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September 11, 1962 - Image 33

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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11, 1962



Medical Center Provides Patient Service UTSED

'S First
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departments of t h e Medical
'he University Medical Center, School is proposed and funds have
prawling complex of buildings, been requested from the Legisla-
vides an important statewide ture. Late in 1959 the Mental
ching and patient care service. Health Research Building was oc-
the shift in state cupied and at present the Kresge
recent yearsthedspersa Hearing Research Institute build-
usicians and facilities through- ing is being completed.
hscia a facie thro - It is the world's largest medical
thes otathhaseplacedagreter laboratory devoted exclusively to
,hass ontheregin astheresearch on hearing. The cost of
ne service area. Approximately the facility is estimated at $1,750,-
per cent of all Medical Center 000 which was started with a
dents come from within a 100 $200,000 grant from the Kresge
e radius. Foundation.
he buildings of the center are FrsndGrntnAi
ited on a hill overlooking the Kresge Grants Aid
on River valley. Included in The Kresge Medical Research
area are the several hospitals Building was built in 1951 with a
clinics- University Hospital, grant of $3 million, just west of
patient Clinic, Women's Hos- the University Hospital. The build-
1, Neuropsychiatric Institute, ing was designed to achieve a
sge Medical Research Build- three-fold objective. It provides
Children's Psychiatric Hospi- facilities for research in problems
Simpson Memorial Institute, related to medicine and the aux-
i the Lloyd RadiationTherap Iliary health services; it provides
the LloydfrRadiation Therapy ~ ~n1 -

morial to the war dead which is
concerned with putting the atom
to work in peaceful projects. The
Center is being operated under a
contract with the Atomic Energy
Commission which has given ap-
proval of the use of radioactive
cobalt and cesium-137 for cancer
Physical Development
In July, 1960 upon consultation
with the Campus Plan Advisory
Committee, the Regents author-
ized a study of the MedicalaCenter
which would serve as a guide to
future physical development. The
planning report, released last De-
cember, said "the Medical Center
in the future will expand its facil-
ities to a size significantly larger
than its present size.
"This growth will occur in vary-
ing magnitudes in each of the
three major functional areas of
the Center; instruction, patient-
care, and research. High priority
should be given to instruction or
academic medicine, strengthening
the relationships between the
Medical Center and Central Cam-
pus," the report stated.

Standard, Electric, RENTED


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Continuous Construction
The Medical Center area has
been the site of new construction
activity almost continuously since
the end of World War II.
In 1958 the three-unit Medical
Science-School of Nursing Build-
ing was opened. It houses the
School of Nursing, administrative
offices of the Medical School, and
the departments of Pathology,
Pharmacology, and Biochemistry.
A second unit to house remaining

trainiing for a carefully selected
group of men and women who
have research ambitions and api-'
tudes and who have the necessary
scientific background; it brings
theory, and practice together by
increasing the efficiency of medi-
cal education.
The Radiation Therapy Center,
located underground in a passage-
way connecting the hospital with
the Kresge Research Building, is
not only financed by the Univer-
sity Hospital but also by the Phoe-
nix Project, the University's me-

Student Supplies
Since 3P
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Open 8 A.M. for your convenience


MEDICAL AUDITORIUM--Medical students are taking an examination in one of the modern lecture
halls of the medical science auditorium wing. It is located in the first unit of the modern medical
science complex.


Entering Students Offered
Scholarships, Grants-In-Aid

There are several kinds of fi-
nancial aid available to under-
graduate students through the
University, including scholarships,
awards, and grants-in-aid.
The most numerous of these are
the scholarships, some of which
are offered through the Office of
Scholarships to any University
student who can meet the require-
ments, with the remainder offered
by the various schools and col-
leges to students of each school.
The general criteria for appli-
cants include scholarship, finan-
cial need, and character, with oth-
er requirements, such as residence
in a certain area or field of study
added to some specific scholar-
Require Residence
Most also require at least one
semester's residence at the Uni-
versity, but over 600 are available
to entering freshmen. Most of
these are offered through the Re-
gents Alumni program, which has
awarded about 500 scholarships
for this fall, Assistant Dean of
Men Ivan W. Parker reported.
Regents Alumni scholarships are
offered to one student from each
accredited high school in Michi-
gan, provided that a qualified stu-
dent applies, and 175 are awarded
at large to any Michigan student.
Another program available to
entering freshmen as well as oth-
ers offers the Laverne Noyes
Scholarships. Through this grant,
financially needy students who
can prove blood descendancy from
a World War I United States Ar-
my or Navy veteran can receive
full tuition scholarships.

Each of the schools and col-
leges in the University also offer
a number of scholarships through
their own offices.
There are also many awards
given both through the scholar-
ship office and the individual
schools. These, awards are gener-
ally given in recognition of some
specific accomplishment and may
or may not carry a cash prize.
Among these awarIs are the
James B. Angell Scholar Awards
for students who maintain an all-
A average for two semesters in a
row, the Wendy Owen Memorial
Award for members of The Daily
editorial or sports staffs who "have
been soundly constructive to the
University community through
The Daily," the University Band
Merit Award for outstanding
members of the Marching and
Concert Bands, the Jane Higbie
Award for A & D students who
demonstrate originality in their
work, and the Avery and Jule Hop-
wood Prizes, awarded on the basis
of a creative writing contest.
Grants - in - aid are payments
made to meet emergencies which
would otherwise force the student
to leave the University. The main
requirement here is the financial
need, and the only scholastic re-
quirement is that the student is
eligible to remain at the Univer-
sity. The range of grade-point
averages for recipients of grants-
in-aid runs from about 2.2 to 2.8,
Dean Parker noted.
"While there is no legal obliga-
tion to repay grants-in-aid, there
is a moral obligation," he said.


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by Lord Jeff





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