THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAI'. S THE ~ICHIGANDAILY UESDA. SEF . ua. I Honoraries Serve Universit / Often the springtime visitor sees strangely dressed (or undressed)r students undergoing the mild tor- ture of crawling from the Diag to the League Fountain or being showered with brickdust around an oak tree. This is not fraternity hazing- long departed from the University -but the honoraries initiating. A neophyte is "tapped" for the organization by the old members in a nighttime visit. The lucky individual generally finds him- self taken unwittingly from bed, immersed with water and brick- dust or oil, and told of his selec- tion. Public initiation ordeals fol- low on the Diag, in which the chosen undergo other tests to prove their worthiness and self- dedication to the group., Women's Groups Sanforized Levi's at $4.49 Also Levi's Slim Fits in Assorted colors at $4.29 Biggest Levi Inventory in Town SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington SAM J. BENJAMIN, '27 Lit. - Owner s S.O .4:.;.-. Women's honoraries do not tap in as colorful a manner, but they too have their traditional cere- monies in which they show the public that a new class of women has been honored for service. Every men's honorary and the majority of women's organizations are strictly local in origin and present status. Circle -.. Circle, formed in 1957, strives to recognize leadership, service and citizenship in the residence halls, and promote interest in, these areas. Two years ago the group, spon- sored by Assembly Assn., put on an art show to display the works of independent women. It, suc- ceeded so well it is to become an annual event. They have also established a chapter at Michigan State. Druids... Outstanding senior men in every school but engineering are eligible for Druids, which chooses its initiates for achievement in athletics and activities. "Saplings" (those tapped) become mighty trees through plenty of water and g r e e n brickdust. Duckwalking around the Diag and the reciting of Joyce Kilmer's "Trees" also is a traditional part of the ceremony. New members are given tree names which are announced pub- licly at the initiation. Druids, named after the forest priests of old England, was founded in 1909. Hectorians... Hectorians, founded in 1953, rec- ognizes and honors outstanding fraternity men and meets to dis- cuss fraternity problems. Members are chosen from the fraternity presidents, Interfrater- long yellow ribbon with the names of all members since the organiza- tion's founding. Sphinx ... A junior men's honorary estab- lished in 1905, Sphinx chooses neo- phytes for its courts by the same standards as the senior groups. Men may be tapped from all schools except the engineering col- lege. Red brick dust and water transform the neophytes into Egyptians and then the initiates must crawl on their stomachs looking for the River Nile. When they reach the Nile (usually known as the League fountain) they must prove their worth by a final dip in that body of water. Members are given secret Egyp- tian names. Triangles .. . Triangles for junior engineers, is also designed to recognize achievement and to serve the. campus. Initiates are abducted in the night and must find their way back to campus from an isolated part of t he county. Then the public initiation features such stunts as a human pyramid and scrubbing the Engineering Arch with a toothbrush. Triangles was formed in 1907. Vulcans .. . The only mortal acceptable in the eyes of the god Vulcan is a senior engineer who has served the University in activities or athletics. Neophytes are abducted in the night and taken out of town to find their way back to campus. Then they undergo a public initiation by blacking them- selves with oil, chaining them- selves to each other and carrying torches through the underground steam tunnels. Each member is given a mythological name of a god and the society, formed in 1904, works to serve the engineer- ing college and the University as a whole. Wyvern... Wyvern, also a local group, hon- ors girls who are active on cam- pus and have high scholastic aver- ages. .The sophomores are tapped during dinner by a line of girls singing, "Damn, damn, damn to Michigamua, to hell wtih Sphinx and Vulcans, too, to the Druids and the rest, for we know we are the best, we are Wyvern's daugh- ters tried and true." The following day, the new members wear yellow slickers, hair ribbons and roses. Wyvern is not a service society because it believes that these girls are too busy for an added activity. nity Council officers, and Frater- nity Buyer's Association. Michigamua.. . The Tribe of Michigamua is an all-campus senior men's honorary for excellence in activities and athletics. Members dress for "Rope Day" (initiation day) in Indian costume and turn the chosen palefaces into young braves through an ordeal that takes the selected ones on a duckwalk journey "seven flights up and seven flights down" the Michigan Union. Initiates are doused with brickdust and water and are given secret Indian names, revealed only at the end of the year at the next Rope Day. Founded in 1901 to serve the University, Michigamua is the oldest extant campus hon- orary. Mortarboard... The national senior women's honor society,. Mortarboard, is the first of the senior women's groups to tap in the spring. Members, chosen for service, leadership, and scholarship, must have a 3.0 average. The girls tap at midnight clad in caps and gowns, singing their song, "Thy Ideals." New members wear mortar boards the next day. The Michigan chapter, Pi Sigma Alpha, was one of four founding chapters in 1918. There are now 95. Quadrants.. . The Quadrants is the honorary of the quadrangles. Having chap- ters in each quad, the group rec- ognizes leadership in house and quadrangle affairs. , Scabbard and Blade... Participants in either of the three ROTC programs are selected on-the basis of leadership, patrio- tism, efficiency, loyalty and honor for Scabbard and Blade. Initiates are tapped in the star- light with sabers, and during the trial period must guard the lions and defend the scabbard and blade in front of the flagpole. The group's purpose is to raise the standards of military educa- tion and spread information on military service careers. Scroll... Another local organization, Scroll honors senior affiliated women for leadership, character and loyalty. Members are tapped after hours by the group singing, "Out of the night comes a sound of voices. Scroll is' now tapping its loyal crew." Its purpose is to promote cooper- ation between alumnae and stu- dents and further interest in cam- pus activities. It also grants a $100 scholarship to a junior affili- ated woman on the basis of leader- ship and need., Senior Society... Senior Society recognizes inde- pendent women with high scholas- tic averages who have actively served their dormitories. Girls recommended by their house directors and presidents are tapped by members singing, "In and out the halls we wander singing as we go; of the girls we're going to favor with our pin of black and gold." During the initiation ceremony, each member's name is added to a RITES OF SPRING-Druid initiates are inducted into the honorary in the annual, unchanging cere- monies. This is one of several initiations which occur each spring as the honoraries induct the cam- pus's well-known students into the folds. + Use Daily Cicassifieds + % :__ _ _ _ _ _ . .. . . . . . . ?. . f A i ' ' . :: .. .... r r ': Y r r : .i r n rr . :: . . : . 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