PRESS NEUTRALITY See Page 4 Lw&43Uf Da3 tI4 FAIR Iligh--'7 Low-48 Chance of showers late today Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES UStarts New College Studies Foes for Governorship Differ on Tax Reform By DENISE WACKER The establishment of a "new college," separate in administra- tion and physical facilities from any undergraduate unit now on campus, but linked to the academ- ic traditions of the literary college throigh faculty and course offer- ings, is still in the earliest of its planning stages. Though it has been under con- sideration for nearly a century, the proposal for the new under- graduate division has been brought neither to the literary-college fac- ulty as a whole, nor to the col- lege's student body, for comment and criticism. Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the psychology department, head of an informal faculty group, charg- ed with modifying the initial plan for the new college, indicated that the group will try and learn for- mally the faculty's opinion of the proposal as soon as such contact can be made. Two, Three Years He also said it would be possible for the new college to be opera- tional within two or three years- although, he stressed, this would mean it would function initially in Angell and Mason Halls, not in its own buildings. "This arrangement would be bet- ter than nothing, although the curriculum committee would still want to try it as a residential col- lege, separate from the main cam- pus. In fact, I think we'd like to see it tried both ways," Prof. Wil- bur McKeachie of the psychology department, chairman of the cur- riculum committee, which worked out the initial proposal for the new college, explained. He added that he felt the pre- dicted enrollment for the new col- lege of about 2,000 might be a little high, and said he would rather see between 200 and 1,600 students enrolled in the first year of its operation. "The freshman class in this new college would be about ,500. The remainder would naturally be sophomores, juniors, and seniors. "Admissions would most likely be on a voluntary basis-if more stu- dents applied than we anticipate would, it would mean we'dihave to consider building more such units," Prof. McKeachie said. Not Honors Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Roger W. Heyns added that the selection of the first students in the new college would be ran- dom, and stressed that it would not become an "honors college," open. only to students in the literary college honors program, but would rather have both honors and non- honors students in about the same proportions as there are currently in the literary college. Heyns also said he had hopes that this new college, if success- ful, would be the first of a series of small residential colleges. Even- tually, he added, each of these would have its own academic "fla- vor." Associate Dean of the Literary College James Robertson agreed that selection of the first students in the college would be random, and also agreed that th ecollege "as it is planned now would not be designed only for honors stu- dents." Heyns and Robertson indicated that the college would have closer ties with the residence hall sys- tem, which has been criticized from time to time as non or anti- intellectual in nature. In First TV Encounter NORTH CAROLINA 'LEFTISTS': Legion Calls for Investigation- Tirrell Leaves Position With A lumni Association By JEAN TENANDER General Secretary of the University Alumni Association John E. Tirrell has resigned his post to become vice-president for instruction of the Junior College District in St. Louis, Mo. The announcement was unexpected and left the Alumni Associa- tion in what its president, Frank J. Ortman called "a state of emergency." Tirrell had given no previous indication of this move. a n J C C t C I. 8 Post No. Six of the American Legion in Chapel Hill, N.C., has called for an investigation of al- leged Communist activities at the University of North Carolina. The post passed this resolution at its meeting last week. It cites the formation of "leftistkoriented" clubs at UNC as a cause for con- cern. The Daily Tar Heel, student newspaper at UNC, said that two campus organizations-the Pro- gressive. Labor Club and the New Left-"are the most likely targets of the Legion resolution." Hit Legion James Clotfelter, co-editor of the Tar Heel, has lashed out at the resolution editorially. "The Le- gion's Americanism committee ap- Flint AAUP t Statement Opposes Censorship Policy By MARTHA MacNEAL The Flint Chapter of the American Association of University Professors has, unanimously adopted a statement objecting, to the suspension of the "College Clamor," student newspaper of Flint Community Junior College. The paper was suspended last week by FCJC Dean Lewis Fibel and Superintendent of City Schools Lawrence Jarvie, pending the imple- 7 mentation of policies to govern PROF. J. M. MORAVCSIK discusses Camus the publication. The AAUP statement was pre- sented yesterday at a meeting be- tween Fibel and the FCJC Publi- cations Board. Three Objections The AAUP cited three objections to the Clamor's suspension: 1) The paper is not really guil- ty of any violation of policy or improper use of the paper as no specific charges have been made; The supression of the paper to protect or satisfy unnamed criti- cism is contrary to democratic principles which are taught in the classroom; 2) The suspension is not edu- cationally sound as it creates a poor climate for students to learn to correct errors and it violates democratic principles w h i c h should be taught; and 3) The Flint Board of Educa- tion has magnified criticism rather than shielded the editors from it, jeopardizing higher education in Flint. Unrealistic Conformity The group charged that the new policy is administratively un- realistic difficult to interpret and aimed at enforcing conformity. The AAUP said that it was issuing its statement to make the faculty position opposing the Fibel action clear to the public. Dean Fibel refused to comment on the statement. No Conclusions In addition, Fibel and the Pub- lications Board discussed clarifi- cations of phrasing and imple- mentation of the policy statement issued last week by Fibel. How- ever, no definite conclusions were reached. The position of Clamor adver- tising manager on the publications board was switched to accommo- date the features editor instead. A second meeting will be held next Tuesday. parently convinced the local post to recommend an investigation of Communism at the University," he said. "The excuse for such a recom- mendation is the emergence of 'leftist' groups here ,recently. We assume the Legion has in mind the Progressive Labor Club. "But this is a very lame, very puny reason for an 'investigation,' since the labor group is compara- tively very lame and very puny. Ignore Demand "We hope the university will ig- nore this irresponsible demand, as it has others in the past, and de- vote its full attention to the busi- ness of education." The resolution was introduced by Col. Henry Royall, a retired Army officer. Members of his post pre- dicted that the resolution will get state-wide Legion approval. They feel an investigation into Commu- nist activities will not be harmful to the university's reputation. The Legionnaires stress that an inves- tigation in itself does- not mean there are extensive Communist ac- tivities on the campus. Clotfelter, in his editorial, called Royall the "most intemperate of Chapel Hill Redhunters," and the American Legion the "brave de- fender of civil-liberties-for-every-, body-who-agrees-with-us." See Apparitions Clotfelter also condemned the Durham Sun for printing an edi- torial which claimed that the Com- munist Party was running a tele- phone campaign, attempting to re- cruit students on the North Caro- lina campus. "We assumed, perhaps presump- tuously, that such a neditorial would have some facts to back it up. Apparently our assumption was false," Clotfelter. wrote. "If your original editorial was written just to fill space, we cer- tainly understand. But may we suggest you pick a less serious top- ic for your next editorial filler," the Tar Heel editor concluded. "Such apparitions are often seen by Legionnaires and this time ap- pears to be little different," the Tar Heel editorial charged. Quadros Clings- To Vote Hope RIO DE JANEIRO W-) - Ex- President Janio Quadros clung tenaciously to his hope of making a political comeback as governor of Sao Paulo State, but Adhemar de Barros pulled farther ahead of him yesterday in incomplete elec- tion returns. The word in the jammed streets of Sao Paulo, the state capital, was, that de Barros was "in.", Existentialism In Novel Cited By Moravesik By EDWARD HERSTEIN "'The Stranger' is .the man who refuses to regard anyone else as a means and who refuses to regard himself as an object," said Prof. Julius M. Moravcsik of the Phil- osophy department yesterday. Speaking at the fourth session of the Student Government Coun- cil reading and discussing pro- gram, Prof. Moravcsik-outlined the existential philosophy Camus em- bodies in his works. He explained that this philos- ophy denies the existence of an "essence of man," of a purpose of life. In contrast, Kant's philos- ophy, for example, claims that rationality is the essence of man, and man is therefore the means toward a goal and has a purpose in life in striving toward this goal. Prof. Moravcsik explained that to treat something as a means is to objectify, "to consider yourself as a subject, and someone else as an object" through which to work for a purpose. When someone de- nies the existence of a purpose, as the stranger does, that person looses his objectification with everything a n d becomes "es- tranged." He is in 'a state "where some other object becomes strange to him, alien to him," the professor explained. For example, every m4. Q w hp t bthe unknown. TO ADDRESS AGB-Michigan State University President John Hannah (left) and Wayne State University President Clarence Hilberry are among the speakers at the 40th annual Association of Governing Boards meeting. JOHN E. TIRRELL .. . new job SUSPENSION: To Consider Resolution On 'Clamor' By RICHARD KRAUT l Student Government Council will tonight consider a motion by Howard Abrams, '63, condemn- ing the recent suspension of "The College Clamor" at Flint Com- munity Junior College.. Abrams' proposal asserts "that students are competent to pub- lish a newspaper with ability and merit" and "that censorship of opinions is anthithetical to the most basic nature of an institution of higher learning." Council will also hear a pro- posal by Tom Brown, '63BAd, to alter the functions of the Com- mittee on Membership in Student Organizations. This motion would empower the committee*"to investigate any written clauses which are directly discriminatory" and "to investigate any cases in which two written and signed complaints about one organization are deemed worthy of investigation." These new functions would not be asbroad as the ones they are intended to replace. At present, the committee can receive and investigate any chrges of discrim- ination and can also initiate in- vestigation of any group which might possibly discriminate. Ortman indicated that although he was momentarily taken aback, Tirrell's resignation would not pre- vent the present - work of the Alumni Association from going forward. "If we are faced with an emergency we are the kind of people to roll up our sleeves and. get to work," he said. Well Wishes "Tirrell is a man of outstanding ability and we wish him well in his new position. We will have a difficult time trying to find some- one to replace him." Ortman also said that the executive committee would have to meet to consider the qualities they would be look- ing for in a new man. "If such a man can be found," he added. President Harlan Hatcher voiced his regret at Tirrell's decision. "St.' Louis could not have picked a finer man." Tirrell became secretary of the Alumni Association in 1958. He holds an WA degree from the Uni- versity and a doctorate in edu- cation at Harvard. Director of the Development Council, Alan W. MacCarthy, said he felt Tirrell's greatest interest always had been in education and that this new post was a wonderful opportunity for him. Curriculum Development In his new position, Tirrell will have charge of curriculum develop- ment, teacher selection, and teach- er supervision for the first public college in an area of 500 square miles in the St. Louis County area. 15,000 to 20,000 students are ex- pected to enroll on at least three campuses by 1970-75. Since Tirrell accepted the job of Alumni Secretary, he has expanded the budget and the scope of the association. Illinois Enters Elephant Race The University of Illinois is the latest to enter the elephant race Oct. 26, the homecoming commit- tee announced yesterday. Illinois is the second school to enter the homecoming festivity, See related story, Page 2 Adams State College of Alamosa, Colo., being the first to enter. Five elephants, representing 10 campus groups are rleady in the race. Current plans call for a run- off between the campus elephant race winner and his off-campus rival. A GB IDelegcates Meet .here' In 40th Annual Session r By LOUISE LINDt Converging on Ann Arbor yesterday from 47 states and Puerto Rico, delegates from 290 state-supported institutions met for the 40th annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions. I Composed of regents and trustees from colleges and universities, the Association of Governing Boards (AGB) offers the new college1 _ _ _ _ _ --'board members ample opportunity1 1AI to meet with his counterparts and Students ASI exchange information on many1 pertinent subjects. This year's conference, to con-4 Speaker Ban 1 tinue through Friday. offers a host of speeches, panel discussions, Rule Chan foe and business sessions to board 'members and the general public.. Commencing the three day By ROBERT SELWA meeting will be a school for re- Seeing the University's role as gents at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. today one of leadership, twenty student in the Third Floor Conference leaders have penned a letter to the Room of the Union followed by a Regents urging reconsideration of series of group meetings. the proposed bylaw on speaker pol- At noon in the Union Ballroom, icy. Sol Linowitz, trustee at the Uni- The student leaders signing the versity of Rochester, will deliver letter describe themselves in it as a luncheon address, "The Uni- members and friends of Voice poli- versity Trustee Reflects on Free- tical party. dom." Praice First Section President Harlan Hatcher will The letter praises the first part speak at the 7:15 p.m. dinner of the bylaw calling it "an exem- in the Michigan League Ballroom plary statement for other insti- on "The Importance of the Trus- tuiosy sofmnh tee in American Higher Educa- tutions."tion. This refers to those aspects of Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12:15 the bylaw which present "a gen- p.m., the session in the Rackham eral rationale for making the Uni- Amph. will feature a panel dis- versity a center of enlightened and cussion, "Faculty Relationship to free discussion," according to the Trustees." letter. Luncheon Thursday in the (The bylaw cites "this obliga-Michigan League Ballroom at tion of the University to be a free 12:30 p.m. will offer President forum for ideas" and "to foster a John A. Hannah of Michigan State spirit of free inquiry.") University addressing the dele- Three Points gates on "The University and The letter states that the stu- World Affairs." dents are disturbed by the aspects That evening President Clar- of the bylaw which provide "a ence B. Hilberry of Wayne State more specific delineation of those University will speak to the con- speeches which the bylaw would ference, removed for the evening nevertheless prohibit." The letter to the McGregor Memorial in De- makes these points: troit. Hilberry's address will be First, rather than abolish prior on "The Urban University." censorship, the bylaw places the The Friday morning session responsibility for prior censorship from 9 to 10:30 a.m. will be given upon the organizations. to a panel discussion titled "Co- Second, rather than "liberaliz- ordination in Higher Education" ing" the old bylaw by deleting the in Rackham Amph. vague phase "accepted code of The luncheon in the Union morals," the proposed regulation Ballroom at 12:30 p.m. will pre- would explicitly prohibit the ad- sent George A. Newton, past presi- t vocacy of "any sort of civil dis- dent of the Investment Bankers obedience," according to the stu- Association of America, who will dents. pose the question, "What Do Wei -- ----- _Teach?" Three university presidents - Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin of the University of Nebraska, Presi- dent John D. Millett of Miami jUniversity, Ohio, and President A P la y Virgil M. Hancher of State Uni- versity of Iowa-will take a verbal look at governing boards at a panel discussion in Rackham Amph.-from 2:15 to 4:30 p.m. Walker L. Cisler, president of Detroit Edison Co. and chairman of the executive committee of Cornell University, will conclude the meetings with his 7:30 Friday discussion, "Parallels in the Man- agement of Education and Busi- ness Institutions," at the Washte- - naw Country Club. { 1 Republican Criticizes Leadership Democratic Rival Clains ,Responsibility For Jobless Decline By THOMAS HUNTER Michigan's gubernatorial can- idates, Republican George Rom- ey and Democratic incumbent John B. Swainson, took their ampaigns before the television ameras last night. In the first of three scheduled elevison debates, Swainson stuck to the record of his administra- ion and deplored his opponent's laims to leadership. Romney has . insisted he alone could "put an end to partisan bickering" and accomplish necessary tax reforms. Debate became most heated on the unemployment issue. In his opening statement Swainson said that during the past year his ad- ministra'tion had put 280,000 more people to work while decreasing he unemployed to 4.9 per cent as compared to a national rate of 5.9. 'Dangerous to Michigan' Romney charged that "the mis- leading information used in this campaign is dangerous to Michi- gan. Two years ago, he said, there were 81,000 more people em- ployed than today and "126,000 since gave'up trying to find jobs," making for a total of 9.2 per cent left out of the work force. "One of the casualties of any campaign is the truth," Swainson countered. "There are more em- ployed now." Romney insistedhis figures "are, accurate" and chal- lenged Swainson to prove other- wise. Both claimed to have the latest figures from the Michigan Employment Security Commission.. Swainson said that Democratic programs have given the auto- mobile industry its recent boost, since workers "must have the money to buy." Romney attributed increased auto sales to "private initiative" and the effect of the compact car on the market. 'Job Creators' Swainson called for state gov- ernment to "encourage job creat- ors" and "end hostility to em- ployers. "I'm glad Romney as- sumes all credit for the upsurge of the economy." He declared "testimony from any employer in the state" would refute Romney's charges. On leadership Swainson charged Romney was "turned down by his own party as president of the con- stitutional convention, sold out to D. Hale Brake (R-Stanton) and was repudiated by the election of Dick Durant, 14th district Re- publican vice-chairman. The major issue, Romney said, was leadership and that Swain- son's self-avowed strong points- economic development, better re- lations with the legislature, and a better image for the state-are really his weak points. Swainson said the main issue was that the Republican party "has neither understood nor can understand the state's problems" while Democrats "with the help of the Kennedy administration are trying to solve state woes." Council Makes Committee Apponitments The Ann Arbor City Council made appointments to two study committees and to the Human Re- lations Commission Monday. Republican Councilmen John Dowson, Henry V. Aquinto, Wen- dell E. Hulcher and Bent E. Niel- son and Democratic Councilman Lynn W. Eley were appointed tooa committee studying fair housing legislation. The group is to determine the need for anti-discrimination legis- lation in housing and the type of ordinance niecessary. SEEKS TRUE PERSONALITY: Three Walt Whitmans Converge in AF By MARJORIE BRAHMS' Three separate Walt Whitmans, interacting and discussing past experiences, have been created by playwright-in-residence Richard Baldridge for his drama "We, Comrades Three," to show the develop- ment of the great American poet. Whitman's best poetry comes when the three facets of Whitman -the adolescent, the middle-aged Walt, and the old man-fuse together, Baldridge explained. The old man in the play is trying to reconcile the parts of his life into a unified, contented whole, and summons his former personalities together so they may find +ia " +vmtat Pnser" for the overall person. T iT T'l A * * Appointed to the charter review