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November 04, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-04

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Of 4r Ailitpatt lEalli
Seventy-Third Year
Truth will Prevail-
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Tuesday Ballot Decides
GOP Presidential Choice


Elect Romney:
It's Time for a Change

GEORGE ROMNEY, Republican gubernatorial
candidate, should be elected because his
philosophy and leadership ability will put this
ailing state of Michigan back on its feet.
Although the challenger in this race, he
brings a wealth of experience and knowledge
to the job. In 1937, (when Gov. John B. Swain-
son was gaining his eagle scout rating) Romney
was president of the Washington Trade As-
sociation. In 1944 he was director of the
United States War Production Board.
In 1954 he was elected chairman of the
board and president of American motors
(simultaneous with Swainson's election as
state senator from the 18th district).
In 1957 Romney was asked to chair the
Detroit Citizens' Advisory Committee on School
Needs which promised to be deadlocked by
special interests. (In the same year Swainson
was elected Democratic floor leader in the
State Senate.)
THE DETROIT Citizen's advisory committee
came out with over 100 unanimous recom-
mendations on the problems of Detroit schools.
Romney began and led the Citizens for
Michigan in their drive for tax and con-
stitutional reform. On both these efforts he
encouraged a non-partisan approach.
He never lost sight of his goals in the
partisan furor. He called for a tax reform that
would put the burden equally on business and
the individual. When asked by Swainson to ac-
cept something less than what he considered
a good reform, he refused.
He refused to ask for the passage of Swain-
son's proposal because it was not complete and
because he did not wish. to usurp the place
of the governor. He had not been elected by
the people and therefore could not act as more
than a private citizen. This display of ethics
has been generally misunderstood by Michigan
citizens who have become accustomed to union
officials usurping the roles of elected officials.
H E BRINGS more than his past record and
ethics to this bid however.
What is good for General Motors may not
be good. for the country as a whole, but the
dynamism and ability that took American
Motors from a $69 million debt to solvency
and cold the compact car to the nation, might
be able to help Michigan.
There have been charges that Romney is
just a tool of "big business" and a vote for
him will only take unions out of the saddle
and put management in. These charges are
unfounded. Romney has always opposed un-
fair action by management. He was the first
in the state to fight actively for the adoption
of Michigan's original Fair Employment Prac-
tices law. This June he said "I con-
sider right-to-work laws a mistake. The
controversy over such legislation unfortunately
diverts public attention from the real prob-
lem, which is excessive economic power held
by both employers and unions."
After completion of American Motors' pro-
gress sharing contract with the UAW, Walter
Reuther said, "The most significant thing is
the fact that there is a new concept in this
contract-a concept in which the worker and
the employer agree through the collective bar-
gaining process that they are going to make
progress by sharing progress."
IT IS IMPORTANT to realize that Romney
has injected a new concept into jaded Mich-
igan politics-that of general over partisan
THREE CASES of contempt of Congress or
federal court come to mind in a curious
Folk singer Pete Seeger was charged with
contempt of Congress for his lack of "co-
operation" before the House Committee on
Unamerican Activities.
Roger Blough and other big steel executives
were threatened with contempt of Congress
for their non-cooperation with the Senate
Judiciary Committee.
Gov. Ross Barnett was charged with con-
tempt of court for failing to abide by the
rulings of the fifth district federal court in

New Orleans.
PETE SEEGER, who sings songs, was con-
victed. The case against the steel executives
who twice flatly refused to acknowledge formal
Senate subpoenas, to justify their price in-
creases of last May, was never pressed. Bar-
nett, who admittedly violated federal law with
open contempt, is free and has acted with
It is curious that these official contempt
charges have been dealt with in inverse pro-
portion to the contempt with which the na-
tion holds these gentlemen. Perhaps there is
justice in the minds of men after all.

welfare. This is probably the single most im-
portant contribution that any man or any
party could give to Michigan. No matter what
the outcome of the election, this essential
element in any government has been rein-
troduced to Michigan consciousness. We may
thank one man for this rebirth of state con-
science; that man is George Romney.
In arguing the elimination of special in-
terest government, he has said, "Economic
and social institutions derive their authority
from individual choice. Certainly big societies,
need strong-even big-unions and corpora-
tions. But they must not be permitted to grow
bigger and stronger than the people from
whom their authority is derived."
Fourteen years ago the influence of big
business in Michigan government had become
so predominent that it sapped the state's vi-
tality. Reform was needed. Now the dominence
of the unions and the enervating prevalence
of patronage over merit has stricken the state.
Again, it's time for a change.
ROMNEY'S OPPOSITION has been claiming
that his religion conflicts with a strong
pro-civil right stand. Let's look at the facts.
Under Romney the Detroit Citizens Advisory
Committee on School Needs took strong stands
to end de facto segregation in Detroit. In a
campaign speech Sept. 24 in Detroit he advo-
cated "passage of legislation to declare any
covenant null and void which contains racial or
religious bias." In addition to this he has ad-
vocated leadership on the community level to
implement "good intentions." At the Con-
stitutional Convention Romney came out
strongly for civil rights and the constitution
contains a strong civil rights statement.
Romney spearheaded the drive for con-con.
Swainson came out in favor of con-con only
after the unions took a favorable position.
Both men supported the Convention throughout
attempted to hinder the work of the Conven-
tion in an effort to discredit Romney. Now,
during the campaign, Romney stands for the
passage of 'the new constitution whereas his
opponents refuses to support it.
The reason Swainson refuses to do so is that
he is governed by partisan fears. The credit for
the proposed constitution lies largely with
Romney and for this reason Swainson is at-
tempting to keep it out of the campaign. In
doing so he makes its passage less likely and
hurts Michigan. He is not offering the leader-
ship required of his position.
In speaking before con-con last year, Swain-
son called for a reorganization of the executive
branch saying "If the governor in Michigan
is to carry out this function, then his con-
stitutional position will have to be improved
so that he can actually provide that effective
and responsible administration so essential to
our progress and well-being as a state and a
vital link in our federal system."
Con-con gave him this reorganization and
he now refuses to support it. Why? Because
of partisanship.
THE DETROIT NEWS, in its statement
"Why we back Romney" pointed out Swain-
son's "win at any price" philosophy. The De-
troit News was correct. As both Romney and
Swainson are devoted family men, civic leaders
and patriotic American immigrants, our choice
must be made on the basis of record, philosophy
and campaign promises. Romney's record is
more impressive than Swainson's. His philos-
ophy is less selfish. His promises are equally
Romney's greatest stress is on the need for
fiscal reform in the state. All other reforms
and promises are premised on a sounder eco-
nomic base and a growing confidence in the
Michigan now has about 275,00 fewer people
working or looking for work than in 1956. Since
1956, Michigan's unemployment rate has been
higher than the national average. Romney rec-
ognizes that the state is in an economic de-
cline. Swainson, on the contrary, has been
denying that any problems exist. One can
hardly solve problems if one refuses to recog-
nize them.
ROMNEY'S FISCAL reform program covers
three broad areas. He advocates:
1) adoption of the new constitution which
strengthens the state's financial fiber;
2) a hard searching look at the efficiency

and economy of state operations which will be
led by nationally recognized CPA Bill Seidman
as Auditor General, and
3) a complete tax revision coupled with
careful and continuing management of costs.
The taxes must be low and distributed as
equitably as possible among all sections of
the community.
ROMNEY'S COMPLETE platform is a thor-
ough and sincere analysis of, and answer
to, Michigan's outstanding problems. The
Democrats claim that most of this platform
is their own.
If this is so, then they are admitting that
they have not been able to implement these

Market's Threat to Canada

"1 WAS PROUD indeed," assert-
ed former President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, at a recent campaign
dinner in Syracuse, "that it was
a recommendation of the Republi-
can leaders of the Congress that
first inspired the joint Congres-
sional resolution under which the
President was able to act in this
latest crisis, forcefully and with
the certainty of Congressional ap-
proval of his act."
Eisenhower, in a brave effort
was trying to retrieve a lost Re-
publican campaign issue. Before
the now infamous Administration
announcement of almost two
weeks ago, several Republicans
had blasted the United States fail-
ure to check the rise of Com-
munism chezkFidel, and advocated
a blockade. But deep, deep down,
a few of them were probably a
little disappointed that the Pres-
ident was finally so forceful.
The Cuban crisis, and its resolu-
tion, will have little direct effect
on the elections this Tuesday when
39 Senate seats, and 35 governor-
ships are at stake. Republicans
and Democrats made up their
minds long ago and independents
a shorter time ago. Since the Ken-
nedy stand, the cries of "Let's not
change leaders in the middle of
a crisis," or "Darn it, we need a
change before we get ourselves in-
to another crisis" are not likely
to affect many votes.
* * *
IT MAY NOW be difficult to
appraise with total accuracy the
effects of the Cuban crisis on
national politics and elections, but
another assertion can safely be
made: everybody is getting into
the election act. Eisenhower has
been roused out of retirement and
temporarily roused out of disdain
for politicing, even to the point
of giving the Republicans credit
for a Kennedy decision.
Unfortunately for the Demo-
crats, pressing problems in Wash-
ington have kept Kennedy vir-
tually glued to his rocking chair,
and prevented him from making
appearances on behalf of party
This inability to leave the Cap-
itol and sprinkle a little of the
Kennedy magic in states like New
York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Cali-
fornia and Michigan may very
well hurt the gubernatorial can-
didates in these states, who have
been counting on the President's
appearances to give their cam-
paigns a needed boost.
The President's decision to cut-
down campaigning, necessitated by
the crisis, is the most important
relation between the elections and
recent events.
IN MICHIGAN, Democratic gov-
ernor John B. Swainson, fighting
an uphill battle against a "citizen"
candidate, counted on the Presi-
dent's appearances to give his
election drive a shot in the arm.
Kennedy toured late in September
before the crisis, but didn't re-
turn as he might have.
So Michigan summoned former
President Harry S Truman, who at
the last moment, didn't show up
at a Detroit dinner in his honor
(also because of the Cuban crisis).
Therefore, Senator Hubert Hum-
phrey of Minnesota, who wouldn't
turn down an invitation to speak
anywhere, hurried to Detroit and
talked and talked, excellently, as
a matter of fact. But as West
Virginia 'and Wisconsin will tell
us, Humphrey is not Kennedy.
* * *
BUT WHY should former Presi-
dent Eisenhower and President
Kennedy, both national leaders,
be so concerned about these gub-
ernatorial contests?
Of course, the races are im-
portant in themselves, for party
control of several states is at stake

and the course of state govern-
ment for several years to come will
be decided. But, in a broader view,
Tuesday's elections are important
to the total national picture.
The mathematical facts speak
for themselves. Five states to-
gether hold a total electoral vote
of 159: New York, 43; California,
40; Pennsylvania, 29; Ohio, 26;
Michigan, 21.
There is danger, for example,
for the Democrats in Pennsylvania
and in Ohio. The Republican can-
didate, William W. Scranton is
favored to defeat Richard Dil-
worth in electorally important
Pennsylvania, and Governor Mich-
ael V. DiSalle may be headed for
defeat by Republican James A.
Rhodes in Ohio.
BECAUSE of uncertainty as to
who will be the GOP nominee in
1964, however, the greater degree
of national attention focuses on
certain Republican fortunes.
One of the country's bitterest
campaigns is being waged in Cal-
ifornia, where Richard M. Nixon
is fighting for his political life,
the governorship and a retention
of his title as national Republican
leader. Governor Pat Brown wants
to remain in the statehouse and
in addition to campaigning, his
supporters are busy filing court
orders against literature being cir-
culated in Nixon's campaign. The
latest of three orders names as
defendent Murray Chotiner, a
lawyer and influential Nixon aid
since 1946.
But a Nixon win in California
would put him back in the race
for the Republican nomination;
one analyst's guess is as good as
another's on this crucial state race.
There are few doubts about a
Rockefeller victory in New York,
but the margin of the victory is
all-important. A landslide win over
Robert Morgenthau could help
make people forget the divorce
which, in the final analysis, has
probablyndoomed any Rockefeller
aspirations for the Presidency.
IN MICHIGAN, the pundits,
pollsters and news analysts had
George Romney running for Pres-
ident long before he had even de-
clared for governor.
Romney, even before he has
been elected governor, is thus a
serious contender for the 64 nom-
ination. He has many qualities
that America looks for in its
Presidents (and in its husbands,
fathers and grandfathers): a great
show of sincerity, good looks and
glamour, an ability to, speak elo-
quentlyand ambiguously and,
most most important, an air of
being above politics.
Romney is good on television, a
medium which is proving increas-
ing important to American politics
and should not be overlooked in
this campaign, if only for the mile-
age and press attention devoted
to "the grand debate whether to
have a debate."
Rockefeller is also unbeatable
on television.'Nixon has known
his ups and downs on that me-
dium. Unfortunately for him, he
has been the failure instead of
the star when facing the camera
at crucial moments in the past.
* * *
BUT THE REALLY crucial mo-
ment will come Tuesday as slightly
more than half of America's eli-
gible voters are expected to go
to the polls.
By Tuesday night the analysts,
who really ought to run for office
themselves since they seem to
know so much about the needs of
the country, will condescendingly
and reluctantly-but with the un-
mistakeable ring 'of authority, re-
veal the name of the Republican
who will take on John F. Kennedy
in 1964.



ready strained by divergent
sectional cultural interests and
outside influences, is being severely
challenged by the Common Mar-
If Britain enters the market,
the end of British preferential
tariffs on Canadian goods will
plunge Canada into a depression
or force it to merge with the
United States, many Canadians
CANADIANS have long resent-
ed American influence and the
latter alternative is almost as
unpalatable as the former. The
United States and Canada have
not fought since the War of 1812
and since 1848 the two countries
have maintained the longest un-
guarded frontier in the world.
However, Canada has had a
difficult time withstanding the in-
fluence of the populous, economic
colossus of the south. The ques-
tion of joining with the United
States has long been a major Ca-
nadian political issue. In recent
years,this controversy has been
transmuted to a debate about the
means and extent of maintaining
a distinctive Canadian culture.
Prime Minister John Diefen-
baker took a highly nationalistic
line in his 1958 election campaign
which swept the opposition Liber-
als out of power after 20 years in
office. Since his victory, Diefen-
baker has taken a diffident and
independent view of United States-
Canadian relations. He has im-
posed taxes on American maga-
zines circulating in Canada and
taken other economic measures in
an attempt to boost Canadian cul-
ture. He has also looked econom-
ically away from the United
States-Canada's biggest supplier
and customer-and sought to build
trade with Britain and the Com-
* * S
dians have little to build on. Can-
ada's population is small and con-
centrated along a strip near the
United States, leaving much of
the country sparsely inhabited.
Canada's industrial base is shallow,
and her economy dependent on a
raw materials trade subject to
extreme fluctuations.
Further, Canadians themselves
have a limited common culture. A
Canadian observed recently that
his country contained many di-
verse groups, but unlike the United
States, these groups do not fuse
into a melting pot, but live separ-
ate existences. He added that Ca-
nadians are proud of this heritage.
This attitude has created fric-
tions which hinder nationalistic
development. The French Cana-
dians, in particular, strive to
maintain their cultural identity,
often at the expense of national
interest and rationality.
* * *
IN THE LAST two years, there
has been a marked resurgence of
French-Canadian separatism in
Quebec. The separatists, although
a weak nolitical force. have man-

with them when French students
demanded that all conversations
with them be held in French even
when they were at English-speak-
ing McGill.
Another example issthe desire
of. Montreal advertisers to put a
quarter of their ads published in
English language newspapers in
French although few could read
them. This extreme and useless
action was designed to show
Frenchcustomers that their firms
recognized their cultural heritage.
THE EXTREME right-wing So-
cial Credit Party is cashing in on
this separatist feeling. Its leader
Real Caouette has harranged Que-
bec citizens in separatist-tinged
terms on French language radio
and television. This demagogic pol-
iticing netted the "socreds" 30
seats in Parliament from Quebec.
The "socreds" now hold the bal-
ance of power among the minority
Progressive Conservatives, the
minority Liberals and the minute
New Democratic Party.
Other smaller groups, like the
Ukranians in Alberta, reside
throughout Canada in a similar
semi-separatist fashion.
Meanwhile, the United States
heavily influences Canadian eco-
nomics and culture. Canadian
trade follows north-south lines al-
though the Canadian government
spends millions of dollars to sub-
sidize east-west trade within Can-
ada. Raw materials, such as pulp
and aluminum go south while
manufactured goods go north.
* * * -
dominance is increased by the
large number, of U.S.-owned Ca-
nadian subsidiaries. These firms
make many of Canada's manu-
factured products, and conduct
much of its commerce. The Cana-
dian automobile industry, for ex-
ample, is virtually owned by Gen-
eral Motors, Ford and Chrysler.
Thus much of the profits derived
from Canadian sales go to the
United States.
Diefenbaker tried to clamp
down on indirect ownership of
Canadian firms. However, com-
bined with a slump in raw ma-
terial sales, this action discourag-
ed investment and created a severe
recession and balance of payments
problems. This summer Canada
was forced to devaluate her dollar
and obtain a loan from the World
Bank to maintain her currency.
* * *
CULTURALLY, United States
influence is keenly felt and often
resented. Widespread U.S. owner-
ship of Canadian subsidiariesre-
sults in few distinct Canadian
goods. Most are identical with the
American versions and give Cana-
dian life a distinct United States
flavor. Canadian arts follow U.S.
cultural trends.
The Common Market will in-
tensify the diversive elements in
Canadian culture. Canada cannot
remain economically isolated and
must make a choice of allying her-
self with the United States, the
market, or going it alone.

bers of the market and tough com-
* * *
Common Market is the least likely
or desirable of the solutions to
Canada's dilemma. Canada is
across the Atlantic from the mar-
ket and full membership is im-
possible with such a close-knit
group as the EEC. Associate nem-
bership will put it in competition
with other rawrmaterial produc-
ing states of Europe and. Africa.
A more possible, but not palat-
able solution is closer economic
cooperation with the United
States. Ideas in this area range
from joint economic bargaining
with the U.S. in seeking Common
Market concessions, to eventual
union with the United States.
The idea of union with the
United States, while abhorrent to
Canadian nationalists, is less hate-
ful to Canadians when they com-
pare their standard of living with
the United States. "Why should
a Canadian have a 20 to 30 per
cent lower standard of living sim-
ply because he lives in Canada?
It is a high price to pay," a Ca-
nadian student at the.McGill Con-
ference on World Affairs told me
last week.
* * *
GETTING MORE consideration
is the possibility of a hemispheric
economic union. This would avoid
the pitfall of United States-
Canada economic union where
Canada would be swallowed up by
the giant United States. Further,
the building of an inter-American
trading system could expand Can-
ada's market.
The most likely proposal in-
volves joint bargaining of the
United States and Canada with
the market. President John F.
Kennedy opened the way for such
action in his proposal to Diefen-
baker for a special conference to
be held next year by the states
participating in the General
Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
At that time the President, under
the powers of the Trade Expan-
sion Act, would negotiate world-
wide trade agreements for the
United States. Hopefully, Canada
could gainrbenefits in a North
American trade package.
THERE IS strong sentiment for
Canada to go it alone. This would,
however, require a cataclysmic
readjustment of the Canadian
economy. Industry would have to
be modernized and specialized to
concentrate on products-such as
farm implements-that will gain
a special market.
Much of the inefficient, small
manufacturing industry would be
sacrificed in such a tightening.
This will depress Canada's econ-
omy beyond its current sad level
and add to its unemployment.
However, it is necessary to elim-
inate the ego-building but high-
cost products if Canada is to
survive economically. Already,
American large-scale, mass-pro-
duced products substantially un-
dersell Canadian equivalents de-
spite tariff and distance barriers.
Tm Canara faces amai. .a_

Glee Club Rewarding

LAST NIGHT'S combined con-
cert by the men's glee clubs of
the Universities of Michigan and
Wisconsin proved to be one of the
finest in recent years.
The Wisconsin Glee Club, under
the direction of Prof. Arthur
Becknell, opened the program in
a rather restrained manner, which
lacked warmth and depth of son-
ority, but the group soon rallied,
gaining spirit and momentum.
The highlights of the first sec-
tion of the program were the
spiritual "Brother Will, Brother
John," and Kubik's folk song "Tee
Roo." In these two selections the
club achieved a mature choral
quality was seemed to be lacking
in the rest of the program. The
medley from "South Pacific," very
enjoyable though rather bland,
was unfortunately followed by an
anticlimactic medley of Wisconsin
songs which sorely lacked good
THE AUDIENCE warmly wel-
comed the Michigan Glee Club
to the stage and was rewarded
with the best performance in the
past four years. Under the im-
peccable direction of Dr. Philip
Tiiev 1-h e a-me t .ih r.endereda.

Norman Brody, who has a com-
parable rich, baritone voice.
The treat of the evening was
an extremely sensitive perform-
ance of the Irish folk song,
"Eileen," which featured former
Glee Club soloist Robert McGrath.
Mr. McGrath followed this selec-
tion with "Danny Boy."
* * *
THE PROGRAM was concluded
with a medley of the favorite
Michigan songs and the alma
maters of the two universities,
sung by the combined clubs.
Best wishes to the Michigan
Men's Glee Club of 1962-63 for
their proposed European tour next
summer and in their endeavor to
capture the first place in the
"Welsh International Eistenfodd"
for the second time.
-Nancy Kerr
"ON THE ONE HAND, the Amer-
ican taxpayer is being called
upon to subsidize an army of ban-
dits and mutineers whose GI's get

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