THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS See Editorial Page ir rtgan Ia ity PARTLY SUNNY High--32 Low--35 Cloudy and cold tonight Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1962 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Military Invades Mississippi Dorm Police Remove Various Firearms From House Adjacent to Meredith By The Associated Press OXFORD, Miss.-Military policemen hauled out a dismantled pistol, a dismantled M-1 rifle and several tear-gas grenades last night from a men's dormitory at the University of Mississippi. The dormitory, Lester Hall, is next door to Baxter Hall, where James H. Meredith lives. The military policemen came out with the weapons-as well as a five-gallon gasoline can and a large supply of fireworks-after C D 1i GILBERT BURSLEY ... parries charges Candidates Hold Debate By DAVID MARCUS Both Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R- Ann Arbor) and Prof. Henry L. Bretton, candidates for state rep- resentative .in Washtenaw Coun- ty, agreed last night that fiscal re- form is necessary, but disagreed on the details. Debating the merits of Gov. John B. Swainson's tax proposals Prof. Bretton charged that "as long as there is a Republican-dom- inated Legislature, there will be no fiscal reform." Citing Bursley as a leader in the fight for a nuisance tax program that finally passed the Legislature after the Senate had rejected a fiscal reform program, Prof. Bret- ton said that Bursley is "opposed to fiscal reform no matter what he says around election time." Knocks Republicans He termed Swainson's tax pack- age "a compromise" and claimed that Republicans, even many who say they are for fiscal reform, would not find any viable fiscal reform program acceptable. Bursley said that Swainson's tax package was inadequate to meet the needs of the state. First, it did not make adequate provision for replacing local r e v e n u e lost through the exemption of indus- trial machinery and equipment from local property taxes. Second, in exempting food and drugs from the sales tax, it upset the formula by which funds are given to local school districts through return of the sales tax. Third, the intangibles tax ought to be eliminated completely. And Another Thing .. . Fourth, the personal property' tax ought to be repealed on busi- ness inventory, Bursley said. He also claimed that his back- ing of certain nuisance taxes was in line with the Citizens for Mich- igan tax proposals for the state in the period prior to complete fiscal reform. The debate was sponsored by the Young Republicans and Young Democrats. MSU Group To Defy Ban Second Time EAST LANSING (P)-The Hum- anist Club of Michigan State Uni- versity has announced it plans a second defiance of the university rule against bringing in speakers not cleared in advance. The group was one of six repri- manded for inviting several off-: campus speakers to a previous meeting without prior clearance. The six groups, including the all- university student government, two and a half hours of search- ing the more than 100 rooms of the dormitory. Bayonets fixed, they threw a guardaround the dormitory and began searching rooms after some- body tossed a cherry bomb out a window, slightly injuring a sol- dier. Students gathered in front of Lester Hall, numbering at one time about 100, standing face to face with the soldiers ringing the building. There were no signs of trouble and the crowd, after growing in size for a few moments with the addition of the curious, soon be- gan to dwindle. It was Meredith's 23rd day of classes at Ole Miss. But the Justice Department gave early indications it was keeping a wary eye out for Hallo-I ween trouble, fearful of a third straight day of demonstrations by students protesting the presence of Meredith, the university's first known Negro student in its 114- year-old history.' Nicholas Katzenbach, the deputy attorney general, flew in from Washington Wednesday night and conferred with university officials. The Justice Department said he told them it was their responsi- bility to maintain discipline among the students. The arrival of Katzenbach un- derscored the seriousness with which the government viewed the situation. Dean of Students L. L. Love told a group of students that it was his understanding the Justice De- partment planned to file contempt of federal court charges against persons arrested in any future demonstrations. Donates Center For Syracuse NEW YORK (M - Newspaper publisher Samuel I. Newhouse has pledged $15 million for what is described as "the world's largest and most advanced study center in mass communications," it was announced yesterday. The center is being established at Syracuse University; studies will embrace journalism, radio and television, audiovisual and other media of communications. Promises To Return Pilot's Body Red Chinese Launch Propaganda Program By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS-A United States U-2 pilot missing on a flight over Cuba is dead, and the Cuban government has agreed to return his body, Acting United Na- tions Secretary-General U Thant said last night. The pilot was Maj. Rudolf An- derson Jr., of Greenville, S.C. The defense department report- ed Anderson missing last Satur- day but there had been no indi- cation he might have been forced down over Cuba and killed. Checking Up? Anderson presumably was on a flight to check on the buildup of the Soviet bases. BULLETIN KEY WEST (P)-Havana Ra- dio said this morning Cuba Prime Minister Fidel Castro is standing firm on his demand that the United States remove Its naval base at Guantanamo. Castro's insistence on this point came after his meeting with Acting Secretary General U Thant. In announcing that the pilot was missing, the defense depart- ment had reported that its re- connaissance plane checking on the Soviet buildup had been fired upon over Cuba. In other developments, Red China yesterday launched a prop- aganda campaign aimed at stiff- ening Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro's resistance to uncondition- al withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. Defy Khrushchev The Chinese thus defied Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, who said Sunday he had ordered the dismantling and withdrawal of missiles under UN supervision. Peiping disclosed UN involve- ient as interference with the in- dependence and sovereignty of Cuba. This statement was made in the Nov. 1 issue of the Communist theoretical quarterly "Red Flag." U.S. Freeze on Goods It was also learned that the Cuban crisis prompted a complete but temporary freeze 'on all li- censing of American goods for shipment to Communist countries. MENON OUSTED: ___._ #U.S. To Fly Arms ToIndian Troo ps By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - High priority United States light infantry weapons and other equipment will be sped by air to India this week to help Indian troops hold off massive Chinese Communist border attacks. In another development yesterday, Indian Prime Minister Jawah- arlal Nehru ousted Defense Minister V. K. Krishna Menon. The State Department said big Air Force transport planes will start taking off on the mission today or tomorrow from many points in the United States. The first deliveries are expected to include M-1 Garand semi-automatic rifles,. light mortars, grenades, trucks, Te otjeeps and radio communication gear. ~i7R Petiion fillment of President John F. Ken- T$he arms flow was in swift e ul By GAIL EVANS I nedy's pledge to give rapid and Student Government Council sympathetic consideration to an Presden StvenStokmeer 63,appeal from India for military as- President Steven Stockmeyer, '63, sistance to repel the invaders. informed Council last night that at present 1,227 students have An official said that in extending signed the Young Republican Club assistance to India "we are re-I petition to initiate the question of sponding to an urgent need aris- continued participation in the ing from a situation which is of United States National Student concern not only to that country Association on the Nov. 14 ballot. but to our allies as well." One thousand signatures were The United States has started needed, consultations with Canada, Brit- The mechanism of the election ain and probably other allied pow- was also considered. A motion, in- ers to avoid duplicating types ofi troduced by .ACC treasurer Thom- weapons sent to India and to openr as Brown, '63BAd, to alleviate the up resources of supplies to fit In-f randomness of ballot tabulation in dia's specific needs. the Hare system was passed by Fighting has raged for weeks. the body. although the Chinese advance at The new process will aid in the 13 points since they attacked In- distribution of excess votes after dia has touched soil the Chineset a candidate has reached the quota do not claim in only two sectors- necessary for election. both in the remote northwest area1 Temporary and ad hoc recogni- of Ladakh. tion were granted to two new st'1- In the cabinet shakeup, Nehru dent organizarions concerned with himself took over the key defenset USNSA. Recognition was given so post with its urgent responsibil- "Better Off Out,," a group work- ity of staving off Red China's at-1 ing to convince students that the tacks on India's northern borders.1 University shouid end its partici- Though Menon's fall was cush-1 pation in the as,,ciaticn. Ad hoc ioned by a new appointment as4 approval was also given to "Friends minister of defense production, the1 of USNSA." cabinet switch was an important Council mandated the SGC victory for his critics at a timet Committee on the Ur.iversity to when the nation was bogged downt study the issue of student labor: in the crucial undeclared war. "the nature, extent, average wage I- U THANT empty-handed VENUS-BOUND: Problems k Hit Vehicle PASADENA (} - A mysterious power problem has developed on the Venus-bund Mariner II space craft, scientists reported last night.- Mariner instruments conducting interplanetary scientific experi- ments have been turned off to avoid possible exhaustion of the space craft's battery power. A project spokesman said the' situation has created apprehen- sion but does not necessarily mean the Mariner will fail to perform Ciy, Castro Prohibits ~UN Investigators Thant Says Missile Dismantling To Be Completed by Tomorrow By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The United States will resume its naval arms quarantine of Cuba at daybreak today. The move came last night after United Nations Acting Secretary-General U Thant apparently had failed to win ap- proval of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro to allow UN inspection of missile sites. Thant did learn, however, that all Soviet missiles will be dismantled by tomorrow and out of Cuba soon afterwards. The United States decision was reached by President John F. Kennedy after a conference with his top advisers. Aerial surveillance of the Russian missile installations like- wise will resume. UN inspec- tion rights were considered vi- tal by the United States. Thant indicated he would continue discussion with Cuban repre- sentatives in New York on the entire crisis. Thant described his talks in Ha- By RICHARD KRAUT vana as "fruitful." He said there The student senate of Vander- was agreement that the UN should bilt University in Tennessee last continue its efforts to reach a night kept the university in Unit- peaceful settlement of the Cuban ed States National Student Asso- problem. Then he asserted: ciation by failing to overridethe Reliably Informed student body president's veto of "During my stay in Havana, I a bill to withdraw membership. was reliably informed that the dis- The senate voted 16-11 for mantling of the missiles and in- overriding s t u d e n t president stallations was already in progress Thomas Abernathy's veto and and that this process should be therefore failed to get the neces- completed" by tomorrow. sary two thirds support by two "Thereafter will come the ship- votes. ment and return to the Soviet Un- According to the student Secre- ion, arrangements for which are tary of Student Affairs William understood to be in hand. Brooks, Abernathy had to decide Thant declined to answer fur- whether his role is "to reflect the ther questions from newsmen, opinions of the campus or to pro- Mikoyan Travels y vide campus leadership." U k s , Liked USNSA its scientific missions when it passes Venus in December. The California Institute of Technology jet propulsion labora- tory, which built Mariner II, said voltage supplied by the solar panels on the space craft fell so low there was fear the Mariner's battery might be taxed if all the experimental instruments were left in operation. So a command to stop the in- terplanetary experiments was sent to Mariner yesterday from the Goldstone tracking station in the California desert- and working conditions" of stu- dents employed by the University and by private concerns. A motion on the Colorado Daily failed to gain Council approval, when Stockmeyer made the vote a 7-7 tie. The resolution, introduced by Daily Editor Michael Ofinick, '63, asked that SGC condemn " Ghe action of University of Colorado President Quigg Newton in firing Gary Althen, the editor of the Colorado Daily." ADMISSIONS: Panel Analyzes Law Schools By THOMAS HUNTER Dean Richard Gordon of the Georgetown University law school said last night that the study of law is "not the bundle of dry bones" that one might expect but is "likely to be the most ex- citing discipline the student mignt encounter." Dean Gordon and a panel of other law school admissions offi- cers including Dean William Shane of the University of Penn- sylvania law school and Professors Roy Steinheimer of the maw School and Lionel H. Laing of the political science department dis- cussed law school preparation and admissions policies. From personal experience, Dean Gordon found that there is a great deal of "intellectual satisfaction" to be derived from legal studies. Dean Shane noted, corresponding- ly, that 70 per cent of the law stu- dent's time is spent in the libraiy. Prime Factor Prof. Steinheimer pointed out that a major cause of failure in legal studies is that the student does not sufficiently inform hira- self before entering upon them Of the 10 of every 11 students who don't finish, half flunk out while the other half drop out for reasons such as pressure, dissatis- faction and job offers. Dean Gordon said that only 25 of the nation's 140 law schools would be of interest to University students on the basis of educa- tional background and aims. He termed these "excellent" and most of the balance "terribly par- ochial" in both selection of ssu- dents and scope of subject mat- ter taught. Otherwise Useful The panel felt that the legal education provided useful back- ground for other pursuits. Prof. Laing pointed out that many of the courses are similar to those in business school. Dean Shane said that a law background helps to develop other faculties and cited Archibald MacLeish's con- tention that law made him a bet- ter poet. But the student should not en- ter legal study with purposes that are too inflexible, as often hap- pens with engineering graduates. Steinheimer said that the Uni- versity Law School feels that specialization should come after a man is established in practice and thus plans its curriculums accordingly. Look Ahead He did not believe students to be mature enough after three years to specialize and should have the "opportunity to see where their interests lie and where they can use their talents best." As to admissions, the panel agreed that law schools look for "good students" with no specific background requirements. Selec- tion is made basically on tran- Stuart Views j Anna Karinena As Piopliecy By ELIZABETH ROEDIGER In "Anna Karinena" Leo Tol- stoy envisioned the breakdown of society; it is in this respect that he becomes prohpetic, Prof. David H. Stuart of the English depart- ment said last night. As an indenspensible being in society, Anna's break shows the reader that the whole of an entire world is crumbling, Prof. Stuart continued, in the first of a series- of lectures at B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Nor does Tolstoy see a reorder- ing of society, but, like modern existentialists, says that man must learn to live this way. Discard Formalism Tolstoy saw that the spectacle of nature negates order; he there- fore attempts to cast aside formal philosophy for a more real and elemental logic. In this attempt Tolstoy denied the rationale of scientists. But although the ordering of this world is negative, moral sys- tems degenerate and structures of society disintegrate, Tolstoy has a concern for all living things, Prof. Stuart noted. This gives all living things a dignity of their own. If neither goal nor cause exist in pattern, ethics alone may not be able to exist in practical mean- ing. Terrified Tolstoy was so filled with terrorE at what was happening to the world around him that it is pos- sible that he might have i epudi- ated these ideas in his later life, Prof. Stuart said. In his ability to see both the old modern world and the future modern world, he realized things that we may not be able to see even today. The experiments may not be re- suined until Mariner II approach- es Venus. Then all instrumenta- tion will be activated automatic- ally by commands stored in the space craft. However, the laboratory said "there is a possibility that as the' space craft gets closer to the sun it may be possible to turn on the four interplanetary experiments again when the power situation is better understood." A laboratory spokesman said the solar panels are not at fault and "we don't know yet just what is at fault." Germans Plan, 'Crisis' Bills BONN ( P)-The West German Cabinet yesterday approved the draft of a controversial law that would give the government extra- ordinary powers in a national emergency. Interior Minister Hermann Hoe- cherl said he hoped parliament would give the two-thirds majority recuired for passage. Simultaneously, the c a b i n e t brought out civil defense measures. These included a requirement that all new buildings be equipped with shelters against radioactivity, heat generated by atomic explosion, and biological and chemical warfare. In what seemed to be another emergency move, the Soviet Union sent Anastas I. Mikoyan, a first Soviet deputy premier, on a hur- ried trip to Cuba via London and New York. He is due in Havana tomorrow. Press Secretary Pierre Salinger refused to disclose precisely when aerial surveillance would begin. Like the naval blockade, it had been suspended for the period of Thant's two-day visit to Cuba. The White House also announc- ed that Kennedy has canceled a news conference which had been scheduled for this afternoon.Sal- inger said it would be rescheduled when the Cuban situation is clar- fied. Hemisphere Duty "In the absence of effective UN arrangements, the hemisphere na- tions have the responsibility for continuing surveillance." It was presumed that thesafety of American fliers was the reason for Salinger's refusal to state pre- cisely when the air reconnaissance would begin. And despite the phrase "hemis- phere nations" there was no indi- cation that any planes other than United States ones would perform the aerial photography over the Soviet missile sites. Questioned whether the decision to resume the blockade and sur- veillance was made in consulta- tion with Latin American coun- tries, Salinger said this govern- ment has been "in constant con- sultation" with the other republics of the hemisphere. He recalled that on Monday the White House had announced that the quarantine would be suspend- ed "for the period of Thant's two- day visit." "Abernathy obviously had a per- sonal conviction that withdrawal of membership from USNSA would be detrimental to the campus," Brooks said. The student government presi- dent had never said that he would not veto last week's senate deci- sion to drop out of USNSA al- though he did say that he did not want to use his veto power. According to Brooks, Abernatny might have decided to go ahead and veto the measure because it was approved only by a 14-12 vote. The student senate has 28 mem- bers. Last Chance The only recourse for those ad- vocating withdrawl from USNSA is to hold a referendum. This, however, must be approved by two thirds of the student senate be- fore it goes to the campus. Furthermore, a referendum is not necessarily binding on the student senate. Two years ago, a campus referendum was held and the students voted to withdraw from USNSA. The student senate, however, did not accept the referendum. Davies Gives Final Speech In Law Series Prof. D. Seaborne Davies of the University of Liverpool devoted his final talk in the 1962 Thomas M. Cooley lecture series yesterday to an analysis of "five objectives" in the reform of English criminal law. These include. 1) Revision of laws concerning fraud in order "to devise a simple formula which would comprise as many as possible of the present differing offenses." Some Unity 2) Formulating distinct offenses to meet every kind of aggrava- tion, but making sure that ail adhere to a basic offense. 3) Drafting new statutes so clearly as to preclude courts and lawyers from "falling back on the old law." 4) Putting criminal law on a "self-contained" basis so that Relations Office Works To Improve 'U' Image By RONALD WILTON The Office of University Rela- tions is working on seven new programs to improve the Univer- sity's image throughout the state. In addition, the office is devel-, oping a brochure for use with Al,,mni :md nubhlie sa'vnsnto show! low I