PAGE SIX TllnFW IWVAVlitr & iwr 7ff n ww tis r G"! l T TT T A !' D L71t lP3 m I .................. -- - ---- - -- VEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1962 a Badgers Play Passing Game NCAA Lifts Kansas Ban For Giving Auto to Wilt By DAVE GOOD SCOUTING REPORT: Wis- consin. RECORD: 4-1. RATING: Great passing team with running threat. WEAKNESSES: None. OUTLOOK FOR SATURDAY: Woe is Michigan. a s " Jack Fouts, Michigan's interior line coach, is normally not a par- ticularly pessimistic man, and this week is no exception. The only catch is that now it's Wisconsin he's optimistic about. "It's the best Wisconsin team I've ever seen," marveled Fouts. "This is the fourth year I've scout- ed them and I'd say this is better than their championship team of '59., "They're playing better defense than I've ever seen a Wisconsin team play, and of course they've always been a great passing team." Scrub Replaces Miller Last year it was the Ron Miller to Pat Richter passing combina- tion which established the Badgers as big offensive threat. This year Miller is playing quarterback with the Los Angeles Rams, but Fouts calls his successor, Ron Vander- Kelen, even better in some depart- ments that Miller was. VanderKelen, a senior who had seen less than two minutes of var- sity action before this season, was running just behind Northwest- ern's Tom Myers for conference passing honors before Ohio State held him to seven completions in 22 attempts in,last Saturday's 14-7 win over the Badgers. "He was rushed harder than he ever had been before," explained Fouts. "Besides that, Ohio State, did a great job of covering his re-, ceivers." More Versatile Fouts called VanderKelen a bet- ter runner than Miller was, and a7 better long passer, too. "He can throw all over the placel -short ones or the 'bomb.' Wis- consin is primarily a passing team and I'd say they throw about 50 per cent of the time."; It's the difference in the receiv-; ers this year that worries Fouts. The Badgers have more going for them than just Richter. "They pass to everybody onj the team--the ends, the fullback, the left half, the right half . -, Fouts continued, as if he were wishing for a Wisconsin penalty, for an ineligible receiver down- field. Deserve More Pay To exploit their passing game, the Badgers utilize a "pro-type" offense with a flanker back and usually two split ends. "It's just like the Lions," Fouts shuddered.l Besides Richter, who starts at right end, VanderKelen's favorite1 1 targets are Ron Carlson, 6'3" left end; Elmars Ezerins, 6'3" replace- ment for Richter; and Ron (Pin- to) Smith, 6'1" right halfback. "Smith is one of the finest half- backs in the conference," Fouts commented. "He's rangy (at 175 lbs.) and has great speed." Be- sides being a top receiver, Smith the ball so much this year, the 6'6" All-America still has 13 receptions in five games. His string of at least one touchdown a game was broken at eight last Saturday thanks to a spectacular job of shadowing by Buckeye halfback Paul Warfield. "He (Richter) was partially double-teamed," Fouts explained. "The fullback always played on the one side and dropped back a lot to help cover, but Warfield did a really good job on him." Fouts isn't quite sure how the Michigan defensive secondary will handle the big fellow this Satur- day. "Let's just say we'll have to put one man on him and have a lot of people conscious of him," he added with a grin. And he didn't mean people in the stands, either. NEW YORK (P')-The Council of the National Collegiate Athletic Association terminated last night the probationary periods of Kan- sas and East Tennessee State, re- storing both institutions to full rights and privileges of the Asso- ciation. Kansas had been placed on pro- bation two years ago for two viola- tions of NCAA rules, involving basketball star Wilt Chamberlain and football player Bert Coan. East Tennessee State had been placed on one year's probation for viola- tions of basketball tryout and re- cruiting rules. Both probations were terminat- ed on schedule with the full terms having expired and a review of both cases by the NCAA Commit- tee on Infractions having deter- SKYDIVER .. .on top of the world I-M SPOIRTLIGIIT by Mike Block Judgment Day Parachuting Becomes Popular mined that no extension was in order. Kansas hadtbeen barred for the first year of the two-year period from post-season football games and the NCAA football television programs for violations that in- cluded excessive entertainment provided Coan and an automobile given to Chamberlain, 7'1" former All-America basketball star who now holds all scoring records in the professional National Basketball Association. Walter Byers, executive director of theNCAA, said the 18-member council-now in the second day of its annual three-day fall meet- ing here-still had under consid-; eration additional reports from the Infractions Committee. In other action, the council en- dorsed three proposals to be pre-, sented to the annual NCAA con- vention in Los Angeles in January. These included a revision in one of the by-law requirements con-s cerning post-season basketball games; a proposal for additional representation from college divi- sion (small college) schools on rules and tournament committees for newly created NCAA small col- lege championships, and a pro-t posal for Rules Committee contin- uing secretaries in swimming, track and field, wrestling and baseball. Regarding the requirements con-# cerning post-season basketball1 games, Byers said the recommend-. ed revision stemmed from an NCAA rule that provided that NCAA certification would be given only toqualified all-star games in which the practice and game per- iods occurred during winter va- cations. The day of judgment draws clos- er in intramural football. On Tuesday, November 6, less than a week from today, six grid contests down at Wines Field will decide the champions of each of the six I-M divisions. The semi- finals leading up to those games began two days ago and will con- tinue throughout this week. In the semifinals of the social fraternity "A" circuit, Psi Upsilon takes on Sigma Alpha Epsilon to- night, while Sigma Alpha Mu goes after Zeta Beta Tau this Sunday. In "B" competition, this after- noon's semifinal contests pair up Phi Delta Theta with Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Alpha Epsilon with Beta Theta Pi. Semifinals were completed in the residence hall playoffs Mon- *day night. The two winners of the "A" games, Scott House and Michi- gan House, will clash next Tues- day, as will the "B" victors, Win- chell and Gomberg. Both the "A" finalists took their last playoff games by the same margin, Scott endging Gomberg, 6-0, and Michigan outpointing Winchell, 12-6. Winchell "B" top- ped Taylor "B" 20-6, and Goniberg "B" nipped Anderson "B" 8-0 to earn the right to play each other. In independent action this week, the semifinal game between the Blockbusters and the Misfits was forfeited to the former when the latter failed to dhow up. The Blockbusters, then, will tangle with the winner of the Evans Scholars- Medics game to decide the cham- pion in this division. The first place semifinals in the sixth and last I-M league, the professional fraternities, will be played tomorrow. The Draft Dodg- ers will be up against Phi Delta Phi in one of the contests, but the participants in the other are still in doubt. Phi Alpha Kappa is in for sure, but Nu Sigma Nu is be- ing challenged for its right to play by Psi Omega. The charge is that Nu Sigma Nu used an illegal play- er indefeating Psi Omega during the regular season, and if upheld, the latter will have a shot at the championship. s In other I-M news, Director of Intramural Activities Earl Riskey announced yesterday that the all- campus handball singles tourna- ment will begin next Monday, as scheduled. Last year's champion Steve August will defend his crown against all comers. Riskey also said that the social fraternity volleyball playoffs will begin next week, with the playoffs for the other three divisions to start in succeeding weeks. RON SMITH .. gallopping "Pinto" is rated by Fouts as Wisconsin's top running threat, along with left half 'Louie Holland, who has been hampered by injuries. Speed To Burn Holland, a 177-lb. sprinter on Wisconsin's indoor champion track team, is one of the fastest men on a fast team, but Smith, only a sophomore, nearly beat him in a footrace last week. And in case either of them gets cocky about his speed, the Badg- ers have 155-lb. defensive back Billy Smith, the Big Ten indoor 60- yd. dash champion. Fouts rates the Wisconsin run- ning game as a big threat despite the fact that the Badgers have no one among the conference rush- in gleaders. Besides the fast half- backs, they have three good full- backs-Jim Purnell, Ralph Kurek and Merritt Norvell. And all oper- ate behind a big line averaging 220 lbs. a man! But despite their all-around of- fensive power, the Badgers' attack still revolves primarily around Richter, holder of every Wisconsin pass-catching record in the book. Although he hasn't been getting Hawks Win; Narrow Gap CHICAGO WP)--Chicago's Black Hawks moved to within a point of the National Hockey League lead last night by beating the New York Rangers 5-3. The tri- umph was Chicago's third over the Rangers. Ab McDonald paced the triumph with his fourth and fifth goals. The veteran left wing also added his sixth assist and took over the league scoring leadership with 11 points. Gump Worsley in the New York nets made 25 stops to 24 by Glenn Hall in the Chicago cage. The triumph, Chicago's third in a row and second straight over New York, moved the Hawks to within a point of the league lead- ing Detroit Red Wings, who were idle last night. Detroit has 12 points, the Hawks 11. HAIRSTYLING TO PLEASE YOU? Compare our: * Personnel * Workmanship * Sanitation 0 Service The Daseola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre (EDITOR'S NOTE: Last Sunday, a member of The Daily Sports Staff went skydiving. This is the account of his experiences.) By JERRY KALISH Tired of watching Lion games on television on Sundays and need some excitement? Then try sport parachuting. I did last Sunday, and the jump took less time than the Liston- Patterson fight. Dave Myers, a med student, is the person re-' sponsible for me trying America's newest sport. Dave is behind the recent surge of interest in par- achuting on campus, and in the' process of making the rounds of all the housing units he came over to the fraternity one night to talk to us. Representing the Midwest Sport Parachuting Center in Howell, he described interesting aspects of the sport. He told us he was a licensed jumpmaster. Other mem- bers of another house had already jumped, and he asked if anyone wanted to sign up. Hesitatingly, I did so. Chicken? No! I woke up the morning of the jump thinking how unreal the whole idea was. The only thing real was the growing apprehen- sion. Most of the fear was not of getting hurt so much as it was of doing something which I thought rather irrational. About 9:30 Dave came over and prodded me out of bed. After a hearty breakfast of one glass of orange juice-I was afraid of what might happen to a larger breakfast -I finally made it to the car with the others who were going to jump also. On to Howell. After about a 40 minute drive Dave pulled off the highway near two buildings before a huge clearing. We were urged out of the car, and introduced to Bob McTaggart, who was in charge of the center. Safety First He talked to us about sport parachuting in general. He em- phasized the importance of obey- ing orders to insure safety. Be- sides running this operation, Bob is the area safety officer and, from informed people, one of the best sport parachutists in the state. Quite a Crowd Two things at this time sur- prised me. First, was the bigness of the operation. I did not expect so many people to be interested in parachuting, but at 11:00 the area was quite crowded with peo- ple who came to jump and many who just came to watch. We were issued our equipment, jump boots (similar to ski shoes), back pack, a reserve chute, over- all, and a crash helmet. About an hour and a half of instruction taught us how to land, important safety measures and technique. Then we sat down to wait for the plane. Before any student parachuters can jump, Bob quizzes them to see if they have learned their lessons proper- ly. The 45 minute wait for the plane was the most trying time of the whole experience. The pilot was flying in from Flint and the sitting around doing nothing but thinking about what we were to do was trying. But it finally landed. As I got in Dave attached the static line, which would auto- matically open my chute, to my back pack. The plane took off and started to climb. The brief plane ride with the open door was to me the most unnerving part; of the day. Hey-Look Down There As we approached 2500 ft., the exit altitude, Dave who was sit- ting behind me, dropped a wind streamer and saw where it landed. The streamer is equivalent to a 160 lb. man and he could tell the direction of the wind so the pilot would know where we should exit to hit the target area. Suddenly the pilot cut the en- gine, and I felt Dave's hand on my shoulder and he told me to swing my feet out the door. I put my left foot on the bar outside the door, swung out the door and grabbed part of the wing tightly. Gulp "O.K.," he yelled, and I jumped and arched as taught. I was only in free fall for five seconds be- fore the static line opened the chute, but during the jump I had no conception of time. There was a slight tug as the chute opened, and it seemed like I had stopped. There was an un- earthly quiet. I have never ex- perienced the feeling of loneliness as I did then. Passing over a highway I thought I was to land there; pass- ing over the target, a small piece of silk, I thought I might land on it. Then I started to overshoot the target and the loudspeaker talking me down told me to change direction by pulling down on the toggles which are attached to the risers. Whew! As I got closer to the ground, I no longer had the feeling of falling, but rather the thought that the ground was rushing up to meet me. As I neared the ground I tried to use the landing tech- nique I was drilled on by jumping from a three foot platform, but I landed in a heap. However, I wasn't hurt. Some of the 'chuters came out to congratulate me. I was now a veteran. GRID SELECTIONS Toughies are the order for this week's grid picks. Any would-be recipient of two free tickets to the Michigan Theatre and a free sub- scription to the Football News will have such obstacles in his path as the Notre Dame-Navy battle, the Georgia Tech-Duke contest, or the Auburn-Florida match. In addition to the winners of 19 games across the country, the contest winner will have to submit his estimate of Saturday's Michi- gan-Wisconsin affair in Ann Arbor. Take a guess on the toughies. Men's Tan Poplin TRENCHCOATS Were $14.99 Now $9.90 Umbrellas at $4.99 Allat ANN ARBOR CLOTHING 113 South Main St. The home of Richmon Brbthers Clothing THIS WEEK'S GAMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wisconsin at Michigan (score) Minnesota at Michigan State Northwestern at Indiana Illinois at Purdue Ohio State at Iowa Notre Dame at Navy Cornell at Columbia Syracuse at Pittsburgh Maryland at Penn State North Carolina at Clemson 11. No. Carolina State at Georgia 12. Georgia Tech at Duke 13. Auburn at Florida 14. Boston College at Vanderbilt 15. Mississippi at Louisiana State 16. Missouri at Nebraska 17. Iowa State at Oklahoma State 18. UCLA at California 19. Washington at So. California 20. Wyoming at Air Force Read and Use Daily Classified Ads IN OUR MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHOP BAHA'I WORLD FAITH SEARCH AFTER TRUTH Man must be a lover of the light no matter from what day-spring it may appear . . . He must be seeker of the truth no matter from what source it comes . . . A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom . . . In order to find truth we must give up our preju- dices, our own small, trivial no- tions; an open receptive mind is essential- Abdu'l-Baha. A WORLD UNITED- That one indeed is a man who today, dedicateth himself to the service of the entire human race. Let your vision be world-embracing rather than confined to your own self. Ye are all the fruits of one tree, the leaves of one branch, the flowers of one garden . , . The fundaiental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens- Baha'u'llah. The lovers of mankind, these are the superior men, of whatever nation, creed or color they may be God is no respector of persons on account of either color or race. Inasmuch as all were created in the ,image of God, we 'must bring ourselves to realize that all embody divine possibilities- Abud'l-Baha. ENGINEERS-Can you intersect each of these circles using 3 straight lines, without retracing or removing your pencil from the paper? ALL OUR PROBLEMS ARE NOT THIS SIMPLE I U N 0 THE u OF M R I- w We say "our" advisedly. YOU have to decide which companies to see about your future job. At a time when you've already got more to do than you can reasonably handle, it would be help- ful if making that job choice could be done for you by slide rule-or computer. If it's any consolation, WE are facing much the same problem-from the opposite side of the fence. We've got to make deci- sions about a lot of young Engineers like you-also without benefit of slide rule or computer. We must decide who would be of help to us in tackling assignments in today's technologies of the aerospace and electronics industries. You DO have one advantage we haven't -you probably know something about General Dynamics already. We'd like to even the score a bit by finding out more about you. A discussion might solve both our problems. *: r4?! . R 7 ?i.1 IS THE VICTORlOUS LIVING in a World of Turmoil will be the subject of WINSTON G. EVANS final talk, Thurs., Nov. 1, 8 P.M. Auditorium A, Angell Hall Sponsored by U of 1 CUM N K 1 .5 s Is ' }i }P is} ii7 :" :;:i a"i")' I I Our Representative will be on your campus shortly with information about positions In each of these divisions: in CALIFORNIA- Convair and Astronautics Divisions in San Diego; Pomona Division in Pomona in NEW YORK- Electronics and Telecommunication Divisions in Rochester In TEXAS-Fort Worth Division in Fort Worth incidentally, our man will have the solution to the puzzle along, just in case you missed it. Why not make a date to see us at your Placement Office now? INTERVIEWS AT UNIV. OF MICHIGAN WHITE STAG'S ALL-NYLON PULLOVER PARKA Winter sports companion par excellence: The Anorak--White Stag's classic pullover parka in I1 I I I 1