WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1962 5.P .AAR CUJ ±YA.EA N n AL VW v.. ' DES - cTB -- 24-192: 'Eal'UEiaUnluE1r L ~A VW - PAGE FIVE t 7 .w: " J viw:: .. .. ... ,., :.,..,.tE;};Jr"r{ v r. {:rwrr:','"'rJh*f.''r"}:;fi4 "fi.,"',.;; ....;t4:<"xfi ". W:' x:,:";"}:" ."',{;rr ".".".W ::.-' ':? "rq ,r V. W , { {Jfx .W x M J "4" r.Wrrr : f' ."fti vv'W'1"aJ ::.............. r."x:. ,. S:".{"::.x::rr', :::t-.Jrfi 1 N.r ..1. r y," .' "' f"K4 t:+ ..r. .tt.r..x..t: x::": o" t.' rr"h' "5x1Nr" .h .rvxyM" a a.'a-l.FS.- :,, hW}r."{ti:: ". :;"yV} , T'r' h1+, f " ': '" .::J?. '. .":;}r; "r fir"",% fiFr,:{,.^r,,h}r ;"1q::::"i9:f"}iT:Kv... .:i:vti':"}'rvrrv{, lcvv v:. ". .v ""Tw. , xW.:":{: }y rr ra:.....r.. x Ar ...JJ J r"" Jr'r41."r+WrrfiJ"Jf4'"'Vx": r:r..... , J. to^A'. {' , r r Wx"1 .":.9:I"f : r. :':": Cr l Jilt{{r"W:: }r:;'{t.+.}h r..Y." N ?":":t 1.. . rr.{ .f, ." '."xW: NJ:F. ". r.:",rti ":r",T1Crj.{:.r,.,;lr.M K4}'f. r .y.1 h xJ .g". S".. 1,.f...x.C":.:"rr:':.1.r.'rJrr:'.r..rxr,..A. i:4:i":l:":".1'!!}:"::{:{ F"rr.VxtWr.1"frrT:h:x:W.Y'. xx .'r :'1 JJfJJJrW.".1'.1:":'y ", 'DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN L ;:t " '.".;r .. $ f :.1 ".::::.",,:::::." :::::,r'.;: .,h.... Jt" fi3,;Cr."r :."r "::ovv:r.' . .. Ab x' .", ,.. .rxt :"X' . . rf .. r.. , W .. ,J.....r".x ..;, C,, J 'J:'T. J.:'"r ::W\x .. ... .., .::W.. .V.."r 'rxr ". . r AY :Vr r 1"f.W:r :r x.."$h. x. ........,...x.......t" t{+. x.?J'x,.:/frCvA.x ." r. ." "rr" .:rJ 1,.... R.... :r. .. 1 .. .:.........J... }};: h...,.. ...v...... x.a. SN. AJn1v'Fr7 x{".':"Frf 1l vrh".111v: 1":'n".WL!G'J" (:.J:M1"f: tuxr. .W.:.'F." ". r. ...... r...t.. }..:? "tiN}. ,"W,"t, :. t." r1 :::?f::'"":::t:.". ..-,,..,., ." "::trrV"}:.::{{tv:'::tNr::":"; i;:M:"::t"}:r: t't:." :::4t{v:": iJ:,W.; "{; .,".":: r "y."x.. rW fh .':uo...rx.Sxt.x..r...r...::rvf::".."xN:1.v"' re'r :+ ::: ..1v:.{wrN{'rGtv.+.+v }3}$fie:i:i. t ti4::F:>:_.}r3s.. For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. The Daily Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily'assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Day Calendar 7:30 a~m-Mich. Industry-Univ. Space Age Research Conference - Registration, Rackham Lob- by; Addresses, Rackham, Hall, "National Aeronautics and Space Admin. Research and Development Programs and Requirements"; Gordon Ty- ler, "NASA Research and De- velopment Contract p'olicies and Procedures"; and L. Jo- seph Crafton, "Results of the Survey of Mich. Indus- tries and Universities De- fense and Space Capabili- ties." 10 a.m.-Phanacy Lectures-Rackham Bldg.; Morning Session, Jo- seph A. Oddis, "A Challenge -From Small Hospitals to Community Pharmacists"; and Dr. Robert D. Johnsdn, "On the Nature of Obesity, Diets, Drugs, and Theories"; Afternoon Session, Dr. Phil- ip Jay, "The Present Status of Fluoride in the Control of Dental Caries"; Dr. R. A. C411'ee Roundup SAN FRANCISCO (') - Four San Francisco State College stu- dents have quit a geology course because they contend the views of its professor undermined their religious beliefs. The students, not identified, quit because Prof. York Mandra- said the earth could not have been completely covered with water at any one time. The state- ment was made during a lecture on Noah and the Ark. The Golden Gater, a school newspaper, quoted both sides in the controversy. "They're corruptors. They want to twist us with their so-called facts until we accept nothing on faith," one student was quoted. Prof. Mandra said he regretted the resignation of the students and added: "When the truth is known, re- ligion and science are definitely found to be compatible." Deno, "Natural Drugs in To- day's Pharmacy"; and Dr. Robert Moore, "Durg Thera- py in Clinical Psychiatry." 34:15 p.m.-Cooley Lecture Series--Prof. D. Seaborn Davies, "Problems of Criminal Law in Brit- ain": Room 100, Hutchins Hall. 4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Anthropology Lee ture-Dr. A. A. Gerbrands, "Primitive Art in New Gui- nea": Aud. A, Angell Hall. 5:00 p.m.-Biomedical Data, rocessing Program Lecture Series - Brice Carnahan, "Program- ming-MAD": School of Pub- lic Health Aud. 8:30 p.m.--Univ. Musical Society Con- cert-French National Or- chestra: Hill Aud. 8:30 p.m.-Professional Theatre Program -Association of Producing Artists in "Ghosts": Lydia Mendelssohti Theatre. General Notices The Conference Boardof Associated Research Councils announces a pro- gram of advanced research fellowships in member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for' 1963-64. Awards are intended for well-established schol- ars (doctoral degree or its equivalent) in the Humanities and Social Sciences, pertaining to historical, political, eco- nomic and social problems. Further in- formation is available in the Fellowship Office, 110 Rackham Bldg., or by writ- ing Conference Board of Research Coun- cils, Committee on International Ex- change of Persons, 2101 Constitution Ave.,nWashington'25, D.C. Deadline for receipt of applications is Nov. 20. Will all Students of the School of Nursing please check the bulletin boards in the School of Nursing for informa- tion about pre-classification. Events Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Prof. Leslie Kish will speak on "Stand- ard Errors for Indexes from Complex Samples," on Thurs., Oct. 25 at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3201 Angell Hall. Numerical Analysis Seminar: Len Harding will talk on "The Non-Sym- metric Eigenvalue Problem," Part 1, in Room 318 W. E. at 4:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 24. History Dept. Lecture: John Habak- kuk, Chichele Prof. of Economic His- tory, Univ. of Oxford, on "The English Aristocracy in the Eighteenth Century," Thurs., Oct. 25, 4:10 p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre. Chemistry Department Colloquium: Oct. 25, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 1300, Dr. Jerome P. Horwitz of the Detroit Institute for Cancer Research will speak on "Pyrimi- dine Aminonucleosides." Navy Day Luncheon: In commemora- tion and celebration of Navy Day, 1962, the Annual Navy Day Luncheon will be held at the Mich. League, Vanden- bury Room on, Fri., Oct. 26 at 12:00 noon. The speaker will be Captain R. A. Sawyer, USNR, vice-president for re- search, Univ. of Mich. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr. J. Malville, Radio Astronomy, Univ. of Mich., will speak on "Theory of Solar Radio Physics" Thurs., Oct. 25, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 246 W. Engrg. Refreshments will be in Room 350 W. Engrg. at 3:30 p.m. The i French National , Orchestra, Charles Munch, 4jrector, will be heard tonight at 8:30 in Hill Aud., under the auspices of the Univ. Musical So- ciety-in the 3rd program of the Chor- al Union Series. The following program will be presented: "Overture, "Le Cor- saire" (Berlioz); Serenade (Milhaud); "Bacchus et Ariane," Ballet Suite No. 2 (Roussel); "La Mer' (Debussy); and La Valse (Ravel). Tickett are on sale during the day at the offices of the Univ. Musical Society; and will be on sale at the Hill Aud. box office this evening after 7:00. Student Government Council Approval for the following student-sponsored ac- tivities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All pub- ,licity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. ** * International Student Association, Discussion on U.S. Society, Every Mon., Oct. 29-Nov. 19, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Inter- national Center, * * * Michigan Christian Fellowship, Reg- ular meeting, Rev. Sanford Morgan speaking, "The Present Crisis in Reli- gion," Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m., 2040 Nat. Res. Bldg. Placement. TEACHER PLACEMENT: The following schools have listed teaching vacancies for the school year 1962-1963 Ferndale, Mich.-Elem. Engl./Sci., Art, Phys. Ed. Monroe, Mich.-Jr. HS Bus Ed., Math; Voc. Draft., Trade & Indust. Coor., Read. Spec. Second Semester. Uniondale, N.Y. (Union Free Sch. Dist. No. 2)-Jr-Sr.tHS Math, Jr. Sr. HS Sci. Second Semester. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. (Wappingers Central Sch.)-Elem. Lib.-Second Se- mester. SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- The Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab, has approximately forty summer positions for Electronics Engnrs. or Engrg. Physicists. For details, see Summer Placement Service. POSITION OPENINGS: Active Mobile Homes Corp., Marlette, Mich.-Architect to work in new dept. , for factory built mobile homes. Must be able to draft & supervise FHA Community Code drawings. Arch, degree & require arch. exper. Baltimore, Md. Civil Service-Commu- nity Organization Adviser. Degree with major in social sciences. General knowl- edge of objectives of urban renewal & community planning progs. Knowledge of social work methods & practices. Apply by Nov. 2. Management Consultants in East - Client firms have openings as follows: 1) Deputy Dir.-Operations Analysis- BSEE & PhD in Physics or Math plus exper. 2) Sales Manager-Private La- bel-Degree plus demonstrated record of direct selling plus proven record of directing & managing a sales force. 3 1 Div. Sales Mgr.-Degree plus exper. in directing & managing a sales force. 4) Sr. Reliability Engnr.-Pref. MS in Phys- ics or ME plus 5 yrs. exper. 5) Project Reliability Engnr.-Test-Degree Elec- tronics, ME, or Physics, pref. MS. 5 yrs. exper. Amphenol-Borg Electronics Corp., Broadview, I1.-Experienced technical personnel for following openings: Proj- ect, Electrical & Staff Engnrs.; Tool Engrg. Mgr.; Engrg. Project Manager; Chemist; and Physicists. Various loca- tions. Sarkes Tarzan, Inc., Bloomington, Ind.-Many & various openings includ- ing: Production Mgr.; Sales Promotion; Continuity Dir.; Studio Ass't. Broad- cast Engnr.; Newsman; Radio Announc- er; Engineers; Supervisor Production- Radio Line; Design Draftsman, etc. . Major West Coast Aerospace Corp.- Opening for Chief of Physics Technology Dept. MS Physics required; PhD highly desirable (strength & interest should be in quantum rather than classical Phys- ics). Strong bkgd. with large industrial or govt' organization engaged in engrg. & possibly manufacturing efforts. Age open, but prefer above 34. Aluminum Extrusions, Inc., Charlotte, Mich.--Seeking Anodize Chemist - BS Chem. or Chem. Engrg. Prefer married & inactive reserve or exempt under present draft law. At least 2 yrs. ex- per, in controlling anodizing operation. * * * For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. OCT. 26- Brown Engineering Co., Huntsville, Ala.-BS: CE, BE & ME. Feb.. June & Aug. grads. Men & Wpmen. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Chrysler Corporation, Detroit area, Mgmt. Trng. Program - Mfg. Group, Chrysler Institute of Engrg. & Chrysler Engrg. Div.-Al Degrees: ChE, EE, E Physics, ME & Met. BS: IE & E Physics. Feb. & June grads. R. & D., Des. Sched- ules will be set up by corporation- You must make appt. for counseling in- terview on Oct. 25. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Main Offices-Toledo, Ohio; Plants - Calif., Kansas, Ohio, N.J., Penna., R.I., S.C.; Sales Offices-Throughout U.S. - BS: ChE, CE, Eb, IE & ME. Feb. & June grads. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Petrolite Company, Petrolite Lab., Webster Grove, Md.-Al Degrees: ChE. MS-PhD: Met. Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men only. R. & D. & Sales, New Prod- uct Sales Dev. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Chemical Division, Barberton, Ohio-BS-MS: ChE, CE, EE, IE & ME. MS: Instrumentation & Construction. Feb. & June grads. R. & D., Des., Prod., Ind. Engnr., Main- tenance Engr., Plant Engr., Instru. & Automatic Process Control, Power & Construction. United Technology Corp., Sunnyvale, Calif., on Sari Francisco Peninsula- MS-PhD: AE & Astro., ChE, CE, EE, EM, Instru., Mat'is., ME & Met. Prof.: Ap- plied Mech. Feb. & June grads. R. & D., Des., Prod. Part-'ime Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Placement Office, '2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 P,. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part- time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE -Several Odd jobs posted on the bul- letin board In this office. 1-To teach gymnastics on a part-time permanent basis. Hours would be flexible. --Several sales positions. 2-Electrical Engineers. Must be at least a Jr. or Sr. with a 3.00, or above, grade point. Must have Se- curity Clearance. 20 hours per week. 1-Auto-Mechanic. Will be doing ma- jor repairs mainly with trucks, in- cluding welding. Must have training. Full-time or 20 hrs. per week. 1-Short-order-cook. Must have exper- ience. The hours would be flexible. Transportation necessary. 2-3-Orderlies. Must be college students willing to work below college level. Full - time permanent position. Hours: 3:15-11:30 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. FEMALE 1-Hat check girl. Hours: 12 noon to 6 p.m. Would need transportation. (Outside Ann Arbor.) 1-To baby sit with one child, 14 months old. Would have full care of the house (very small). Hours: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. 1-To take care of 2 children, age 5 andt8, would have full care of the house. Hours: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. Could live in if desired. City bus runs by the house. ORGANIZATION NOTICES ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTED. Reasonable Rates, Good Food. Triangle Fraternity,, NO 2-9431 after 6 p.m. E6 PERSONAL VIVE LA CORNING WARE!!!! F12 GLEE CLUB CONCERT NOVEMBER 3 F2 ANDERSON ANT Beat the Pants Off of the ELEF - ANTS P14 ZACH-If you really love me, meet me at the Bell after the Glee Club Con- cert. I'm sedate in tails.-Blew. Fl CANDIDATES FOR SGC - Petitions available until Oct. 26 at S.A.B. F6 WANTED-Photographer with 35 mm. slide camera to accompany Homecom- ing co-chairmen this weekend. Call at Michigan Union. F6 ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING by Rem- brandt. Never before sold, copied, or hung. Sealed bids are now being accepted. B.C. of Rome said, "Unbe- lieveable." A.D. of Paris said, "Fan- tastic." Write Joe Rembrandt. F15 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - Where marignal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. P43 WANT TO ESCAPE? Try art. Try Gen- eration staff. We need you. For infor- mation call John Herrick, editor, NO 3-2273 or NO 2-3241. You too can speak for your generation. F11 GLEE CLUB block tickets available this week. Mon.-Fri, at Hill Aud, box office, 8:00-5:00. All tickets reserved, $1, $1.50, $2. Ten tickets constitute a block. F50 ARE YOU CAPABLE? I need someone to handle my business while I go to parties and establish credit references. Free mental ability test and motorcycle. Prefer rock 'n' roll type person with nimble fingers. V15 DEAR CHUCK-Sorry we were cut off. Checked on accommodations for Chady over Homecoming. Sorry no room for her here. Please call if you read this. B. B. F49 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LINES 2 3 4 ONE-DAY .85 t.00 SPECIAL SIX-DAY RATE 3.48 4.20 . 4.95 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Gold high school class ring. If found, please call NO 5-5837. A34 LOST-Laundry. Wm. St. Laundramat. Please call Gerald Cook, NO 2-3445. A33 FOR SALE MUST SELL one ticket to Indian Danc- ers for Nov. 6. Please call 3-6169. B40 LEITZ VALLOY .II, 35 m. enlarger with lens. U. Hospital, Ext. 7445. B39 HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS and Decora- tions. One mile from Stadium. 2617 Saline Rd. B27 FOR BALE: Women's quality used clothing (plaid English woolen skirts) size 10-12. Call 663-2823 mealtimes. B6 CHRISTIAN ENTERPRISES STORE 3650 CARPENTER ROAD PHONE-NO 8-9629 Tue., Wed., Thur.-8 a.m.-6 p.m. Open: Mon., Fri., Sat.-8 am.-9 pan., Furnishings for home or apartment, Re-upholstered and refinished furni- ture. Figure 5 average words to a line Cali Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. Phone NO 2-4786 PIZZA KIND 1308 South University Free, fast delivery, 3 sizes- 12-, 14-, & 16-inch. NO 5-9655 F11 amm -mmmmmmmmin=m=====mmmmmmmmmmm4.========= m a I * I THRITY DRY CLEAN & WEAR Corner of Liberty and Fifth Ave. - DRIVE THRU CLEANERS SPECIAL SAVE 75%E Cleaned & Pressed a ON OUR DRY CLEANING Plain Skirts I SWEATERS . . . 50c 35c each-3 for $1.00 * N JACKETS...50cand up __ TROUSERS ... To4505c SUITS...$1Trousers 45c each DRESSES... $1 and up 3 for $1.25 I OVE RCOATS . . .$I _________ BRING IN THIS AD FOR THESE SPECIALS * GOOD UNTIL NOV. 5 r lmum..m===.ww ===irww..raw + wwammmmwmE=m==='..m.m.m=n COMING SAT., November 10 - Carlos Montoya. Ann Arbor High. Block tick- et orders now being taken. Contact the Bud-Mor Agency, 1103 S. Univer- sity, NO 2-6362. F14 GENERATION NEEDS some electricity and you are it! Poems, plays, short stories, novels, even vignettes. Written any? Leave them on the Generation desks in the Student Publications Building, 410 Maynard, first floor. We love you and want to make you fam- ous. F9 BARB Did I ever get took to the cleaners and I enjoyed it too. My roommate took me to Frank's Kleen King, 1226 Packard, and showed me how easy it was to dry clean all my skirts, sweat- ers, coats, etc. A full 10 lb. load in just 20 minutes for $2. For further information or if you have transpor- tation problems call NO 8-9468. Sue F44 (Back to the Pussycat, merely-go-round- ing on his merrily-go-rounding.) PUSSYCAT, LOOK OUT!! Over by the doghouse!! That Bulldog that just came out of the doghouse is giving. you the weasel - eye. I thought all the Bull-dogs knew Pussy- cat by now-don't they know that Pussycats never hurt anyone else? Watch yourself-don't let him catch you. Now that all holds are barred, and you're merely - go - merrily - go- rounding with no bars held, you'd better watch out for these Bull-dogs and those Dobermans. Beware the dogs in the light of the moon: Be- ware the light of the moon. F13 USED CARS{ '57 AUSTIN-HEALEY, good condition Perellis. $995. NO 5-0533. N40 1953 black Cadillac Herse. Good condi- tion, Call S. Quad, Ext. 571. N36 1957 TRIUMPH TR-3. Red with black canvas top. Call NO 8-9379. N35 '55 2-DR. CHEV. Good clean car, stand- ard trans. $325. HU 2-9425. '58 FORD FAIRLANE. Four-door hard- top, power steering, power brakes. Fordomatic, electric windows, electric seat. Priced to sell $400. Call NO 2- 5874 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. N42 '58 4-door Ford. Excellent condition. 311 Awixa, NO 3-0211. N24 1958 OPEL station wagon. 30,000 miles- $550. NO 5-7165. N34 '55 FORD, 312 Thunderbird engine, 4.11 rear end. Radio and heater. Price $230. Phone NO 8-6512. N41 '55 DODGE, 2 door, V-8, fully equipped, auto. transmition, body excellent. $375. Call Jim, NO 2-7375. N39 '54 CHEVY-Good tires, radio, heater. Runs well. 665-7806 after 5 p.m. week- ends. N37 1960 RENAULT convertible Caravelle. Assume payments. Phone HU 3-1521. N31 1959 CORVETTE, two tops, excellent condition. $2450 with $850 down. NO 8-7449. N43 '58 TRIUMPH. Excellent condition, new Pirelli tires, engine overhauled. $1,095. NO 3-5446. N17 1959 CHEVROLET - 2-door Bel Aire. Power Glide, 32,000 mi., new tires. One owner, excellent condition. Best offer over $980. NO 8-8451. N38 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR THE FINEST SELECTION of party favors and unique gifts contact Bud- Mor Agency, 1103 S. University, NO 2-6362. J4 MANUSCRIPTS, TERM PAPERS typed, Multilith Offset for reproduction, Photo copy, mailings. Gretzinger's Business Service, 320 S. Huron. HU 2-0191. J8 The Harriest Shop in Town M-DEN BARBERS across from the Hill Auditorium Basement of Michigan Pharmacy' J6 The BUD-MOR AGENCY featuring the finest music: Maximilian Doug Brown Johnny Harberd Andy Anderson Clarence Byrd Dick Tilkin Bell Tones (Ron Bell) Art Bartner Men of Note Bill Curtin The Classics Don't delay_ plan your parties right away 1103 S. University, Phone NO 2-6362 WANTED TO BUY f BIKES and SCOOTERS SPECIAL AD FOR STUDENTS 20% off on all bicycle repairs and accessories with student card year round. UNIVERSITY BICYCLE HOSPITAL 214 S. State, 662-6986 next to Lane Hall Z BARGAIN CORNER ATTENTION ROTC Officers' Shoes Army-Navy Oxfords--$7.95 Socks 39c Shorts 69c Brasso 69c SAM'S STORE 123 E. Washington FOR RENT CAMPUS-Single room., for male stu- dent, linen service. NO 2-1807. CIO PARKING SPACE for rent. East Liberty and South Forest locations. Apts.- Limited, NO 3-0511 evenings and NO 5-9271. Cil ROOM for female student. NO 5-0393 after 5. C24 NEW ONE Bedroom Apartment at May- nard House. Will sublet at loss until Jnue. For 2 or 3 graduate students. NO 2-1784. C5 ON CAMPUS-Well furn. apt. for 2 men. $100. 3 men, $115. Call 5-4767 bet. 1 and 5 p.m. 3-4660 mornings and evenings, 6-9 p.m. C47 STUDENTS Several apartments available in cam- pus and Burns Park area. APARTMENTS, LIMITED NO 3-0511 Evenings NO 5-9271 C45 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' A limited number of efficiency one bedroom and 2 bedroom furnished apartments available for Oct., Nov. and Dec. assignments to married students or married faculty. Apply at University Apartments Office, 2364 Bishop St., North Campus, or phone 662-3169 or 663-1511, Ext. 3569. C4 FOR RENT-One 3 bedroom unfurnish- ed house with wall to wall carpeting in living room, bedroom, and hall. Available to faculty after Oct. 31. Conveniently located near North Campus. Apply at University Apart- ments Office, 2364 Bishop St., North Campus, or phone 662-3169 or 663- 1511, Ext. 3569. C3 ACT NOW Studios from $111.00 1-bedroom from $130.00 Bus transportation to campus and Ann Arbor business district. HURON TOWERS NO 3-0800, NO 5-9162 STUDENTS Do you want to live in a new, luxury two - bedroom, furnished apartment -- But do not havet enough roommates to carry thet load-don't hesitate-call Apart- ments Ltd, NO 3-0511. Evenings NO 5-9271. We will arrange meet- ings for interested parties. Hurry -only four available. C27 Hide-A-Beds Sofa Beds Platform Rockers Occasional Chairs Miscellaneous articles of all kinds. Clothing for the entire family. One set of Corpus Juris Law books. C34 BUY YOUR MICHIGANENSIAN NOW! MUSICAL MDSE: RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS BANJOS, GUITARS AND. BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington HELP WANTED WANTED--Qualified people to aid in academic tutoring. Sign up at Union student offices. H29 PORTER to do light house work for lunches and dinsers about 12 hours a week. Call Paul, 663-8517. H31 LOST: Alpha Zi Delta gold and ,pearl quill pin. If found please, please call Gray Barnett at NO 3-0522 anytime. R32 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper-Accountant, female preferred, full-time. Small business firm. By appointment. 863- 5723. H24 MALE WANTED Part-time service station employee needed. Prefer male who would be available for summer work and holi- day work. Write Box 6, c/o Classified Dept., Daily. H32 TRANSPORTATION SAN FRANCISCO-Wayne med student leaving Oct. 25. Riders' wanted. KE 4-5710. 021 NEED RIDE for Chicago (NWU) leaving Friday morning 10/26. Will share exp. Call Sue, 5-7711, Ext. 3316. 022 RIDE WANTED to Dayton, Ohio, or Richmond, Ind., on Thurs., Oct. 25, leaving after 10 a.m. but before 2 p.m. Will pay. Call Jane W., NO 3- 3384. 020 Drive Yourself AND SAVE pickups, panels, stakes, MOVING VANS Whit's Rent-A-Truck HU 2-4434 59 Ecorse Road Ypsilanti, Michigan $64.50 $37.50 $22.50 3.50 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Refrigerators Electric ranges Gas ranges Washing machines Television sets Radios Desks Dining Room sets Bedroom suites $29.50 $27.50 15.00 17.50 27.50 4.50 4.50 24.50 42.50 up up up up up up up up up up up up up BAHA'I BOOKS The following list indicate some of the books available to the public in the University of Michigan General Library Books may also be obtained from the Baha'i Library, 1400 Granger St. UNIVERSITY GENERAL LIBRARY (Books are found in card catalog under "Baha'ism" and "Baha'u'llah." In the stacks they are under the BP 360 and BP 365 call area--9th floor north wing.) BOUFFANT HAIR FASHION and WONDER WEAVE CENTER Thanksgiving Specials on PERMANENTS Cold Wave-$10.00 Hair-Strate--$15.00 Luster-Silks-3 for $25.00 Ever-Perms-$15.00 II I Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rms. 3K-L. Lineup for WSU Match-everyone welcome. Deutscher Verein, Kaffee Stunde, Oct. 25, 3-5 p.m., 4072 FB. New University Thought Discussion Group, Organizational Meeting, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3D. Sociedad Hispanica, Variedades Mexi- canas-bailes, canciones, musica, anec- dotes, Oct. 24, 8 p.m., 3050 FB. U. of M. Rifle Club, Business Meet- ing, Beginning Shooters School, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., Rifle Range. Newman Club, Lecture: "Emerging Negro in our Underdeveloped Democra- cy," Oct. 24, 8 p.m., 331 Thompson. SPRING WEEKEND Central Committee positions avail- able; Tickets, Secretariat, Programs, Awards & Judges, Special Events, Pub- licity, Graphic, Communications, Pro- motions, Friday Afternoon Events, Skit Night, Saturday Afternoon Events, Saturday Night Events. Petitions in Student offices of Union, Undergraduate office of League, F8 2 TICKETS WANTED desperately to Ghosts-Fri. and/or Newhart. Call 8- 6571. K6 USED ENGLISH RACER-Good condi- tion. Write Box 350, c/o Daily. K5 I IF MISCELLANEOUS Baha'u'llah, Book of Certitude (Kitab-i-lqan, 1950 ed.) Baha'u'llah, Hidden Words Baha'u'llah, Prayers and Meditations' Baha'u'llah, Gleanings Baha'u'Ilah (and Abdu'I-Baha) Bahi'i World Faith (Compilation of Sacred Writings) Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha, Glad Tidings of Baha'u'llah (Compilation of Sacred Writings) 'Abdu'l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization 'Abdu'l -Baha, Some Answered Questions 'Abdu'I-Baha and Baha'u'llah, Divine Art of 'Living (Compilation) Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah Shoghi Effendi The Promised Day is Come Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice The following are introductory to the Baha'i Faith: Esslemont, J. E., Baha'u'llah and the New Era Ferraby, John, All Things Made New Townshend, George, Christ and Baha'u'llah The Promise of All Ages Hoffman, David, The Renewal of Civilization LEARN ABOUT THE GREAT SPIRITUAL DRAMA OF THIS NEW AGE BAHA'I BOOKS " - - WE .. - PADLOCKS, NITE LITES SNACKS ON THE RUN NYLON STOCKINGS AND MOUSE TRAPS You name it, we have it at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard 307 SOUTH FIFTH NO 8-9356 AVE. N .. ifi TOUCHDOWN DOLLS Football players that crouch, kick, huddle and twist into T-formation. Shown: MSU, green/white,.." U of M, maize/blue. Soft flannel. 1.00 each. '- :;; {} C r' .I=A?, :r4\ .. . w .,. CHESTERFIELD ALL WEATHER COATS 249 REG. 39.95 X --...... . <, s I I