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October 23, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-23

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For 8000-12,000 UniversIty students registration and classifica-
tion will be a lot different next semester.
Starting on Monday the Office of Registration and Records
will put Into operation its new "Advanced Classification Program,"
developed by Edward G. Groesbech, director of the office. The plan
will result in early classification for thousands of students and a
corresponding easing of the registration process.
Undergraduate students meet with their counselors early in
each semester to determine the courses they will take the follow-
ing semester. If they elect one of a hundred odd basic under-
graduate courses which are usually in heavy demand they fill out
full schedule cards which will be forwarded to the registration
Advance Scheduling
Thus, the student will have all his courses scheduled ahead of
time and he will not have to go through the classification room
at Waterman gymnasium during the registration period. However,


he will still have to have his fees assessed and reg
cut his registration time to around ten minutes.
At the registration office the student's entir
be made. up with the student'd time choices use
If conflicts are found or the student's desired se
filled then he will be given the same class at a di
an unsoluable conflict is found then the course el
be changed but the elections card will be returned 1
counselor for alternate elections.
Balance Sections
Ronald, L. Keller, assistant to Groesbeck, exp
more students applied for a course than had bee
then the registration office would notify the respect
and ask them to open more sections and assign
to the course. If the department could not do this the
card would be returned to the counselor for anothe
He emphasized that in courses limited by spac
such as laboratory courses spaces would be reserve

~ister. This will having the greatest need for the course. "These would primarily be
seniors who need the course to graduate."
e schedule will He added that in literary college courses, which usually ex-
d as far as is perienced a large number of students registering from another
college, space would be set aside for non-LSA students.
ction is already Must See Counselor
fferent time. If Keller pointed out that all students wvil1 have had to see their
ections will not counselors by Jan. 17, when the literary college stops its counsel-
to the student's ing. The office expects that classification will be complete and
class schedules sent to the affected students by Jan. 21.
Students not electing one of the 100 selected courses will have
)lained that if to go through the classification process in the gymnasium during
~n allowed for, registration.
lye department Calling the present effort a "pilot program," Keller recalled
more teachers that last spring "we had a plan of advanced classification for 19
~n the student's courses. But with the tri-mester coming on we realize that we
r election. have to have an enrollment plan for every student."
.e requirements He predicted that if this project worked a bigger plan would
~d for students be in operation next fall. "Eventually we can anticipate that the

P rogram
entire registration procedure will be done by mail. We would send
all necessary information to the student and he would fill out his
desired program and send It back. We would then send him regis-
tration materials for him to fill out and a fee assessment. He would
then return these to us and the process would be over."
In the registration office is a room where four large boards,
one each for the literary college and the engineering college and
the others divided between the other schools, are mounted. On
these are listed every course in the respective schools. As each
schedule comes in an office worker makes a mark on the card
of the desired course.
Keller emphasized the fact that the new program eliminated
the old alphabetized registration schedules for the people involved.
"Prom now on there should be no compylaints from people who find
themselves registering last for several semesters. Now its first see
his counselor, first registered."
He added that a very positive factor in the new program was
the new time schedule made up for next semester which he
characterized as "the firmest one we have had in a long time."

See Editorial Page

Sir i~au


Mostly cloudy, with cooler
temperatures in the evening


Years of Editorial Freedom



lied China Sends]
Tanks Into India
Nehru Warns National Freed om
1V.enaced, Sets Economy for War
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI--Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru warned last
night that India's independence as a nation was threatened as Red
Chinese brought tanks into battle and extended their attacks to a
spread of 1,400 miles along the Himalayan frontiers.
Premier Nehru placed India's economy on a war footing last
night and pledged to lead his country to victory over Communist
China, which he called an "enemy."
But later Peking announced that the Chinese Communists
opened a third front at the extreme end of the border, massed troops

OAS Promises Aid

T o Back President
HOUSTON (AP)-.Three high-ranking officials of the Organization
of American States said here last night the OAS will fully support
President John F. Kennedy's blockade of Cuba, even to the point of
using arms if they are called for.
The officials were Dr. Jose A. Mora, secretary general of the OAS,
Dr.- Alberto Zuleta, president of the Council, and Gonzalo Facio, Costa
Rican ambassador to the OAS and to the United States. They were ac-
comlpanied here by Delesseps S. Morrison, United States ambassador
to the QAS.
"At this moment we need strong solidarity for all the American
republics in this hemisphere to end aggression," said Mora, who lives in

.. Peace Corps
Peace Corps
Means, Goals
The Peace Corps has three
prime objective, E. Lowell Kelly,
chief of the Peace Corps' division
of selection, said yesterday.
Prof. Kelly, who is on leave
from the psychology department
to serve in this capacity, prefaced
his remnarks with a film delineat-
ing the history and work of the
Corps since its founding by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
The most publicized of the
Peace Corps' objectives is to aid
peoples i1n other lands to develop
their own resources, Kelly said.
Another objective is to help peo-
ple in other lands find out for
themselves what Americans are
really like; how pluralistic the
United States is and how many
ethnic backgrounds there are.
Conversely, the final objective
of the Peace Corps is to help
Americans find out what the peo-
ple of other countries are like.
Concerning these three objec-
tives, Kelly added, President Ken-
nedy has suggested that the most
important aspect of 'the Peace
Corps is not the aid given abroad
Sthe~ imnves~nmnt o-ninril hy the

for a fourth and sent tanks rum-
bling toward an Indian air base in
the Ladakh area at the western
end of the border.
Britain Plans Aid
In London Britain accused Com-
munist China yesterday of ag-
gression against India and stood
othe military aid to her threaten-
ed. Commonwealth partner.
Intensified fighting along the
wild, disputed frontiers of the two
Asian giants brought these de-
1) The foreign office went out
of its way to remind newsmen
that Britain regards India as the
victim of Red Chinese aggression.
2) The Defense Ministry an-
nounced that Admiral of the Fleet
Earl Mountbatten, chief of the
defense staff, will visit New Delhi
among other Asian capitals early
e3) Qulified officials reported
after informal exchanges that the
British government soon is likely
to announce its headiness to meet
Nehru Asks Faith
Calling on the people to have
faith and full confidence, Nehru
saint a radio bradcast no im
year economic plan will be re-
duced. But he declared everything
will be sacrificed if necessary to
save Indian freedom.
Nehru's warning and call for
national sacrifice was sounded as
Indian defense spokesmen an-
nounced that Mao Tze-Tung's
Chinese warriors had opened a
new front in the area of Rima,
only about 20 miles northwest of
Burma's border.
In this drive the Chinese were
threatening Chushul, site of In-
dia's only landing strip in the
Co-ed Housing
The Residence Hall Board of
Governors will meet tomorrow to
discuss plans for the implementa-
tion of co-educational housing
which will take effect next Sep-
Decisions still have to be made

Board Sts
.The Board in Control of Student
Publications reinstated publica-
tion of "Gargoyle," the campus
humor magazine, last night.
Three issues of the magazine
will be published during this aca-
posas and interviewsith st-
dents, the Board appointed the
following senior staff: John Dob-
bertin, Jr., '64, A. Aleksis Lahti,
'63A&D, and Stuart Goodall, '63.
"I am extremely happy that
our petition was accepted because
the committee has done a lot of
prepatory work," Goodall said.
Plan To Protest
Cuban Blockade
An ad-hoc group of faculty
stuentss are pla ng emonsta-d
tions tomorrow against the Cuban
blockade, former Daily Editor
Thomas Hayden, Grad, announced.

3Uruguay. Mora called Kennedy's
decision "very courageous and im-
portant for all the hemisphere."
Mora said he felt certain that a
sizable majority of the 20 nations
within the OAS will stand with the
United States and use arms to
stamp out Communist aggression
in Cuba if the blockade proclaimed
by the President yesterday does
not work.
He said under the treaty of Rio
de Janiero those nations which do
not agree to use force against Cuba
of the organiztion's members vote
to do so.
Foreign reaction varied.
The British foreign office said
the disclosure of the Red buildup
in Cuba will shock the whole civil-
ized world.
A West German spokesman wel-
comed "the determination of the
United States government to couin-
ter the dangers arising from the
situation.'' Kennedy, in his talk
to the nation, noted the risk of
conflict spreading to other cold
war points and renewed United
States promises to defend West
Te .Communist-controlled news
media from Havana to Moscow de-
nounced the Washington action as
aggression against Cuba.

C iNPROXIMITY-President John F. Kennedy imposed a
quarantine on Cuban shipping which the Organization of
American States is expected to support. In a radio-TV speech
Kennedy revealed Cuba's possession of nuclear missiles.

OSA To Meet
The Organization of Aerican
9 a.m. today and the United Na-
tions Security Council plans to
convene this afternoon to consider
the Cuban situation.
Canada said it has stopped So-
viet planes bound for Cuba and
the Caribbean from landing at
Canadian air bases.
In his speech, Kennedy announc-

Although there may be a wave
of violence at the popular level,
the Latin American governments
will go along with President John
F. Kennedy's blockade of Cuba,
Martin C. Needler of the political
science department predicted last

The Bureau of Hospital Administration received a $132,000
grant from the American Medical Association over the weekend to
conduct a nationwide study of ''Changing Patterns of Hospital Care."
Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, a member of the bureau's staff who will
direct the project, outlined three main areas of investigation: 1) How
has the hospital population changed since 1946 in age and sex
distribution and type of diagnosis? 2) Wat nffet ave advancs
haveall theechanges maden upon
hospital costs?
* A sample of patients discharged
~ A ctivity from 80 selected general hospitals
in the continental United States
during the years of 1946, 1954
Amog te plitcalstes wichand 1961 will be used, Fitzpatrick
-. ~. -' -- - ,I.,said.

Gottlieb Payne VieW

Kennedy To Halt
Castro Build-Up
President Moves To Counter Threat;
Accuses Soviets of Interference
Revealing that the Soviets have nuclear-carrying missiles
and jet botnbers in Cuba, President John F. Kennedy yester-
day announced in a nationwide radio and TV address 'that he
had ordered a naval blockade of the island and took six other
steps to counter the new threat.
Speedy developments followed the Kennedy speech. A
Defense Department spokesman said the United States is
ready to sink every Communist ship that refuses to adhere
to the blockade.
The Navy announced at San Juan, Puerto Rico, that
more than 40 ships and 20,000 men assembled for annual
Caribbean exercises are now*
"sustaining the blockade" of lT
Cuba. in ,1nnn

ed hed a"titqaatn He said that there might be a
1 Oderd a"stictquaantnefew riots and stone throwing in-
ndalesive military equipmetcidents provoked by Fidelista ele-
found to be containing such 'weap- win tudemns. kesad t
ons will be turned away from the However, Kennedy's revelation
island. The quarantine will be ex- of nuclear weapons in Cuba "is a
tended to "other carriers"-pro- shocker and will shock most Latin
ably airplanes if necessary; American governments as it has
2) Ordeed those arme filorces torteUnited States," Needler de-
Cuba and prepare "for any even- Expect Support
tuality";eipeicAtc He said that even Mexico and
Hemipherc AtackBrazil, two countries with signifi-
3it Dcklared thait anynuclea cant left-wingapro-Castro minor-
ern hemispheric nation will be 'th Uited States blockade. How-
considered an attack against the ever, their position may be equi-
United States; vocal, Needler added.
4) Reinforced the United States Prof. Joseph R. Julin of the
naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Law School said that Kennedy's
on the eastern tip of the island quarantine has little legal back-
and ordered all dependents evacu- ing in international law, but Is
ated from the base; similar to a specific blockade

Political action is a very neces-
sary part of peace activity in this
country, Sanford Gottlieb, nation-
al coordinator for Turn Towards
Peace, said last night, in conjunc-
tion with Tom Payne, Democratic
candidate for the House of Repre-
sentatives from Michigan's Second
Goettlieb called President John
F. Kennedy's resumption of nuc-
lear testing last spring the turn-
ing point in the direction of peace
activity in this country. "We
learned that moral' pressure with-
out political activity is not
He described the increasing
numbers of peace candidates who'
are running for congressional seats
this year. There are 20 candidates,
including Payne, represent both
major political parties and inde-
pendent groups who are cam-
paigning to bring greater em-
phasis on methods of attainig
peace and disarmament.

GiOLdieb outlined were a strength-
ening of the United Nations and
a change in the composition of
Congress "to free the administra-
tion from the shackles" of a Con-
gress not oriented towards peace

He expects the study to be
completed by December 1963.
"Hospital administrators are
generally convinced that a sub-
stantial portion of rising hospital
cost is due to 'utting into effect

Disamamet Psitin :the latest medical innovations,
DisaramentPosit onincluding expensive equipment,
The administration's position ontechniques and personnel aspects,"
disarmament and nuclear testing fFitzpatrick said.
is determined by what it thinks jProf. Leslie, Kish and Irene Hess
Congress will accept, Gottlieb said. of the Survey Research Center are
Payne, who is a peace candidate, presently working on selecting the
said he would work for the probability-sample for the study.
strengthening of t h e United In adiint eeypeet
States Arms Control and Disarm- nddtn unvrd she
ament Agency. He stressed the in tefcsuovrdith
impotane o pece eserchandsurvey, the bureau will submit to
spoke of multiplying the numbers ht da ii s fnereains
of Centers for Conflict Resolution othdaaiisfnlrer.
or similar institutes.--

5) Called an immediate meet-
ing of the Organization of Ameri-
can States "to consider this threat
to hemispheric solidarity" and in-
yoked the Inter-American Defense
6) Called for an emergency
meeting of the United Nations Se-
curity Council, requesting "the
prompt dismantling and with-
drawal of all offensive weapons in
Cuba." The United States, he said,
See KENNEDY, Page 3
The mock Michigan gubernator-
ial election will be held today from
18:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. with
polling places in the Fishbowl, the
Engine Arch. and in front of the

which one nation may place on
another in peacetime.
SHe surmized that Kennedy used
the term "quarantine" because it
is not legally clear whether a third
party need respect a specific
Stop Any Vessel
A quarantine, Prof. Julin added,
allows Kennedy the opportunity
to assert the power to stop any
A specific blockade was first
used in 1827 by Great Britain,
France and Russia against Tur-
key with whom they were not at
war, to help secure Greek inde-
pendence. he explained.
~The term "quarantine" derives
from a 1937 speech by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt which urged
the free nations to quarantine ag-
gressor nations, Prof. Julin added.
Prof. William W. Bishop of the

Referring to Kennedy's address
to the nation last night, Payne
SANFORD GOTTLIEB said, "We have no choice but to
...peace activity work harder for peace so that the
country will not again be faced
within the political party structure with such a serious situation."'


KEY WEST (I)-AII of Cuba's
miilitary forces have been mobil-
ized as a result "of the news
from the United States," Ha-



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