Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: RONALD WILTON Reclassification Means Liberation R EGISTRATION and classification, that process which terrifies, frustrates and alienates registering students, classifying fac- ulty and enrollment-figuring administrators may soon be an evil memory of the past. Thanks for this relief must go to Edward G. Groesbeck, -Ronald L. Keller and the rest of the Office of 'Registration and Records who are putting into effect next semester a" pilot "Advanced Classification Program," which may eventually lead to the whole registration and classification procedure being carried on com- pletely by mail. This possibility is enough to make one drool with delight. The new program is basically simple. The office has selected over 100 undergraduate courses for which students must pre-classify if they wish to take them. At the same time however the student pre-classifies all his courses even the ones not on the list. Thus if you are interested in taking at least one of the chosen courses you go see your coun- selor at the earliest possible moment and fill out a complete schedule and class cards. THE SCHEDULE is then sent over to the registration office where your schedule is re-examined. If all your classes are open (a good chance if you do it early) then you are all set. All you have to .do' in the fall is register and pay tuition. If one or more of your desired time choices are closed, the office will put you in the course you requested but at a different time. If you have unavoidable conflicts your sched- ule will return to your counselor and you will be required to elect some other course. HE PROGRAM is not perfect and there will be student complaints. Many will not like the idea of the registration office rearranging their schedules if the sections they desire are closed. They would prefer the old practice of doing it themselves in the gymnasium or as is more frequent trying to stand at each department desk as long as possible and argue with the faculty member behind it until he or she is intimidated enough to make an exception and re-open the section. However this does not happen too often,. and schedules re-made under pressure in the gymnasium usually bring more grief than would occur if there were time available to consider alternatives. Furthermore a person who is particularly dissatisfied with his schedule as the registration office plans it will have time to think up an adequate reason for changing it which he can present to an appeal board designed to handle such problems. A LARGE NUMBER of student complaints will hinge on the firmness of next semes- ter's time schedule. Last year students had to pre-classify for 19 courses and there were numerous complaints. For instance some stu- dents were incorrectly informed when they pre-classified that they would be able to switch sections later if they so desired. There were also complaints about the fact that faculty members teaching those courses often were not listed in the time schedule. This semester, according to Keller, "we have the firmest time schedule we have had in a long time," and in most cases it contains all necessary course information. If this does not prove to be the case, students complaint will be justified, but Keller is doing everything possible to see that it does. IF THE PROGRAM works everybody should benefit. Students will no longer have to spend long frustrating periods in the gym, waiting for sections to open or trying in panic to ,remake schedules. They should also be pleased that they will longer be punished with bad schedules for several semesters: be- cause of. the, alphabetical location of their names. The time each student will spend registering will decrease markedly. The departments will be helped by having more time to schedule classes and faculty. If they find, that too many people are applying for a specific course they will have time rationally to make necessary additions. And the administration will be ecstatic that the complex registration process will be sim- plified, with the added result that eventually it may also simplify the job of figuring en- rollment. The only roadblock Keller can see to success is that there will be too much work for his staff to do. If such is the case arrangements should be made to hire more people. Hope- fully this is one promising program which will not die for lack of funds. --RONALD WILTON UNDERSCORE: The Search For Peace Goes On By H. NEIL BERKSON IT IS a hopeless world in which we live. The common masses live out their lives in virtual un- awareness of and total unconcern for what is going on around them. The few who care face constant rebuff, endless mockery, inexorable failure in what they try to do. Events of the past week have only served to emphasize the fu- tility of being. A nation raised on the principle of the sanctity of reason has found itselfnforced, in utter defiance of its ideals and de- sires, to fling the world onto the rim of annihilation. What finally happens in Cuba is insignificant compared to the fact that the United States was in a position where any action-and any lack of action--carried with it the imminent threat of atomic war. On the one hand, the coun- try can make few unilateral moves to lessen tensions; on the other, it is totally unable to communi- cate with the one entity, Russia, which can help it ease the threat of destruction. People to whom world peace has become a religion must realize that the two world powers have no common language except .that of force. * * * THOSE WHO understand the il- logic of war have only one hope of swaying the world from its collision course. They must depend on education to bring mankind to awareness and understanding of what is happening. But the egg-throwing morons- college students each and every one of them-who violently dis- rupted a peaceful assembly Wed- nesday will never even begin to understand what they are here to learn. The University of Mississippi does not even offer a pot luck chance at understanding. "Stu- dents" there continued last week to hurl four letter epithets at a brown-skinned man out to do them no harm. *« * * PARADOXICALLY, 'the con- cerned human being is not fated to forego his quest of the ideal and join the aimless masses. For the focus of his goals lies not in the external world but in his own individual dignity. The search for good is not a selfless sacrifice to humanity; it is'a properly selfish justification to his own conscience. Indeed ,as close as the world is to hell, it would surely be doomed were the concerned few to give up their fight. For though unable t accomplish what they want, their thinking has brought the world what little progress it knows. The apparent contradiction of a small minority trying to change a world oblivious to its pleas is really no contradiction at all. The minority must act without regard to success. Perhaps the only en- couraging thought protruding from this terrible week is that this, minority will not abdicate its search for a better world until that world exists no more. By GLORIA BOWLES THE PARISIANS, and the French of the provinces, go to the polls today to decide whether to ac- cept General Charles de Gaulle's constitutional amendment for pop- ular election of the president of the Fifth Republic. The issues of the referendum create just one more paradox, which is to add to the long list of paradoxes of French history and of French politics: every political party in France, with the excep- tion of de Gaulle's own Union for the New Republic (UNR), has urg- ed a "no" vote on the referendum proposals. The newspapers are against de Gaulle, and the French people don't really want to give him a vote of confidence. But- and this is the striking contradic- tion-de Gaulle and his referen- dum proposal will win. Actually, this latest of the ref- erendum proposals has become, in itself, obscured, and is not the ACID TEST FOR DE GAULLE: Referendum Turning Point for France dreamer, as he entertains hopes for a three or four party system; even Le Presque Roi, a student of history himself, cannot upset the tradition that is La France. No one but the Socialists will ever even consider an alignment with the Communists, and that alliance will never be anything but short lived. The coalition of rightist groups is more feasible, but the Independent Paysans will only very reluctantly recognize -the splinter groups like the Joujadists, and the MRP might possibly work out agreements with the Radicals on some issues. But then again .. It is not this perhaps unrealistic but honest attempt by de Gaulle to achieve stability of the French party system, but his methods which can be so convincingly cri- ticized. De Gaulle's audacity, which amounts to just plain nerve, and his apparent disregard for the principles of liberte, egalite and fraternite upon which the nation was founded give birth to pro- found doubts among those who deeply respect this French esprit, basi cto the character of her peo- ple, and of the nation. * * * DE GAULLE, first, almost total- ly dismisses the vote of the par- ties. In referring to the hostility of political groups, reports Ed- mond Taylor in a July issue of "Reporter," de Gaulle called them "foam, nothing but the foam of a wave. The depths of the popular mass are with me." This total confidence in his own powers-and this complete detach- ment from the actual situation-is frightening to a democrat, and smacks of the dictator personality. This attitude was strikingly illus- trated after the fall of the Pom- pidou regime. The General went about his ordinary duties as usual, with review of military troops, and other official duties, and did not get around to dissolving Parlia- ment and asking Pompidou to re- main temporarily, until two days after the crisis. The latter move in itself was un- expected and audicious. De Gaulle wrote off the parties, and at the same time proceeded to conduct a campaign in which he high-handedly used the facili- ties of the state radio and tele- vision to sell his constitutional amendment to the people. The op- position-a coalition of every oth- er party in France-the Socialists, the Radicals, the Popular Republi- cans and the Independents (con- servatives) didn't get the fair treatment that the "equal time" regulations provide on American television. HIS INSISTENCE on going over the head of the Assemble Nation- ale, and directly to the people is a second example of the pom- posity with which de Gaulle faces the problems of the nation. Article 89 of the de Gaulle con- stitution of the Fifth Republic, provides that a constitutional amendment must be approved by Parliament before being submit- ted' to referendum. (De Gaulle points instead to Article 11 which approves referendums on the "or- ganization of the governmental authorities" without parliamentary approval.) The New York Times reported yesterday that "whatever the re- sult of the referendum, it will be submitted to a semijudicial test in the Constitutional Council. Gas- ton Monnerville. president of the Senate and determined opponent of the proposal," the Times con- tinued, "has announced that he will challenge the legality of the poll before the council." However, the result of elections might not be invalidated. Though this method of constitutional amendment may be illegal, de Gaulle reasonsthat the Consel d'Etat, which passes on constitu- tional questions, would not be able to go over the head of the sover- eign people. If de Gaulle wins, the election results will probably go unchallenged. This is a sad turn of events in a nation of strong par- liamentary and democratic tradi- tion, * * * THE ILLEGAL nature of this method of constitutional amend- ment is coupled with a third de Gaulle strategy which arouses "un vrai degoutment" among Republi- cans: de Gaulle, as he did in the last referendum-that one for ap- proval of the Algerian agreements -has obscured the real issue by coupling it with another. The French are voting for a constitu- tional amendment to elect the president popularly, and give him a seven-year term, but are in es- sence, casting is a vote either for or against de Gaulle, who has threatened to resign iftthe pro- posal does not pass by a solid ma- jority. There are two issues em- bodied in a single X. De Gaulle has exploited other issues. Very important is the activ- ity of the Secret Army Organiza- tion. The French people feel them- selves faced with a choice between the General and this terrorist group, which has been active in the anti-referendum campaign, and has pledged its continued efforts to oust the regime. The Cuban crisis has also been used by the de Gaulle regime to illustrate the need for strong lead- ership, and to insist that this is not the moment to change govern- ments and throw France into po- litical turmoil. GENERAL DE GAULLE'S pro- posal for the- popular election of the French president poses the greatest challenge yet to the Fifth Republic; no matter the results, today's election promises to be a turning point in French history. As Jacques Fauvet, political editor of "Le Monde" has noted, a victory for De Gaulle will amount to a repudiation of the traditional French party system. A "no" vote by the French, which is not ex- pected, would certainly be a happy event: the French would again put the force of a great nation behind the expression of profound dislike of high-handed, almost dic- tatorial leadership. At the same time, they would be giving present- day meaning to an established na- tional trend which is at the roots of French society and is its breath and its life: a sincere and passion- ate belief in the 1789 revolution, and its cry of "liberte, egalite et fraternite." Temporary confusion and political turmoil would be a small price to pay for reawaken- ing of the democratic spirit in France. CHARLES DE GAULLE .. . succession 'IF A MAN ANSWERS': Training Your Dog real issue of the campaign in France. Rather, de Gaulle has said, in effect, that if the constitutional change is defeated, he goes too. * * * THE FRENCH feel they are left with only two alternatives: Gaulle or chaos. They particularly fear a take-over of extreme rightists ele- ments like the Secret Army Or- ganization., The de Gaulle plan should not be interpreted as a French move toward a presidential system of the American type; the American President does not hold the power to dissolve Congress. Rather, "Le Grand Charlie,' in his disdain for political parties, wishes to reverse the historical trend which has seen the development and establish- ment of a multi-party system in France. Political alliances have never lasted very long; the parties now are united the first time in years. They have been able to agree, however, on only one issue: their mutual and profound dislike of de Gaulle and his methods. When de Gaulle is no longer, it is most likely that the blossoming romance of the French coalition-which is conducting the opposition cam- paign--will fade out. * * * STUDENTS of French history can argue that de Gaulle is a YOU PROBABLY didn't know that a husband must be treat- ed like a dog, did you? Well, its true-at least some- what. And its the unlikely con- cern of the film, "If a Man An- swers." Chantelle Stacy (Sandra Dee) moves from Boston to New York and promptly gets picked up on Fifth Avenue by modelling photo- grapher Eugene Wright (Bobby Darin), who wants to buy her a hat. That, naturally, leads to mar- riage, by a somewhat complex process. Chantelle is determined to make her marriage work. So she con- sults her French motherf (Miche- line Presle), who stepped from the Folies Bergere right into Boston society. If anyone can be handy at making marriages stick, it's Mama. * *' * ' EUGENE, it seems, takes more than a healthy interest in, his models, ,and Chantelle deplores that arrangement. * * * DON'T TREAT him like a hus-. band, says mama, treat him like a dog. Husbands' run away from home,, you see, but dogs do not, they are happy. So out comes the dog book, and Eugene gets the full treatment. He learns to come, heel, and everything works fine-until be findp out. Then the fur flies-and the tables turn. Eugene, it seems, has a few ideas of his own. Miss Presle is an accomplished performer. It is on she and her Boston spouse (John Lund) that the burden of the performance falls. The stars are incapable of carrying it off with aplomb-at least "not alone. * * * SANDRA DEE shows a fleeting hope of becoming a good actress. Her assumption of a French; aura and a debonair personality prove that she is indeed capable of be- ing something more than a beauti- ful child. For Bobby Darin, however, there is no hope. He will always be a very nice fool. The good part of this film is he doesn't sing much. But don't despair ladies, the plot is enchanting and, there's even,-yes there is-Cesar Ro- mero, suave as ever. He' got an old line with a new twist. -Michael Harrah How Very UGLI 'HE "INFORMAL" atmosphere which pre- vails in the' Undergraduate Library is' ab- solutely appalling. If one walks through UGLI any evening during the -week, one. is apt to find students with their shoes off and their feet on the tables, much talking of such vol- ume that it disturbs people two or three tables away who are attempting to use the library for its intended purpose, 'and social congre- gating around tables and the Student Lounge.' As a matter of fact, it would probably be easier, were it legal, to study in the" center. of the Detroit Expressway than -'in the bois- 'Viewpoint INDIA's POSITION on the floor of the United Nations concerning it's neighbQr, Communist China, has bewildered many Americans. First the Indiandelegate blasted the Peking' government for "flagarent, massive and pre- meditated aggression" -in the border areas.. Then .-he supported preliminary' moves' to grant UN nqembership to Communist China. Now both India -and the .United States agree that'Communist China is an aggressor nation. Yet from this fact one 'supports and the other opposes UN membership fpr' Peking. Many Americans believe that because Communist China is an aggressor-'and an international out-' law of sorts, it should be kept out of inter- national society-the UN. It does not sincerely desire peace, the goal of the UN. $ut the Indians believe that the best way to communicate with the Chinese Communists is through the UN. They also believe that UN membership will,. tend to make the Peking governmenit more responsible and less aggres- sive. It's how you view the fact that counts. -H. PERLSTADT Editorial Staff MICHAEL OLINICK, Editor, JUDITH OPPENHEIM MICHAEL HARRAH Editorial Director . City Editor CAROLINE DOW...............Personnel Director JUDITH BLEIER ............Associate City Editor FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director CYNTHIA NEU3 ..........Co-Magazine Editor HARRY PERLSTADT.. ..Co-Magazine Editor TOM WEBBER...... .... ........ Sports Editor DAVE ANDREWS...........Associate Sports Editor JAN WINKLEMAN......... Associate Sports Editor terous, cluttered, ridiculously informal atmos- phere of the UGLI. The problem is clear. The solution is not as apparent, but I think that some measures might certinly be taken to correct the situa- tion which now prevails in this "place of learn- ing.'"1 FIRST, it would seem that a complete re- vamping of UGLI regulations on talking and' conduct would be necessary. This in it- self would discourage many students from carrying on as they now do, in a manner certainly not becoming either a place of higher education or the students therein. Of coursei as would be expected, there would be those who would continue to violate the rights of other students and continue carry- ing on in a manner which makes it virtually impossible for anyone to accomplish anything academic. For these people; and all others, a strict en- forcement policy, which might go as far as permanent expulsion from the UGLI facilities, might be advisable. The extent of this revamp- ing and the penalties to be imposed upon violators would be a matter to be determined either by a panel of students and faculty, or the library staff members themselves. As the situation now stands, the atmosphere of UGLI can hardly be contrued as conductive to studying. It is conducive to many things, but, one of them is definitely not that for which the building was designed. -DANIEL SHAFER Enough ANYONE who's anyone has taken a stand on whether or not President Kennedy is properly dealing with the Cuban situation. And if one has taken a position, one must have had the information with which to answer the following questions: 1 How did thenPresident findhout there are missile bases in Cuba? Was the CIA his only source or did Kennedy have other avenues of information? 2) If the CIA was the only source, or the main source, how sure was the President that the agency did not distort the facts? 3) If the facts were not distorted, then how do the Cuban missiles affect the nuclear bal- ance between the Soviet Union and the United States? 4) If the missile bases do seriously affect the .v+-vnia l + C1nv - M ' T- a ., Ai7 417 +h ASIAN CONFLICT: What's at Stake in India? (EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Daily City Editor Philip Sherman is cur- rently teaching at Madras Christian College in Southern India.) By PHILIP D. SHERMAN Daily Guest Writer COMING JUST a week after Prime Minister Nehru off- handedly announced he'd ordered the army to throw the intruders out of ,Indian territory, Chinese attacks of the past two weeks along the northern border are the latest of a long series of small- scale military actions end acri- moinous diplomatic exchanges over who owns which Himalayas. The Chinese claim and have taken over large areas of what has hitherto been considered In- dian real estate in the mountain vastness of Ladakh and the North East Frontier Agency. At stake for India: considerable prestige, the integrity of her his- toric mountain defense lines and the diplomatic policy based on good relations with China. , ** * IT'S BEGINNING to snow now near the "roof of the world" and this should stop most if not all military action. In launching the attacks, China apparently wanted to get in her last licks before win- ter and establish firmer "defen- sive" positions. The New China News Agency predictably claimed that unpro- voked Indian attacks had been repulsed and labelled India a lack- ey of reactionary imperialists. The Indians replied they were only defending their own boundries, which they claim are established by "internationally accepted prin- ciples on the foundation of tradi- +44 a hin'ruiAm ca , ii nnalan, 1 o- slopes of the mountains and their troops are moving in. They have also occupied several thousand square miles of mountainous La- dakh on the western end of the 2,600 mile border. "Occupation" is a misleading term; they have es- tablished roads and scattered posts in the forbidding terrain. ALTHOUGH the Chinese earlier moved unopposed into Ladakh, the real trouble did not begin till 1959 after the suppression of the Tibet- an revolt and Chinese attacks on Indian troops in Ladakh and at Longju in NEFA. Nehru labelled the Longju attack as aggression and said India would defend her- self. But believing this might be "one of those peak events of his- tory when a plunge has to be taken in some direction which way have powerful and far reaching effects not only on our own coun- try but on Asia and even the world," he also held out the olive branch. He plainly believes that Asia's two giants, of which India is def- initely the lesser, must get along, and he has been moderate as pos- sible, sustaining in the meantime a continuing raft of domestic cri- ticism, especially when Indian troops have been pushed around, as has so often happened. India's position is that she will negotiate but only after the Chin- ese leave the disputed territories. China refuses, and so the notes fly back and forth, ranging from sorts of charges usually contained in U.S.-Soviet notes to a legal argument about an agreement which allows Tibetan peasants to graze their cattle over the water- shed in India. Relatively bloodless c'rmm lac no amn,. ,.a', ii n T disregard of solemn Chinese as- surances." * * * BUT WITH INDIA at the mo- ment reluctant even to break off diplomatic relations, the Sino- Indian future remains unclear. In-' dia should lose a good many of her illusions about the Chinese and perhaps Communist expansionism, in general, and may even sympa- thize a bit more with the Western position. But there seems no reason why, for instance, she will drop her+ support of Red Chinese UN mem- bership which is based on the sensible premise China's presence is needed to solve major world problems. And since, more gener- ally, a really full-scale war is potentially quite costly, she is re- luctant to take the "plunge" and engage in a real war by, say, air attacks on Chinese supply lines. The consequences of such action could be incalcuable. Most likely, the present situation will continue and, if at all, settle- ment will come after some limited Indian military successes. Sadly lacking to date, they would con- stitute a language Mao Tse-tung can understand. * * * THIS WON'T BE EASY, for, although hundreds of miles from their industrial heartland, the Chinese are numerous and well- supplied. They would attack other- wise. India has been slowly and belatedly building up her border forces, but this is not complete yet and the situation remains more difficult than a quick glance at the map would indicate. Although their present actions appear part of a general pattern of making +rniihle enn +heir hnr. Burma or Pakistan. On the other. hand her bid for a UN seat may be compromised. Continued Chinese success would have disastrous effects on In- dia's relations with smaller na- tions .in this sarea such as Sikkim and Bhutan, now her protectorates and important in her, defense plans. Apparent Indian weakness could tip the scales in these areas over to the other side. Indian relations with Nepal have been rocky of late, and China's head is. 4 in evidence in this major buffer state. India has made no move to settle her quarrels with Pakistan in order to facilitate sub-continen- tal defense against the Chinese and the situation is not helped by persistent reports of a Pakistani accommodation with Peking. At present, most of India's military is deployed against Pakistan. * * * ON AN ASIAN and wordwide basis, India's prestige is in dan- ger; can she defend herself? And what of her position as a friend of all nations? a position a bit 'tarnished of late but which is exploited with some success by the present government? China also attended the Bandung Conference. Outside of Asia and the neutral" world, the quarrel poses a prob- lem for the Soviet Union and a moderate opportunity for the West. Russia's radio doesn't even mention the Sino-Indian troubles, and the government seems at a bit of a loss. Foreign Minister An- drei Gromyko temporized at a recent press conference: "The So- viet Government believes that the sooner this question is settled to the mutual satisfaction of both nartine. the hetter it will he. ficials aren't going out of their way to make public pronounce- ments, though opposition to Chi- nese moves is made clear. Given India's well entrenched and con- sidered non-alignment policy,.and apparent confidence in her de- fenses, the western posture is sound. India isn't about to sign a military alliance, and much em- barrassment and worse will be avoided as long as this is clearly recognized. * * * NONETHELESS, the West can do a couple of things. If India does want to make commercial military purchases, and she reportedly needs high capacity transport like the U.S. C-130 which can land on short mountain airstrips, then she should be allowed to make them. Interested in combating the Com- munist advance everywhere, West- ern governments might help out with foreign exchange problems involved in the purchases in the unlikely event India were willing to accept the help. The United States can certainly push Pakistan back into line. American military aid isn't given without strings, and there is no reason why 'Pakistan should be allowed to confuse the situation or raise Indian fears by talking up a separate deal with China. If Western good offices could help settle the fratricidal dispute, so much the better, since it would vastly ease India's defensive prob- lems, but again this isn't too likely. Finally, a quick settlement is to the advantage of the West, which has a huge stake in India's suc-