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Prof. Stoessinger. addressing the Campus United Nations on the topic "The Alternatives of United Nations Financing," explained that although there are several budgets connected with the UN, the con- troversy revolves around those needed to finance peace forces such as were sent to Suez in 1956 and the Congo in 1960. The fact that these troops were dispatched was only the beginning of the crisis, as there was no direct pre- cedent which might advise how said troops should be financed, he noted. 1 block from the Campus Theatre NO 8-7924 '1 The members of the United Na- tions were divided as to who should pay the cost of the troops. Many nations supported Dag Hammerskjold, then Secretary- General of the UN General Assem- bly, who said that all nations should shoulder the responsibility, since "a Suez or Congo crisis could happen anywhere." The USSR and Arab State Bloc, however, called such a measure "illegal," saying the "aggressors" (meaning Britain and France in this case) should pay. The rest of the members followed the in-' evitable middle-of-the-road path. At the 16th UN General Assem- bly, which met in 1961, two courses of action were taken, Prof. Stoessinger went on. First, a UN bond issue was set up, whereby members would pay back both principal and interest on said bonds at 2 per cent per year. The idea that the United States assume half of this cost met with opposi- tion, and it was finally agreed that the U.S. should pay only $25 million unconditionally, the rest to be matched dollar for dollar by the total remaining membership of the UN. The Assembly also tried to clear up legal ambiguities concerning the matter. To this end it request- ed the legal advice of the World Court, and this body voted affirm- atively; that is, that the idea of a plan whereby all nations would contribute to the total fund for peace-keeping operations was legal and binding. Deprived of Vote; From this controversy arose Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that any nation in arrears in pay-; ments should be deprived of its vote in the General Assembly "if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the con- tributions due from it for the pre-; ceding two full years," provided it was able to pay to begin with. JACOBSON'S BEAUTY SALON presents "CHOU" and "PETITE CHOU" hair stylings from Paris . .. for you. for your appointment, call 665-6111 PROF. JOHN C. STOESSINGER . ..UN finances Prof. Stoessinger proceeded to list the pros and cons of this article being invoked against member nations.of the UN. If this article is invoked, many nations may walk out of the UN, refusing to recognize the com- pulsory nature of the advice of the World Court, Prof. Stoessinger said. If Article 19 is not invoked, it would make a mockery of the Charter and of the World Court. He added that the dangers of im- posing such a sanction are greater than those of invoking no such sanction. Without Controversy Many suggestions have been of- fered for ways to put the UN on a more viable fiscal basis without stirring up further controversy over whether or not to invoke Article 19, Prof. Stoessinger went on. One of these is to formulate some new scale to determine how much any nation would be obli- gated to pay toward peace-keeping troops; as for examrle, a formal- ized rebate formuR under which nations receiving technical assist- ance from the UN would pay back part toward the general fund. Another idea would have special reductions in financial obligations be given to any nation which had contributed troops r materials Ic such an action as the Congo peace force. It was suggested as well that general peace-keeping assessments be raised across the board while small nations in turn would agree to be bound by those assessments delegated to them. Another Proposal Yet another proposal brought before the UN suggested that any nation. receiving foreign aid fromn the United States e obligated tao set aside a small percentage of its troops "on call" for peace-keeping operations. It was also suggested that a sliding scale be established, under which the proportion of assessments delegated to poorer nations would be reduced, and that of richer ones raised, as the total sum increased. The unfortunate fact . remairs that none of these proposals gets to the heart of the matter, Prof. Stoessinger said. That is, how to make members of the big 5 (the USSR and France in particular) pay up their debts. Thus a plan is needed which would not make UN finances dependent on the vagaries of .national support. Finally, the thought arises that the UN could be Just as badly off with too much revenue as too little, since it might then use this money for many purposes without consent of the member nations concerned. "The problem, then, is to strike the 'golden mean' between the Scylla of bankruptcy and the Charybdis of affluence; and I am hopeful that in the final analysis, this mean will be struck," Prof. Stoessinger concluded. By BARBARA PAS 11 The Baha'i World Faith believes that the answer to all of the world's problems lies in a union of all peoples in one common faith and one common cause, Winston Evans said recently. Evans discussed Baha'i and its founder, Baha'u'llah, sponsored by the Baha'i student group. "Baha'is belive that God is not dead and that He is still lord of history," he continued. Truth is one-religion reveals certain parts of that truth and science reveals certain aspects of it, but neither has yet discovered all of it. Unfolding Truth "Baha'is believe in a progressive and continuous unfolding of all truth and man's concept of truth is relative." The world is disillusioned: most people live in a religious void. "I have spoken to many Christian leaders and they were troubled by three things: an inability to in- terpret the signs of the, time, Christian unity and the role of non-Christians in the divine scheme of things," Evans noted. God loves all his children, what- ever their race or creed, he con- tinued. The Baha'is think of God in the sense of a loving benevo- lent, ominiscient power. "Christ did not claim that his teachings were the final message from God." Christ Spirit Baha'u'llah manifested t h e Christ spirit in the 20th century. He lived approximately 100 years ago. During his lifetime, European scholars responded very favorably to his messages. "Tolstoy wrote that Baha'u'- llah's teachings now present us with the highest and purest form of religious teaching," 1vans noted. "He wrote to Queen Vic- toria of England about the need for unity among all people long before this need was felt by Chris- tian leaders. "Certain portions of the Prot- estant world could be united, but the Christian world is ill-prepared for this problem (of unity). Chris- tians today don't dare think be- yond their own world when they think in terms of unity," Evans said. Attacks No Religion However, Baha'i provides the basis by which all religions can unite. Baha'i does not attack the theories of any religion. It seeks to connect, unify and fulfill the past revelations of other religions, he explained. "Modern man acts as if he be- lieves God is dead. Is there a possi- bility of more divine revelations in the 20th century? We can't say that God had His greatest revela- tion 2000 years ago because we do not know,"' Evans said. Baha'u'llah said that all found- ers of world religions were "man- ifestations." They appeared when the world most needed guidance and light. Their teachings har- monized with the changes which had taken place in the world at the time they appeared. 'Sometimes Tremendous' "We need something tremend- ous to lift us out of our infatua- tion with doom," Evans declared. The mistake which Billy Gra- ham and the Fundamentalists make today, and which the Jews made 2000 years ago, is that they try to interpret symbolic prophetic language literally. They believe everything that is written in the Bible, in a narrow, liberal way. "Liberal Christian leaders have discarded many portions of the Bible pertaining to the present period, but it is up to the indi- vidual to seek and find the truth. "Baha'i teachings are for those who are seeking a better under- standing of this period in history, for those seeking a better under- standing of God's will in this age and for those not satisfied to re- main on low spiritual levels," Evans concluded. i ROLPS' CREATION: THE JEWELRY ROLL C\" AY ".Y "\" ::"V " " 44 ar ."a:"nvrr "."rr "f.-: "..4".4" err otmn -"r "-.Y - .varnm r"«""". 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L....",.4a..L.41.n:4444V.rx."r: "$Prv.":orR:Y::rr.":::,a"::r."1:::"}:{"..:ti .rr}}t}."}."a4'.tiv. 'r4 .a......l. .....4........ i .... :rb The Daily Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan ,for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 Day Calendar 2:30 p.m.-School of Music Concert - Univ. All-State High School Choir, Weston Noble, con- ductor; Univ. Men's Glee Club, Philip Duey, conduc- tor; and Univ. Choir, May- nard Klein, conductor: Hill Aud. 3:00 p.m.-Professional Theatre Program -Association of Producing Artists in "The Tavern": Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild-Jean- Pierre Laud and Patrick Auffay, "The 400 Blows"; short, "Hans Memling": Ar- chitecture Aud. General Notices Due to vandalism some subscriptions to "The Mich. Technic" have been lost. All subscriptions for "The Technic" will be filled by Mon., Oct. 22. If you have signed up for a subscription and do not receive one by this date; please take vSSSSS rS S itw. trur.":.}A:.": : A.m.".".: . . "::.:v ...".:. .::::: a copy from the Honor Sales stands in E. of W. Engrg. Bldgs. and sign the ap- propriate list. You will be billed by mail later. Physical Education-Women Students: Students completing the physical ed. requirement who were medically defer- fer for the first season, may register for the second season in Barbour Gym- nasium. Registration may be done in Office 15, Barbour Gym between 8:00 and 12:00, 1:00 and 5:00 (except Sat.) before Thurs., Oct. 25. Whitely Foundation Scholarships: Students who live in Ingham County and who are studying in the fields of business, education, pre-law, and psy- chology are eligible to compete for a John and Elizabeth Whitely Foundation Scholarship. Further information may be obtained at ,the Scholarship Office, 2011 Student Activities Bldg. Applica- tions are due by Nov. 1. Summary of Action Taken by Student Government Council at Its Meeting of October 17, 1962 Adopted: That Student Government Council accept the following Executive Committee appointments to the Office of Student Affairs Advisory Committee: Robert Finke, Richard G'sell, Michael Olinick, John Meyerholz, Kenneth Mil- ler, Robert Ross, Steven Stockmeyer. Adopted: That Student Government Council send $14.43 from the Algerian Refugee Fund to the office of Union Generale des Etudients Muselmans Al- geriens. Appointed: That Joyce Leix, Tom Brown, Pat Elkins, and Howard Abrams be appointed to the Student Activities Scholarship Board. Terms are to ex- pire June 1, 1963. Adopted: That the President of Stu- dent Government Council be given a salary of $25.00 per month for an eight and a half month period each year. The other executive officers be given a salary of $15.00 per month on the same basis. The officers will no longer have reg- ularly scheduled Executive Committee meals paid for. Accepted: The following changes in the Assembly Association Constitution: 1) The phrase "of the Independent Women" has been omitted in the name. 2) Membership is to be limited to independent women affiliated with an organized residence hall. 3) The offices of first and second vice-presidents are to be combined in the office of Administrative Vice-Presi- dent; the additional offices of housing chairman and service chairman will be added. 4) To change the name of Assembly Dormitory Council to Assembly House Council, and to allow two representa- tives each from Stockwell and Couzens, instead of one. 5) To change election procedures in three ways: a) The president and vice-president. will be elected by Assembly House Coun- cil. b) The two above offices shall be elected 2 weeks prior to interviewing for the remaining offices. t c) These two newly elected offi- cers shall join the Executive Board for the purpose of interviewing appoint- ing the other positions. 6) To add "at the request of % of the Executive Board" to reasons for holding special meetings. 7) To change postponement of meet- ings to a majority vote in the Adopted: The following expression of opinion regarding the Michiganensian. The rules were suspended to consider without the regular one week postpone- ment. Student Government Council notes the following change in' the Michigan- ension for 1963. Its size is being re- duced to approximately one half the former size with the elimination oa individual group living unit pictures. There will be a much larger proportion of pages in color and the book will emphasize informal activities. While SGC does not wish to make a value judgment on such a change it does want to assert its opinion on the communication of the change. It is felt that the Michiganensian has been sold to students without a' complete understanding of the "new book" that they have bought. It was only recently that the knowledge of the change was made public to the present student body. The reduction in price is not sufficient explanation of the change in content of the "New 'Ensian." Therefore, SGC recommends the fol- lowing course of action be followed by the Michiganensian staff. 1) The privilege of a full refund be made available to any person purchas- ing a book before the date of this mo- tion. 2) The necessary steps be taken to properly identify this "New 'Ensian" to those students purchasing the book henceforth. SGC understands that this has been the intention of the 'Ensian staff and that steps have been taken to do this. Adopted: The following resolution on the Flint Junior College student news- paper controversy: FACT: On Tuesday, October 2, 1962, publica- tion of The College Clamor, a weekly student newspaper at Flint Junior Col- lege, was suspended for an indefinite period by the action of Dr. Lawrence L. Jarvie, Superintendent of Community Education of Flint, Michigan. Dr. Jarvie stated that his action was based on the recommendation of Dr. Lewis R. Fibel. Dean of Flint Junior College. ,At the time of the suspension of publication, there was no explanation offered for the action. Since that time Dr. Jarvie has stated that the basic reason was that The College Clamor was not fulfilling the functions of a college newspaper. Dr. Jarvie also said that the proper function o any newspaper was to re- port news and that The College Clamo should have the additional function of offering students an opportunity to learn about journalism. Dr. Jarvie also said that no single article in The Clamor had prompted the suspension, rather, it was the opinion of officials that the publication has become not so much of a newspaper as it is an organ for the expression of student opinion on various topics; some not related to the college. Dr. Jarvie further said that his study of the situation revealed that there are no clear cut policies governing the publication of The Clamor, and that material written by students is not carefully screened by staff members of the college. Dean Fibel has stated: "A lack of straight news reporting in news ar- ticles and poor journalism made me think this move was necessary. Both Dr. Jarvie and Dean Fibel have cited the lack of an explicit policy gov- erning the publication of the Clamor as one of the reasons underlying the suspension." (Continued on Page 10) OR GANIZATION NOTICES Congregational Disciples E & R Guild, "The Challenge," Rev. P. Dotson, Dir., Protestant Fdn. for International Stu- dents, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m., 802 Monroe. * * * Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Group, Outing at Island Park with MSU, Meet at Chapel 2:30 p.m., Oct. 21, 1511 Washtenaw. * v*s Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Oct. 21, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. Lutheran Student Association, Stu- dent panel on "Love, Sex and Marriage," Oct. 21, 7 p.m., Hill & Forest. * * * New .University Thought Discussion Group, Organizational Meeting, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m., Union; 3D. * * * Sociedad Hispanica, "Tertulia," Oct. 22, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. * * * Unitarian Student Group, Meeting, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m., Church. Speakers: Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hayden, "The State of and Role of the Student in Negro In- tegration." * * * U. of M. Folk Dancers, Meeting, Danc- ing, Instruction, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. ..T:.".S. :'{.u f:...S.A..:...1L."~h:St'e. :J::::.:....:": .....::"A.N.:."":~{f....:i {'i:": gala, glamorous _ for after-fiye! 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Cotton or dacron polyester-cotton print, striped or solid color classics with rolled a t- -- - -- _ v1( s Suits * Hats " Jewelry * Lingerie s Gloves S lID WIES With SPEEDWRITING shorthand, YOU can SotsIG ,Chsg become a secretary or stenographer in only 6 1 IIIer 400 ctleos weeks - write 120 words per minute - 50% *" rr tru .... I ... Utter simr licity of line U