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October 23, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-23

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Situation Abroad


Sharp Stock Market Loss

Holds Review
Of Worship
Catholicism yesterday began a
sweeping review of its customs of
A broad-scale plan for liturgical
modifications presented to the
Vatican Ecumenical Council touch-
ed off an apparently brisk round
of debate.
"Some defended it," a communi-
que said. "Others impugned it."
No Details
Details of the plan were not
disclosed, but preparatory reports
have indicated it would include a



Stevenson Hits Issue
Of Chinese Admittance
UNITED NATIONS ()-United States Ambassador Adlai E. Stev-
enson yesterday accused Communist China of premeditated, naked
military aggression against India in open scorn of United Nations
Stevenson cited the India-Chinese border warfare in replying to
a Soviet demand in the 109-nation General Assembly that Nationalist
China be ousted from the United Nations and all its representation
" turned over to the Chinese

Hoffa Defense
Loses in Bid
To End Triald
NASHVILLE (R) - Lawyers for
Teamsters leader James R. Hoffa
lost their bid to derail his $1 mil-
lion conspiracy trial yesterday by
claiming the jury panel is loaded
against him.
After two hours of testimony
and argument, District Judge Wil-
liam E. Miller briskly examined
the defense motion section-by-sec-
tio nand overruled it.,
- Prospective Jurors
The judge said he felt that the
government system of obtaining
names of prospective jurors pro-
vided a reasonable cross-section of
the community.
The defense contends the sys-
tem favors the management and
business class. Defense attorneys
made it clear they will try to
make the point repeatedly when
selection of the jury begins to-
Taft-Hartley Act
Hoffa is accused of using union
influence to make a fortune in a
trucking enterprise. Such an ac-
tion would violate the Taft-Hart-
ley Act.
In another Hoffa case, the
United States Supreme Court de-
nied his complaint that President
John F. Kennedy and other gov-
ernment officials prejudiced a
grand jury against him.

The demand came from Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian
A. Zorin in a speech that opened
debate on the China representa-
tion issue. The United States is
confident the Assembly will reject
the Soviet demand by even a great-
er margin than it did last year.
Chinese Aggression
Zorin made no reference to the
India-China border warfare, but
Stevenson departed from his pre-
pared text to quote Prime Minister
Jawaharal Nehru as saying in New
Delhi that his country is being
subjected to aggression by a pow-
erful and unscrupulous foe.
ThehUnited States chief delegate
said the Communist China offen-
sive was a premeditated act that
had been planned for the past
three years.
He declared the Chinese forces
were not undisciplined troops but
"regular units of the Chinese Com-
munist armed forces acting under
precise orders. By their actions the
Chinese Communists again show
their scorn for the charter of this
Red China
Despite heightening tension be-
tween New Delhi and Peking there
was no indication here that India
would vote against admission of
Communist China. Indian sources
said they did not know when In-
dia, would speak in the debate.
India was once among the fore-
most advocates of membership for
the Peiking regime.
Stevenson asserted the Soviet
Union would better serve the cause
of peace by telling the Peking re-
gime to change its ways. .

.. . Christian unity

Panic Selling
In U.S. Cities
Foreign Exchanges
Follow New York
NEW YORK ()-Fears of a new
international crisis triggered one
of the biggest selling waves in re-
cent months yesterday and sent
the stock market skidding to a
sharp loss.
A late rally pulled some individ-
ual stocks from the loss column
but the over-all market was sharp-
ly, and broadly, lower.
The air of crisis in Washington,
as the nation awaited evening an-
nouncements from the White
House infected Wall Street and
generated selling that appeared
somewhat panicky at its worst
Similar Drops
London, Frankfurt and Brussels
exchanges followed the New York
lead. A similar drop was record-
ed at Chicago's Midwest Stock
Exchange and while prices were
mixed on the Pacific Coast Ex-
The market was gripped by
near-frantic selling early, with the
ticker tape running up to 19 min-
utes behind actual transactions.
Then the market paused to catch
its breath, wavered, then rallied
Analysts ascribed the seloff to
nervousness about the internation-
al news, added to some hangover
market weakness.
'Want Cash'
An analyst commented, "When
people are fearful about an inter-
national political development and
uncertain over its importance, they
want cash."
On the basis of its drop, an es-
timated $1.7 billion was clipped
from the quoted value of stocks
listed on the New York Stock Ex-
The Dow Jones Industrial aver-
age was off 4.69 at 568.60, leaving
it below what many had hoped
would be a strong resistance area
around 571. That was where two
previous declines were reversed.
The Standard and Poors average
of 500 stocks closed .63 lower at
Volume rose to 5.69 million
shares from 4.65 million Friday-
the heaviest since 7.12 million
changed hands last July.
The commodity markets, mean-
while, acted as they often do on
war scares-they went up. These
markets, where traders speculate
on future demand for food and
raw materials, are traditionally
responsive to unrest.
Poll Reveals
Bentley Lead
DETROIT (P)-Republican Alvin
M. Bentley holds a 4.5 percentage
point lead over his Democratic op-
ponent Neil Staebler in the race for
Michigan's congressman-at-large,
according to the latest Detroit
News poll.
The poll gives Bentley, former
Michigan congressman and Owos-
so industrialist, 51.3 per cent of the
statewide total to 46.8 for Staebler.
Ralph W. Muncey, Socialist la-
bor candidate, received one, per

High Court
Allows . Vote
OF Negroes
States Supreme Court agreed yes-
terday that lower courts may or-
der the registration of specific Ne-
groes as voters under the Federal
Civil Rights Act.
This rejected an appeal by Ala-
bama and the registrars of Macon
County from an order by the Unit-
ed States District Court in Mont-
gomery that 54 Negroes be declar-
ed qualified voters. The United
States Circuit Court in New Or-
leans had approved the order.
Yesterday's brief unsigned, un-
animous ruling merely cited the
tribunal's decision in a 1960 Loui-
siana voting registration case,
which was decided on the basis of
a ruling in a Georgia case that
same year.
Unregistered Negroes
The federal government, in ask-
ing the Supreme Court to uphold
the lower courts, said it did so be-
cause, "In 1958, virtually all the
white citizens of voting age in
Macon County were registered;
only about 10 per cent of the Negro
citizens, who constituted 83 per
cent of the total population, were
Yesterday's decision pinned down
more specifically ' the right of
courts to order the registration of
specific individuals.
Also the court refused to recon-
sider whether state-authorized
wiretapping to catch lawbreakers
violates the federal Constitution.

New York Times Education Writer
Harvard University has an-
nounced yesterday that it would
re-examine its program of general
education for students at its un-
dergraduate college and at Rad-
cliffe College.
Franklin L. Ford, dean of the
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, ap-
pointed a committee to review the
program which, since its beginning
in 1947, has been among the ma-
jor guidelines of American higher
Calling the principle of general
education an insurance of "breadth
in our undergraduate curriculum,"
Dean Ford said:
"Our question is whether, in the
light of our experience and of the
changing pace of American educa-
tion, we can strengthen general
education and fit it more securely
into the college pattern."
Earlier Specialization
The -announcement also reflect-
ed increasing pressure on colleges
to let students enter specializations
"We also want to ask basic ques-
tions about the proper role of the
undergraduate college in American
education at a time when the
greater part of our students will
continue in graduate and profes-
sional schools," Dean Ford said.
"The historical role of the col-
lege," he declared, "is under pres-
sure today both from the increas-
ing effectiveness of secondary edu-
cation and from the preoccupa-
tions of students looking ahead to
the graduate schools."
This recalls a warning last year
by Hilbur J. Bender, Iarvard's
former dean of admission. In his

Kennedy Reveals Blockade
Of Cuban Arms Build-Up

Harvard Announces Study

considerable overhauling of ritual
and worship practices.
Steps to encourage fuller con-
gregational participation, to bring
the altar and people closer togeth-
er aid to substitute national
tongues for part of the Latin mass
have been discussed, among other
measures. Internal renewal of the
church is their avowed aim.
But some of the proposed
changes are also viewed by church
leaders as an aid to helping close
the chasm between Rome and oth-
er denominations.
Closer Ties
Efforts in this direction got an-
other maJor boost yesterday when
the Vatican's Secretariat for Chris-
tian Unity was accorded official
status on a par with the other 10
proposal - drafting commissions.
Headed by Augustin Cardinal Bea,
a biblical scholar, it will draw up*
and present specific measures to
the Council for bringing closer ties
with other church bodies.
At the same time, announce-
ment was made of members elect-
ed to three additional drafting
commissions-on religious orders,
the sacraments, and seminaries
and schools.
The members elected, as those
named to seven other similar com-
missions earlier, make up a wide
cross-section of nations and view-
Influence of both United States
and, west-central European church
leaders showed up strongly in the
over-all results.
Of 160 bishops elected altogeth-
er, 101 of them were candidates
who had been endorsed by United
States prelates. Eighty-nine of the
winners had the backing of a
European coalition which seeks
extensive church reforms.
In 47 instances, bishops elected
had the support of the Europeans
and the United~ States hierarchy,
which is generally more middle-
ground in its approach to changes.
"Mastery ... Magic
Sheer Music!"
-Detroit News
Proudly Presents

Ghanaian Refugees Desire
Political Safety in Togoland

final report he asserted that the
college was in danger of becoming
a "waiting room for graduate
school." About 75 per cent of Har-
vard's undergraduates go to grad-
uate school.
Dean Ford said that the general
education idea was not on trial, but
that there was concern among the
faculty that changes had been in-
troduced piecemeal. These changes,
it is feared, do not relate proper-
ly to the entire undergraduate
program and to changes in stu-
dents' previous training.
Even though greater interest in
specialization among undergrad-
uates is inevitable and even desir-
able, Dean Ford said, the college
must remain responsible for the
student'sprogram outside his con-
Broader Preparation
He declared that many graduate
schools, in contrast to students'
own pressures, were urging colleges
to concentrate more on the broad-
er preparation of candidates than
on pre-professional training.
Dean Ford said, however, that
the question of graduate work at
Court Denies
State ,justices
Salary Trial
gan Supreme Court Justices were
denied yesterday a United States
Supreme Court hearing on their
complaint of "invidious discrimi-
nation" in their salaries.
They get annual pay of $18,500
while other Judges of the state's
highest tribunal 'get $25,500.
Michigan Justices Thomas M.
Kavanagh and Eugene F. Black
said they are thus denied the equal;
protection of laws guaranteed by
the federal Constitution.. They ap-
pealed to the Supreme Court after1
a special three-judge Federal Court
in Detroit ruled against them.
The dispute developed from a
requirement of the Michigan Con-
stitution that salaries of public'
officers, excepting circuit judges,
may not be increased or decreased
after their election or appoint-

(Continued from Page 1)
will not lift its "quarantine" un-
til these weapons are removed un-
der United Nations supervision;
End Clandestine Threat
7) Called on Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev "to halt and;
eliminate this clandestine, reck-
less and provocative threat to
world peace," reminding him that
he has a great opportunity "to end
the arms race and bring the world
back from the abyss of destruc-
Kennedy said that within the
past week he has received "un-
mistakable evidence" that short
and intermediate range missile
sites had been constructed in Cuba
and that technicians are unpack-
ing nuclear-weapon carrying long-
range Jet bombers.
He said the shorter range mis-
siles could hit a target 1,000 nau-
tical miles from Cuba-Washing-
ton, the Panama Canal, Cape Can-
averal, Mexico City or any other
city in the southeastern United
States, Central America or the
Caribbean area.
Intermediate Missiles
The intermediate range missiles,
Kennedy warned, could strike as
far north as Hudson's Bay or as
far south as Lima, Peru.
The President accused 'the So-
viet government of lying and clan-
destinely fortifying Cuba. He said
he had received assurance only
last Thursday from Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko
that the Soviets were supplying
Cuba with only defensive weapons.
"The United States will not tol-
erate this deliberate deception and
threat to its security, Kennedy de-

Kennedy said that the United
States had no wish to go to war,
but warned that any hostile ac-
tion would have to be met.-The
worst solution would be inaction,
he declared.

the undergraduate college must be
considered part of the problem.
Similar deliberations were an-
nounced Monday by Yale Presi-
dent A. Whitney Griswold.
At Harvard, general education
does not require a single course
or set of courses. The program
gives each student a choice among
a number of specially prepared
courses in each major area of
learning-the humanities, social
sciences and biological and physi-
cal sciences.
Advanced Courses
Typically, a student takes one
course in each area during his first
two years and an advanced course
in each area during his final two
Other colleges that follow the
general education trend often re-
sort to special core courses, some-
times fashioned after Columbia's
Contemporary Civilization course.
The Harvard faculty committee
will be headed by Prof. Paul M.
Doty, a physical chemist. Mrs.
Mary I. Bunting, president of Rad-
cliffe, will be a member.
Scientific Support
Since it is widely held that a
modern general education program
cannot succeed without support by
scientists. Prof. Doty's role may be
of special significance.
A college spokesman pointed
out that high schools have sent
"brighter and better-prepared stu-
dents to college," with almost one-
tenth of each freshman class qual-
ified to enter directly into sopho-
more standing.
Better preparation, particularly
in mathematics and science, has
already called for new approaches
to science instruction for non-
copyright 1962, The New York Times
Baha 'u' llah
(The Glory of God)
Revealed by
Baha' ullah
".0 Pope! Read the veils
asunder. He who is the
Lord of Lords is come over-
shadowed with clouds, and
the decree hath been ful-
filled by God, the Almighty
the Unrestrained. He ver-
ily, hath again come down
from Heaven even as He
came down the first time.
Beware that thou dispute
not with Him even as the

Pharisees disputed with Him
(Jesus) without a clear
token of proof ... Beware
lest any name debar thee
from God.
And again to the Pope-
"Call thou to remem-
brance Him who was the,
Spirit(Jesus) who when He
came the most learned of
His age pronounced judg-
ment against Him in His
own country, whilst he who
was only a fisherman be-
lieved in Him. Take heed,
then; ye men of understand-
ing heart."
will be discussed by
author and lecturer of
Mr. Evans has discussed
Bha'u'llah and the
Baha'i Faith with
many well-known
Christian leaders.
Thurs., Oct. 25, 8 P.M.

Associated Press Staff Writer
LOME, Togoland (P) - 0 v e r
4000 political refugees from neigh-
boring Ghana have swarmed into
this tiny country on Africa's West
Coast, where they now live in
self-imposed exile.
Desperately poor, undernourish-
ed and living in box-wood shacks,
many of them fled their homeland
for fear of being detained under
Ghana's President Kwame Nkru-
mah's latest clampdown on polit-
ical rebels who threaten his one
party state.
Sympathetic Togolese
The Togolese government, sym-
pathetic toward the refugees, has
supplied fishing nets and boats
in order to provide food and sup-
plement the small allowance ra-
tioned out by the United Nations
refugee relief organization.
Small plots of land and farming
implements have also been given
to refugees who prefer this self-
imposed exile to the Nkrumah
Dispersed throughout Togoland
as they are, many of the political

exiles continue to organize and
f o r m u1 a t e political opposition
against the Ghanian strongman.
Headed by a former general sec-
retary of the opposition United
party, the refugees meet secretly
in the Togoland border town of
Lome, a stone's throw from Gha-
naian soil and plot their next
Harass Government
Although strongly denying any
complicity in the recent abortive
bomb attempts on the life of
Nkrumah, they continue to harass'
government supporters by letters
and threats of mass uprisings. Re-
cently they figured in the distribu-
tion of 40;000 booklets in the form
of an open letter to Nkrumah,
calling for his resignation and
condemning the mass arrests and
imprisonments of Ghanaians
thought to be implicated in the
bomb attempts.
The booklets were carried by
Ghanaians across the Togo border
and mailed inside Ghana on a
piecemeal basis, in order to pre-
vent detection by the Ghana postal

III pug



to the
of the
Thursday, October 25
3:30 to 5:30 P.M.
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 3:30 with
Vice-President Niehuss
" Entertainment by the Don Gillis Trio
* Free Coffee and Cokes*
- Every 100th person wins a free Prime Rib Dinner
* SPECIAL PRIZE: The 1000th person will receive 2 free Prime
Rib Dinners and. in addition. tickets for 2 to all Union

For Governor of Michigan
Polls open 8:30-5:00
in the fishbowl, in front of the Union
and under the Engine arch


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