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October 24, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-24

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See Editorial page

C I -

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom



Partly cloudy and continued
cold through tonight



Newton Explains
Firing of Editor
Colorado President Remarks Althen
Hurt School by 'Irresponsibility'
President of Colorado University Quigg Newton took 20 minutes
yesterday to explain to over 4000 students why he fired Colorado
Daily editor Gary Althen last week
"It is my considered and reconsidered opinion" that Althen had
hurt the university with "acts of editorial irresponsibility. We cannot
risk further damage by permitting the editor to retain his position,"
Newton declared.
Newton spoke to the students after incumbent candidate for the
university's Board of Regents, Charles D. Bromley, pledged to work
Tfor Newton's resignation as presi-





Cuban Arms

'U',Students Prepare
To Protest Blockade,
University students will protest President John F. Kennedy's
blockade of Cuba at 4 p.m. today on the Diag in one of many demon-
strations held yesterday or scheduled for today across the nation.
The demonstration is sponsored by an ad-hoc committee includ-
ing former Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, Grad; Richard Flacks, Grad;
Jean Converse, Grad, and Harold Orbach. Committee members are
on the executive committees of various campus peace and "liberal"
groups, but the demonstration is

resignation demanded
Set 'Romney
A Favorite
In Election
University students chose GOP
hopeful George Romney over in-
cumbent John B. Swainson by a
two to one ratio in yesterday's
mock gubernatorial election.
Romney polled 1353 to Swain-
son's 666 with nine votes going
to write-in Socialist candidate
James Sims. Various other can-
didates, receiving a total of four
votes, include Norman Thomas
and students.
Students for Romney Chairman
Barry Litvin, '63, said that he feels
the student vote "represents a
cross-section of Michigan voters"
and that the campus victory is
a, foreshadowing of the results of
the November general election.
Young Republican Chairmain
Mark Hauser, '63, attributed the
victory to a realization among
students of the "need for leader-
ship" in Michigan.
Mal Warwick, '63, head of the
Young Democrats, said "our con-
gratulations go to the Young Re-
publican Club whose superior re-
sources and hours of hard work
have yielded them victory."
He also noted that past results,
specifically the victory of Richard
M. Nixon over President John F.
Kennedy in the 1960 mock presi-
dential election, shows that the
student body is not a cross-sec-
tion of the feelings of the citizenry
of Michigan.
The election was open to any

dent if he (Bromley) were re-
Pledge Effort
Speaking in Denver . Monday
evening, Bromley said "the Uni-
versity of Colorado was a great
institution before the present
president (Newton) was appoint-
ed,tand it will be a much greater
one shortly after he leaves. And
to this end I pledge my utmost
Colorado Daily interim-editor
Jon Kolomitz reported that Brom-
ley, running for one of the two
contested seats on the board of
regents, is a Republican, and that
Newton was affiliated with the
Colorado Democratic party before.
his appointment to the university
presidency in ,1956.
Bromley also charged that New-
ton "deals from a politically op-
portunistic basis rather than a
fundamental underlying prin-
Not Both Ways
"You can't have it both ways,"
Newton explained to the students
in yesterday's address. "You can-
not insist that you be treated as
responsible and mature adults and
then, when something goes wrong,
say 'What's the fuss all about?
We're just a bunch of kids'."
Academic freedom cannot be "de-
based" by irresponsibility.
Colorado Student Senate last
week authorized a referendum on
the issue of Newton's action. The
vote was to be held the two days
following Newton's address to the
students, and will be held today
and tomorrow.
As a result of Newton's speech,
"those who were undecided went
in Newtqn's favor. Those who had
been against Newton were angered
by what they felt to be insuffi-
cient explanation," Kolomitz said
last night.
Voice Selects
Election Slate
Voice Political Party voted last
night to endorse and work for the
election of the following SGC
candidates: Gary Gilbar, '64 A&D,
Michael Kass, '65, Regina Rosen-
feld, '64 and Robert Ross, '63.
Voice also announced that at
a meeting next Tuesday it will
consider supporting any other in-
terested SGC candidate
Voice declared its "intention to
actively support" the campaign of
Tom Payne, Democratic candidate
for United States Congress from
Michigan's Second District.
Reaffirming its "belief in the
National Student Association,"
Voice voted to "work actively to
defeat the attempts to withdraw
SGC from NSA."

.S GC Plans
To Consider
NSA Motion
Student Government Council
tonight will consider a motion to
hold a referendum on University
membership in the National Stu-
dent Association.
The proposal, which requires a
two-thirds vote, of council, would
put the following question on the
Nov. 14 election ballot: "Shall
the University remain a member
of the United States National Stu-
dent Association?"
According to SGC president
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, the Coun-
cil itself will consider the ques-
tion of participation in NSA if
the proposal to hold a referendum
Several Reasons
Stockmeyer gave several reasons
for holding the referendum with
the coming election. First, "there
has been a sufficient amount of
time to inform the campus about
Second, Council members have
had a chance to reevaluate NSA
at the national congress this sum-
mer. And third, forces from off
campus "will not influence the
referendum if held this fall," he
Offer Substitute
Thomas Brown, '63 BAd, will
offer a substitute for a proposal
by Daily Editor Michael Olinick,
'63. Olinick's motion would com-
mend Robert Howard, president of
Michigan State University student
government, for refusing to par-
ticipate in a committee which
would screen speakers. Brown's
substitute would urge the Regents
to help other state schools obtain
"advanced speaker policies."
Council will also consider a
motion by Olinick to condemn
"the action of University of Colo-
rado President Quigg Newton in
firing Gary Althen, the editor of
the Colorado Daily."
Charles Barnell, '63, Gary Gil-
bar, '64 A&D, Fred Russell Kram-
er, '63, and Robert Ross, '63, have
taken out petitions for candidacy
in the Nov. 14 election.

not sponsored by their organiz
tions, Hayden stressed.
After meeting on the Diag, V
demonstration will join a simi
protest by Ann Arbor residents
the County Bldg.
Express Conviction
"The purpose of this demonstr
tion is to express our convicti
that the only rational course ofa
tion for the United States is ana
tempt to resolve the crisis witho
further use of force," the comm
tee declared in letter to the edit
in this morning's Daily.
The demonstration supports pr
posals that the United Nations i
vestigate the nature of Soviet mi
tary shipments to Cuba and, if
threat to peace exists, resolve
through the UN peace keeping m
Students favoring and opposi
Kennedy's Cuba action picket
the National Automobile Show
Detroit's Cobo Hall yesterday.
Neither demonstrations wereo
ganized by specific groups, Way
State University Collegian mana
ing editor Michael Dworkin repo:
ed. However, members of the St
dent Peace Union were among t
approximately 80 anti-Kenne
protesters and Young Democi
and Young Republican Club men
bers were among the counter-pic
At the University of Chicag
approximately 100 members of t
Student Peace Union picketed
speech by Democratic senator
candidate Sidney Yates (D-Il
Students from Montreal's McG
and Sir George Williams Univ
sities demonstrated before t
United States consulate calling t
Kennedy action "arbitrary andi
legal by the standards of intern
tional law."
Students demonstrated at t
University of California at Berk
ley. A rally drew more than 8
students, one of the biggest crow
for a spontaneous rally in yea
the Daily Californian reported.
Today, the California studen
plan to demonstrate in Uni
Square in San Francisco.
At Harvard, Toxin is sponsori
a protest rally today, featuring1
Stuart Hughes, an independe
candidate running for the Unit
States Senate.
Students for a Democratic S
ciety and the Student Peace U
ion are planning a Saturday ra
in Washington.

t 1a



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-AP wirephoto
DANGER CIRCLES-The inner circle on the map shows the 1,200
mile radius from Cuban missile sites according to President John
F. Kennedy. The outer circle is the 2,400 mile radius of sites now
being built for intermediate range missiles.
ORA Director Lists 'U'
The University stands first in space research among the nation's
colleges and universities and its total research program of more
than $30 million annually can benefit the state's industries in many
areas, Robert E. Burroughs, director of the Office of Research Ad-
ministration, said Monday.
Speaking at the Michigan Industry-University Space Age Con-
ference, Burroughs said that the state's industrial organizations
have yet to take full advantage of the universities, whose teach-
ing and research facilities "represent a virtually untapped reser-
voir of competence that can be brought to bear on your problems
and requirements."
Full Advantage

engthen Service
Castro Declares Kennedy Pirate,
Claims Blockade Violation of Law
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy last night ordered
a blockade clamped on deliveries of offensive arms to Cuba effective
at 10 a.m. today.
Soviet vessels bound for the Communist-ruled island steamed
toward a United States armada posted to enforce the quarantine--and
a possible cold war showdown on the high seas.
Kennedy said in the proclamation that he acted because: "The
peace of the world and the security of the United States and of all
American states are endangeredy
by reason of the establishment by j -N
the Sino-Soviet powers of an of- OAS States
fensive military capability in
Moved Swiftly
The Pentagon moved swiftly to
bolster the Navy and Marines, ex-a
tending enlistments and tours of dty t ers V r
Secretary of Defense Robert S. t r
McNamara said the action was By The Associated Press
necessary to provide manpower to WAyITsON The nie
sustain the blockade and rein- WASHINGTON - The United
force the United States naval base States arms blockade drew solid
at Guantanamo Bay, on Cuba's support from America's hemi-
eastern tip. spheric allies in the Organization
No figures were available at of American States.
once on, the number of men af- But there were many reserva-
fected by the order. tions in the non,-Communist world.
First Vessels A group of about 40 smaller coun-
McNamara said he could not tries in the United Nations agreed
estimate when the first Soviet to ask Acting Secretary-General
vessels might run up against U Thant to intervene in the Cuban
blockaders. crisis in an effort to avoid a United
The defense secretary said about States-Soviet collision.
25 Russian ships now are moving This came after the United
toward Cuba, some of them close Nations Security Council heard
to island ports. Another 10 or 12 United States Ambassador Adlai
are in port, he said, and about 25 E. Stevenson plead for immediate
are steaming away from Cuba. action on Cuba to halt what he
He said it would be a "fair pre- called the vast scheme of Soviet
sumption" that some of the ships , Communism to win world domina-

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Reminisces About Alu mni

ial In conjunction with other universities, the University is study-
1). ing and planning an industrial research and development labora-
ill tory "so constituted that it will be free of the inhibitions usually
er- associated with universities and can provide to industry the kind
he of technological support it desires," he. remarked.
il- New Bulletin
a- He also announced that the University will publish a new in-
formation bulletin for the industrial leaders of Michigan to acquaint
he them with the University.
ce- As added impetus to the state research situation, Sens. Philip
s00 A. Hart (D-Mich) and Patrick McNamara (D-Mich) announced
rs, yesterday the awarding of almost $2 million to the Bendix Division
of Ann Arbor for research and development.
on e-
onLewis Announces Program
H. "
nt For Future Co-ed Housing
-ly it will be indicated "week after next" which University housing
units will be involved in the coeducational housing pilot program
scheduled to begin next -fall, Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis told the Residence Hall Board of Governors
There is no doubt some coed housing will be available in Septem-
ber, Lewis said. Decisions remaining to be made involve the size
of the "first step." One possibility
is "total integration," he said, but
added, "I am worried right now L eG
students who want this. Many of
my student friends assure me that
this is not the case.
More Students
"I would rather be in a position
Swhere more students want it than
can participate-at least in the
first year," Lewis said.
Interquadrangle Council Presi-
deit Robert Geary, '63, read reso-
lutions by the councils of two
South Quadrangle houses, Gom-
'berg and Van Tyne, opposing
coed housing. "We have to do
what is good for the whole sys-
tem, even at the expense of a
house or two," he said.
Lewis said the program should
"start on the basis of more
choice in housing." Senior and
senior-and-graduate houses for
women, better accommodations
for graduate men, and "tradi-
tional" unmixed housing-as well
as the coed units-can be made
available, he suggested.
Not Involved

are carrying offensive weapons.
Castro Accuses
Prime Minister Fidel Castro last
night calledsKennedy a pirate and
declared his proclamation of a
'blockade against Cuba violates
international law.
"We will acquire the arms we
feel like acquiring and wetdon't
have to give an account to the
imperialists," Castro said.
"Cuba has the right to arm
itself and defend itself and we
have had to do so. What would
have occurred if we had not been
armed at the time of Giron Beach
(scene of the unsuccessful 1961
Cuban invasion)."
United States Naval forces stood
in readiness, when Kennedy issued
his formal proclamation of the
quarantine to intercept ships of
all nations heading for Cuba.
Kennedy also set up a special
committee of the National Secur-
ity Council to meet with him daily
for the duration of the crisis and
held a first meeting that lasted
one hour and 20 minutes.
The President called Democratic
and Republican leaders of Con-
gress to meet with him at the
White House today for an exten-
sive review of world reaction

tion by "piecemeal aggression."
British Foreign Secretary Lord
Home lashed out at Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchevrand For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko a
few hours after the British gov-
ernment declared its support of
United States policy toward Cuba.
West German Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer and Italian Premier
Amintore Fanfani also pledged
their nation's solidarity with the
United States in the face of
Soviet warnings that Russian
ships will defy the American
Denouncing the United States
arms quarantine as a step toward
world thermonuclear war, the
Soviet Union yesterday ordered
its armed forces into a state of
combat readiness. Forces of the
Warsaw Pact-Communist coun-
terpart of the North Altantic
'Treaty Organization -- followed
President Charles de Gaulle of
France will visit the United States
in 1963, diplomatic informants re-
ported yesterday.
It was learned also that he has
sent a secret message to President
Kennedy supporting the United
States in the Cuban crisis

After four years as General
Secretary of the University
Alumni Association and editor
of the Michigan- Alumnus, John
E. Tirrell, '51, is looking for-
ward to a challenging new posi-
tion in St. Louis.
He will be a key figure in the
creation of a new junior college
district there, which will serve
a 500-square-mile area by ac-
commodating 15,000-20,000 stu-
dents on several campuses
which will be established.
"It's a tremendous opportun-
ity. I'll have the chance to help
develop a curriculum and hire
the faculty for a brand-new
college in a metropolitan area
that presentlydhas no public
college," he said.-
Potential Challenge
Tirrell emphasized that the
potential of this new position
was the only factor that led
him to resign his Alumni Asso-
ciation post. (Before the St.
Louis offer came along, he had

with alarm when I felt it was
Top Schools
"There's no doubt about it:
this is one of the top schools
in the world. What we have to
do is watch out for the grad-
ual decline in our quality. Once
this gets started, it's hard to
begin moving upward again."
Tirrell voiced some reserva-
tions about the quality of the
University's leadership during
the past four years, but cited
several indications that the ad-
ministration was beginning to
lean toward more bold and
decisive actions.
The most important of these,
in Tirrell's opinion, is the pro-
motion of Roger Heyns to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs.
He characterized Heyns as a
man with many ideas for im-
provement of the University,
and the ability to see them
through to completion.
Two New Ideas
"Some people would try out
maybe two new ideas a year,

vigor to the University's public-
relations efforts.
Tirrell "pointed with pride"
to the work of the Alumni As-
Best Alumni Program
He said that when he took
office, "the record indicated
that we had one of the best
alumni programs. We had
more alumni clubs than any
college or university in the
country, one of the largest re-
union programs, one of the bet-
ter alumni magazines in the
United States."
During his tenure as general
secretary,Tirrell hasi"started
to shift the emphasis of our
clubs and magazine toward
some of the more serious con-
cerns of the University." He
also has attempted to broaden
the alumni program.
Such programs as alumni
housing in Ann Arbor and
alumni tours of Eufope have
been added. "With 204,000
alumni, we need many differ-
ent things to get them inter-

2) They can "interpret the
institution to many publics"-
the state Legislature and the
news media in particular.
3) They can give "advice and
counsel" to the University.
In this area, Tirrell especial-
ly supports the "visiting com-
mittee' idea, in which alumni
from a certain school, college
or department return to in-
spect the work of that division.
Evaluate it in terms of the
things they have learned since
graduation, and occasionally
pick up some things they can
apply to their profession.
4) They can provide finan-
cial support, through theiriown
contributions or by soliciting
funds from other sources.
Tirrell noted the persistent
image of the alumnus as "the
bald-headed guy with the rac-
coon coat and the hip flask who
comes to the football games
and does nothing else for his
"Alumni aren't as interested
in fnnttall A- - hPnP -.nn

ie To Star in Ghosts'


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