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November 02, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-02

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5k i tgut


Possible showers today,
turning to snow tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Soviets LaunchSpacecraft To Photograph


Technicians Predict
Seven-Month Voyage
'Mars I' Vehicle Begins Programs
Of Prolonged Space Explorations
By The Associated Press
The Soviet Union yesterday launched a space vehicle toward
The vehicle, loaded with instruments, is mainly concerned with










photographing the planet at close
According to Tass, the Rus
called Mars I and will make thi
seven months. The spacecraft we
Finds Cure
For Malaria
Preliminary findings indicate
that an experimental drug de-
veloped by the Ann Arbor Research
Laboratories of Parke-Davis and
Co. gives high protection against
malaria for more than six months.
The new drug releases itself
slowly into the, bloodstream from
the point of injection over a per-
iod of several months. It could be
vital in breaking the chain of ma-
larial infection from diseased pea-
sons to mosquitoes which then in-
feet other persons.
Malaria kills two million people
each year in many tropical coun-
Slow Release
The slow release mechanism of
the new drug may also lead to the
development of other drugs func-
tioning similarly, to give long last-
ing protection against such diseas-
es as tuberculosis and pneumonia,
Dr. Paul E. Thompson, Parke-
Davis laboratory director in par-
asitology explained.
Drs. Thompson and G. Robert
Coatney of the United States Pub-
lic Health Service, presented in-
itial reports on the drug yester-
day before the American Society
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
in Atlanta, Ga. The drug, known
as CI-507, is not yet available for
general use.
According to Dr. L. H. Schmidt,
director of the Christ Hopsital In-
stitute of Medical Research in
Cincinnati, monkeys injected with
the drug did not contract malaria
despite attempts to infect them
one week later and at monthly in-
tervals for seven months.
Parasites at Parke-Davis
Malarial parasites derived from
mosquitoes were used in the ex-
periment. Untreated animals de-
veloped the disease within eight
or nine days.
Parke-Davis said that this work
was particularly important because
malaria transmitted by diseased
mosquitoes responds differently to
drugs that malaria transmitted by
blood transfusions.
The drug has been injected
into inmate volunteers at the
Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta
in the past year.
Injection Protection
Dr. Coatney said that "a single
injection given the volunteers
nearly a year ago is continuing
to protect them from malaria in-
duced by heavily infected mosqui-
toes which have been allowed to
bite them at monthly intervals."
Other volunteers serving as con-
trols were not given the drug and
invariably contracted m a 1 a r i a
when bitten by the same
Some of Dr. Coatney's investi-
gations also warned that despite
"spectacular" experimental find-
ings "it remains to be determined
whether these results will be borne
out under actual field conditions
in malarial areas of the world."
If, however, CI-501 does succeed
in field conditions, it should
greatly increase chances of suc-
cess in eradicating malaria.
Although malaria infection is
virtually non-existent in this
country. the disease is a major
health problem in all of Africa,
part of South America, and much
of Central America-one third of
the world.
There are other drugs which give
immunity from one day to one
week as the result of a single in-

jection, but 'because of their short-
term protection and the lack of an
effective mass program for the
distrihutinn nf drurs malaria is

sian news agency, the vehicle is
he journey in a little more than
ighs about 1,966 pounds, which is
'considerably heavier than any-
thing the United States has been
able to put in space.
Tass explained that the main
objectives of the probe are to be-
gin a prolonged exploration of
outer space, the effect of possible
establishment of interplanetary
space communications, and obtain
detailed photographs of Mars
which can be relayed back to
earth by radio.
Observers Feel
Observers feel that Mars I rep-
resents a. Soviet attempt to suc-
ceed in a Martian probe where
the United State failed in its lat-
est Venus probe.
Mariner II, which the United
States launched Aug. 27 with
hopes of reaching Venus, is ex-
pected to be at least 20,000 miles
wide of the planet when it passes
it some time around Dec. 14.
Tass said its shot is the first
Soviet attempt to investigate the
secrets of Mars at close range.
New Way
The tracking of the probe, the
determination of the course it
follows, and the transmission of
the various types of data back to
Earth will be carried out in a new
way, according to Tass.
Russian scientists have devised
a "special measuring complex
and a distant space radio-com-
munications center," Tass says.
This new--tracking system may
indicate a new Russian advance
over the Americans if it succeeds,
since the United States has been
experiencing some difficulties with
its Mariner II remote control sys-
337,000 Kilometers
The Russian vehicle had cover-
ed 337,000 kilometers (210,000
miles) on its journey by 2 a.m.
this morning, according to Tass.
All the complex recording,
guiding and transmitting equip-
ment 'was reported to be func-
tioning normally.
"Preliminary p r o c e s s i n g of
measuring information carried out
at the coordination-computation
center has shown that the Mars
I probe is moving over a trajec-
tory close to the prescribed
course," Tass stated.
Several leading Soviet scientists
have lauded the launching and
new tracking method as "the most
significant development in space
technology since Sputnik I.
"If the spacecraft succeeds in
its trip to Mars, the Soviet Union
will have displayed, once again,
its dominance in space."

Action Sets
By Students
The removal of All-University
Student Government (AUSG)
President Robert Howard from his
post has stirred much controversy
on the Michigan State University
Howard reported last night that
he has refused officially to resign
his position although he will not
function as AUSG president. A
petition with 1600 signatures has
been collected and demonstrations
have been held in his defense, he
Student Congress Speaker James
Barnes has assumed the presi-
dency although Howard considers
him acting president.
'Blow to Prestige'
Barnes called Howard's removal
"a blow to student government
prestige on the MSU campus." He
said his job will be to "pull the
pieces together and reorganize an
effective student government."
"The demand for my resignation
is being approached from every
possible angle," Howard said.
He noted that the faculty has
taken a considerable interest in
the case, but that it has not been;
entirely favorable to his side. I
Campus in Ferment
"Thus far, President John Ian-
nah has said nothing about the
issue," Howard said. "The campus
is in ferment and no one really
knows what is going to happen
Howard was placed on social
probation Tuesday by Dean of
Students John A. Fuzak. This,
while in effect, bars a student
from holding any campus office.
Probation lasts for at least 90
Howard worked towards the vio-
lation of the recently revised
speaker policy, which sets up a
Faculty-Student Screening Com-
mittee to insure that campus
speakers do not advocate the vio-
lation of a state or national law.
Organizations Reprimanded
Six student organizations were'
reprimanded in the same action,
among them the AUSG.
In addition, the committee on'
student conduct demanded the'
resignation of five other leaders
and placed them on social proba-
The six organizations and stu-
dents being punished formed an1
integral part of the recently creat-
ed Campus Club Conference.
Invites SNCCers
The CCC recently invited three
members of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee in
Detroit to speak on campus, but;
did not seek official approval. '
CCC, which has no official sta-
tus at MSU, actually was formed
by nine student organizations, but
three of them were not reprimand-<
ed by the administration because'
they played small roles in seeking


Cuba Starts
Missile Base
Castro Asks Ouster
Of Guantanamo Base
HAVANA (P) - Prime Minister
Fidel Castro said last night that
he never will accept inspection
in Cuba to verify removal of So-
viet missile bases.
And he admitted Cuba has had
differences with the Russians, who
have agreed to international in-
spection of the dismantling and
removal of Soviet rockets.
In a radio-television speech to
Cubans, Castro declared that in-
spection of Cuban defenses would
be humiliating and a violation of
the nation's sovereignty. He said
"strategic arms" are being pulled
out of Cuba.
Speaks Out
Castro spoke out ahead of the
scheduled arrival today of Soviet
Deputy Premier Anastas I. Miko-
yan, who is believed to have been
sent by the Kremlin to soothe the
Cuban leader's ruffled feelings.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
by-passed Castro in advising Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy he would
withdraw Soviet missiles under
inspection. But Castro said there
is no breach between Cuba and
the Soviet Union. -
Castro again demanded removal
of the United States Naval Base
at Guantanamo and a lifting of
the blockade imposed by the Unit-
ed States Navy to keep any more
offensive weapons out of Cuba.
The Prime Minister said the
Soviet Union proposed to the
United States Wednesday an al-
ternate to the blockade. Under
this plan, Castro said, "Soviet
ships will permit an inspection
by the Red Cross, a verification
by the Red Cross that they are
not transporting arms."~
Castro said he telephoned the
Red Cross and the organization
agreed to the plan in order to
help maintain the peace. But
Castro added:
"My attitude is one of non-par-
ticipation. I cannot associate my-
self with any of the proposals."
Faulty Steps
In calling for withdrawal of the
United States Navy from its leased
base in Eastern Cuba, Castro said
nothing about any steps Cuba
might take. He has said -in the
past, however, that the base will
be reclaimed by legal means.
"It is absurd to ask withdrawal
of friendly bases and want us to
leave an ememy base in our coun-
try," he said.
Despite Premier Khrushchev's
decision to withdraw Russia's
rockets from Cuba, Castro declared
-and was greeted with applause
when he said it-"we are friends
of the Soviet Union."





Landau Wins Physics Award

STOCKHOLM (R)-Lev Davidovich Landau, one of the few Jews
to rise to prominence in Soviet science, won the 1962 Nobel Prize for
Physics yesterday.
His research helped in development of the first Russian Sputniks.
Dr. John Cowdery Kendrew and Dr. Max Ferdinand Perutz,
biochemists working at Cambridge, England, were jointly awarded
the 1962 Nobel Prize for chemistry for their work on mystifying

IQC Favors
For Council
Inter-Quadrangle Council last
night endorsed six candidates for
Student Government Council and'
tabled a motion which would in-
dicate IQC's approval of a "no"
vote on the United States National
Student Association referendum.
IQC supported, listed in alpha-
betical order not preference,
Thomas Brown, '63BAd; Russell
Epker, '64BAd; Donald Filip, '64E;
Robert Ross, '63; Steven Stock-
meyer, '63; and Frank Strother,
The council evaluated the candi-
dates on the basis of their stands
"on issues affecting the quad res-
idents as University students.
Articulate, Forceful Candidates
Judgments were made on the ar-
ticulation and forcefulness of the
candidates themselves and their
opinion which the body felt would
indicate future benefit for SGC.
Taken into consideration also
were the candidates' stands on co-
educational housing, which "IQC
strongly supports," the role of SGC
in the community, and the position
on on-campus issues.
"IQC believes that there are
enough important on-campus is-
sues that SGC could discuss that
affect quad residents that should
take precedence over off-campus
issues," the council declared.
IQC Takes No Stand
Although IQC took no stand on
continued participation in USNSA
the knowledge and views of the
candidates and their rationale for
arriving at their decisions also fig-
ured into the decision to endorse.
The body stated that "IQC has
not endorsed the other seven can-
didates because it believes that
basic policy declarations that were
made, that the lack of forceful
presentations, and the poor articu-
lation on the issues by these can-
didates would not make them ex-
ceptional members of SGC in the
vital upcoming year."
This statement was not to be
considered a condemnation of the
other seven, however, and the body
urged quad residents to consider
all candidates' qualifications.

elements in human blood and
muscles of certain animals. The
physics and chemistry prizes are
worth $49,656 each.
In Hospital
Landau, 54, received news of his
award at Moscow Hospital where
he is recovering from injuries suf-
fered in an automobile accident al-
most 10 months ago.
His research as a member of the
Soviet Academy of Science has
been interrupted.
An academy spokesman said
Landau was "very excited" about
the award but added the messages
of congratulations were being kept
from him.
'Spare Him'
"We want to spare him too
much excitement," the spokesman
said: "He is recovering as well as
can be expected.".
Landau, father of quantum
mechanics and related advanced
theories on atomic physics and
radiation, was awarded the Nobel
Prize especially for his experi-
ments on liquid helium gas.
Condensed Matter
Landau has, with his theories;
on condensed matter, explained its
special qualities much in the same
way as the electron theory on
metals. Among other things, he
has explained the wave phenomena
in the liquid known as "second
Landau, a native of Baku on
the Black Sea, received his doc-
tor's degree at 19 in Leningrad
and in the early 1930s worked with
nuclear physics pioneer and Nobel
Prize winner Prof. Niels Bohr at
Copenhagen, Denmark.
UC Students
Rap Council
on Cu~a Stand
CHICAGO-A revolt may be in
the making at the University of
Chicago, the Collegiate Press Ser-
vice reports.
The student government coun-
cil there passed a resolution last
week against President John F.
Kennedy's Cuban blockade, label-
ling the action unnecessary.
Other UC students have now
charged that the body misrep-
resented the majority of student
opinion in so doing. Petitiohs are
now being circulated condemning
the student government u nd sup-
porting President Kennedy.

... Nobel researcher
Laud Russian
"Lev Landau has done very
fine work over a good many years
and the Nobel Prize is a well-
deserved honor for him," Prof.
David M. Dennison, physics de-
partment chairman, said last
Landau, a Soviet theoretical
physicist, was awarded the Nobel
Prize for physics specifically for
his work in low temperature phy-
sics and liquid helium.
Prof. Dennison, thought that
most American physicists' would
be "pleased" by the choice.
'Great Physicist'
Prof. Marcellus Wiedenbeck, also
of the physics department, like-
wise praised Landau's work. "He
is certainly a great physicist. There
is no doubt that he led the way
in helium work and has really
been outstanding," Prof. Wied-
enbech said.
Recognizing Landau's "30 years
of outstanding work in physics,"
Prof. Herbert Uberall, also of the
physics department, noted that
Landau's work on superfluidity
which won him the prize was done
before the Second World War.
Landau is not the only excellent
theoretical physicist in the Soviet
Union, he said.
'Excellent Choice'
Prof. C. T. Coffin, also of the
department, called it "an excel-
lent choice for the Nobel Prize,
better than some recent decisions."
A member of the political
science department doubted that
Landau's award would cause any
political difficulty in the Soviet
Union. "Landau is not out of
favor and there is no reason to
believe that the fact that he is
Jewish will cause any complica-
tions in this case."

Views Issue
Of Inspection
Thant Receives Zorin,
KuznetsOV in Talk
With Deputy Premier
-astas I. Mikoyan, a top' Soviet
troubleshooter, conferred la s t
night with "old friend" John J.
McCloy, who heads President John
F. Kennedy's special negotiating
team on the Cuban crisis.
The immediate problem was how
to overcome the hitch in negotia-
tions attributed to Fidel Castro's
humiliation over being bypassed
by Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
in arranging for United Nations
inspection for removing Soviet
missiles from Cuba.
Deputy Premier Mikoyan is on
his way to Havana to see Castro
A Veteran
McCloy is a veteran diplomatic
negotiator who has been advis-
ing United States Ambassador
Adlai E. Stevenson during the
Cuban crisis. Stevenson also at-
tended yesterday's sessions.
It was the first United States-
Soviet get-together since the crisis
flared into the open with Ken-
nedy's announcement of a naval
arms blockade of Cuba 11 days
McCloy is chairman of a three-
man coordinating co m m i t t e e
named by Kennedy Monday to
handle the Cuban crisis nego-
UN Verification
Before the conference, Mikoyan
conferred with Acting Secretary-
General U Thant on the problem
posed by Castro's reluctance to
agree to United Nations verifica-
tion of removal of Soviet missiles.
Mikoyan arrived in New York
by plane yesterday from Moscow.
United States sources said they
expect Mikoyan to tell Castro that
Khrushchev has given his pledge
to Kennedy for removal of the
missiles under United Nations in-
spection and that if Castro stands
in the way he will risk loss of
Soviet support.
Sore Needs
These sources said Mikoyan may
offer Castro more sorely needed
new economic aid as an induce-
Mikoyan is the man who ce-
mented the close Soviet relation-
ship with Castro and is regarded
by the Cuban leader as a warm
Accompanying Mikoyan to the
session with Thant were Soviet
First Deputy Foreign Minister
Vasily V. Kuznetsov, who was sent
here by Khrushchev as his spe-
cial envoy on Sunday. Valerian A.
Zorin, Soviet United Nations rep-
resentative, was also present.
Earlier, Thant plunged into a
new round of private diplomatic
negotiations aimed at avoiding
a turn for the worse in the Cuban
crisis. Stevenson and Kuznetsov
saw him Wednesday night after
his return from the Cuban capital.
Thant was reported concentrat-
ing efforts on trying to get Castro
to change his mind and agree to a
United Nations inspection plan,
which late last night was rejected
by Castro in a public address.
Charges IllIni
Denies Rights
Senator Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz) yesterday sent a letter to
the Daily Illini, student newspaper

Hatcher Receives Awards
From Emperor of Japan
University President Harlan Hatcher has received an award of
the Second Order of Merit with the Middle Cordon of the Rising Sun
from Emperor Hirohito of Japan.
The presentation was made at Waseda University in Tokyo on
the occasion of the university's 80th anniversary, Oct 20. President
Hatcher also received an honorary Doctor of Letters degree with an

accompanying citation from the
Japanese Prime Minister, Hayato
Hatcher Co-Operates
The special recognition was ac-
corded to President Hatcher in
appreciation of the co-operation
which the University has extend-
ed in recent years to the private
Japanese university, which serves
30,000 Japanese -students.
The University and Waseda Un-
iversity have an exchapge program
of scholars, and an agreement un-
der which the Waseda Institute
for Research in Productivity was
Mrs. Hatcher is accompanying
her husband on the trip which
will take them through the Far
East, visiting Hong Kong, the
Philippine I s 1 a n ds, Formosa,
Thailand and India.

IDesperate Students Scrutinize MUG Bulletin Board

Outside the Michigan Union
Grill, or as it is more popularly
known, the MUG, is a bulletin
board that is best categorized as
one of unclassified desperation.
Articles of every description,
from file cabinets to flower pots,
from combos to cars are for sale,
according to a melange of index
Though the 'wanted' signs are
far outnumbered by the 'for sale'
signs, there is a certain degree of
r. _ .. ' . .,_.. .. s_ 1- c. .,w

available now at slave-labor rate.
Jack - of - all - trades, expert - at -
Driving Permit
And there are some "economical
wheels" available for the student
with a driving permit. Putting his
foot in the campus door, one
area salesman has displayed his
calling card with a prominent
grinning picture attached, appar-
ently of himself. It is captioned,
"Washtenaw's Salesman of the
Among the furniture for sale is
uma,.3,,nvarci ,tslna.r hrP ,a o.

cation, while many other students
are already looking for rides for
The map is a cartographer's bad
dream. Chopped up into sections,
the untied states are probably an
accurate picture of what this
country would look like 15 minutes
after the beginning of a nuclear
Common Sight
At the beginning of each se-
mester, the clusters of students
around the board are the largest.
Fingernail biting is a common
cirh in fnnfof he na.da t ths

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