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October 20, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-20

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, t t .Yi


Occasional light rain with
cooling temperature

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom






SWilims Views
- !
African Desires
Notes Moral Factors in Cold War:
Independence, Prosperity, Equality
There are three important spiritual and moral factors now at
work in Africa, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs G.
Mennen Williams, former governor of Michigan, noted yesterday
Speaking on "The Moral and Spiritual Factors in the Struggle
for World ,Community," he explained that these three factors are
self-determiiiation, the desire for a better life and equality of men.
"What we want for Africa is what they want for themselves.
President John F. Kennedy explained this when he said that we want


..Africa, values

ACts Laued
The actions of the federal gov-
ernment in the recent Mississippi
integration controversy were com-
mendable and effective, Assistant
Secretary for African :Affairs G.
Mennen Williams, the former gov-
ernor of Michigan, said yesterday.
"President John F. Kennedy and
Attorney General Robert Kennedy
did not want to prove that the
national government could crush
the state of Mississippi. They
wanted the local authorities to
settle the issues themselves," Wil-
liams explained.
Education Wanted
This is the reason why the presi-
dent waited for the admissions
board of the University of Missis-
sippi to take action. However, the
government was determined that
James Meredith would have an
equal opportunity to receive an
"The fact that the full power of
the Presidential office-evidenced
by 'hundreds of marshals and
thousands of troops and by the
Kennedys' direct appeal to the
people-was used to secure the
rights of one Negro citizen was
not lost to the rest of the world,"
he noted.
The continent of Africa, which
.has always been quick to criticize
us for our racial difficulties, ac-
claimed our determination to es-
tablish human dignity and indi-
vidual justice, Williams com-
Obey Government
There are certain groups in the
South which are against integra-
tion at any cost, but the majority
of the citizens there try to obeyw
the federal government.
Regarding politics in Michigan,
and particularly the gubernatorial',
election, he explained that, in his
view, the race had been even until
two weeks ago when the President
visited Michigan. The trip, com-
bined with a new vigor on the
part of Gov. John B. Swainson,
will carry the Democrats into
office, he said. " j
'U ' IsolIation .
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the
political science department, Dem-
ocratic nominee for the Legi ]a- '
tore, has scored the University
community for being " out of touch !
with reality."

"a peaceful world of free and inde-
pendent states. Some nations may
choose governmental forms which
we do not like,sbut it is not for us
that they choose.
Diverse Choice
"We offer the world diversity
and choice: the Communists offer
only rigidity. But we feel that no
government has the right to
threaten the freedom of others,"
Williams declared.
It is very important to bring
moral and spiritual values to bear
on solving the world's problems.
The entire world is moved and
mankind .progresses by dedication
to law and to the moral and spirit-
ual factors on which law is based.
A lasting and sound world com-
munity can only result from free-
dom, and not from terror or force.
The United States' response to
Africa's desire for freedom is the
Agency for International Develop-
ment and the Peace Corps.
"I feel that America and the
new African nations are moving
toward self-determination for the
"The United States has always
tried to help Africa achieve its
goals--we have opposed Apartheid
a n d have supported regional.
groupings in the continent. The
West will be greatly tested in the
next two years in our ability to'
help native Africans attain self-
determination," W illIa m s ex-
Further factors in the construc-
tion of a world order are spiritual
and moral forces. "The United
Nations in its deliberations may
not always show mankind at its
moral and spiritual best, but its
goals are the highest of mankind.
"The United States is gravely
concerned with the fact that some
United Nations members have not
financially supported c e r t a i n
agencies. We feel this is irres-
ponsible and we hope that the UN
finds some way to discipline it-
self," he commented.
America has played a major
role in the extension of liberty
throughout the world and has
tried to further freedom in all

State Hit
By Court
Bar Interference
By Mississippi
ATLANTA (A') - The United
States 5th Circuit Court of Ap-
peals issued a sweeping injunction
against the state of Mississippi
and its officials yesterday, bar-
ring them from interfering in any
way with the desegregation of the
University of Mississippi,
Five of seven judges agreed on
the injunction requested by the
justice department. Judges Griffin
B. Bell of Atlanta and Walter
Gewin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., dis-
sented in part, voicing serious
doubts abqut namingthe state as
a party.
Theinjunction was the only
action on which a decision was
issued, although the judges had
under consideration contempt
charges against Mississippi Gov.
Ross Barnettrand Lt. Gov. Paul
B. Johnson, Jr.
Decision Soon
Chief Judge Elbert P. Tuttle
said a decision would be issued as
soon as possible in the contempt
cases. But he declined to say
whether the judges had reached a
The preliminary injunction en-
joined Barnett, the state and its
officials from attempting to arrest
James H. Meredith, a Negro ad-
mitted to the University of Mis-
sissippi under court order.
It also enumerates actions pro-
hibited, including prosecution of
a false voter registration charge
against Meredith, any civil action
against Meredith, any attempt to
secure state court injunctions
against the Negro, or "injuring,
harassing, threatening or intimi-
dating Meredith in any other way
or by and other means."
Dissent Opinion
Bell and Gewin in their dissent-
ing opinion said they would make
the injunction the mandate of the
circuit court and forward it to the
district court in Mississippi.
"The remand should tend to re-
store normalcy in Mississippi,"
they said. "Of course we should
retain the contempt proceedings
now pending aaginst Barnett. and
Johnson for final disposition."
"The governor and lieutenant
governor must yield in order to
purge themselves of contempt,"
Bell and Gewin said. "Upon their
yielding, the enforcement of all
other outstanding orders in this
matter would and should be the
duty of the district court.'
Meanwhile, in Washington, the
Army announced the withdrawal
of another 3,500 regular and Mis-
sissippi National Guard troops
from Oxford, Miss.


Halt of Talk
Of U.S. Red
student councils of the Rutherford
and Teaneck campuses of Fair-
leigh Dickinson University last
night denounced the university's
refusal to allow Communist Gus
Hall to speak before students.
The councils condemned what
they called a denial of academic
freedom by the board of trustees.
The groups simultaneously and
unanimously adopted resolutions
here and in Teaneck.
They announced that no demon-
strations had been planned at this
Rescind Invitation
The board Thursday rescinded
an invitation given to Hall, chair-
man of the American Communist
Party, to speak at the Rutherford
campus. Hall was to have spoken
Thursday night. The invitation
was extended by the student coun-
cil here and the college paper, the
Meanwhile, Hall said in New'
York that the board's action was
influenced by "ultra-rightist or-
ganizations and the FBI."
Hall said "it shows the degree
of intimidation by fascists and
racist groups when the faculty,
students and public are denied the
right to hear a Communist."
Not First Time'
This is not the first time that
a known Communist has not been
allowed to speak on a college cam-
pus. Perhapsthe most well known
incident occurred last fall when
the administration of the City
College of New York would not
allow Benjamin Davis to speak.
The act touched off large scale
student demonstrations including
a day long boycott of classes.
Student Pap er
Postpones S uit
The College Clamor, student
newspaper at the Flint Community
Junior College, has postponed un,
til Monday filing a suit against
Dean Lewis Fibel and the Flint
Board of Education for their right
to publish an uncensored news-

Sees Varied Districting Ide as IT Disus
Berlln Crisis
The Supreme Court's decision in not meet the requirements of the
the Tennessee case did not estab- ::::..:Michigan court ruling, would likelyIflformally
lish any precedent by which the Schbe ruled unconstitutional. ,

ntitnnma of thn Mirhio a CPnatp _............... ,..,.....

reapportionment case can be pre-
dicted, Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the
law school says.
"There was only one thing de-
cided by the Supreme Court in the
Tennessee case; that whether ap-
portionment schemes violate the
equal protection idea is an appro-
priate case for courts to decide. It
left interpretation of this ruling
in the hands of the lower courts,"
Prof. Kauper comments.
There are two possible interpre-
tations of the. equal protection
clause of the Fourteenth Amend-
ment which, in reviewing several
cases including the Michigan ap-
peal, the Court could use, he says.
Douglas Viewpoint
"First there is the viewpoint as
expressed in Justice William Doug-
las' concurring opinion in the Ten-
nessee case, that, according to the
Fourteenth Amendment, equal pro-.
tection of the law is denied unless
every person's vote counts equally.
"This is the interpretation fol-
lowed by the Michigan court."
Equal Protection
'The Michigan case, Scholle vs
Hare, was brought several years
ago charging that the Michigan
state Senate denies voters in more
populous districts equal protection
of the law.
Reds Claim
India Attacks
TOKYO {)-Red China report-
ed Indian troops began big at-
tacks yesterday, aiming to clear
Chinese forces out of two disput-.
ed areas on their frontier.
The New China News Agency re-
ported Indian troops supported by
heavy artillery fire opened a'
"frenzied, large-scale attack" on
Chinese positions.
The Chinese forces on the north-
east frontier "suffered heavy loss-
es and were compelled to take up
resolute self-defense actions," the
agency said. "Up to the moment of
sending out this dispatch, the fight
was still going on fiercely."
Invade Area
The Chinese said the Indian
troops invaded the Kechilang Riv-
er area north of the line that In-'

Schemes of area representation, '
under this ruling, are not neces-
sarily "irrational." Some members neiuctait To Rebuff
of the Supreme Court, in separate Soviet's Overtures;
opinions in the Tennessee case, in-
dicated they would be guided by Send OGrolnyko Note
the principle of rational classifi-
cation. In the particular case of WASHINGTON (}-President
Tennessee, Justice Thomas Clark, John F. Kennedy reported yester-
in his concurring opinion, pointed day to have sent word to Nikita S.
out that Tennessee's apportion- Khrushchev that he is willing to
ment, which was 60 years old, was K
in violation of the state's consti- talk with the Soviet Premier about
tution which imposed on the leg- Berlin if Khrushchev comes to
islature the duty to reapportion on the United States.
the basis of latest census reports. Kennedy's reaction, conveyed to
Clark View !Russian Foreign Minister Andrei
In his opinion, Clark stated that Gromyko Thursday was described
unless the courts intervened in as falling short of an invitation to
Tennessee, there could be no solu- any formal two-man summit par-
tion to the situation in Tennessee, ley on the festering German dis-
because in Tennessee, voters can- pute.



? ,

. .districting precedents
Originally, the Michigan Su-
preme Court ruled that it had no
jurisdiction to decide the matter.
After the Supreme Court last
spring ruled that courts had jur-
isdiction over apportionment, the:
Michigan Supreme Court was di-
rected to reconsider the Scholle
Last summer, the state supreie
court gave a judgment ordering
reapportionment of the Senate. It
was stayed by United States Su-
preme Court Justice Potter Stew-
art until the new court session.
Presently, the Supreme Court is
considering whether or not to re-
view the action.
Second Interpretation
A second interpretation, which'
could upset the Michigan Supreme
Court's ruling, is that equal pro-
tection simply means that a state
must have a rational system of ap-
portionment and that factors oth-
er than population can be consid-
ered, Prof. Kauper 'notes.
"The Supreme Court has given
no guidepost on what standards
will be applied in determining
exactly how the ruling should be
interpreted and as to what equal
protection means in respect to leg-
islative apportionment," he says.
Because the lower courts have
not any basis upon which to pro-
ceed, the Supreme Court will prob-
ably hear several apportionment
cases, including Michigan's, in or-
der to define more clearly what the
Tennessee case means.
Second Approach
If the second interpretation-
rational standards-is accepted by
the court, it could mean that Mich-
igan's 1952 senatorial apportion-
ment is acceptable or that the
standards outlined in the new con-
stitution could also be considered
valid, Prof. Kauper notes.
Under an equal vote standard,
the con-con formulas, which do

notiiit a cn tit ionai
On the other hand, Justice John
M. Harlan, in his dissenting opin-
ion in the Tennessee case, said
that, in his opinion, it would not
be irrational to have a scheme of
apportionment designed to avoid
control of the legislature by voters
concentrated in urban areas.
C halleng .e Ban
On Speakers
The presidents of nine student
organizations at Michigan State
University joined to co-sponsor
three speakers from the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee (SNCC) as to test a part
of the MSU speaker screening
The rule states that all speakers
of a controversial nature must be
cleared by the screening commit-
tee, composed of five faculty mem-
bers and five students.
The day before the speeches the
screening committee indicated
that any violation of the regula-
tion would be brought to the
attention of the Dean of Students,
John Fyzak, for disciplinary ac-
"We aren't even sure there has
been a violation," Fyzak said last
night. An investigation has been
initiated "to determine the facts."
Fyzak would comment no fur-
ther "for the time being," but did
indicate that he was interested
in finding out which one of the
several sponsoring groups was the
initiator of the move to bring the
SNNC people to MSU, and that a
study would be made to deter-
mine whether or not the speakers
were "controversial."

Rather, th1e president's position
was portrayed as neutral.
If Khrushchev does decide to
visit the United Nations a month
hence and wants to talk with Ken-
nedy about Berlin, as he has said
he might, then the President would
see Khrushchev in an entirely in-
formal way.
No Rebuff
Aides said Kennedy does not
want to rebuff Khrushchev by re-
fusing to meet him. But Kennedy
was also said to be opposed to any
formal meeting with the Soviet
chief which would raise false ex-
pectations worldwide for a Berlin
There was no glimmer of pro-
gress toward a break in the long
deadlock over Berlin in six and
a half hours of talks Kennedy
and secretary of state Dean Rusk
had with Gromyko Thursday.
First Gromyko went to see Ken-
nedy at the White House. Then
he dwent to the state department
for a "working dinner" with Husk
which lasted past midnight.
German Settlement
United States officials said
Gromyko repeated the Kremlin's
longstanding proposals for a Ger-
man peace settlement which would
push the Western powers out of
West Berlin. This is unacceptable
to the West. However, Gromyko is
said to have set no deadline.
The American leaders sought to
impress on .Gromyko once again
that the Western allies are deter-
mined to stand fast on their Ber-
lin rights-to fight if necessiary,
to protect them.
United States sources said at-
tempts were made to get Gromyko
to switch to some proposal on
which there was a possibility the
West could negotiate, but the
Soviet foreign minister did not
sway from Moscow's demands
which the West de'ems non-


Hold Talk with Khrushchev

?k . .. «.


dia recognizes asitno aer
r border.
MognCtsT xC nenThe agencyreotdIiajr
{ or a it ax o~ e troops also took the offensive in t
the disputed northern India sec- i
(EDITOR'xS NOTE: This is the planned to relocate their total t ion adjoining China's Sinkiangn
second in a series of faculty Oeain naohe tt.A- Province, 900 miles northwest Ofs
members commenting on fiscal ohrtoprcn lne o teohrdsue ra
reform in MYichigan.) ote w e etpandt It said Indian troops in they
relocate partially in anothei hpCa alyluce t
By DAVID MARCUS state. In 1950, less than one per tcip Chapr Valey luasundchd at
rcent were ptacks o ov oon:::fros nie gardsneunrico-
Michigan businessmen are >- plnnin tomoveout em of gunadmchegusi
unhappy about the state's tax '::.:;;.. .'i:::- toaly:ndabut:ixpe:cnt the eiy miig
climtePro. JmesN. orgn vei lanning artial reloca 'eouecin
:ofteSurvey ResearchC Cener TeCieewr 'ocdt c
ofth ewPan esolutely in self-de fense, th
adte ecnmicsdprtmen Y
says. :::.::...::. In spite of the dissatisfaction aec ad utn normation
"Wehr rnt ae ae - of businessmen in Michigan, ; from "an urgent report from Chi-
objectively speaking higher or2 '''Piof. Morganthrfenod nese frontier guards in Sinkiang'
lower than in other states, busi- e ae aepasLomv egon."i
nessmen are seriously concerned out of the state.ReChn also reported Indian
with them, especially in consid- As far as attitudes towards attacks Thursday and Friday, but ,
reying whether to relocate or >:< taxes go, the survey noted, "The I an Indian government spokesman
<where to expand,": Prof. Mor- >><=> suivey was conducted in an at-; in New Delhi Thursday said the
gan says.:: mosphere of public controversy boirder was quiet. He said snow
Citing a sur"vey of Michigan about Michigan's tax problems vw ds falling in the disputed Him-
businessmen done last year by and industrial climate 'which j alayan regions and that there had
Prof. Eva Mueller, Margaret may have enhanced the aware- been no shots fired in the pieced-:
::Wood and Arnold Wilken of the ness among Michigan manufac- ing 24 hours.'
SRC on "Location Decisions_ turers of these problems." prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
and Industrial Mobility in {PROF. TAMES N. MORGAN The survey also studied the I of India last week ordered his
Michigan," he pointed out that ..tax climate attitudes of manufacturers to tioops to drive Chinese forces out
in 1961, manufacturers repre- ward various concessions and G< cf areas India claims, but it was
senting 58 per cent of the em- Tax said, "We Lost $17,000 last promotional programs to attract felt no all-out campaign would be
ployment surveyed, saw high Year but had to pay Business new industry to the state. A : opened because of severe winter
;taxes as a definite disadvan- Activities Tax on our gross substantial number-33 per cent eather settlin~g in on the areas.
t: age of a Michigan plant loca- sales." -backed a promotional adver->m Indian officials were pictured as
Lion. The comparable figure for Tax Rates tising campaign to display the hopeful that the border disputesj
1950 is "only nine per cent. Another complaint of many advantages of locating in Mich-'' could still be settled by negotia-I
Object to BAT businessmen was the property igan. t ; ion,
° Manufacturers specifically ob- tax equalization and rates espe- Finance Bonus-
jetted to the Business Activi- cially in Detioit. Aen r e "percentage. 57 T t'- tii 't.o '

,rir>:s} .. :_ 'B y R IC K HiA R R A H
,rr . -A totally incohesive Union team
stumbled past the flashy, syn-
chronized Daily eleven on a tech-
nicality yesterday, to win the third
annual Bier Bowl football clash.
:.. The score, tied at the final gun,
was 17-16, as the Union managed
to squeak by in a five-play pene-
tration overtime.
A slight rhubarb ensued during
the overtime, wtith Daily quarter-
. < : ': back Bob (The Zephyr} Zwinck
..:.. ~ ' ...protesting a penalty of 15 yds.
}:;::> ; >.against his squad for illegal pass-r
ing. The referees snickered at the
{' : I loud remark that they were in er-
s ~ror, but brief and timely perusal of
the I-MV rule book has this to re-
H'+.<:s:~~ veal:
nalties llegal forward
- - ':1-. passes: Loss of down and five (5)}

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