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September 11, 1962 - Image 37

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

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.eague Helps 'U' Women

The Women's League, establish-
ed in, 1890, provides a varied pro-
gram of activities designed espe-
cially for the University woman.
Margaret Skiles, '63, president
of the League, said that "the
League is trying to be conscious
of the changing role of women in
society today. The League tries to
provide women with programs and
projects which will not only be
interesting and fun, but intellec-
tually stimulating as well."
"It helps to provide women with
a sense of responsibility to them-
selves and their University."

League Council
The League Council whic'
s e r v e s as the administrativ
branch is.composed of officers and
committee chairmen. The Counci
serves as a coordinator and plan-
ner of women's activities and re-
lates the League to the rest of the
campus. The Women's Conference
Committee consists of the presi-
dents of Assembly Association
Pa4n hell1e ni c Association, the
League and the chairman of Wom-
en's Judiciary Council. This bod3
has no legislative power, but
serves as a communication systemr
and an initiator of changes foi
campus women.
There are many varied admin-
itrative committees which are
open to women to participate in.
The new Buro-Cat program will
help to introduce freshmen wom-
en to the League through a three
week training session. After study-
ing the workings of the League,
the girls will choose a committee
which they will work on as an as-
sociate member. The Buro-Cat
Central Committee will coordinate
the total program and will plan
special projects.
Other Committees
Some other committees include
the International Committee which
establishes better relations be-
tween foreign and American wom-
en students, the Public Relations
Committee which works with the
Michigan Union to put out the
Union-League calendar and Wom-
en's Roles and Rules booklet and
the Social Committee which has
sponsored such things as the Cre-
ative Arts Festival and the Hatcher
The University Services Com-
mittee works in cooperation with
the Union' to manage freshman
orientation; and the Community
Services Committee provides girls
to work with volunteer organiza-
The new Educational and Cul-
tural Affairs Committee will help
to stimulate interest in intellectual
and culturally stimulating affairs.
Some of its future projects include
a 'folk music festival during exams,
a major program speaker and cul-
tural activities ticket which will
give a varied choice of concert
and dramatic offerings.
Open Forum
The League sponsors HydePark
which is an open forum, usually1
held on the Diag, which allows op-
Old Tradition
At U niversity
"The goal of sororities on this
campus is to create educated wo-
men, educated not only by books
but socially and culturally," Ann
McMillan, '63, President of Pan-
hellenic Association, said recently.
Sororities have been at the Uni-
versity since the 1870's. Originally,
they were only a social unit, Miss
'McMillan said. However the pres-
ent emphasis in sorority living is
toward well-roundedness and in-
tegration with the campus com-
Last year campus sororities and
Panhel participated in a variety of
social, cultural and philanthropic
activities, including the spring and
fall- Bucket Drive and Help Week.
Give Service
Other projects included working
with the Ann Arbor Community
Center in aiding under-privileged
children and giving Christmas
"parties for orphans.
Social activities have claimed
much of sorority members' time.
Football open houses were given
after the games last fall and many
houses helped on Homecoming.
Also, there was a lot of participa-
tion in Michigras in building both
floats and booths.

A dessert was held ,in order to
acquaint the housemothers of the
-various sororities with the sorority
presidents. Affiliated women Parti-
cipated in the lnterfraternity
Courncil sang and Lantern Night,

SGC Sets
The Student Government Coun-
cil is the organization through
which the students have an op-
portunity to participate in formu-
lating the policies and rules which
will govern their life at the Uni-
The Council is composed of 18
members, 11 elected by the cam-
pus at large in elections held twice
a year. Terms are for one year
with half the elected members
chosen each term to provide con-
tinuity by overlapping terms.
The ex-officio members are the
top officer in seven of the major
organizations on campus includ-
ing the presidents of the Inter-
fraternity C o u n c i 1, Panhellenic
Association, the Women's League,
The Michigan Union, Assembly
A s s o c i a t io n, Interquadrangle
Council, and the editor of The
This group has the power to
calendar campus events, grant
recognition to student organiza-
tions and provides other services
through its subcommittees and re-
lated boards.
Bias Actions
The enforcement of anti-bias
regulations, the Office of Student
Affairs, and the United States
National Student Association were
main concerns of the Council dur-
ing this academic year.
The Council tried and is in the
midst of deliberating on the case
of Sigma Nu fraternity which had
been charged with violating Uni-
versity regulations on member-
ship selection.
At a hearing April 4, Dr. Sidney
Smock, alumni spokesman for the
fraternity admitted technical vio-
lation of Regents Bylaw 2-14 and
the membershiprregulations, but
said that his fraternity has been
working to eliminate its discrim-
inatory membership clause for
many years. He urged that SGC
give it more time to allow it to
attempt to persuade its national
to remove the bias clause from its
national constitution.
During spring vacation, Sigma
Nu received a waiver from its na-
tional permitting it to waive dis-
criminatory provisions in its mem-
bership regulation and ritual.
Council considered the Sigma
Nu case at its last meeting after
hearing recommendations f r o m
the membership committee con-
cerning the latest developments.
It passed regulations intended to
secure adequate membership state-
ments for the committee on mem-
bership. It has collected state-
ments from all fraternities and
sororities and will consider action
against groups whose statements
are still considered inadequate by
next September.
Set Deadline
In December, Council passed
legislation setting a January 17
deadline for all fraternities and
sororities to submit their mem-
bership selection clauses and their
interpretations to the Office of
Student Affairs. This action was
designed as part of the Committee
on Membership Selection in Stu-
dent Organization's process of en-
forcing the Regent's by-law 2.14
against bias in student organiza-
The means for determining ade-
quacy of these statements, a ques-
tion unsettled when the deadline
for filing was established, was leg-
islated during the first part of
this semester. The president 'of
SGC has reviewed all statements
and will notify those fraternties
whose statements he considers in-
See SGC, Page 3

GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT-Food at the Union's MUG is a daily adventure in the lives of many
University students. With only weak competition from the Diag and the Fishbowl, the MUG is
a social center for 'U' life.
Fraternity System Changes

Union Serves 'U' Men

The fraternity system on the
campus during the past year un-
derwent a legislative and social
Although the spring rush pro-
duced a higher proportion of
pledges from rushees than ever be-
fore, Interfraternity Council and,
the Fraternity Presidents Assembly
took steps to bolster the rushing

system, as evidence mounted that
small houses were getting weaker
and large houses stronger.
And so a new rush plan, which
will force rushees to see at least
eight houses, will go into effect
this fall.
The campus will be divided into
five geographical districts. A rushee

LEARN TO DANCE-That's what these two girls are doing.
Dance classes are only one of the many services the League pro-
vides the campus's women. Orientation programs, League Night,
and Soph show are other contributions of the League to a busy
social season.

posing views and parties to discuss
important world happenings.
Soph Show is open to men and
women from the sophomore class.
The students present a B3roadway
musical show and may' work on
everything from actually perform-
ing in the show to putting on
makeup backstage.
Frosh Weekend is organized each
spring to give freshman women the
chance to work closely and gain
spirit for their class. Two teams,
the Maize and Blue, producean
original skit which is presented at
the Frosh Weekend dance. The
skits, decorations and all publicity
work that has gone into the week-
end are judged, and a team winner
declared. Freshman women can
either apply for a central commit-
tee position or work on a number
of committees which are organiz-.
ed to put on the production.
Senior Tradition
Senior Night is a tradition of
the League which honors senior
women. During the evening the
girls discuss past class projects and
make their "declaration of stat-
The League offers a number of
facilities for all University women.
Within the League, there are
rooms for meetings, a cafeteria,
snack bar, hotel and library for
The League has recently opened
its new Garden Cafe which it
eventually hopes to expand to pro-
vide more eating facilities. Pres-
ently the cafe has a number of
vending machines for snacks. ,
The Cave is the room where
women's honoraries, League Coun-
il and rush chairmen sometimes
hold their meetings. The Cave has
a long tradition that no men are
permitted to enter it.


Teas Held
Each Fall,

A good opportunity for new
freshman to meet President Har-
land Hatcher and his wife on an
in :ormal basis is at a series of
teas given at the Hatcher home
three times a semester.
The teas are planned by com-
mittees of the Union and League
who arrange for such things as
invitations, student guides and
entertainment. Entertainment at
the Christmas tea is usually pro-
vided by the Friars or the Psurfs,
student singing groups.
Invitations are sent to several
housing units each tea, although
all students are invited. House-
mothers and resident directors of
these housing units are asked to
Students from the various living
units are selected in such a way as
to offer each house or dorm its
turn in being host to the rest of
the students, as well as to the
Hatchers themselves, at the time
of the parties.
Student guides are always pres-
ent to show students around the
house and help them feel at home.
The Hatcher residence is the
only surviving building of the
original campus. Built in 1840, it
has been occupied by the Hatchers
since 1951.

Welcome, Freshmen
Each year as freshmen arrive on campus, I am impressed
with them as individuals; each has his own degree of academic
preparation and social experience; each student is a challenge
to a great University to seek the goal that is best for him, in
the manner that is best for him. This is to develop and grow
intellectually as a person-to become educated. It involves a
complicated set of processes that criss-cross from classroom to,
residences to organized activities and then, finally as always,
back to the individual. He must be the prime mover, as he is
the reason for the services that this or any university seeks to
provide. This includes loans, grants, part-time employment,
scholarships, career information, general counseling and planning
student activities-residence and campus-wise, health services, and
an opportunity to work as an individual with others in and out
of the classroom. How much of all this you take depends on you,
on the basis that you work out for yourself in working with
other people, on your own high standards of individual conduct
and on your attitudes, by which a truly educated person is known.
The students who have come before you on this campus have
helped establish and maintain a set of values through a system
of rules and regulations that, throughout the years, has been
highly successful. The regulations govern organizations and in-
dividuals therefore become a heritage from others. I urge you
to give this area of student life your diligent attention, for this
is the University, this is how one lives here, this is how one
conducts himself, grows and matures.
One often hears that a college or university is a time for
learning to live, a test tube kind of life. We do not believe this
to be so. We believe that you have a responsibility to live as
well as you know how; that you must live up to the promises
within yourself. One can never re-live any part of ones life.
The University, therefore, expects you to make wise and good
judgments here as well as in the rest of your life.
I have mentioned that the individual student presents a
challenge to the University staff. The University should as well
pose a challenge to the student. It does not expect each person
to develop and become the same type of person nor are, the
regulations so designed, for the students here represent a wide
variety of personalities, backgrounds and potentials. The Univer-
sity does urge and hope each one will develop his individual
potential to the higest extent. This is the challenge that the
University issues to the individual student.
Vice-President for Student Affairs

must see one house in each area,
plus three other houses.
Formal rushing periods are di-
vided into two-week periods in the
fall and spring. The fall rush has
been steadily declining during re-
cent years, as men interested in
fraternities seem to prefer waiting
until spring in order to gain a
better knowledge of the affiliated
way of life.
Semester Tryouts
Pledging a house lasts for a
semester. The new members usu-
ally must spend their Saturday
mornings performing an assort-
ment of chores, then go through a
hell week at the beginning of the
following semester to get the build-
ing and grounds ready for pleasant
and sanitary living.
The fraternity system, however,
had to face other pressing issues
in addition to rushing changes, as
Student Government Council final-
ly started to take definitive action
against affiliate organizations with
discriminatory membership selec-
tion practices.
After setting several deadlines
for the submission of statements
of selection criteria, SGC last
spring considered a recommenda-
tion from its committee of mem-
bership to withdraw recognition
from Sigma Nu fraternity, whose
nation constitution had an overt
bias clause banning Negroes from
Obtain Waiver
Before the council completed ac-
tion on the case, however, the local
Sigma Nu chapter obtained a
waiver from the clause, and sub-
sequently the matter was dropped
by SGC.
While locals here have become
increasingly aware of the moral
and practical issues involved, the
interfraternity organizations have
not yet taken direct action against
any local in such trouble, although
they passed a resolution last fall
urging member groups to get rid'
of bias clauses.
The organization is divided into
executive and legislative branches.
The legislative branch is com-
posed of the Fraternity President's
Assembly in which the president
See IFC, Page 2

S tude nt-Run,
It Sponsors
Many Events
Program Includes
Air Flights, Dances
The Michigan Union, the all-
campus men's organization, Is one
of the main hubs of extra-curric-
ular activities at the University.
As a service organization, the
Union sponsors a wide range of
events ranging from social pro-
grams to low cost air flights to
If a male student is interested
In working in a small business en-
terprise completely controlled by
students, he can join the staff of.
the Union.
One of the many innovations
that will greet entering freshmen
will be the newly remodeled Mich-
igan Union Grill. Since the MUG
is a social meeting place, many
more double booths will be install-
ed to create a more private at-
The MUG also houses the "Little
Clubs" which provide live bands
and free dancing on various Fri-
day nights. Eight of these informal
dances are planned for each se-
The "Big Clubs" usually take on
themes such as "Florida bon Voy-
age" and "The Last Big Fling Be-
fore Finals." The latter was a
twisting contest held at the end
of the 1961 fall semester.
TGIT's (Thank God It's Thurs-
day) are holidays also sponsored
by the Union. Well-known campus
musical groups such as the Road
Runners, Friars, Amblers and
Sundowners perform at these
events held in the MUG.
On Sept. 15, 1962, "Union Mad-
ness" will hit campus.
Outdoor dancing, gambling (the
Union provides the counterfeit
money but no prizes) and cartoons
are planned.
Go to Europe
Through charter flights, stu-
dents can go to Europe by plane
for $300 round trip. These flights
leave in June and return in Sep-
tember. Once the students are in
Europe, they can use the European
travel information that they ob-
tained through the Union.
At the end of finals on.Jan. 27-
29, 1963, 150 people will' spend
three days skiing, dancing, singing
and having fun at the Union spon-
sored Ski Weekend.
However, the Union does not
only sponsor social programs. One
of the main events of the school
year is the Cultural Arts Festival.
The Festival attempts to highlight
the cultural activities available to
the students and to allow them to
express their own interests.
The first purpose is fulfilled by
having eminent members of the
arts such as Robert Frost, e. e.
cummings, and Ayn Rand come to
campus to speak.
The Photography Contest and
the Art Show allows the students
to creatively express themselves by
participating in these exhibits.
Another important facet of the
Union is the large role it has in
setting up the orientation pro-
gram. Interested high school sen-
iors and juniors are invited to visit
Michigan on University Day.
Among other things, the high
school students visit academic
open-houses, residence halls and
fraternities and sororities.
Close Work
Working closely with the admin-
istration and Women's League, the
University Affairs Committee of
the Union interviews prospective

orientation leaders. This commit-
tee also aids in setting up the
schedule for orientation work. In
coordination with the League, the
Union sponsors the Sports Spree.
the President's Welcome and-Coke'
breaks during orientation.
Because there are so many meet-
ings during orientation, the Union
will put out a new booklet ex-
plaining each one of them. In the
past students have passed up many.,
of these activities because they
did not know anything about
them. Entering students will now
know beforehand what all these
meetings are about.
A library' reading list is also :be-
ing prepared to be given to the in-
coming students for the first time.
Tln r .r co .. 4 i ~ nli~


StudyPusDversion: Formnu la for a Pleasa nt Fa ll
+" ri ,.tS ' ' 4 .' : ' w ?P ' 1 tlQAlthog all work and no play.1
make Jack a dull boy, all play isnt
*~4 ~ highly recommended at the Uni-
v' r R $ Thee ae a great many activi-
' ~'ties to choose from-anything from .,
: ,::'t .'.$. 4 S r the football#. team to the opea pro-w<,
::.:A :.:..:: Y{ .: . . ..... :... . _ .:~ .. ,.* Y.""M:>:" t " '. ductions. Each student sends a
*.",, r ';> }>' sizeable percentage of his four' f
3{ t ?years trying to strike a good bal-
t ki? .as fiance between work and play.
t ^ " {r : {t' ,. ,;.' ta': \t, : . The Huron River is available for
f ' x c{canoeing, and the campus for
.4's ""'a# strolling. Other local parkland be-
r} a rcomes the scene for picnics, base-
s f> "" - " a. . .<,3 .. i.{ ball games and parties.
i""" ""' '- ' ~Ik ::~I7~~ ns courts and swimming pools anid
~ Z''~~I ~" ~ Tereare lsogolfcousesten

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