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October 13, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-13

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X, OCTOBER 13, 1962


nderdog Wolverines


MSU This Afternoon

Mermaids Favored

There isn't a chance in the
world that Michigan State will
be able to defeat Michigan today.
At least in women's swimming;
that is. The afternoon, football
game will be somewhat more of a
contest. But in the morning it's
Michigan all the way.
The University of Michigan
swim club is the uncrowned cham-
pion of women's college swimming
teams. With almost more All-
Americans on the team than can
fit in a pool for a workout at one
time, the Michigan coeds have the
depth and ability to defeat any
women's college, team in the
So far the Michigan swimmers,
are just beginning to work out

... .injured regular

... huge center

... pony back . . . starting end

. . .last year's star



Annual Intra-State Grid Classic a Sellout;
Three Platoons Scheduled for Heavy Duty


(Continued from Page 1)
Daugherty closed off his Michi-
gan State practice sessions "to
get complete concentration." El:
liott moved his team into the
farthest corner of Ferry Field.
This afternoon about the only
thing that you can count on is
that neither team will hold any-
thing back-this is the big one.
Don't let anyone tell you different.
Riding on it, besides all sorts
of statewide -and national pres-
tige is Paul Bunyan-an invention
of former Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams back in 1953.
Since then, Michigan hs held
the trophy only twice. The Wol-
verines won 33-7 in 1954 and 14-7
in 1955. The Spartans have dom-
inated the rest with only 1958's
12-12 tie at East Lansing marring
an otherwise perfect record.
That makes Elliott winless in
three tries against the Spartans.
Only Missouri and Nebraska,
which have won their only starts
against Elliott coached teams, and

Wisconsin, which has won twice
have escaped losses to Elliott. Even
Ohio State and Minnesota have
On paper, the Spartans appear
to have the best of it again this
year. Up front All-America center
Dave Behrman, who weighs in at
283 lbs. in full football gear, an-
chors a huge, pro-type line. De-
spite injuries, the Spartans should
still average 230 lbs. end to end.
Small Backfield
Operating behind the beef trust
is Michigan State's smallest back-
field since the days of Biggie
Munn's famous "Pony Backfield."
The biggest of the bunch is
Captain George Saimes, last year's
All-Big Ten fullback choice. He
tips the scales at 187. Next in line
is Dewey Lincoln at 185, followed
by quarterback Charles Migyanka

ing job. Rubick, who leads the
Spartans in just about every of-
fensive department, set a Michigan
State single game rushing record
last week of 207 yds. Three of his
14 carries went for touchdowns of
11, 15 and 67 yds.
Three Platoons
Unable to match Michigan
State's size in the line, Michigan
will counter with three platoons.
Against Army, Elliott's system was

Is the best offense a strong
That's what Minnesota football
Coach Murray Warmath must be-
lieve. And that's the way it's been
for the last two seasons for the
Golden Gophers.
After a dismal 2-7-0 '59 season,
Minnesota won the National
Championship and a trip to Pasa-
dena. Last year they went to Pasa-
dena again. This year they can't
go to the Rose Bowl, but, to the
dismay of the Big Ten, it looks like
Minnesota is loaded again.
The Gophers haven't been scored
on yet this season.
It's not offensive talent that
Warmath has got,he hasn't had
that (with the exception of Sandy
Stephens) in the last three years,
it's defense.
Minnesota's graduation losses
were as bad as any team in the
conference. Gone were 16 letter-
men including Stephens, All-
American quarterback and Minne-
sota's offense for the past two

Eight Teams Meet in Conference Action;
Purdue, Wisconsin Tangle with Rivals

regularly and get in shape. Coach
Rose J.Mary Dawson just returned
to Ann Arbor Thursday night from
a vacation and the team has been
practicing under the direction of
her husband, Buck Dawson, and
the team's undergraduate man-
ager, Nancy Wager.
Despite this lack of practice,
the U-M swimmers shouldn't be
much off form since most of the
events are 50 yards and these girls
are used to swimming 100-yd.,
200-yd., and longer distances.
Records Set
In the all-campus swim meet
last Saturday, four inter-collegiate
records were set by swim club
members. Freshman Peggi Wirth,
Pam Swart, and Donna Conklin
and sophomore Suzy Thrasher
were the record setters.
Michigan coeds now hold eight
of eleven national collegiate rec-
ords. Miss Wirth's time was 27.2
in winning the 50-yd. freestyle as
Pam Swart and Cynthia Osgood
also went under the old record of
27.9. Miss Conklin broke the 100-
yd. backstroke mark of senior
Eileen Murphy
.9 Faster
Miss Swart broke the record of
Suzy Thrasher of 59.9 in the 100-
yd. freestyle with a clocking of
59.0 while Miss Thrasher was set-
ting a new record of 1:04.9 in the
100-yd. butterfly.
Also making the trip to East
Lansing for the meet at 10:00
Saturday morning are freestyler
Janice Snavely, breaststrokers
Susan Rogers, Sharon Bedford,
and Mona DeFillipo, and divers
Micki King and June Mori.
Michigan State has two All-
Americans in Cris Kruter and
Marcia Jones. Miss Kruter is a
backstroker and Miss Jones is a
former U-M swimmer.
This is the first meeting be-
tween these two teams in a dual
meet. Later in the season, the
U-M swimmers will face the Uni-
versity of Toronto.



L Raimey

at 184. Little Sherm Lewis,
lbs. of speed, is probably


smallest back in the Big Ten.
Lewis, however, is being pushed
hard by Ron Rubick for his start-

Spartans Dominate in Rushing;
Minnesota Leads All Defenses

Seems someone once said you
can lie with statistics.
Well, let's see.
Official Big Ten statistics for
the season have been released. Al-
though they are compiled for only
two games for every team but In-
diana (who has played three times)
and the caliber of the. opponents
have varied from New Mexico
State to UCLA, these statistics of-
fer about the only means of com-
parison to the Big Ten gridiron
Michigan State has dominated
rushing offense. The Spartans
sport a 324-yds.-per-game mark
i nthis department. Wisconsin is
second with a 294-yd. average, and
Ohio State is third with 272 yds.
Passing Wild (cats)
Northwestern has outgained the
rest of the conference by almost
the length of a football field in
passing offense. The Wildcats have
averaged 247 yds. per game while
Wisconsin is second at 148 yards.
Iowa and Minnesota are well back
in a tie for third with 108 aver-
The total offense leader is
Northwestern, which has rolled up
497 yards per game. Wisconsin has
rambled for a 442 yd. mark, second
best in the Big Ten, and MSU
shows an average of 399 yds. Mich-
U.S. Golfers
Lead Tourney
Into Finals
KAWANA, Japan (P) - An all
North American duel for the Eis-
enhower Cup, symbol of world
amateur golf supremacy, shaped
up today with a revived United
States team taking a two-stroke
lead over Canada going into the
final round of the world team
The U.S. team came back from
a miserable second round to top
the Canadians 649 to 651 strokes
after 54 holes..
In the final 18-hole round to-
day, Canadian Gary Cowan battles
Dick Sikes, Arkansas physical ed-
ucation major, for individual hon-
ors. Cowan has scored 68-71-72-
211 and Sikes 69-76-69-214 on
the picturesque Fuji course, set
along a small chunk of the Pacific.
The Britain - Ireland team,
sparked by Michael Bonallack's
69 and Alexander Saddler's 72,

igan is ranked sixth with a mark
of 292 yds.
Minnesota has been nearly im-
movable on defense. Last week
they torpedoed the Navy. Result:
negative 31 yds. rushing. That gave
the Gophers a naverage of 31 yds.
rushing yielded per game. Iowa's
rushing defense has also been mag-
nificent. It has given up only 45
yds. a game. Third is MSU, which
has permitted a 78 yd. average.
Passing defense honors go to
Northwestern, which has given up
merely 15 yds. per, game. Ohio
State is second and Purdue third,
with 61 and 64 yd. averages, re-
Minnesota's defensive wall has
limited opponents to 106 total yds.
gained pertgame. Iowa is second
best in total defense with a 165
yd. mark. OSU is close behind at
171 yds. Michigan's defense has
given up 235 yds. a game for a
sixth-place ranking. MSU has
yielded an average of 277 yds. and
is ranked ninth. (Don't cheer too
loudly-Illinois is locked in the
cellar with 386 yds. racked up
against them each week.)
A comparison of vital statistics
is in order. MSU has gained 107
more yds. per game than Michi-
gan. The Wolverines have held
opponents to 38 fewer yds. a game.
That leaves Michigan with a 69
yd. deficit. So therefore it's the
Blue over MSU???
Say, just who was it that said
you can lie with statistics?

a complete success, bottling up the
Cadets almost at will.
The offense, however, is another
The Wolverines have Dave
Raimey, who on any given after-
noon 'can equalize anything. Dave
.Glinka, a two year veteran, heads
Michigan's quarterback corps aad
last week against Army the left
halfback and fullback position
showed up stronger than they did
against Nebraska.
Anthony Ready
Injured sophomore fullback Mel
Anthony, who saw limited service
against Army, is expected to be at
full strength.
Whether or not he is, Elliott
probably won't hesitate to use
him if he can be of some service.
That goes 'for Michigan State's
walking wounded too, primarily
barrell-sized Jim Bobbitt and
monstrous guard George Azar.
There isn't any more after this
one. Today's the BIG one.
Knicks Down
Rookie Stars
NEW YORK (P)-The New York
Knickerbockers fought off a rally-
ing team of College All-Stars in
the final quarter and won their
annual benefit basketball game,
132-112, before 15,038 in Madison
Square Garden last night.,
The All Stars, a group of NBA
rookies this season, cut a New
York 20-point lead 87-67 to a
five-point margin, 103-98, with
seven minutes remaining, but the
Knicks got spark from Johnny
Green and Richie Guerin to break
it open again down the stretch.
Green emerged with 30 points
and led the Knicks with 16 re-
The All Stars were led,'in early
stages by Leroy Ellis, former St.
John's (NY) center now with the
Los Angeles Lakers, and in the
fourth-quarter surge by Dave
Debusschere, the Detroit Pistons'
rookie from University of Detroit.
Ellis scored 25 points and De-
busschere had 21.

The Big Ten, with four of its
top teams already defeated by in-
tersectional rivals, gets down to,
the business of separating the
Midwest powers from the push-
overs today. It's the first big week-
end of intra-conference tilts with
eight teams in Big Ten action;
Wisconsin meets Notre Dame and
Purdue tangles with Miami of
King Ohio State slipped badly
a week ago out West, tripping over
UCLA, 9-7, and are out to save a
little Buckeye face back in home
territory. They won't get much
of a chance today; out in Cham-
paign Coach Pete Elliott's Illini,
OSU's hosts, are drying up in the
middle of a long win draught.
After losingdall nine a year ago,
the Blue and Orange have stum-
bled this fall 28-7 and 45-0 to
Washington and Northwestern.
Power wins over South Carolina
and the Illini have focused atten-
tion to Northwestern's power of-
fense this fall. Pegged as a sdark-
horse question mark in pre-season
picks, the Wildcats have found
their salvation in soph quarter-
back Tom Myers coupled with the
power running of fullback Bill
Swingle. Myers completed 20 of 24
aerials against South Carolina, set-
ting two NCAA passing records in
his collegiate debut.
Today the Wildcats take on
Detroit Nixed
By Kentucky
In .27-8 Loss
DETROIT (P)--Kentucky shook
Perky Bryant loose for three short
touchdown runs last nightand
methodically ground out a 27-8
inter - sectional football victory
over Detroit.
The Wildcats, winning for the
first time in four games under
new coach Charlie Bradshaw, re-
lied almost entirely on their
pounding ground game.
A tough defense led by tackle
Junior Hawthorne kept the Titans'
passing game, third best in the
nation, under control except for
one scoring strike.
Jerry Gross, leading the na-
tion's passers, had three of his
aerials intercepted. The Wildcats
turned two of the interceptions
into touchdowns.
Bryant, a chugging fullback,
scored on runs of one and seven
yards the first two times the Wild-
cats had the ball. He scored again
on a three-yard burst in the fourth
Detroit's only score came on
Gross' 41-yard pass to Gary
Banks in the third quarter. It
whittled Kentucky's lead to 14-8,
but the Wildcats got the touch-
down back in three plays on Ken
Bocard's 47-yard run with a
The loss was Detroit's fourth of
the season.

Minnesota,. with a win and tie
record, up in Minneapolis. The
Gophers couldn't muster enough
offensive punch to break -a 0-0
deadlock with Missouri two weeks
qgo, but turned on all the gas in a
21-0 defeat of Navy last Satur-
The Middies found the Minne-
sota defense solid-the Gophers
gave Navy a minus 13 yds. total
rushing for the afternoon. It looks
like the Minnesota quarterback
situation-minus Sandy 'Stephens
-is better than adequate. Duane
Blasla paced the Gophers for the.
second Saturday in a row, throw-
ing for one TD and directing a
passing attack that hit on six for
12 for 109 yards.
Iowa flubbed last week, drop-
ping a 7-0 fumble marathon to

Southern California and will try
to find easier going against In-
diana today. The Hawkeyes out-
gained.Southern Cal, 217 yds. to
123, but five Iowa fumbles plus
two intercepted passes plus an 11-
yd. punt handed the Trojans the
win. Indiana stepped over Kansas
State and Cincinnati before fall-
ing to Wisconsin, 35-6, last week-
Notre Dame couldn't penetrate
the Big Ten last weekend (the Irish
fell to Purdue, 24-6) but will get
another try against Wisconsin.
The Badgers are undefeated this
fall with victories over New Mex-
ico State and Indiana. They've
been getting top results with a
flashy soph crew that can run-
and pass to All-America end Pat


* All-America

It looked like a building year
for Murray Warmath.
However, he had two returning
tackles, All-American Bobby Lee
Bell, and Carl Eller, and with that
he had a nucleus in the line.
In Back
Halfbacks Bill Munsey and Jim
Cairns former a backfield nucleus.
At ends, Jack Campbell and Bob
Prawdzik have filled in for Hall
and Deegan, while Julian - Hook
and Jack Perkovich form the
Spark Plus
Defensively they have held their
opposition to 213 yds. total offense.
Last year's Gopher squad had a
similar beginning losing to Mis-
souri but winning every other
game but their last to Wisconsin.
They never scored more than 33
points in a game but the highest
their opposition scored was 23.



Game Called
night rain imperiled the already
delayed sixth game of the World
Series between the San Francisco
Giants and New York Yankees
"It will take four or five days
for the field to become perfectly
dry even if we had no more rain,"
said Matty Schwabe Jr., head of
the grounds crew.
The sixth game originally was
scheduled for yesterday but base-
ball commissioner Ford Frick
called it off at 8:45 a.my
The rain, which lasted all day
Thursday and through most of
Thursday night, had let up but
Frick examined the sodden and
soggy field and pronounced it
"unavable. "


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