Arboretum has a telephone. ' Their residence in this idyllic He may tell you how the Arb versity employes to retire. We can only guess at what he views in an attempt to get a are the medium-range and inter-
Its location is a tiny brown cot- setting is of an official nature. The has grown with new flower collec- "I am ready to retire," he will will feel next summer whenIebroader view of the student com- h mediate-range missiles whose pres-
tage accessible by a narrow path man is Charles L. Moody, super- tions, including peony and lilac admit, "and to move to a little closes the door for the lasttimer munity and the problems leaders nce in Communist Cuba was de-
from the bottom of Harvard Place, intendent of the Arb. gardens, and how its size was aug- house in Dexter-a real house, not on the little brown cottage be- face on their respective campuses. dared by President John F. Ken-
just off Geddes St. Peace and Solitude mented by the 40 acres recently a made-over classroom-where I neath the shady evergreens. As an affiliate to the White nedy to be a grave threat to the
In the cottage live a man and donated by the Detroit Edison Co..As..................he...ite
is ife They have been theie for A man who has worked witha, Other donations, notably seds. .House Conference on Education, security of the United States and
43 years and have raised three m , flowers and grass, far re- and bulbs given by the United F ,: mayssthe American Council of Educa- other nations of this hemisphere.
moved from the cacophony of States Department of Agriculture ' -tion and the United States Na- Medium-range Russian rockets
and thegovernentUofioedaiStatesIt Or1g
the city, for 40 years, surely is and the government of Holland tional Commission for UNESCO have a reach of 1,000 to 1,200 miles
man of unusual sort with an un- have greatly expanded the gar USNSA acts as a representative of while the intermediate-range ones
usual assortment of memories. dens, he will explain. the nation's student bodies. It is can travel as much as 2.500 miles.
If you can catch him alone with Truly, this kind of information, frequently called upon to aid these-- ~~-~
***.**.****his pipe for an hour, perhaps he if you could induce him to relate ,.organizations as a source of know-
.,.............will allow you to follow him in it, would be most informative. But houledge on college and university OilS U
reminiscence. your interview would be a thou- student problems.
Perhaps he will tell you of his sand-fold richer if you could per- = h tOn the regional level. USNSA F r D efense
past at the University of Maine suade him to tell you his personal 2cnut ueossmnr n
where he worked his way through reflections about his workn-a " conferences to aid its members in s e
elschool doing landscaping and fin- thing he is hesitant to do, and unesadn ntol oal Qii i L
ally earned a B.S. in horticulture. halting in the attemptuprnat
Every Secret Place 'r' rbesnational problems as well. Recent UNITED NATIONS O P- Cuba.
Perhaps he will explain that. he If you should succeed here, who' *. ..f tp 1 seminars have been on Japan and tld the United Nations General
worked for a time at the Zoo knows what he might relate: his ..Bin while ones on China and Assembly yesterday it has only de-
Botanical Gardens in St. Louis, years of nursing along one plant India are in the planning stage. fensive weapons intended to pro-
Mo., before accepting a positi only to have it die during an es- - In addition, regional conferences tect its people from "United States
as Arb superintendent of a promi- pecially hard winter; the 're- have recently been held on aca- imperialism."
nent midwestern state univerty. quency of sweeping grass fires demic freedom, while both na- Juan Juarbe. the Cuban dele-
"We moved into this house which threatened to destroy the tional and regional conferences gate, spoke after Ahmad Shuk-
which was originally used for an Arb every year before the prob- were held on the aims of higher airy of Saudi Arabia accused Brit-
' ..

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