Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevai"t' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: DENISE WACKER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: View World Tension, Local Scene Graduate Student Council Effectively Meets Objectives AT ITS FIRST MEETING of the year last week, a revitalized Graduate Student Coun- cil evidenced qualities of leadership and in- telligence, which, if continued, should make the council a strong and effective element in the affairs of graduate students at the University. The council's avowed purpose is to coordinate and promote "the social, educational and in- tellectual activities of the graduate student body." The first of these objective is being admirably carried out, for the social chairman's report revealed that flocks of grad students have been availing themselves of the GSC- sponsored "social hours" held periodically at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Club. The council's consideration of more sober issues,. including curtailments in special for- eign language courses, last spring's tuition increase, and GSC's tenuous relationship to the Graduste School Executive Board, did much to iromote the "educational and in- tellectual" welfare of the graduate student body. THE LANGUAGE COURSE problem is at present most serious. In order to obtain a doctoral degree, a student must possess a reading knowledge of two foreign languages. The University makes an effort to help grad- uate students fulfill this requirement by offer- ing special courses in French, German and Russian. The courses exist only as a special service to the grad students, however, and therefore rank at the bottom of the literary college's priority list in language curricula. As a re- sult, severe budgetary problems this fall forced the turning away of 67 students who wished to enroll in the French course. The entire situation was ably deliberated by the council. A motion was passed requesting pre-registration privileges next spring for the 67 students. In addition, efforts might be made to establish tutorial programs. G SC MEMBERS naturally exhibited s o m e bitterness towards the matter-degrees in several instances have been held up only because of trouble with the language require- ment, and it is debatable whether the re- quirement should be in effect for every de- partment of graduate study. However, these members were broad-minded enough to under- stand the basic philosophy behind the require- ment-many documents which are pertinent in advanced fields of study have not been translated into English-and were careful to indicate that they did support this long-range benefit. The second major area of discussion was the tuition hike, which had a sharp and unhappy effect on many graduate students' pocketbooks. This came about indirectly after a rather sly move on the part of the Regents and ad- ministration, who lowered the number of semester hours at which graduate students start to pay full-time fees. from eight to six hours. MANY OF THESE students were thus hit by an astronomical increase in fees; some found themselves shelling out from 67 to 163 per cent more money to the University. Also, the biggest increase was on part-time stu- dents, who usually do not enjoy the fellow- ships and other financial aids that full-time graduate students have. The part-time students are part-time because they have to hold down jobs to put themselves through school, and increasing their fees twice as much percentage- wise as their more affluent full-time counter- parts was somewhat unwise. What really hurt, though, was that graduate students apparently were not given adequate notice of the shift In criteria for a full-time student. One council member complained of being unable to find out until August what his fee schedule for this semester would be; registration officials were under the impression that eight hours was still the standard. As a result of this and similar dissatisfaction, GSC established a special committee to in- vestigate just why there was so "very little notice" given about the tuition move. It is important that the problem be cleared up, because 1) graduate students are self-supporting, live on a budget and therefore need ample notifi- cation of any University policy change which would affect their economic status and 2) some of the implications are foreboding. If the University, for example, leveled the tremendous fee hike on part-time students to "encourage" them to complete their degree work here sooner, then this attitude should have been communicated. In any event, the change in policy should have been explained more fully by the administration, and any belated clarification will be desirable. THE THIRD main issue GSC delved into was its relationship with the Graduate School Executive Board, a body which meets once a week to administer financial and other affairs at the Rackham unit. Council members rendered a rather un- favorable judgment of the quality of com- munication between the two, and sent a letter to the board, inquiring about its "philosophy and guiding principles .,1 . in making decisions which affect and involve graduate students of the , University in academic and extra- curricular affairs." Speculation was rampant during GSC's dis- cussion of the executive board. One member, for example, thought that the only rationale posited by the board for any of its actions was that "every graduate student who leaves this University must be scholarly." This philosophy amounts to little more than a mystery, and at present graduate students are being affected by policies whose bases are shrouded in secrecy. Anything that can be done to clarify matters would be an improve- ment. The GSC members are hoping that, through such communication, a more fruitful and open relationship can develop between the two, and that they can begin to work together instead of existing in different worlds. GSC DEBATE on all three of the main issues was characterized throughout by an in- telligence and seriousness that more self- important and immature undergraduate groups such as Inter-Quadrangle Council and Student Government Council might do well to imitate. It will be good if this level of attendance continues, for GSC will probably start to examine some of the most fundamental and pressing problems of graduate student life: How much should the graduate student par- ticipate in the University and local community? How can the stifling narrowness that is bound to come with extreme specialization of interest be avoided? How can he use his greater ma- turity and knowledge to benefit the under- graduate population and the general Uni- versity curricula? Hopefully, the same commendable spirit will continue to be shown in the future by GSC members, and a long-needed and significant voice will thus begin to speak out in defense of the "educational and intellectual activities of the graduate student body." -GERALD STORCH To the Editor: "A SPECTRE is haunting Europe -the spectre of Communism." And now it haunts the world. History has decreed that the homelands of the undersigned- Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania- be the first of formerly free na- tions to fall under the sourge of Communism. During the Second World War these countries ex- perienced two military occupations and saw the battlefront cross over them three times. These peoples are no strangers to the meaning of war. At the same time, they know fromnpersonal experience the meaning of Communism. Over some decades we have watched the seizure of a third of this earth, as a billion people have fallen victim to the Communist conspiracy. That we can raise our voices here today as free men among free men testifies that we have chosen liberty above all else once before. UNDER THE cover of secrecy, behind a typical smokescreen of lies, the Soviet Union has installed in Cuba unmistakable weapons of offense. These weapons with nuc- lear capabilities are a test of the will and courage of the free world, and particularly a test of the will and courage of the people of the United States. If this challenge is not met, and if the weapons are not removed, the default on our part may well lead to the irrevoc- able steps of surrender of war. To thesethreats thercountries of the Americas have risen with a unanimity heretofore unseen. In this they have the support and understanding of the entire free world. We register here our support of President Kennedy and of his de- cisive action in the current Cuban crisis. The urgency of the situa- tion precluded prior consultation at the tables of the United Na- tions, if yet another Communist intrusion were not to become an accomplished fact. * * * LET US proceed calmly, but with courage in our convictions. Let us expand our efforts in seeking peace and, what is more important, in seeking to strength- en the ultimate values that make our way of life meaningful. Let us expand our commitment of talent and resources to these ends. Further, may we continue to meet at the conference tables of the world. But may it never be forgotten that our basic values-the dearly sustained values of free men-are not subject to negotiation nor to bargaining-away p i e c e m e a 1. If peace and security were the only ultimate good, would we not all long for the peace and security of prison bars? We seek, rather, both peace and freedom. And the greater of these is freedom. -Saulius Vydas, Grad -Gundega 'Saulitis, '64 -Liina Mets, '64 -Arunas Udrys, '66 -Thomas Palm, Grad -Leonardas V. Gerulaitis, Grad -Vilma Ungerson, '64 -Valdis Liepa, Grad To the Editor: RONALD WILTON'S editorial condemning the blockade of Cuba is well argued, but it ignores, as far as I can see, the real na- ture of the provocation there. This is, that if nuclear missiles were set up on Cuba, they could be fired at and destroy United States bases before wehad time to launch our own missiles at the Soviet Union. (As things stand now, the Russians must fire most of their rockets from their own territory thereby giving us enough early warning to retaliate before our bases are destroyed and retali- ation is impossible. We have 20 minutes warning on attacks, com- ing from Russia, but only 10-15 minutes for Cuban firings. This is because Cuba is much closer and so its missiles need to travel a shorter time to reach United States targets. (And we need at least 15 minutes to get our missiles off the pad). While it would probably be quite a while before there would be enough missiles in Cuba to destroy a large proportion of U.S. bases, even a smaller number of them would be a terrible pressure against us. This is especially true because in a year or so we are scheduled to have many "Minute- men" missiles operational. If the Russians possessed a base on Cuba, they might want to start a war before our new forces become use- ful-especially since our Counter- force strategy implies that we might strike first, once we grow strong enough. AS FOR THE CHANCE of war because of the blockade: it is a chance, but seems to be a small one. The Russians are not fanatics about Cuba, and it is unlikely that the blockade will drive them to act against their reasoned best interests. (This is in contrast, say, to what would happen if we in- vaded East Germany, where a . ay 3- 4 .*, ., /3 ~t3 z r.1 4 ;j/ ~k~jt * I "AD IT F I&VkT 'E E IN A AY Y HA/V sawol/ Faced with a built-up base on Cuba, we might well start a war out of desperation. The chances for this are much better than those on Russian attacks due to the blockade. Faced with the dilemma last week, the President could have invaded Cuba, atom-bombed it, attacked Russia, or abjectly ac- quiesced to the move. What he did do seems so much better than these courses, so much more clearly reasoned and so much more likely to keep both Ameri- cans and Russians alive, that it is particularly saddening to find no support for him at all from The Daily. --Robert B. Kelly Invasion... To the Editor: " HE MILITARY build - up was matched by what ap- peared to be an effort by the Pentagon to rally public opin- ion behind President Kennedy- not for the blocade already im- posed; but for an invasion."- New Y o rk Herald Tribune, Oct. 25. I N THE days to come, this "ef- fort" will be forgotten in the heavy-handed back slapping over the success of America's "hard policy" in Cuba. But, no matter how loudly we hail Khrushchev's retreat or the military invasion of Cuba (which we fully expect), the fact remains that advocates of forceful alternatives will gain an even stronger influence in the policy-making apparatus. The very success of force this week will suggest its use the very next time America feels threaten- ed. Nothing will succeed like suc- cess whether the decision is made quietly or through another Penta- gon appeal to the public, and this belief in "force will out" will so color our outlook towards the Berlin or Viet Nam crisis areas thatsthe search for peaceful solu- tions to these problems will be made still more difficult. To some of us, the dangers in- herent in nuclear diplomacy is compelling enough reason to seek other, more peaceful alternatives. We hardly enjoy the irony of de- pending on a man like Khrushchev to defend the peace. There are others, however, who find in this return to brinkmanship, not emo- tional exhilaration, but a necessary tactic against creeping Commun- ism. It is to these people that we must address a question - what can we do when the revolution or rising expectations erupts into another Latin American political revolution? WITHOUT arguing who-caus- ed-what or the right and wrong of the present decision in Cuba, three factors from the past do seem incontestable: 1) The Cuban people had more than just cause to change their, form of government; 2) Our government had been in part responsible for the evils of that government; and 3) Our government did not ever the discontented of the underde- veloped countries. Moreover, our use of arms to protect policy and property only adds luster to Rus- sian promises, only tarnishes pro- grams like the alliance for pro- gress. Why then do we fight the ideology of bread and land with that of property, trickle-down for- eign aid, and military intervention against contrary political systems? (April 1961 if not Oct. 1962.) This default - and that's the same as believing that our mili- tary force can hold down rising expectations - is m o r e t h a n shameful . . . it is stupid. Can the Pentagon assure us that the decisions of the OAS members will strengthen those governments internally? Not popularity, but realistic politics, commands that America side with inevitable revo- lution, rather than repress it. The time is long since past when hun- ger is accepted as necessary; peo- ple who once yielded before the big stick are now, themselves, a political force. Can this force con- tinuously be met successfully with arms? * * * IF THE answer is "no," certain steps are necessary. That policy which brought America and Cuba to the present predicament must not be repeated in Brazil, in Ven- ezuela, in Guatemala, in 1964 or in 1968. And it is now, not after the fact, that a program must be formed by those of us who seek peaceful alternatives in action as well as in words. -Robert Ross, '63 -Thomas Brien -Richard Magidoff, '63 -Stephan Weissmann, Grad Mobs and Women.. . To the Editor: THE 250 STUDENTS in Wednes- day's peace demonstration were about equally divided, men and women. The mob that tried un- successfully to break it up, how- ever, were not. About 100 of them came down to the county building; I counted four girls among them. Good for the university girls. Most of them, I suppose, would not marry a man who would treat her as follows: If she disagreed he would yell, shout, curse, and "sing" to drown her out; failing that, he would throw the nearest egg or stone. If she wished to go to an- other room, he would block her path. If she tried to write he would tear up her letter. Finally, having exhausted stupidities, he would storm out, bawling "Better dead than use my head." Had she no legal rights as a wife, he would likely burn down the house .. . that puts an end to worry ! Would she want such a father for her children? Perhaps the girls can get this across to the he-men by certain non-violent ac- tions. The women of classical Greece offer some good examples. --William Paul Livant Third Force ... To the Editor: British people must know to what extent the Common Market is a purely economic structure and to what extent the framework of a new European state. Let there be no mistake about it=-the emergence of such a new European state would be by no means the unmixed blessing it is generally pictured as in the United States press. For one thing, sur- render of British sovereignty to a European state dominated by con- servative parties and commercial interests would tie the hands of a future Labourite government on domestic reforms. Further in the words of the "London Observer" political correspondent Mark Arn- old-Forster, "The Labour Party, which has never liked the idea of a Third Force in the world, is becoming more and more suspi- cious of a large third country, a rival to Russia and America, with unsatisfied territorial demands in Germany and bombs as well. The bombs may be small and made in France, but they would be big enough to cause alarm. The (Labour) Opposition does not want to see Europe turn into a military alliance, tied or free ..." Seen in this light, the position of "Colonel Gaitskell" should be more comprehensible. -Thomas Turner, '60 Unjustified Attack... To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL in "The De- troit News," of October 6 on University Regent Eugent B. Power was an unjustified attack based on misinformation on several scores.. The criticism was based on two points: first, that he was request- ing contributions for a political candidate from the University fac- ulty; second, that such a request came "pretty close to a suggestion that refusal might prejudice a professor's future." The facts are these: Regent Power did not sign let- ters to our faculty members as was indicated. On a printed letter- head bearing the names of prom- inent citizens in law, medicine, education and business, the name of Eugene B. Power appeared as. chairman of the Neil Staebler finance committee. The citizens listed used the letterhead in writ- ing for campaign contributions to groups of their own choosing. The letters sent to members of the Universitynfaculty were signed by members of the faculty. FACULTY MEMBERS, like most citizens, are well accustomed to receiving solicitations from all sides. They do not wish to be excluded from the political process. In other fields, the term "boss," which was used to head the edi- torial, may be properly used and properly understood. Not so in teaching and research where ideas are not bought and sold. A misconception was circulated to thousands of readers who may not be aware of just how the Uni- versity is administered. Faculty appointments and promotions or- The term "boss" does not express the relationship of a Regent to a faculty member. "The Detroit News" editorial conveyed the impression that a leading citizen of the State of Michigan, a loyal servant of the public, duly elected by the voters to the Board of Regents, attempt- ed to exert pressure upon a group regarding him as its "boss." The words which were used to describe Mr. Power were not based on facts either as to what he did or what the faculty would do. --Prof. Arthur W. Bromage --Prof. Thomas G. Gies -Prof. George A. Peek, Jr. Mis prepresentation . To the Editor: IN RESPONSE to the editorial by Daniel Shafer on the Campus United Nations, we feel he un- fairly represented the actual situ- ation. This attitude may be at- tributed to the fact that he was a vocal member of the U.S.S.R. delegation. Mr. Shafer makes his bias and naivity apparent in several attacks on the United States delegation, i.e. their "agreement" with the Arab bloc and final abstention obviously attempts to reach a compromise amenable to all na- tions involved. In his diatribe Mr. Shafer over-exaggerates on several points; for instance, the Burmese delegation, nonexistent to begin with, "refused to be represented at all." THE REAL misfortune is that not only does Mr. Shafer confuse and misrepresent the situation but would abolish the Campus United Nations altogether. The real pur- pose of this project, however, we feel was well realized: American and international students had a chance to become acquainted with each other while achieving a bet- ter.understanding of the problems and policies of the UN. Although improvements can and should be made (we would remind Mr. Shafer of the handy evalua- tion sheet distributed to all dele- gates), the Campus UN should be maintained as a project well worth all the time and energy to effect a better understanding of an or- ganization and a concept so neces- sary in a world rampant with dis- trust and dissension. -Arthur Collingsworth, '63, Chairman of U.S.S.R. Delegation -Aaron C. Stander, Chairman of U.S. Delegation Public Law. To the Editor: 'WE WISH the University would check public law 829 of the 77th Congress, section 3, para- graph 3 before they raise any other flags over the diag. --Gary R. Darnell, '66 --David E. Shaper, 65E Tuition .. To the Editor: T PRESENT the following facts without any feeling of malice or spite. I merely ask the ques- tion; is there any reason why the changes in tuition for graduate students were made so that those who support themselves as oppos- ed to those on fellowship were hurt the most? I also ask; why were the changes in part time graduate fee structure made so se- cretively so that few if any stu- dents were aware of the total ef- fect until they registered? 1) The full time rate which used to apply for course schedules of 10 hours or more now applies for schedules of 8 hours or more. The effect is to make fractional loads proportionately more expensive. 2) Part time students who are not full time employes of the Uni- versity must register for a mini- mum of six hours (3/4 full fee). Students who formerly worked 4 time and took three hours or sim- ilar loads must now pay for six hours. * * * SOME COMPARISONS are in order. The final column in the fol- lowing table is percentage increase, not merely per cent of former total. I + ..' Alumni Come Home DURING THIS HOMECOMING weekend few of the present generation of students will take much note of the alumni they may see walking around campus or cheering at the football game. Virtually none of them will stop to imagine themselves as alumni returning for a Homecoming game five, ten, or 20 years from now. Yet the alumni play an important part in helping to support the University and it is necessary that our generation realize this not only so that we may extend a silent vote of thanks to them but also so that we may under- stand the role we ourselves will have to assume in the coming years. The genuine need the University has for alumni contributions is something perhaps not generally recognized. Over half of the $80 million physical plant of the University has been donated by alumni and friends of the school. Since its organization in 1953, the Alumni Fund has received gifts totaling $2,586,247.04. Gifts for the 1961-62 fiscal year ending June 30, 1962 reached a new high of $543,865. The contributions to the fund come from two sources, the Alumni Association and the Development Council. Through the fund they solicit money for a variety of projects. Among the more prominent of these projects relations of the University especially in those aspects which will lead to improved financial support. Just recently there has been introduced the idea of establishing a separate solicitation drive for individual schools. The statistics from the Law Fund founded last year have in- dicated that this idea is a good one. The results of last year's drive demonstrate that the Law Fund not only increased im- mensely the contribution to the law school itself but also increased the undelegated con- tributions to the Alumni Fund as a whole by 25 per cent from the previous year. The in- stitution of a separate solicitation program for each school in addition to the general united fund can be a source of great strength to the University in that it allows special needs of the various schools to be met with their own funds, while allowing undelegated contribu- tions to be allocated to areas of larger need in the school as a whole. IN THE CONFUSION of elephant races and football games it will be easy to think of Homecoming as nothing but a pleasant week- end, made doubly so by the fact that it marks the beginning of the last four weeks before Thanksgiving vacation and Saturday will be a "2:30 per" for women. Although it should be d Typel OS* 2 hours Must pay for 3 IS* 2 hours Must pay for 3 OS 6 hours IS 6 hours OS 3 hours Must pay for 6 IS 3 hours Must pay for 6 OS 8 hours IS 8 hours OS 10 hours or more IS 10 hours or more OS undergrad (Full) IS undergrad (Full) OS--Out-of-state. IS-In-state. Old New % Rate Rate Increase 115 215 67 45 iS 67 250 415 66 90 145 61 315 500 58 55 145 163 290 500 72 115 175 52 375 500 33 140 375 168 375 480 28 (Jr. or sr.) 140 155 11 (Jr. or sr.) This letter does not ask why out-of-state tuition increased more than in state. It does not question the proportionately higher in- crease for grad students on a full time basis as compared to that I