THE CUBAN CRISIS See Editorial Page Y L 4AA tr4t aYt OWF 43 4440 t 40 --qp SNOW FLURRIES Hgh-40 Low-28 Continued cold and cloudiness, snow flurries today Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1962 SEVEN CENTS Councl Re ects Referendum on NSA Affil1 EIGHT PAGES ation * * * * * * * * * * * * Motion Defeated By Members, 8-5 SGC Votes to Condemn Actions Of Mob at Peace Demonstration By GAIL EVANS A motion to place the question of the University's membership in the United States National Student Association on an all-campus referendum failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote at last night's Student Government Council meeting. The motion for referendum was defeated in an 8-5 vote with one abstention. Last Feb. 21, a motion introduced by Council member Paul Car- der, '62, instructed SGC to give final consideration to its affiliation II I I S to NSA before the November Thant Seeks T o Pos tpone U.S. Action UNITED NATIONS WA) - Actin Secretary-General U Thant we reported last night to have appea ed to President John F. Kenned to suspend the United States naye arms blockade of Cuba and 1 Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev 1 halt all -Soviet ships bound fC that country. Informed sources said he ha sent messages to the two leader asking for a 14-day freeze whit would permit time for negotia tions. They said he had also of fer ed them his good offices to assn~ in' the talks. He was expected to announc the action to the U.N. Securit Council which met last night fe additional debate on rival Unite States and Soviet proposals f dealing with the Cuban situation (In Washington, the Whit House said Kennedy had receive a message from U Thant and wi. reply to it later today.) Earlier representatives of skas. er nations at the United Nation had appealed to Thant to se some sort of a standstill agree ment that would head off a Unite States-Soviet military showdo that could plunge the world iit a nuclear war. Ghana and the United Arb Re public, both members of the Coun cil, were seeking to draft a resole tion acceptable to the Unite States and the Soviet Union the would ease the crisis. Informan said their initial efforts were nc( acceptable to either side. One line of thinking was in dicated by Liberian Secretary State Rudolph Grimes. He infor ed Thant that his country woul like to see the United States dets its naval arms blockade and ti Soviet Union divert all its ship from Cuba while the Unite Nations sought to work out settlement. Stevenson Cite. Differences UNITED NATIONS (A)-Unite States Ambassador Adlai E. St venson says there are vast. differ ences between Soviet missile base in Cuba and the NATO militar bases that dot areas near the Iro Curtain. NATO bases, he said in tic United Nations Security Counc Tuesday. were established year ago, in the open, as a consequen of repeated Soviet missile threat The establishment of missile base in Cuba, he claimed, is an inva sion of the western hemisphere f the establishment of a nuclea threat to an area where none ex fisted before. Stevenson said: "Together with our allies, w have installed certain bases ove seas as a prudent precaution in re sponse to the clear and persister Soviet threats. In 1959, 18 montl after the boasts of chairman Nis ita S. Khrushchev had called ti world's attention to the threat Soviet long-range missiles, th North Atlantic Treaty Organize tion without concealment or de ceit as a consequence of agrei ments freely negotiated and put licly declared -placed intermc diate-range ballistic missiles in tli NATO area. elections. Council President Steven - Stockmeyer, '63, and member Rob- ert Finke, '63, expressed belief that since NSA represents students, students should have the oppor- tunity to considercontinued par- ticipation. Stockmeyer pointed out that "to vote against the referendum is to deny the right of students to de- cide this crucial issue involving' students." However, SGC member Robert ag Ross, '63, contended that the as campus is not adequately informed 1- on the nature and functions of 'y the association to vote intelligent- al ly on participation. to Howard Abrams, '63, said that o"the timing and intent of the mo- tr ion" was designed to get the Uni- id versity out of NSA. rs SGC also suspended the rules h to consider and vote upon a mo- a- tion introduced by Abrams which r- condemned actions taken by a st mob at yesterday's peace demon- stration in opposition to "the ce course of action that President ty John F. Kennedy has taken in or the current Cuba crisis." Members d of the mob threw "eggs and other or objects," and "pushed and jostled , various demonstrators," the mo- te tion stated. Council expressed regret t h a t ll "students of the University were involved in these despicable acts of violence." The Abrams motion passed un- as animously, pointed out that SGC k did not take a stand on the Cu- - ban crisis at this time. In another motion Council n passed a resolution noting the to fact that the president of the Michigan State University student e- congress Robert Howard refused - to participate on a "committee - which would decide the accepta- d biilty of outside speakers." ts The proposal indicated that of SGC "hoped that Howard's pro- test will lead to a review of the - MSU lecture policy. ' of In further NSA debate, Olinick a argued against the referendum be- Ld cause Council has made no eval- y uation of NSA prior to the propos- e al for an all campus vote. He said that Council has made no attempt to bring discussion of NSA to the a campus. Mary Beth Norton, '64, Assembly Association president, pointed out that a referendum is not necessary S to include NSA as an election is- sue, since Council itself can make NSA a campus issue by considering the University's affiliation in the association. d John Meyerholz, '63, Inter-fra- e- ternity Council president, asked r- how long the campus had to wait es to learn about NSA. He thought y that the referendum would force n people to say what NSA does for the campus. Khrushchev Urges U.S. To Summit MOSCOW (A) - Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, calling for a sum- mit meeting, urged yesterday that the United States stay its hand in the Cuban crisis to quench the threat of thermonuclear war. The Soviet Union will make no reckless decisions, he said, but will act if the United States carries out "piratic actions.", "As long as'rocket nuclear wea- pons are not put into play it is still possible to avert war," he said. 'The question of war and peace is so vital that we should consider useful a top-level meeting in order to discuss all problems which have arisen, to do everything possible to remove the danger of unleash- ing a thermonuclear war." To Bertrand Russell Khrushchev's comment came in a message to Bertrand Russell, British philosopher who had sent a message to the Soviet leader ap- pealing to him "not to be provoked by the unjustifiable action of the United States in Cuba." Russell also sent a message to President John F. Kennedy calling the Unit- ed States quarantine action a threat to human survival and urg- ing him to "end this madness." The Khrushchev reply did not discuss the central issue raised by the United States-the announced establishment of missile bases in Cuba under Soviet auspices. But he accused the United States gov- ernment of hatred of the Cuban people and of "election campaign considerations." No Reaction There was no immediate reac- tion from the State Department in Washington. One source said no conclusion should be formed from Khrushchev's words until it was known how Soviet ships would meet the United States naval blockade. In the message broadcast by Moscow radio, Khrushchev said the Soviet Union will take no reck- less decisions or "be provoked by unwarranted actions of the United States." "We will do everything in our power to prevent war," he said. Soviets Speak On Indian War MOSCOW ()-The government newspaper . Izvestia last night broke the Soviet blackout on news of the Chinese-Indian conflict by publishing the text of a Peiping statement proposing summit peace talks and a pullback of troops from the fighting line. The Tass dispatch from Peiping was the first mention of the border fighting since it broke out six days ago. -AP wirephoto SUPPORTS CUBA ACTION-Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations Carlos Sosa-Rodriguez, right, huddles with United States ambassador Adlai Stevenson at the U. N. security council meeting yesterday after the Latin American statesman declared Soviet weapons in Cuba were a threat to the entire hemisphere. Britain also threw its support behind the U.S. military quarantine of Cuba. Refuse, Blockade Negotiations 'Crisis Point Near, OnCuban Front Russian Vessels Change Course; No Showdown on Quarantine Yet By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Some Soviet bloc ships steaming toward an historic high seas showdown with a massive United States fleet blockading Cuba "appear to have altered course," the De- fense Department said yesterday. A spokesman said "other vessels are proceeding toward Cuba." He added that "no intercept has yet been necessary," backing up an earlier Defense Department news conference statement that no Russian ships had been stopped. The terse comments only partially dispelled the mystery shrouding the whereabouts and intentions of a reported 25 Soviet vessels belieVed bound for Cuba with more offensiveA missiles and bombers that the A d Hoc United States has proclaimed it will turn back with force if necessary. The Washington Post quoted a reliable government source as say- ing six Russian ships nearest Cuba lC b iew s had altered their course but did not turn back. It quoted the offi- By MICHAEL ZWEIG cial as saying a Polish ship farther back was continuing toward Cuba. Over 300 students gathered on LearedRelablythe Diag yesterday afternoon to earned ly protest President John F. Kenne- The Miami Daily News reported dy's action in establishing the it had learned reliably that the blockade around Cuba, and were Cuba-bound vessels had turned met there by over 500 pro-blockade back. But Arthur Sylvester, assist- students. ant secretary of defense, told the The demonstration against the news conference he could not blockade was called by the Ad Hoc "either confirm or deny" that the Committee for United Nations Ac- ships had turned back. tion in the Crisis. A telegram,. He refused to say whether there drafted by the committee and had been any contacts with the signed by 285 people, was sent Communist ships, to President Kennedy and U Still missing was any firm evi- Thant. United Nations General As- dence of whether the Soviet Union sembly president. might now or later head some or Great Powers all of the ships into a full test of The telegram read: "The great the American quarantine on of- powers are on a collision course fensive arms shipments into Prime which can escalate to disaster. Minister Fidel Castro's encircled You must urge UN action to avoid island ordered by President John ,direct confrontation. We urge no F. Kennedy in a nationwide ad- further unilateral action by the dress Monday night. U. S. UN intervention and nego- Presiden Kennedy was reported tiations must be used to remove holding the door open for a crisis the threat of nuclear missiles in conference with Soviet Premier the hemisphere. U.S., Cuba, and Khrushchev if the right conditions Soviet Union must all recognize develop., security interests of each and re- (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Harvard crimson sent two reporters repre- senting the Daily Californian, The Daily and themselves to the United Nations to interview the Cuban dele- gates.) By PAUL S. COWAN and FREDRICK H. GARDNER Special To The Daily UNITED NATIONS-The Cuban government will not negotiate with the United States while under mili- tary blockade, Mario Garcia-In- chaustegui, head of the Cuban mission to the United Nations, said yesetrday. Any symbolic gestures by either government would not reduce the atmosphere of tension, he said. Garcia shrugged off the sugges- tions of prisoner repatriation or halting of "unsanctioned" raids by saying, "It's too little. We need something big now." Another C u b a n government source added that negotiations would only be possible on the basis if an open agenda which would bring more than strictly military matters under discussion. U.S. View In reply, Sen. Gordon Allot (R- Colo), who spoke for the American view, said that negotiations were impossible until "Cuba's offensive weapons were dismantled." While Allot insisted that an in- vasion of the island was unlikely before "all possibilities of work- ing through the UN are exhaust- ed," Garcia strongly repeated his country's refusal to admit UN ad- visory personnel. "They can ma- nauver for the enemy as witness the Congo," he said. On its most somber anniversary, the UN believed itself slightly out- side the nerve-center of the crisis. Just as the first Soviet ship was supposed to approach the Ameri- can blockade, the Security Coun- cil adjourned to attend a UN day concert by the Leningrad Sym- phony Orchestra. Council Impotence One observer believed that the adjournment symbolized the Coun- cil's impotence when the two ma- jor powers decide to confront each other in a military area. "There is no way that the neutralists can ipply sufficient pressure," he pointed out. Others added, however, that the UN would become influential as Allies Rally To Sup""port LONDON (RP)-The major United States allies and friends in Europe and Latin America rallied yesterday to the support of the United States blockade of Cuba. Many uncommitted nations ex- pressed an understanding of or sympathy with the United States stand. Algeria sided with Cuba, but offered no concrete help. Most countries turned to the United Nations in hopes of averting war. France joined Britain, West Germany and Italy in lining up solidly behind President John F. Kennedy's action. Official and unofficial express- ions supporting the United States also came from Turkey, Greece, Israel, J a p a n, Thailand and Jamaica. In Latin America - where the United States once had feared some unfavorable response to any move against Cuba - Argentina, Peru and Venezuela alerted their soon as the military situation crys- talized. Garcia, who had held that the U.S. "by word and deed" could make Cuba's militarization unnec- essary, felt himself unable to spe- cify where to begin, "First must come the removal of the blockade," he reiterated. The ambassador had taken time from an appointment with acting Secretary-General U Thant to meet with representatives of the' student press. He had not been in- terviewed since President John F.' Kennedy's announcement on the blockade Monday night. Consistent Action Ironically, both Garcia and Al- lot argued from different direc- tions, that the present action was consistent with the Bay of Pigs invasion policy. "Cuba has been invaded once already, the U.S. has not," Gar- cia insisted. "We are taking meas- ,ures obviously in defense; we do not want weapons." Allot, when asked what meas- ures had been taken to improve 'American intelligence and avoid repetition of the previous fiasco, answered: "The problem last time was not one of information, but of execution and vaccilation." "The reciprocal pledges of' the North Atlantic treaty are and re- main the basis of French policy," a Paris cabinet communique said. There was no immediate out- ward response in Western Euro- pean circles to an indirect call by Khrushchev for summit talks. Cuba Tensely Awaits Clash HAVANA ({A)-An air of expect- ancy hung over Havana yesterday as the United States blockade on strategic shipments to Cuba went into effect. There were stirrings at the arm- ed forces ministry and a Cuban navy corvette patrolled the waters close to Havana bay's entrance. Blue and green militia uniforms were conspicuous downtown. Some, steel helmeted soldiers were seen holding rifles. Anti-aircraft artil- lery was strengthened. Several public buildings board- ed up their plate glass windows. Posters raising a "call to arms" appeared overnight. They showed a militiaman beckoning with his burp gun raised above his head. The revolutionary slogan "Father- land or Death-We Will Win" showed on billboards. At several hotels Eastern Euro- nean guests gathered and talked COOLEY LECTURE SERIES: Davies Says Court Powers Injurious Letter to Kennedy In a letter to Kennedy, officials here said, Khrushchev made no di- rect bid for a conference and con- centrated his remarks on de- nouncing Kennedy's action Mon- day night in ordering a quarantine of Cuba.. But United States officials stressed that while sticking to his readiness for United States-Soviet negotiations, Kennedy's main con- cern and overriding objective is to put an end to Soviet nuclear missile bases in Cuba. The President was said to have given most careful consideration to the proposal made last night by acting United Nations Secre- tary-General U Thant to freeze the crisis for two weeks so that negotiations can proceed. The White House announced the Pres- ident was replying immediately. New Aerial The Pentagon said last night it' has new aerial reconnaissance pho- tographs of Soviet ballistic missile bases in Cuba, "even more reveal- ing" than those which led Presi- dent Kennedy to order the quar- antine action. Some of the new series of pic- tures were described as having been made at comparatively low level. President Kennedy reported to the top men in Congress on the Cuban situation and some of the leaders now are returning to their home states. Police Disperse OI a a @1S solve differences without resort to war." Some demonstrators carried signs saying "Support UN Action" "End the Blockade" and other de- mands for United Nations action in place of unilateral action by the Soviet Union and the United States. At the same time, over 500 stu- dents gathered on the Diag to sup- port the blockade and American action. They displayed such signs as "To Hell with Fidel" and "Use the Bomb .. . Annihilate Cuba." To Hell With Fidel Tom Hayden, Grad., spoke to the demonstrators, stressing the danger of nuclear war if unilateral action is continued. He suggested that the United Nations be ap- pealed to immediately, and that no nation take unilateral action. Hayden's remarks elicited a barrage of eggs, stones .and other objects as pro-blockade students sang The National Anthem and "From the Halls of Montezuma." There were unison chants of "To Hell with Fidel." z Silent Vigil By JOHN BRYANT armed forces or offered miltary Generalities in law and broad judicial interpretations are danger- help to the United States if ous to the freedoms of individuals, said Prof. D. Seaborne Davies,n Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Liverpool, yesterday. Prof. Davies was referring to an opinion by a British high court H ill Burns? which stated that the court has residual power to preserve thel J moral welfare of the people. I T, ni 1 Th AR d where,~ l ther sAt t Only New Laws He feels that this opinion, which implies thatI make new laws, could be especially dangerous in the colonies which have English common law because power could use it to gain more power. Lecturing on "The Machinery of Reform in sketched out the history of law reform in England what was being done there now. the court can former British the party in England," he and then told 1 e oi saw, wnr nr smoke, there's fire" fortunately didn't turn out to be true last night for Hill Aud., Charles Munch and the French Nation- al Orchestra. At 9:10 p.m., an alarm was turned in to the fire department reporting smokein the auditor- ium. Several fire trucks soon arrived on the scene and dis- pelled any doubts that the building would have to be evac- After Hayden's speech, the anti- blockade, pro-UN demonstrators moved to the Ann Arbor City County Building downtown, where they joined Ann Arbor citizens from Women for Peace and Voters Voice for Peace in a silent vigil. Pro - blockade demonstrators also proceeded to the City Cointy Building, where they continued their demonstration, which in- cluded a unison recital of the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Dick Flacks, spokesman for the Ad Hoc Committee, said that a I reat value of the protest rally was He noted that although the major transition of English law from a conglomeration of rules to a modern consolidated version of these rules took place in 1861, only a modest amount of general --