11, 196Z THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN 11, 198~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVE?~ ' NSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH: Center Investigates Behavior By CYNTHIA NEU The University Institute for So- al Research is one of the focal )lflts for research in the social iences on and off the campus. The ISR is divided into two lain sections: the Center for roup Dynamics and the Survey esearch Center. They are sup- . * rted by funds from the govern- lent, grants from foundations, id contracts, which include funds yen by private. organizations, nd businesses to do particular *{*. ..a. ~ ~ The Young Republican Club and Students forRomney Present The Center for Group Dynam- ics aims its investigations toward gaining insights into the numer- ous groupings of human beings which are included within this complex society. They study such specifics as what groups are, how they interact, why and when they form and how change comes about. Various Divisions Under the Center for Group Dynamics are divisions dealing with Children, Youth and Family Life and with Mental Health in Industry. The latter studies the relative mental and emotional situations of subordinates and superiors and how interaction af- fect each, along with ways to in- crease productivity and efficiency. The Survey Research Center is also divided into divisions deal- ing with particular problems and questions. Organizational Behavior deals with the individual within the organization. Organizational Change studies and at times recommends -the ways in which an organization can be changed by altering the relations between undergngs and bosses. Studies Attitudes Communication and Influence delves into the question of how groups and the individuals com- co-posing them revamp their atti- tudes and behavior. One study of Juvenile delinquency viewed how the group has influence over in- dividuals. Political Behavior studies the voting habits and practices cor- related with attitudes and other factors. The group was the only eo 01 0 I 0 CHILD DYNAMICS STUDY-Often University researchers do extensive work in field projects, cov- ering a wide variety of topics. Currently the ISR is sponsoring a study of the dynamics of children. Such study is sometimes done at the Fresh Air Camp, operated for the benefit of underpriviledged urban children during the, summer months. Saturday, Sept. 15, on the Diag. survey in the country to accurately predict the Truman victory. They also have studied the correlation of votes of congressmen and the feelings of their constituency Economic Behavior is concern- ed with the consumer, rather than Gross National Product or sales. Their quarterly reports do not predict or give facts to any par- ticular group, but these reviews of economic conditions, are used by American businesses and pro- ducers. Investigates Students The Student Development pro- ject is a seven-year study of stu- dents at the University and is de- signed to discover what and how attitudes are changed by a col- lege experience. The ISR is administered separ- ately from the teaching depart- ments of the University, but is closely allied with them through mutual research interests and through sharing of some teaching and other professional activities. PRECISION PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Speaking on the Problems of higher education in our State .Beautiful.Styling 0 0 JOIN THE YOUNG REPUBLICANS Visit our booth during, Registration OLYMPIA E REMINGTON SMITH-CORONA and the Smith-Corona Electric Portable OUR GUARANTEE: ONE YEAR Over 50 years of MORRI LL support NO 5-9141 314 South State f ,;'Io A. first to Sears then- to College for inexpensive Campus transportation choose a r, - Student Savings Accounts Earn a Big- 4 5or* at Ann Arbor Federal / t Just say "Charge it" on a Sears Revolving Charge J. C. 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