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October 26, 1962 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-26

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GER 26, 1962'





Cite Threat of National Groups

Associated Press Education Writer
WASHINGTON-National con-
trol of education by powerful pro-
fessional organizations is as great
a threat as federal control by the
government, according to Sterling
M. McMurrin, former commission-
er of education.
McMurrin, in his first major
speech since leaving office last
month, mentioned the National
Education Association and the
American Association of School
Administrators as the type of or-
ganization he said could exert un-
due influence on the nation's pub-
lie schools.
He did not, however, specifically
accuse these two groups of seek-s
ing that control.
Annual Meeting
McMurrin told the annual meet-
ing.of the Council for Basic Edu-
"While we guard against federal
control, we should not lose sight
of the possibility of national con-
trol -- control of education by the
bureaucracies of large and power-
ful educational organizations.
"These bureaucracies are just as
real, and exhibit all the vices of
a government bureaucracy. Their
Seeks Facts
On Curricula
Student Government Council
mandated its president, Steven
Stockmeyer, '63, at its meeting
Wednesday night, to send letters
to the deans of the University's
undergraduate colleges inquiring
about academic policy and curri-
culum making in their schools.
The mandate was presented as
a motion by SGC's Committee on
the University. The questions to
be asked of the deans include:
How is the curriculum of the col-
lege drawn up? What role do stu-
dents have in influencing curricu-
lum changes? How would the
deans feel about newspaper cov-
erage of academic policy meetings
or a student-faculty government
in academic policy making? What
would their reaction be to a course
evaluation booklet published by
The committee also announced
its intention to investigate the
possibilities of a student-faculty
council to replace the present
Council. It will begin its investi-
gation by interviewing several
members of the administration
and faculty to ascertain their re-
action to the idea.
Thomas Brown, '63BAd., an-
nounced that two SGC scholar-
ships have been awarded. Sharon
Jeffrey, '63, and Martha Prescod,
'65, were the recipients of the $150

... control of education

izations "seem to be involved in
almost hopeless confusion.''
He noted that the National
School Boards Association, the
American Association of School
Administrators, and the Council
of Chief State officers all have
taken different stands of the ques-
tion of federal aid to education.
Special Programs
The school boards, he said, want
present special programs contin-
ued and expanded, but are opposed
to a general aid program. The
school administrators want gener-
al aid, but are opposed to special
programs. The chief state school
officers favor both special and
general programs.
"Certainly," McMurrin said, "we
can't expect everyone to agree
right down the line, but sooner or
later these groups will have to
pound out a common policy." ,
McMurrin also said, "it is a
tragic thing that across the nation
there is such a wide gulf between
higher education on one hand and
elementary and secondary educa-
tion on the other.
Lack of Unity
"The recent case of the nation-
al education association contribut-
ing to the defeat of the bill for
college construction is a sample
of the almost unbelievable lack of
unity and purpose in American
The former commissioner also
declared that "Congress is very
short-sighted in educational af-
"It invests so much--as it should
-on scientific and technological
advances, but it slights education,
particularly the humanities and
the fine arts," he said.

control of the schools is not be-
yond possibilty .. .
McMurrin said federal control
of education would be a disaster.
But, he added, "national control
by these organizations would be
even more disastrous -- after all,
the federal government does rep-
resent the people."
No Planning
In the administration of all the
varied federal programs in the
field of education, McMurrin said,
"there is little coordination and
virtually no central planning."
It is not likely that the situa-
tion will improve, he said, until
a department of education is es-
tablished with cabinet rank.
McMurrin also noted that the
various private educational organ-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 17th
in a series of 21 articles featuring
the namesakes of the men's resi-
dence hails.)
If any white-haired, stern-look-
ing man at the University in the
late 1920's were to make reference
to native maharajahs, provincial
viceroys Mahatma Gandhi or the
Government House at Bombay
equipped with its 1200 servants,
you could be sure it was Prof.
Claude H. Van Tyne, of the his-
tory department.
Prof. Van Tyne had, at the
request of Sir Frederick White,
president of the Indian Legisla-
tive Assembly, spent some three
months in India observing the
dyarchy system of government es-
tablished by the British. His task
was to travel throughout the
country, observing the system in1
operation and seeking out the
opinions of various factions.
The outcome of the professor's
three month's sojourn was his
book "India in Ferment" and sev-
eral articles for The Atlantic
Monthly, all of which concluded
that the Government of India Act,
responsible for the formation of
the new system, was unsatisfactory
to the radicals but seemed to an
outsider a possible solution to the
problem of establishing self-
government in India.
Highpoint in Career
This journey, followed by a trip
around the world, may well be
cited as the highpoint in the
career of Prof. Van Tyne, for 26
years a member of the faculty at
the University and author of num-
erous history texts dealing, in par-
ticular, with the American revolu-
tionary period.
Born in southern Michigan in
1869, Prof. Van Tyne had graduat-
ed from the University in 1896
and had received his doctorate
from the University of Pennsyl-
Origins of Nation
As a prominent authority on the
American Revolution, the profes-
sor believed that the origins of
this nation were sufficiently in-
spiring in themselves to require
no bolstering from exaggerated
legends surrounding earlier days
of its history.
Even during his service as head
of the history department, Prof.
Van Tyne had maintained an ob-
jective view of the University and
its staff. In an open letter to the
Michigan Alumnus, he wrote:
Poor Faculty Members
"Aside from one or two of the
higher institutions of learning in
this country, the most serious
fault in our American universities
is the undue proportion of their
faculty members who are uncouth,
ill-mannered, socially impossible
and lacking in all knowledge be-
yond their little specialty and all
experience beyond the little aca-
demic Main Street where they
were educated, and to which chill
penury or lack of ambition has
pinned them."
The remedy, Prof. Van Tyne
said, was a raise in salaries and
the subsequent attraction of high-
er caliber educators to the Uni-
versity. He held, "It is scholars
and scientists and nothing else
either human or architectural that
makes a university grate."
Death came to the historian in
1930. His name is now associated
with Van Tyne House in South

Duchess Plans To Visit U.S.
In 'Pilgrimage of Gratitude'

Associated Press Staff Writer
may see her driving a Volkswagen
through the village of Colmar-
Berg; or you may see her being
chauffered in a royal limousine.
She is Grand Duchess Charlotte,
ruler of one of the smallest coun-
tries in the world, the 1,000-
square-mile Grand Duchy of Lux-
She was to have visited the
United States next week, but
President John F. Kennedy asked
her to postpone the state visit
until tensions surrounding the
blockade of Cuba have eased.
Luxembourg, a member of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion and the European Economic
Community, has been independ-
ent since 1839 but was occupied
by the Nazis during World War II.

Luxembourg City town hall, serves
mainly for formal functions. She
prefers the Chateau of Colmar-
Berg, a yellow stone building
perched on the hill side, its square
towers overlooking the tiny vil-
lage of Colmar-Berg and farther
down the valley, the recently en-
larged plant of the Goodyear Co.,
which manufactures tires for west-
ern Europe.
Imported Manpower
"We now, I believe, have almost
all the industry we can bring in,"
says Premier Pierre Werner. "We
are short of manpower, already
one third of our manpower is im-
The northern area of rolling
hills, deep valleys, thick forests
and wide open fields, trout rivers
and medieval chateaus is among
the most picturesque areas of
western Europe. In the east along

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Homecoming To Begin
with Elephants, Comic

Pilgrimage Trips he tronie
Charlotte had to flee and spent yards prod
several years in the United States. what acid
In recalling that, she says her trip ers drink
this time "will be a pilgrimage of Mrs. Per:
gratitude." Duchy on
The Grand Duchy suffered dra- eyes when
matically from the Nazi occupa- and many
tion. For about four years, the here,
Germans tried to mold the coun-
try and its citizens into a pait
of Germany. Scores died, thou-
sands of houses were crushed to
ruins but the Germans failed ut-
terly. Throughout the occupation
portraits of the grand duchess
were cherished and coins with her
likeness were made into lapel pins.
When she returned to her lib-
erated country, Premier Pierre du-
Pong, coined a phrase which has
become a national motto:
"Madame, mir hun iech gaer"
(Madame, we love you).
No Abdication
Such is the popularity of the 66-
year-old grand duchess that re-
cently her government discreetly
prevented her from abdicating in
favor of her son, Prince Jean,
when she wanted to withdraw
from public life. Jean became
lieutenant-grand duke, her dele-
gate in daily affairs of the country.
Luxembofrgers never miss a
chance of acclaiming the grand
duchess. On national feast days,
whether it rains or freezes, they
gather by the hundreds below the
balcony of the grand ducal palace
to shout "vive" as she appears
There weren't always such hap-
py days around the Luxembourg,
court. In 1919, Charlotte's reign-
ing sister was more likely to be
booed when she appeared in pub-
lic. She displeased many of her
subjects by her pro-German atti-
tude during World _War I.
Forego Independence
Under the pressure of this op-
position, Marie-Adelaide abdicat-
ed and withdrew to a convent. She
died soon thereafter. Charlotte
took over in January, 1919. Some
wanted a republic; others wanted
to forego independence and have
their country become part of
France or Belgium.
Charlotte, with dignity and
moderation, overcame these diffi-
culties. If she has only 320,000
Luxembourgers to love her, the
one who does not is hard to find. .....
The capital's palace, once the ..

er with Germany, vine-
luce a golden, dry, some-
wine that Luxembourg-
all day.
rle Mesta put the Grand
the map for American
n she was ambassador,;
American tourists come
...* E *.* **.E..* *. ..*.*.S .*


(Continued. from Page 1)
In the intercollegiate series the
elephants will first sprint, then at-
tempt an obstacle race and finally
a curve ielay.
At 6:45 p.m. tonight a parade
will begin at Mary Markley and
proceed to the UGLI, the Michigan
Union ?and wind up at Ferry Field
where a pep rally will be held.
Among those at the pep rally
will be the football team with
Coach Chalmers (Bump) Elliott,
the Friars, the Michigan Marching
Band and the cheerleaders.
Hell-Like Yell
The traditional Yell Like Hell
contest will begin at 9:30 p.m.
Newberry and Huber houses, Pi
Beta Phi and Kappa Sigma, Hins-
dale and Michigan Houses, Delta

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Gamma and Phi Kappa Psi, Al-
pha Delta Pi and Sigma Pi Epsi-
lon, and Delta Phi Epsilon and
Tau Delta Phi will compete. Each
group must think up a cheer and
present it in an original fashion.
Tomorrow morning starts an-
other round of events. At 9 a.m.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will sponsor
the annual Mud Bowl against Phi
Delta Theta. The game will take
place on the SAE lawn. At this
time the Mud Bowl Queen will be
At half time Kappa Alpha Theta
will' take on Collegiate Sorosis in
an equally deep rivalry in soccer.
At 10:30 a.m. Gqmberg and
Taylor Houses will duel in a tug of
war for the honor of dunking the
loser in the Huron River. The
event will be held at Island Park.
After the game, Phi Psi will pre-
sent "Le Mans," a go-cart race.
Sponsoring fraternities and sorori-
ties will be Chi Omega, Delta Up-
silon, Gamma Phi Beta and Phi
Epsilon Pi.
Climaxing the weekend, Bob
Newhart will perform at Hill Aud.
with the Don Jacoby Sextet. At 10,
p.m. two dances will be held atI
the Union. Johnny Harberd's band
will entertain in the ballroom while
the Roadrunners perform on the
first floor.

Corner Hill--Washtenaw

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To Sing




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