THE NEW NDEA AMENDMENTS See Editorial Page Lit i~t au tii MODERATE Partly cloudy tonight with chance of showers Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1962 SEVEN CENTS E1GHT PAGES Students Protest Firin of Editor Colorado President Dismisses Gary Althen; Groups Take Action By MICHAEL ZWEIG An ad hoc protest committee of 500 University of Colorado stu- dents gathered Wednesday night to take action in the controversy over Wednesday's firing of Colorado Daily Editor Gary Althen by University of Colorado President Quigg Newton. The indoor meeting, sponsored jointly by the Young Republicans, Young Democrats, Conservative Club an dthe Young Peoples' Socialist < League, unanimously adopted the Award Nobel Prize For DNA Research STOCKHOLM (A')-A young American biologist and two British scientists were jointly awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize for Medicine yesterday for a major break-through into the mysteries of heredity. Among other things, their work gives clues to some of the funda- mental secrets of life. It also points toward new studies into the causes of ailments such as anemia. Sharing the award were Dr. James Dewey Watson, 34, of Harvard University; Dr. Francis Harry'. Ranger Moon Rocket Fails To Achieve Goal; Misses Mark 300 Miles i PROF. JAMES POLLOCK .. . debates key issues f t T f C I 1 s 1 1 l i i i ROBERT MORGAN ... alumnus Alumni Pick New Directo~r Robert O. Morgan, '31 Ed, will become the Alumni Association's new general secretary Nov. 1, asso- ciation President Frank J. Ortman announced Wednesday. He will take over the key alumni post from John E. Tirrell, '51, who has resigned to help create a new junior college district in St. Louis. In this position, Morgan is in charge of the management of a large range of alumni programs, and also inherits the editorship of the alumni magazine, the Michi- gan Alumnus. He will be respon- sible to the association's board of directors. Morgan has held several posi- tions with the Alumni Association -secretary of the class officers' council, field secretary and assist- ant general secretary-in the past 27 years. While a student at the Univer- sity, Morgan played center on the 1929 and 1930 football teams, heavyweight boxing champion of the campus, a member of Phi Mu Alpha fraternity and an honorary member of Druids honorary society. He was line coach of Denison University's football team in 1931, athletic director, teacher and assistant principal in Akron, N.Y.; from 1923-35, and secretary-treas- urer of the Varsity "M" Letter- men's Club, 1947-62. Reserve Board MoveS To Aid U.S. Economy1 WASHINGTON (P) - The Fed- eral Reserve Board, in a move to: boost the sluggish economy, re- duced bank reserve requirements involving savings and time de- posits yesterday. This will add about $4.6 billion to the lending power of the na- tion's banks. . hHeretofore, banks belonging to the reserve system. have had to maintain reserves amounting to five per cent of savings and time deposits. The reduction is to four per cent. The reduction will go into effect in New York, Chicago, and other major cities, on Oct. 25. Banks in smaller communities will bene- fit from the reduction starting Nov. 1. In announcing the move, the board said that one motive was to provide "for the longer term growth in bank deposits needed to facilitate the expansion of eco- nomic activity and trade." This was one way of saying that the move will ease credit and en- courage borrowing to expand the following motion: "Be it resolved that we, the students of the Uni- versity of Colorado, deplore the manner in which the University administration acted in the firing of Colorado Daily Editor Gary Althen. External Pressures "Although we realize that ex- ternal pressures may have moti- vated the president's decision, we also feel that his action was an-j tagonistic to former statementsI regarding academic freedom and the mechanisms within the uni- versity by which this liberty isj protected.j "We urge an immediate recon- sideration of this decision." The motion was written and presented by student senate pres- ident Ardis Gaither, and was one of several motions put before the; committee.. Referendum The group then voted to place Gaither's motion before the entire student body in the form of a referendum. The proposal for the referendum was placed before the Student Senate for adoption and calandering late Wednesday night in a regularly scheduled meeting. The Student Senate issued a request to Newton that he "explain to all interested students why he removed Gary Althen." Newton has agreed to the request and will meet with student leaders to set a date for the address, Senate then voted to place the. ad hoc committee's resolution be- fore the student body in a refer endum to be held "on. the two days following Newton's speech (explaining his action), but no later than next Wednesday." 'Old Futzer' Althen was fired two weeks after he allowed a letter to the editor to be printed in the Colorado Daily which referred to former President Dwight Eisenhower as an "old futzer" and a "nice pal- dog." Newton has made no expla- nation of his action except to say that it was "in the best interests of the university." Althen's firing precipitated sev- eral immediate resignations of Colorado Daily staff members Wednesday afternoon. Colorado Daily Executive Editor Paul Danish reported by telephone that most of the newspaper staff has remained to put out a paper because "with a paper we can go on fighting." No Restrictions No direct restrictions on the editorial freedom of the paper has been instituted, Danish said. The effect of the referendum as a pressure on Newton to change his decision is questionable, Dan- ish commented. "If there is an overwhelming positive vote, condemning New- ton's action, then it will be in- interpreted as a vote of no- confidence in the president," Dan- ish continued. "Newton might take a vote of heavy and overwhelming student protest into consideration. After all, he has to maintain some de- gree of student respect to keep order," Danish explained. Downs Views ConstitutionF By THOMAS HUNTER Two members of the recent; constitutional convention debated the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed document last night. Convention vice-president Thom-; as Downs, a Democrat and Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department who was also a Republican representative to the convention from this district ar-' gued the passage of the con-' stitution this spring. They spoke before the political science Grad- uate Round-Table series. Downs urged defeat of the con- stitution on "the basic problem of representation" and the restric- tions upon the power of the gov- ernor in that appointments must' be made "with' the advice and consent of legislature controlled by the other party." Conflict He pointed out that the greater majority of the popular vote polled by the Democratic party "winds up with an overwhelming majority of Republicans in the legislature" and leads to "built-in conflict in the government." The new constitu- tion does not resolve this, he said. In pressing for acceptance of the document, Pollock said that it puts Michigan "at the top of all the states" in eliminating the apportionment problems for both branches of legislature and that there is better efficiency and re- lations between the several gov- ernmental institutions. Popular Election Downs charged, "In the proposed constitution neither house would be elected on a population basis." Disparities in representation would remain. Of the four new senators provided for, three would be elected Republicans. In the machinery provided to determine legislative districts, 70 per cent of the people would have a quarter of the votes. Downs said he would rather see the constitution defeated so that the August Scholle court case, now pending consideration for appeal to the United States Supreme Court, would remain alive to re- turn the state to its approximate one man-one vote stature under the 1908 constitution. Adoption of a new constitution would have the effect of nullifying the Scholle case, in which the Michigan Su- preme Court ruled'against the 1952 amendment establishing the pres- ent system. Pollock answered that the con- stitution's plan varied only two seats out of 110 from the results of the straight population plan. He said that it was important that the districting commission would be bi-partisan. If the commission could come up with no workable plan, then appeal to the supreme court for a final ruling has been provided for. Compton Crick and Dr. Maurice H. F. Wilkins, both well-known English scientists. Sharing Alike This year's prize is worth $49,- 656, to be shared jointly. The Nobel Prize for Medicine is the first to be announced. Others to be awarded later will be for' literature, chemistry, physics and peace. The three award winners yester- day were cited for "their discov- eries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids" which dictate the growth and develop- ment of the cells of the body. Stockholm's Royal Caroline In- stitute of Medicine and Surgery, which selected the winners, said their findings "will have far- reaching consequences in biology and medicine." DNA Breakthrough "Research1 workers all over the' world are busy trying to decipher the biological code in all its varie- ties and the breakthrough for this most fundamental problem is the discovery of the molecular struc- ture of deoxyribonucleic acid made by this year's awardees." The announcement said they have shown how the building stones of life, sugars, organic bases and phosphoric acid are strung together to form the large nucleic acid molecules. Note Needs In Election By DANIEL SHAFER Fiscal reform, education nd the proposed constitution were de- bated by the six Washtenaw Coun- ty candidatesfor the Legislature last night at the third annual "Know Your Candidates" program of the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce. Democratic challengers Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the political science department, Charles F. Gray and Prof. Robert J. Niess of the romance languages depart- ment running for the first and second district House, and the Senate seat, respectively argued that the state's problem boils down to fiscal reform. GOP incumbents Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and James F. Warner (R-Ypsilanti) and Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) agreed, but emphasized the need for spending reform - over the Democrat's tax reform schemes. Thayer and Prof. Niess agreed that more funds should be approp- riated for higher education, es- pecially for financing the Univer- sity's proposed year-round opera- tions program. The Republicans and Democrats split along party lines on the pro- posed constitution. The GOP incumbents noted that many sweeping reforms are included in the new document es- pecially the projected appoint- ment of the administrative board. The Democrats cited the appor- tionment provisions of the new constitution were worse than the "unfair" districting in the current model. They also cited the new search and seizure provisions which "might violate the United States Constitution." j a}: '-' : s:; T. : ::{ ''};'F :ti{ :;: By RICHARD MERCER vx:v: w:aw. vxvw.v::. vvc: r::. };.y{^r{.;{{:a ti":ti'"::.. . 1 .. ......::S G:.,.... .. .. ........ .. ,....5.: ,.. ... " .... " "tS ": er of Sci Prof. Marston Bates of the zoologyrdepartment, in an ar- ticle prepared for "The New York Times," points out the man-made nature of theuworld in which we live. Man's relatively recent dis- covery of "the power of science" may lead him into more trouble than he has reckoned on if he continues to neglect the original system of nature that gave him birth. In the article, Prof. Bates points out that by disturbing the delicate balances in the en- vironment around him the laws of nature could very well begin working against man. Man's progress has been with the aid of nature and the possibilities of him being able to run coun- ter to these laws without in- curring serious problems are doubtful. Changing Environment Man, since the beginning of his residence on this planet, has been at work changing his environment. When the first "man-like animal" began to form stones in order to perform tasks more efficiently the long journey to earth satellites and atom bombs began. Probably even then there were those who complained that man was on the road to his own destruction, and maybe they will prove to be right. Man has come a long way from building better stones, and his changes on the world have become more profound. Scien- tists in Great Britain have an- nounced that before the year is m Ce aspects of the ways hi which man will strive to change the world around him. The exist- ance of taboos around certain foods are complicated and hard to understand. Man's ingenuity seems to be getting around' some of the forbidden foods, however, as chops made out of peanut butter for vegetarians will prove. Shiny Rice Not all of the changes man makes on his food are for the better. Polishing rice or refining wheat causes a nutritional loss that is replaced only by the further addition of vitamins. The use of insecticides, be- sides developing breeds of super insects, has introduced chemical compounds into our diets, the effects of which are unknown. Until these effects are learned we should exercise caution with the materials known to be the most potentially dangerous. Control Pain At present, however, man- kind, at least in the western world, appears to be doing quite well. Physical pain is more un- der control than it ever has been in the past and the ber'e- fits of learning are within the reach of a great number of our population. The great possibili- ties of "different styles of life" allow the individual an unheard of amount of freedom. Yet there still remains the strong chance that man is liv- ing on borrowed time. Time that will run out some day if he does not pay more attention to the rules of the world on which he lives the article con- cludes. PROF. MARSTON BATES . , synthetic world over synthetic milk will be on the market. This development will probably cause some out- cries from the dairy industry, yet man has made changes of a more radical nature in the past, Batees' article states. 'Synthetic Caves' Man changes his environ- ment in a multitude of ways, ranging from living in "syn- thetic caves" to wearing cloth- ing. These changes enable man to live more comfortably than if he were to remain in a purely natural state. The changes man inflicts on nature are peculiar to his be- liefs or superstitions. The way people dress and the manner of food they eat are only two EME .......... 1" V:: 11"C :Yt :':.".'1 Sl: t :Y h "f::::::... .! :: : 1:.".Vf :1'::: :111 .............4...........,................... ...."."."::: ":. .....:........ ":.V :11'X: 5......".: :"T: H.'.'ItJ: l:: J :'YX'.":.: ;'.'C}::.. :':'N ""::1...".':......1.. J.. "4.:Y} }}: }.:ti...lS:.:'. .. J , f....' i {.. :'iti:' }:1 ' ............. .. ..... . .. n1.. A....a........... ........... . .. " :'.'.41............ I.W ..................... .... ......................:.4'i..............."...................r....................................... .. FIRST MEETING: By GERALD S TORCH At its first meeting of the year last night, Graduate Student Council directed rather pungent criticism at the administration of special graduate students' foreign language courses and at last spring's tuition increase, which sharply increased graduate student fees, As a result, two motions were passed: one, to be sent to the romance languages department, requested pre-registration privileges next spring for 6'7 students who U.S. o Atiwere denied enrollment this fall U.S. Ateiupt into French 111 and 112. The sec- 1 T . ond established a special GSC sub- ew .Dom 1 eSt HONOLULU (.)-United States government scientists are sched- uled to make another try tonight at exploding a nuclear device high above Johnston Island in the Pa- cific-this time with a new type booster rocket. Deflated by five failures and only one success in the high-altitude test series, the scientists plan to use either a Nike-Hercules surface-to-air rock- et or a new specially constructed missile. committee to look into why there was "very little notice" given to graduate students concerning the tuition hike. At one point in the meeting, Robert Rosin, Grad, an observer at the meeting, declared that some administrators, in particular Vice- President for Academic Affairs Roger Heyns "feel that graduate students should come to the Uni- versity with a reading knowledge of a foreign language; yet the solution is not to deny present graduate students" the special lan- guage courses. Language Requirement Last spring and this fall 67 graduate students were turned away from French and German 111 and 112, which exist as a ser- vice to these students so that they may fulfill the graduate foreign language reading requirement. Fi- nancial reasons were given for the ni itha.nlr Students Act OXFORD ()-The Student Ju-t dicial Council has begun hearing cases against at least 11 Univer- sity of Mississippi students whof allegedly took part in the campus riots of Sept. 30, a source close toj the council said yesterday. Three ,cases have been heard in closed session so far, the source said. The council reportedly will make its recommendations to Student Affairs Dean L. L. Love who will,1 in turn, write a letter to the stu-; dents telling them what disciplin- ary action has been taken, if any. Then, the university is expected to announce the number of cases heard, and the action in each case. List Students A list of student names and in- formation on their parts in the' campus demonstrations that killed two was turned over to university, officials by the Justice Depart- ment. The university gave the list' to the council for its recommenda-, tion and to the Mississippi Attor- ney General. The council earlier had indi- cated it would not take action until the cases were handled by the state attorney general. There, has been no action by the attorney general. While the cases were being heard, a professional teaching and graduate student group at the University of Mississippi called for "drastic" disciplinary measures. Disciplinary Action The statement adopted by Phi Betta Kappa Associates said, "We support drastic disciplinary action, including possible dismissal of stu- dents, for those whose behavior discredits the university." The group commended those. who "acted responsibly" during the integration crisis. A Justice Department list of names and information against some students has been turned over to university officials. They, in turn, have turned over the material to Mississippi Attorney General Joe Patterson. There has been no action by Patterson. spaacecraft Err s Again [n M oonshot Blastoff Successful; But Off Course By The Associated Press United States Space Agency fficials reported late last. night that the Ranger V moon rocket launched earlier yesterday was ex- pected to miss the moon by ap- proximately 300 miles and would not be able to accomplish any of i.ts missions. The failure marked the third time this year that the United States failed to rocket a payload either to or around the moon to probe lunar secrets before send- ing manned ships to the earth's nearest celestial body. Scientists at the jet propulsion laboratory, which is tracking the space vehicle, attributed the fail- ure to Ranger's apparent lack of reception of solar power. After 8 hours and 44 minutes of battery- powered flight, the battery on board the spacecraft ran down. Power Failure Ranger V carries a small rocket engine capable of changing its course by up to 2500 miles, but the power failure will prevent scient- ists from putting it in operation. An earlier attempt to fire the mid-courserocket before the bat- tery ran down did not succeed, for the signal sent out to the spacecraft arrived too late. The rocket thundered skyward yesterday in an attempt to send the Range V spacecraft a quarter ofi a million miles to a landing on the moon. The mission of the gold-and- silver-plated spacecraft is to. send back closeup television pictures of the moon's surface before landing the first active instrument pack- age. This would measure moon- quakes and meteor hits. To Land Sunday If Ranger would have carried out all its intricate maneuvers, the gold and silver space laboratory will arrive in the lunar sky in the early hours of next Sunday after a 70-hour flight. It would begin a furious round of picture-taking, data gathering and transmitting, and then crash on to the moon. Ranger V, riding atop the 10- story high Atlas-Agena B, lifted off its launch pad at 11:59 a.m. Tracking instruments showed that the first and second stages separated on schedule. The space- craft into a parking orbit some 100 miles high and then, about 25 minutes later, fired again to send Ranger out into space. Flight Good It appeared to be performing with drill-like precision. But pro- ject officials said they have not received enough tracking infor- mation to tell whether Ranger was on the proper flight plan to rendezvous with the moon. The 755-pound rocket has four missions. What is the moon made of? Where did it come from? How did it get its crater-pocked face? These pictures would have given science the best closeups ever made of the moon. The best available cannot distinguish objects smaller than a city block. Ranger's could pinpoint objects the size of a com- pact car. Report India, China Troops Cla sLH in Snow NEW DELHI (/P-Fresh skirmn- ishing, complicated by snow were. reported yesterday from Indian and Communist Chinese lines in the disputed Himalayan foothills east of Bhutan. The snowfall complicated the struggle by impeding troop move- ments. It could mark the start of a long winter. Peiping and New Delhi gave op- ! posing accounts of military ein- gagements Wednesday, each blam- ing the other. BILL OF RIGHTS: Thomas Cites Debt to Nation's Founders By THOMAS-DRAPER Reviewing the challenges to American civil liberties, Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist candi- date for president of the United States, declared last night "We owe the formers: of the Bill of Rights a great debt for giving the document the sanctity of the Con- stitution." He told an overflow crowd in the Union Ballroom that studies have shown that if a popular pleb- iscite were held today on the Bill of Rights as a new proposal, :t would fail. "The dominant fear in my worship of national sovereigntY. was never guilty of an overt ac- GUC rs Ed d k "The modern religion of national tion against the government." 050 President Edward.Sasaki, sovereignty reaches its apogee in McCarran Act Grad, noted that"the budget was not cut because there wasn't any mlitar strength. This religion ar- militays thength.Thismeningf n- The McCarran Act, which re- money-money was available." gues for the end of meaningful in- dividual rights. quires the Communist party and While many of the council mem- State Sovereignty party members to register, places hers supported the "long-range" T the Communist party and its mem- benefits of the reading require- The role of individual is ending bers in jeopardy whether or not ment, most agreed with Rosin that the anarchy of the sovereign they register, Thomas said. It is several of its short-term effects states," he rre 'ludicrous: there are several Thomas added that an internla- illegal not to register and once *r ldcos hr r eea tional federation would provide a they do they "are subject to all cases of students having their n r w rsorts of harrassment"doctoral degrees held up only be- way of ending the "meaningless sscause of the language require- charges and counter-charges" f "The indifference and lack of ment,." the present cold war and an ave- knwes nothed Toea Am - Tuition Increases nue for constructive proposals, can is not good," Thomas said. Rosin also levelled several un- Speaking on modern challenges "Doubly wrong is the criticism favorable remarks at the tuition ._ .__.. :.. ;._ m ,., --_ a r '1o ntalitarianism when the gOV- ,- -,, - _ ma -- - - cnm -- ac o nI........s....- . I i