See Page 4
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Warm in the morning,
turning cooler by afternoon
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
40,000 STUDENTS:
Cites WSU Growth Plan
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Wayne State Uni-
versity President Clarence B. Hil-
berry last night outlined WSU's
expansion plans as the institution
heads toward a projected maxi-
mum enrollment of 40,000 some-
time in the mid-1970's.
WSU will not expand beyond the
40,000 student level, he later com-
mented. The university currently
has an enrollment of more than
Speaking before a session of the
Association of Governing Boards
of State Universities and Allied
Institutions on "The Urban Uni-
versity," he emphasized that the
growth of WSU is intimately tied
to the redevelopment of the cen-
tral Detroit area.
WSU Plans
WSU's plans include:
1) C r e at i o n of dormitories
which will eventually house 10
percent - 4000 students -of the
eventual enrollment;
2) Additional athletic facilities;
3) A nearby research park, de-
signed to attract commercial re-
search firms or scientifically
oriented light industry;
4) A medical center designed to
make use of four nearby private
hospitals that have expressed will-
ingness to put their 2000 bed ca-
pacity at the disposal of WSU;
5) An engineering and research
City Aid
In addition, the city of Detroit
will work to redevelop the area
surrounding WSU from its present
"deteriorated" state into modern
shopping and housing develop-
ments, Hilberry said.
"The major difference between
a campus university and WSU
is the interaction between the city
and the university."
WSU's closeness to the main
Detroit Public Library, the Detroit
Institute of Art and the Detroit
Historical Museum is a beneficial
relationship to all concerned as
these institutions can cooperate
in land acquisition, joint pro-
grams, and have complementary
functions, Hilberry said.
Expensive Property
Hilberry noted that because
land in the area is extremely ex-
pensive, WSU is attempting
to make intensive use of what it
has. Plans include approximately
two and a half square feet of
building space for every square
foot of land.
However, the implementation
of these plans depend largely on
the availability of state and fed-
eral funds, Hilberry said.
Land Funds
He noted that WSU has already
received some funds from the fed-
eral government for the purchase
of land.
Although there was sone con-
sideration of moving WSU to a
location outside the central city
when it first became a state in-
stitution several years ago, it was
found that the expense of creat-
ing;'a new campus would be pro-
hibitive, he added.
Hilberry did not have available
any figures on the total cost of
the program. WSU has set up a
long-range planning committee
whose function is to work out ex-
pansion and capital outlay plans
more specifically.
To Take Over
Fraternity Role
At Williams
Williams College will begin to
take over from fraternities the
responsibility of feeding and hous-
ing undergraduates, the trustees
announced recently.
As a beginning step, the college
will take over from 15 fraternities
the obligations to feed, house and
provide social activities for the
members. The change will be ef-
fective next September. Exact ar-
ra ngements for the change will be
wiorked out by a committee ap-
pointed by the trustees.
The move came in the wake of
protests from the 94 per cent of
the total population of sopho-
mores, juniors and seniors who
are members of fraternities. These
men presented a petition to the
trustees against the proposed take
The petition stated that "the
majority of Williams upperclass-
men, while recognizing that the
existing fraternity system should
UNIVERSITY ROLES-Wayne State University President Clar-
ence Hilberry (left) and Michigan State University President John
Hannah outline expansion plans and international educational
responsibility, respectively, in talks before AGB yesterday.
Explains World Duty
Of American Education
"The colleges and universities of America have been called into
the service of the world," Michigan State University President John
A. Hannah said yesterday.
"We have to prepare our young people to be members of the
world as a whole, not just as citizens of our own country," he said.
Speaking on
that universities
"The University in World Affairs," Hannah saidI
were initiated
Varied Fates1
Strike DG's
Delta Gamma no longer has a1
chapter at Beloit College; the Uni-r
versity of Wisconsin faculty si
considering a committee report
which recommends banning Delta
Gamma from that campus; the
University sof Minnesota humani
rights committee decided not to
act in the case of Delta Gamma.
Actions taken at universities
around the country indicate the
extent that a single action taken1
at one can produce. Last spring
the Delta' Gamma chapter at
Beloit College pledged a Negro.
Within a month the sorority was
put on probation by the national.
Over the summer the national1
suspended the chapter.
The national claims that the
suspension at Beloit was not due
to discrimination but was en-
forced due to other factors in
the national structure of the chap-i
ter. Mrs. Russell Nash, alumnae1
of Delta Gamma, charged the sor-
ority with discriminatory tactics.1
Goes Local
The Delta Gamma chapter at
Beloit decided to go local.
The University of Minnesota de-
cided to investigate the case of
DG under the auspices of the1
human rights committee. This
student government committee re-
ceived a letter from the national
Delta Gamma which stated that
no discrimination has occurred.
Events at Beloit were analyzed,
and the committee decided that no
action should be taken.
Local Autonomy
At the University of Wisconsin,
however, the decision was just
the opposite. The faculty commit-;
tee there decided that the local ;
Delta Gamma chapter did not
have "local autonomy" to choose
its own members.
This could be in violation
of the "1960 clause" which states
that no sorority or fraternity is
to have discriminatory practices
and still be recognized by the uni-'
versity after 1960.
In addition, the committee pro-
posed to implement university
policy by requiring that all social
units have local autonomy in
membership selection by Feb. 1,
1963. The whole faculty, which
can accept or reject any portion
of the above two policies, refused
to vote at its October meeting
and will finally make a decision
on Nov. 5.
Fraternity and sorority mem-
bers at Wisconsin are now pro-
testing the committee's action on
local autonomy and the proposedl
banning. Minnesota students were
concerned enough about t h e
whole issue to bring it before the!
rights committee. Students at the
University are also concerned
about the recent actions.
to world leadership with the in-
stitution of the Truman Point
Four Program. When President
Harry S Truman presented the
program, the universities were one
of the first groups to offer co-
operation with the country to help
that underdeveloped one-third of
the world "help themselves," he
said at the 42nd meeting of the
Association of Governing Boards
of State Universities and Allied
The role of the university is "to
so revise and so order itself that
its products will be prepared" to
cope with the problems of the
world as a whole.
Hannah stressed that there
were seven categories into which
the international responsibilities
of universities fall.
Prepare Specialists
They must work towards the
preparation of specialists, such as
peace corps members.
The second area is specific pro-
grams of technical assistance to
Report 50 Killed
In Border Clash
NEW DELHI W) - Indian and
Chinese Communist troops fought
their bloodiest battle in three
years along the disputed Tibet
border with 50 casualties it was;
reported yesterday.
Both sides claimed victory in
the fighting that broke out
Wednesday and appearedcontinu-
ing in the high Himalayas. Com-
muniques in New Dehli and Pe-
king said reinforcements were be-
ing rushed to the front.
A spokesman for Prime Minister
Jauaharal Nehru's government
said the Indians suffered 17 cas-
ualties and Communist losses were
'Reckless Attacks'
Peking said 33 Communist sol-
diers -were killed or wounded as
the Indians "continued their reck-
less attacks." The broadcast said
Chinese border guards stood firm
and "aggressive Indian troops fled
in confusion, leaving six corpses
and arms and ammunition be-
Both Indians a n d Chinese
claimed they were shooting only
in self-defense.
Men Move
The firing broke out even as
authoritative sources in New Del-
hi predicted Indian forces were
about to move in an effort to oust
the Chinese from Himalayan ter-
ritory claimed in India. A top In-
dian general was sent to take com-'
mand at the frontier last week.
The latest fighting centered
north of the Kechilang River near
Chihtung along the northeastern
frontier between India's Assam
state and Chinese Communist oc-
cupied Tibet.
A Nehru government spokesman
charged a Communist grenade
hurled at an Indian outpost set
the stage for a Chinese attack
Wednesday morning with two-inch
mortars and automatic weapons.
The Communists accused the In-
dians of being the aggressors.
On the political front, Peking
charged the Nehru government
with stirring up "anti-Chinese
waves" in India. The New China
News Agency said a note was sent
to New Delhi charging that "40,
to 50 Indian ruffians" interfered7
with guests going to the Chinese
embassy in New Delhi Oct. 1 to,
celebrate the 13th anniversary of
the Communist regime. The note
charged the disturbance was "a
premeditated, planned and organ-
ized action connived at and shel-
tered by the Indian government."
Radios Report
More Fighting
Shakes Yemen,
DAMASCUS () - Arab radio
broadcasts indicated last night
heavy fighting has erupted in-
side Yemen, the barren Red Sea1
nation taken over by revolution-
aries two weeks ago.
The United Arab Republic's
Middle East News Agency report-
ed from Yemen that war planes
had been brought into play in
southern Yemen against monarch-
ists seeking to regain power.
The Saudi Arabian Mecca radio
said tribal warriors fighting on the
side of Prince Sail Al Islam Al
Hassan were attacking in the di-
rection of the republican capital,
San'a, from the north, northwest.
and south.
Radio Amman of Jordan said
the royalist forces had begun
marches both on San'a and Hodei-
da, the Russian-built Red Sea
Cite Consumer Market Views
Set Finale
General consumer sentiment
and demand have not been
greatly influenced by the de-
velopments which took place in
the late spring and summer,
such as the sharp decline in
stock prices and the belief in a
The quarterly Survey of Con-
sumer Attitudes and Inclina-
tions To Buy conducted by Prof.
George Katona and Prof. Eva
Mueller of the Survey Research
Center indicate that their find-
ings may be interpreted in "an
optimistic manner."
A small decline has taken
place in consumer confidence,
continuing a trend noticeable
already between February and
May, 1962. Howeverv consumers
do not believe that a recession
is imminent, - the survey indi-
No Support
Nor does the new survey pro-
vide any support to those who
profess that two consecutive
good automobile years are not
But from the point of view of
longer range trends, the find-
ings are "far from comforting."
Survey Research Center data
obtained in 1961 and early 1962
have correctly indicated that
the recovery from the 1961 re-
cession would be sluggish. At
the same time the data pointed
clear connection between what
happens in the stock market
and what happens to the econ-
omy. They do not accept the
notion that the stock market
decline is a signal for an eco-
nomic recession and many even
believe that stock prices will
recover soon. "Therefore, the
impact of the decline in the
stock market on consumer con-
fidence has' been small."
Not Good
Current business conditions
are not viewed as good by about
one-fifth of all people; many
more than earlier this year be-
lieve that business conditions
are worse than a year ago.
On the other hand. most peo-
ple think that business condi-
tions will be about the same a
year' from now as they. are to-
day. Only one out of every eight
people expects them to "deter-
iorate soon or thinks that a re-
cession would start this year or
early next year."
The prospects are for good
automobile sales during the
fourth quarter of the year and
for good Christmas sales in
general. The, consumer sector
will not contribute to a reces-
sion during the next six or nine
months. But the outlook for the
rest of the year 1963 is cloudy,
and the data does not lend sup-
port to those who, hope "or a
more rapid rate of growth of the
American economy.
w .. consumer, market
toward near-boom conditions
in automobile buying.
"Now it is clear that the phase
of recovery in consumer senti-
ment is over," the survey said.
Almost one-half of Ameri-
can consumers know that stock
prices have declined during the
past few months and one-fifth
describe the developments in
highly emotional terms as "col-
lapse," "crash," and the like.
Most Americans do not see a
Of Congress
.for Today
Bills Give President
Tariff-Cutting Power,
Raises Mail Rates
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
John F. Kennedy signed the trade
expansion and postal pay bills-
two key items in his legislative
program - yesterday as Congress
set its sights on adjourning today.
The new trade law arms the
President w i t h unprecedented
power to reduce most tariffs, re-
peal others and link the United
States closely with the booming
European Common Market. It
was generally regarded as the most
far reaching measure passed this
The postal pay bill ties pay in-
creases wth postal rate raises. One
million white collar workers will
receive a 9.6 percent pay boost
while post office employes will
gain 11.2 percent raises.
Raises in all classes of postal
rates will, pay for the wage boosts.
First 'class letters will cost five
cents, air mail letters eight cents,
and post cards four cents as of
Jan. 7, 1963.
Meanwhile Congressional lead-
ers abandoned plans to adjourn
today after these actions yester-
1) Senate-House c o n f e r e e s
cracked a long-standing deadlock
on the agriculture department ap-
propriation bill, and the two
branches quickly approved the
$5.4-billion measure;
2) The Senate passed the final
money bill of the session, a catch-
all supplemental measure carry-
ing more than $550 million for
various agencies. Unless the House
accepts Senate additions, it will
go to a conference committee,
3) The Senate a n d House
agreed to a compromise authori-
zation bill to help states build
roads in 1964 and 1965. Approxi-
mately $2.3 billion must be ap-
propriated later:
4) Both branches passed a com-
promise $290-million bill to run
the District of Columbia govern-
ment this year; and
Trading, Postal
Tonsor Studies Conservative Philosophy
See related story, Page 5
foreign countries. Public universi-
ties-those that are tax assisted-
are carrying the greater share of
the burden than the private uni-
versities as regards specific pro-
grams, Hannah said. This area in-
cludes the sending of faculty to
work and teach in schools abroad.
Another category of responsi-
bility for the American university
is in the establishment and plan-
ning of new foreign universities.
Experts are often sent for con-
sultation, Hannah said.
Foreign Students
The fourth responsibility con-
cerns the foreign students taking
courses in American universities.
The fifth major area of inter-
national responsibility is research.
Universities should be :oing
scholarly research for two reaj -
sons; to delve deeply into the
problems of other countries and
to evaluate our own programs.
Sixth, is the improving the
United States' concept of their
role in world affairs, and to in-
form the American people of their
individual roles in the internation-
al community, he said.
The seventh category is "Pre-
paring our students to play their
role in the world'"
Young Americans for Freedom
were treated last night to an
examination of the distinctions
between libertarianism and tra-
ditionalist conservatism and to a
lesson on political leaders.
Their guest speaker and spon-
sor, Prof. Stephen J. Tonsor of
the history department, told them
that traditionalist conservatism is
authoritarian and is base? on the
idea that the fundamental objec-
tive of any society is to make men
But, he added, burning witches
and heretics did not make men
good but made men evil.
Absolute Freedom
Libertarianism sought the ab-
solute freedom of the individual
and permitted only as much gov-
ernment authority as would keep
public order, he continued.
A systhesis of these two positions
occurred in the 19th century, he
said. "John Stuart Mill realized
that authority is necessary but
that liberty is indispensible."
Prof. Tonsor commented that
political leaders Herbert Hoover,
Dwight Eisenhower and Barry
Goldwater do not equal in ideolo-
gical depth their conservative pre-
decessors John Stuart Mill, James
Mill, Edmund Burke, Herbert
Spencer, William Gramner Sum-
ner, and Alexis De Tocqueville.
Natural Conservatives
"Hoover, Eisenhower and Gold-
water are natural conservatives-
they were born into conservatism,"
Prof. Tonsor explained. "Conser-
vatism has been an unconscious
response for them.
"I've never been able to get
through the thicket of contradic-
tions in Goldwater's conservatism.
There is not much thought to his
principles. He is a good, pragmatic
politician, but not a good political
philosopher. And Hoover has not
been an articulate, working phi-
Close to six hundred quad-
rangle men rallied last night to
stage a relatively successful
panty raid.
Starting at South and West
Quadrangles, the raiders moved
on to East Quadrangle to pick
up supporters. With their tra-
ditional chant, "To the Hill,"
they stormed their way to Stock-
well, Mosher - Jordan, Mary
Markley, Alice Lloyd and then
on to Kappa Alpha Theta and
Gamma Phi Beta.
The crowd met the coolness at
Stockwell and Mosher-Jordan,
but was well received at Mary
Markley. It stayed there for over'
ten minutes and picked up many
stragglers and late-comers to
the panty raid.
For a few minutes, the raid
seemed to lack leadership, but
then quickly recovered and
marched over to Alice Lloyd and
Couzens Hall.
Prof. Tonsor urged the YAFs
to "look for a political philisophy
not in a politician but in an in-
,tellectual." He pointed out that
the role of the politician is to m-
plement the philosophies that
thinkers had developed earlier.
Complex Position
"The conservative position is a
complex one and incorporates a
vast spectrum of thought," le
commented. "And there is ideolo-
ical disarray within conservative
"But this is good because it is
a sign of vigor. In the 1920s and Nar
1930s when the Left was mnost Oie 'ears
vigorous, it was full of rift and
strife." Of Finality
Prof. Tonsor said that, gener-C
ally, conservatives seek to make 1 .i College
men good through the state, with
the exception that American con- h i
11 Wn 4 R7t-
servatives feel that th
should not intervene in ec
Asked about the indivi
philosophy of Ayn Ran
Tonsor said that heri
carried to its logical co
would lead to nihilism0
Werno te Predicts Ris
41-I doN E 0 r-
e state nanimous appreensionwasex-
onomics. pressed yesterday oy eight literary
college faculty men about the
dualistic apparent definiteness concerning
d, Prof. a possible new college, according
position, to Prof. Theodore Newcomb of
nclusion, the psychology department.
knd an- The group which has held two
informal meetings to discuss the
pros and cons of such a venture
consists of Professors Paul Alax-
;e ender of the history department;
Robert Angell of the sociology de-
partment; John Arthos of the
lS English department; Gerald Else
of the classical studies depart-
ment; Otto Graf of the German
oup Nine department; Prof. Newcomb; Neah
Sherman of the physics depart-
n ment; and Lawrence Slobodkin of
posits in the zoology department.
Variety of Means
aid, and There is nothing definite about
the proposal except that it is
anneling under consideration, according to
11 Hank Depostt Iot
CLEVELAND-In a speech delivered to a meeting of Gr
of the Ohio Bankers Association here recently, Prof. J. Philip N
of the business administration school predicted that bank de
the United States may well double within the next 20 years.
The gross national product also could be doubled, he s
bankers will play a major role in this economic growth.
"By making wise credit extension they can aid in ch
Papazian Details Russian Expei
By RICIIARD MERCER Papazian noted a racial problem academic work done
existing between the Russian stu- dents there.
Dennis Papazian, Grad, recently dents in Moscow and elsewhere, The occurrence of
returned from the Soviet Union ani h frcnsuens'hc
where he became the second Ame- and the African students, which
ican student allowed to study in had resulted in several beatings.
the Central State Archives of These incidents appear to be fore-
Moscow and Leninarad, told a ing clearer understanding of the
meetiof t LnGradte Htory aracial situation in the United
States on the Russian mind.
Club last night his experiences
gained during his 12 month stay Papazian emphasized the tre*d
in Soviet humor towards alan
by the stu- i tioni
plays ques-
to t
he e
he e
--- capital into the most productive the group. There are many pos-
lines. Since, in the aggregate, they sible ways in which the literary
are the largest group of business college might attempt to main-
advisors and counsultants in the tain high educational standards
country, they can help their cus- without suddenly increasing the
tomers plan expansion of their+ size of the literary college student
"ences = r e==
_ len evsbusiness," Prof. Wernette ex- body; a new college might or
plained. might not turn out to be one way.
If such a decision should be
ng the individual's obligation Bankers also 'can contribute to reached, it would only be follow-
he state marks a departure cyclical stability by avoiding ex- ing deliberate consideration, both
past Soviet policy on artistic cessive credit expansion in good formal and informal, on the part
uction of this sort, he said' years and by refraining from un- of many interested groups.
Racial Problem d u e contraction in business Hopes for Opinions
his conversations with Rus- In particular the group hopes
students, Papazian noted, tiat: slumps," he continued. that all faculty members who
ncountered difficulty making "As respected leaders, bankers have opinions-either about the
ts about American life unless can aid in the development of general desirability of the pro-
expressed himself in Marxist sound public policies by supple- posals or about special features to
s. Because of the number of Imenting their banking experience be included or avoided-will make
'::. . .