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October 31, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-31

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z t c an Dau
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
USNSA Offers Services
For University Students

HE UNITED States National Student As-
sociation has a 15 year record of outstand-
ing service to the American student, his cam-
pus and his nation. Its contributions to inter-
national understanding and cooperation and to
improving the welfare of individual students
are vast. In many aspects. it has done more for
the American student than Student Govern-
ment Council has done for the University.
USNSA is constitutionally an organization of
college student bodies, represented through their
student governments. The association must
work through the constituent student govern-
ments to aid the individual students. It offers
ideas through basic policy declarations and
publications which the student governments
may use to strengthen their organizations and
promote campus welfare.
USNSA can not reach the individual student
directly because the student governments won't
allow it to. USNSA's constitution does not per-
mit individual students to affiliate with the
association; only student bodies through their
student governments can become members.
The key figure linking USNSA to the local
campus is the student body president. The as-
sociation sponsors a conference of student body
presidents before each annual policy making
USNSA congress where special publications are
distributed and discussions held to help the
presidents. All of the association's mailings
are sent to the student body president and he
often receives personal letters from national
officers asking him about problems on his
campus or requesting that he undertake some
USNSA operates a Student Government In-
formation Service, which is a research
center and clearing house for information on
all areas of student life. It is available to any
student at the University who wants assist-
ance on specific problems facing this campus.
Many University students have taken advan-
tage of the SGIS, but most don't even know
it exists.
No one can deny that the United States
National Student Association assisted in the
development of Student Government Council.
Many of the goals of student government out-
lined by USNSA in its policy declarations from
194 to 1954 went into the foriation of SGC
eight years ago.
In the last few years, the policy statements
have served as a frame of reference and a
source for Council motions urging the increased
role of the student in campus and community
affairs, and greater freedom for the student
from arbitrary university regulations. USNSA
was way ahead of SGC in consideration of
serious academic problems in the area of
curriculum, general studies programs and in-
stitutional self-analysis.
Those times at which SGC has been most
involved with USNSA have been precisely those
times when the Council was doing its most
effective job. Harry Lunn, who as editor of The
Daily was instrumental in the creation of SGC
and-what was considered a good thing at the
time-establishing a vice-presidency for stu-
dent affairs, took a deep interest in USNSA
and served as its president.
UNDER THE GAVEL of SGC president John
Feldkamp, who served as chairman of
USNSA's powerful National Executive Com-
mittee, the Council took a major step forward
by recognizing a commonality of interest and
concern with students on other campuses and
in other nations. SGC's resolutions on the
student sit-ins in spring, 1960 were based
primarily on information and encouragement
from USNSA. Feldkamp and another Council
member went to Washington for an association
sponsored Sit-In Conference.
Feldkamp's successors unfortunately failed
to make use of the opportunities USNSA had
to offer the University student. Steven Stock-
meyer, unwilling even to spend enough time
at the Congress to be a responsible delegate
or even to obtain sufficient information about
the association, somehow became, opposed to
it and will do little to make USNSA relevant
to the University student.. He consistently votes
against all Council motions which embody
the broad aims expressed in the association's
policy declarations on academic freedom and
in loco parentis.

USNSA OFFERS a number of programs in
which University students may participate.
Educational Travel Inc. offers the most in-
expensive travel-study tours to Latin America,
Europe and the Far East available to American
Last year, the association again held its
International Student Relations Seminar, the
only program in the nation for those interested
in global student politics. Council member
Robert Ross attended the ISRS, serves on
USNSA International Advisory Board, and
helped lead several regional seminars for Mich-
igan students last year.
USNSA DOES some of its finest work in the
area of internationnal studnt nonnvratiAn

kind. The ISC was formed as an alternative
to participation in the Communist controlled
International Union of Students and it has
fought continuously against all forms of
tyranny, totalitarianism and dictatorship.
Participation in the ISC and work with in-
dividual national student unions means that
USNSA personnel are in close contact with
students who, within 10 or 15 years, will be
the political leaders of their nations. The as-
sociation's close work with and aid to UGEMA,
t the national union of Algerian students may
keep that nation committed to open and demo-
cratic society.
THE STATE DEPARTMENT is dependent on
USNSA for contact with foreign student
leaders and is vigorous in its praise of the
association. Presidents Truman, Eisenhower
and Kennedy have all endorsed USNSA's in-
ternational work.
Nationally, USNSA has contributed much to
the cause of civil liberties, civil rights and
higher education. An Aims of Education con-
ference was initiated last year and regional
conferences similar to it are in the works
for this year. The Southern Student Human
Relations Seminar is a continuing activity
of the association's Southern Project. This
summer, the Southern Project ran a voter reg-
istration project in North Carolina, one of
the most successful campaigns of its type.
USNSA is the only recognized organization
representing the student point of view to state
and federal agencies and to professional edu-
cational organizations. USNSA is the only stu-
dent group which is a constituent member of
the American Council on Education, the larg-
est composite organization of educational in-
stitutions and organizations in the United
States. It is the only student organization af-
filiated with the National Education Associa-
tion or with a respresentative on the United
States National Commission for UNESCO.
USNSA holds the respect and ear of many
student personnel workers and their profes-
sional organizations.
USNSA OFFICERS and research personnel
prepare testimony presented to Congres-
sional committees each year on such issues as
National Defense Education Act, Veterans
Readjustment Act, aid to college and univer-
sity housing and financial assistance to college
students. Extensive reports on such legislation
being considered by Congress are compiled and
distributed to the member campuses. Whether
the student bdy president even opens the mail,
however, is something beyond the control of
the association.
Most important, perhaps, is USNSA's role
in creating an awareness on the part of
American college students of the political,
social, economic, cultural and educational
problems which beset his community.
The growing participation of the student in
the affairs of his university, his local govern-
ment and his nation has been led and cordin-
ated by the United States National Student
Association. The specter of student apathy
toward the important issues of the day has been
torn down. Individual students realize that they
can and should have a role in social change.
The demand for a national organization to
pool energies, resources and urgencies and
render them significant will increase, not
diminish in the years ahead.;
LAST YEAR, Student Government Council
spent $1,458.34 on the United States Na-
tional Student Association. It spent $1,445.67 on
food, an administrative banquet and the
Ensian. This year, Council treasurer Thomas
Brown estimates that participation in USNSA
will cost each University student about nine
cents. One wonders just how much Universityj
students expect for nine cents.
The same Student Government Council1
members who claim USNSA has done nothing
for the students at Ann Arbor opposed legis-
lation at the association's summer Congress1
which would have allowed USNSA to investi-t
gate violations of its basic policy declarations
(principally the one on academic freedom)
without getting the permission and invitation
of the involved student government.t
Their predecessors opposed direct election byt
the student body of delegates to the USNSAl
Congress, a reform which would have increased

the representativeness of the association and c
brought its programs closer to the student. t
Even if the average University student doesx
not know anything about USNSA, this is no
indication that the association is failing. Sure,
everyone ought to know about USNSA, but
he can only do so through SGC. The Council
has yet to discuss, as a whole, this year's1
FOR THOSE individuals who choose to par-c
ticipate heavily in the activities of USNSA,
there is much personal educational value and
opportunities for service; SGC should con-r
tinue to allow those who wish such activity toh
do so by retaining its membership in USNSA.I
Those who wish to have a passive role can t
only note the imnmrwds iri r+ anvm-- Q

,.t "t. i sN.--

New Hope
For Lansing


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a four-part series on the is-
sues of the state elections.)
THE FUTURE of Michigan is not
being determined by the widely
publicized race for the governor-
ship. It is being decided in 144
much quieter contests for seats in
the state Legislature.
It has been the Legislature
which for the past 14 years has
hindered almost every reform and
new program that would benefit
As opposed to conservatism, the
Legislature has been dominated by
obstructionism. Even programs
that have been accepted in other
states with arch-conservative leg-
islatures have been rejected in
* * *
THE FIRST sign of a coming
change has been the growing in-
fluence of Republican moderates
in the Legislature. In the House,
sentiment has always been some-
what more liberal and certainly
more open-minded than the Sen-
ate. The senate has been dominat-
ed by a small bloc of ultra-con-
servative GOP Senators who have
been opposed to anything new.
Last spring, Republican moder-
ates bolted the obstructionists in
their own party and formed a
coalition with the 10 Democratic
senators in an attempt to pass a
fiscal reform program. They fell
one short of the required 17 votes.
Then Sen. Lynn O. Francis, who
has been one of the dominant
forces behind the scenes in the
veto bloc, announced his retire-
ment into private life. Two
other prominent ultra-conserva-
tives, Sen. Carlton Morris and
Sen. Charles Feenstra met pri-
mary defeats in bitter contests.
Undoubtedly, there will still be
a Republican majority in the new
Senate. At the same time, the
GOP veto bloc, or what little is
left of it, will be out in the cold.
* * *
THIS DOES NOT however mean
that fiscal reform will be in-
stituted. It may well be. But
programs like a concerted adver-
tising program to promote the
state's advantages as an industrial
site and a tourist resort-measures
that even extremely conservative
Southern states have instituted
have been rejected by the Senate.
In addition, it is highly probable
that, the state will also take ad-
vantage of federal matching fund
programs. The state will also likely
work more actively to reorganize
the executive departments of gov-
ernment, interefere less in the
affairs of the state's constitutional

universities, and in general takesi
less dim view of anything new.
THE LOSS of the ultra-conser.
vatives in the Senate also wrests
control of several important com-
mittee posts, notably the chair-
manship of the judiciary com-
mittee, out of the hands of the
veto bloc.
The new Senate will provide the
best opportunity yet for the pas-
sage of fiscal reform. Its success
or failure will ultimately depend
on how conservative are those who
replace Morris, Francis and Feen-
stra. It is highly doubtful that
they will be as close-minded and
dogmatic. Even if they are, the
veto bloc political machine in the
Senate has been disorganized by
its loss of leadership.
If only one or two Senators
can be convinced to vote for fiscal
reform, passage is highly probable.
It is even more probable because
the moderate Republican organ-
ization will have only a fraction
of the organized opposition it had
last year.
Assuming that the moderates
and the Democrats can reach some
sort of compromise on problems
that upset the coalition this year.
Specifically, the program must re-
lieve the tax burden on business,
as both the Democrats and Re-
publicans wish, and be capable of
providing additional revenues to
finance properly state services that
have long been short of funds.
WITH THE repudiation of the
old guard in the Senate, it is
probable that the sharp dichotomy
between Wayne County politics
and out-state politics will fade.
The Legislature will be much more
responsible to the needs of Wayne
County, realizing that the future
of the whole state is tied to the
future of Detroit. They will realize
that Detroit, despite its myriad
of problems, is a far greater asset
to the state than a liability.
Of course there will still be some
members of the veto bloc left in
the Senate. Sen. Elmer R. Porter
and Clyde H. Geerlings and a few
others will mostlikely be on hand.
But there will be new leader-
ship. Sen. Frank Beadle, who last
spring worked in favor of fiscal
reform, and who was deposed from
his position as Senate Majority
Leader will occupy a prominent
place in the scheme of the coming
Legislatuie Two other yiunger
GOP moderates, Sen. Stanley
Thayer of Ann Arbor and Sen
Farrell Roberts will both play
significant roles if, as is probable,
they are re-elected.
The Legislature is approaching
a new era of meeting instead of
disregarding, the problems of



AkS Aci )u TTS


New Orchestra, New Concepts

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily reviewer
Mark Slobin is spending his junior
year at the Manhattan Schooioro
Music. His articles on music and
theatre in New York City will appear
Daily Correspondent
WHEN Leopold Stokowski starts
a new orchestra, it is not just
another medium for his self-
expression; it is the embodiment
of new concepts that are designed
to influence the cultural life of
New York and the country.
Briefly, the goals outlined by
the orchestra's manager. Stewart
Warkow, in a long interview, and
by the Maestro himself, in brief
conversation, are: to provide a
moderately-priced concert series
for the large middle-income group
of New York music lovers who
now have little chance to hear live
symphony programs, and to pro-
vide opportunities for youthful tal-
ent in conducting, composing, and
performing (both orchestrally and
The first goal needs little dis-
cussion here; the fact that.tickets
are priced as low as $8 for the
six-concert series is proof enough,
at least in New York, of its realiza-
tion; a further article in this series
will underline the need for middle-
income music and shed a good
deal of light on the other main
goal of Mr. Stokowski's symphony:
the encouragement of youth.
* * *
FIRST, what are the actual
steps taken in organizing the new
American Symphony Orchestra
that point towards an emphasis on
youth? To begin with, the group
is composed one-third of young
players, that is, performers just
out of high school, and the idea
was to place these newcomers
alongside the rest of the orchestra
men, all veteran New York pro-
fessionals. Following a survey of
major schools and personal audi-
tions of each proseptcive orchestra
member by Stokowski, this pro-
gram was carried out.
Second, three associate conduc-
tors have been engaged, one from
the United States, one from Ur-
uguay, and one from Germany,
who will work closely with Sto-
wowski throughout the season. Al-
though he wants these young men
to gain experience through actual
work with the orchestra, the
Maestro does not feel he can
"teach" conducting in the sense
of formal instruction. He has said
that he could teach someone to
beat time properly within an hour
or so, to read a score well within
a few months-" but to teach
conducting?" and the idea ends
in a shrug of the shoulders.
All three associate conductors
have had fairly extensive exper-
ience on the podium, and will be
seeking further chances and en-
WHAT IS MORE, Stowkowski
wants to cater to the young com-
poser, but not in the usual way,
by offering a chance for premiers.
Instead, he wants to give works
their second or third hearing,
whaich nnra vr n. -n nn a

and American, and Ginastera, a
South American on one occasion.
On another occasion, Debussy and
Brahms rub shoulders with Albeniz
and Frank Martin; the fifth con-
cert consists of the St. Matthew
* * *
BUT THIS is not yet the end of
Stokowski's interest in making his
new orchestra really new, in all
phases of its activity. In the work-
ings are extensive plans for pro-
grams in conjunction with the
Board of Education, to bring more
music live to New York's schools;
for tours to smaller New York
communities in conjunction with
the state's Arts Council, and for
a series of concerts designed for
teen-agers, with tickets priced
from 50c to $1.25-is short, the
planning has just begun.
Two other novel approaches to
orchestra playing have already
emerged, and have withstood the
test of the group's premiere, which
took place October 15. One is a
policy of free bowing for all string
Although the beauty of syn-
chronized motion is lost, much
may be gained by allowing each
player to express himself accord-
ing to the needs of his perform-
ance. As Stokowski said in re-
hearsal: "every . . . string player
is different; the bow is different,
the instrument is different, this
(tapping his head) is different .. .
the more irregular you are, the
better it sounds."
* * *
THE OTHER innovation is a
change in standard orchestra seat-
ing (which, it seems, is standard
only because Stokowski himself
first used it many years ago with
the Philadelphia Orchestra). Un-
der the new arrangement, violas
and celli move around to the front
of the podium, tailing out to the
conductor's right so that the prin-

ciple violist is directly next to
the conductor, with the first cellist
behind him, and what is more
important, the woodwinds have
been moved directly behind these
two front rows of violas and celli,
to the conductor's right.
This approach has large im-
plications as to the role of the
community in the arts; the results
of this experiment, both in terms
of what the orchestra can do and
how it will influence other or-
chestras and communities remain,
of course, to be seen.
s * *
HOW DID this concept come to
be, in practical terms? Somewhat
ironically, the backing for the
American Symphony Orchestra
thus far is from private, not pub-
lic sources. According to Mr. War-
kow, the manager, who started his
career with the Symphony of the
Air and has gone on to do ex-
tensive managing since, the fi-
nancing problem was not a great
one, since New York has supported
only one orchestra so far, the
Other major cities easily pass
this figure-London leads with
eight independent groups--and
there is a large reservoir of po-
tential backers in New York who
have not been able to get in at
the Philharmonic or the Metro-
politan Opera, the two prestige
* * *
FOLLOWING the schedule for
programs, the premiere brought
forth a young soloists,.,20-year-old
Susan Starr who won a prize in
the last Tchaikovsky Competition,
and included Shostakovich as well
as Gabrielli, Bach, and Beethoven.
Admittedly, the sound of the group
had not yet jelled, and proved a
bit tentative; but the makings of
a real orchestra certainly were
present, and the realization of the
plans had begun.

Goldini on the Boards

opened their season last night
in a deception. The play, "The
Servant of Two Masters" by Carlo
Goldini, is an excellent farce. Its
plot turns on people being de-
ceived. The University Players,
unfortunately, were not very de-
Goldini's farce is highly articu-
late in both its construction and
business. The characters are styl-
ized types, and the comic business
is very intricately woven in the
action. The play, to be credible
needs a highly stylized and uni-
fied production. Improvisation
must be well articulated and in
keeping with the dialogue, so that
there appear to be no superfluous
Last night's performance began
with a piece of business that con-
tributed absolutely nothing to the
play. Revolving around chande-
liers at cross purposes, the gim-
mick was neither funny nor in any

Dornan Criticism Premature

way related to what followed.
Much of the business in the
play followed suit. It was nothing
more than superfluous, and the
action moved from one comic anti-
climax to another. The play was
very funny. Burlesque is always
amusing. But it was not what
Goldini intended. The style and
integration necessary to farce
was missing. The play had no
unity. * * *
IT WAS not without its fine
moments, however. Carl Schurr,
in the part of Silvio, gave a very
clearly thought and delicately ex-
ecuted performance. He made the
most of a minimum of movement,
and a minimum of gimmick. The
humor came out of the character.
George Bedard, working in the
"tour de force" title part, was
sometimes brilliant, but was large-
ly overcome by an excess of over-
drawn gimmicks and slamming
doors. He was made to move too
far to fast with too much excess
baggage. The action did not come
out of the character, but out of
the director's gag bag. Bedard
displayed a fine sense of comedy,
but the result was often lost when
a bit was worked to death.
Ruth Ann Neipp was very pretty
as Clarice, and her delivery was
occasionally very polished, but
there were moments when she
didn't know what she was doing.
Jeanne Lucas was a very sexy
twentieth century serving maid in
an eighteenth century play. She
can't do it in style. Barbara Shade
worked harder than anyone ex-
cept Bedard, but her gifts are
not suited to being an imitation
boy. Dave Hirvela and J. Norman
Wilkinson were competent, but
John Shelton Murphy's lighting
was unimpeachable.
(Continued from Page 2)
the Sat. exams will be given in Room
1408, Mason hall.

To the Editor:
WOULD be interested in know-
ing the general reaction of stu-
dents and alumni to T. S. Dor-
nan's letteraof October 18.
What I found most disturbing
was Mr. Dornan's reference to
"Dr. Hatcher and his educators"
who are presumed to have taken
over the problem of recruiting
football players. It is unfortunate
that an alumnus should censure
the dominance of educators (as-
suming that the term is applicable
in this case) at the University. I
believe that in weighing the ob-
jectives of a university, educators
should properly set the standards
required of all students who seek
To "look the other way" and
give "help, broadly construed" in
20 instances each year as Mr.
Dornan suggests would seriously
compromise the objectives of the
University. Foremost among these

lieves that his program of buying
athletes will guarantee good foot-
ball teams.
This is being proven wrong
right now at the University of
Illinois. What is necessary for an
efficient recruiting program is
hard and long interviewing and
scouting of high school prospects
who are qualified academically to
enter the University. These pros-
pects are abundant, and anyone
who has tried to reach one of our
coaches in the off-season knows
that the hours are being spent
finding and recruiting them.
Finally, I think Mr. Dornan's
criticisms are rather premature.
A 28-0 "debacle" occured against
MSU-last year when "M" was
ranked first in the country. I also
doubt that "everyone" is hurt by
a single football loss. Especially
when "everyone" to Mr. Dornan
includes the team, the coaching
staff and, of all things, the alumni.
In his letter, Mr. Dornan shows

of the whole matter. Of particular
interest to me was the section
concerning the cost of USNSA to
the University. A petition passer
was quoted as saying the USNSA
costs the University a lot of money
in a paragraph stating that there
had been lack of knowledge of
the facts on the part of the person
passing the petition.
The subject is dropped at this
point leaving the reader the im-
pression that this statement is
false. At this point it certainly
would have been good journalistic
practice to present the facts and
let the reader draw his own con-
clusions. I have obtained the fol-
lowing breakdown of SGC expenses
for USNSA from Tom Brown, SGC
delegation to USNSA
Congress $1884.06

national dues 200.00
working papers 10.60
total spent to date 2094.66
regional dues 80 00



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