THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAYOCTOERit 9, 196z Tlfrv 'n t TlllTV I xenon is so significant. Scientists will have to work out another theory to explain the inert char- acter of the other "inert" gases. Another, more complex com- pound, xenon-platinum hexafluo- ride, was reported by a professor from the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, in the proceedings of the Chemical So- ciety of London in June, 1962. Because of this compound's complexity some researchers felt that perhaps special forces had been involved that made xenon react in a way it should not. It is possible that some other ele- ment had strayed into the com- pound which made the compound impure. One-to-Five The Argonne scientists made the new compound by placing one part of xenon and five parts of' fluorine, both gases at room tem- perature, into a sealed container and heated it for one hour at, 400 degrees Centigrade. Then they cooled the contained rapidly in a water bath. Inside, they found colorless crystals of the new com- pound. The crystals later were reacted with hydrogen to produce hydrogen flouride and free xenon. Scientists now are working . to find out why xenon is combining with fluorine and other inert gases. This experiment remains yet to be verified by several in- dependent laboratories. This must be done with any experiment that1 attacks so well-established a con- cept. "Xenon and krypton are too rare for this experiment to have any commercial uses. They areI expensive elements, but they are members of an interesting family," Prof. Parry said. Paray Notes Importance Of Variety By JEFFREY K. CHASE "Above all, a symphony con- ductor must not show a preference for one type or style of music," Paul Paray, conductor of the De- troit Symphony Orchestra, said in an interview Sunday. "A conductor must be adaptable. If he does not like a composition he performs, he should learn to like it. If this cannot be done, he must never let the musicians or VIEWS VARY: Student Panel Ponders Nature of Cuban Crisis By STEVEN HALLER The current Cuba crisis was discussed last Tuesday by a panel of five students from the United States and Cuba in a seminar entitled, "The Cuban Crisis: Con- tagious or Controlled?" Representing the United States were Lawrence Meyer, '63; Steven Fraser, '63, Art Collingsworth, '66, and Larry Caroline, Grad. Hector Rodriguez, '64, represented Cuba. Prof. Carl Cohen of the philosophy department moderated the discus- sion. In an opening statement Prof. Cohen praised the merits of an atmosphere of "genuinely honest and open inquiry" into the prob- lem. He invited the panel mem- bers to comment as to whether or not they - considered an actual crisis exists in Cuba. The general response was that a crisis was present, but the var- ious panelists disagreed as to how dangerous the situation currently is. Caroline called it "a symptom of an apparent clash of ideologies," while Fraser pointed out that the threat was more an economic one. Rodriguez said that the Castro regime was a far worse threat to the people of Cuba than Batista had ever been. During the discussion Meyer said that the actual threat was that United States' "exploitation" in Cuba would be curtailed. Rod- riguez said that most Cubans would be eager for more aspects of this "exploitation" as it caused higher prices for their goods. He added that Castro would not get much actual support from Moscow, and that the major problem is the threat of Communism spreading throughout Latin America. Fraser countered Rodriguez's earlier statement by saying Cu- bans did in fact appreciate getting a better price for their goods from - - - t _ . S 1 r i 7, l: l t" i the United States; but he added that the United States could change prices whenever they felt like it, and that Castro did not care for such "political control." The next question considered by the panel was whether or not Cuba was better off under Castro. Rodriguez quoted statistics to show that production had dr opped off drastically since Castro had taken control of the government. Meyer said that United States embargoes had made it difficult to obtain needed spare parts. Fraser said that Russia had given Cuba little actual aid, other than technical assistance. Caroline maintained that the major ques- tion was whether or not produc- tion would have lagged as much as it has, despite droughts and em- bargoes, had Castro not adopted a "Marxist-Leninist" approach. College Roundup (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond in a series of 21 articles fea- turing the namesakes of the men's residence halls.) By LOUISE LIND Probably no one had as much influence in making science an important part of the University curriculum as Prof. Alexander Winchell, for 31 years a faculty member in the literary school. A graduate of Wesleyan Uni- versity in 1847 at 23, the young scholar had early demonstrated a natural aptitude for learning. It was said that on his seventh birth- day he recited the entire multipli- cation table to 12's without a mistake and had completed Emer- son's "First Part of Mental Arith- metic." Although called to the Univer- sity to teach physics and civil en- gineering, Prof. Winchell served for the main part of his 31-year stay as head of the geology and paleontology departments. This term of service was broken briefly when the professor became for six years chancellor at Syracuse University. Religion and Science With strong religious convic- tions and a picturesqueness of ex- p r e s s i o n, the science-minded scholar entered naturally into the conflict about reconciling religion and science. Prof. Winchell played the good mediator and worked through the press and the lecture hall to harmonize the contending opinions of the day. He was at one and the same time a rigidly self-disciplined writ- er, with scores of articles to his credit, and a man of admitted poetic sentiment, composing much original verse found among his private papers. Prof. Winchell's Officers Named To School Council In elections held last week, five officers were chosen for the Busi- ness Administration School Coun- cil. They are Jules Otten, Grad, president; Roger Benz, Grad, vice - president; Joanne Brown, '64BAd, secretary; Harry Niebau- er, Grad, treasurer; and Harry Dickinson, Grad, assistant treas- urer. ORGANIZATION NOTICES PAUL PARAY . .. discusses conducting the audience know his true senti- ments," Paray continued. When asked if he considers him- self a specialist of French sym- phonic music Paray said that a conductor who considers himself a specialist is not a sincere con- ductor. The leader of an orchestra must be versatile in order to in- terpret the music correctly. "He must know about the past and present cultural characteris- tics of the major musical centers. It is important for a conductor to inspire trust in his players. It is only then- that he can draw their best qualities from them, noted Paray. Paray explained that although he is relinquishing the position of permanent conductor of the De- troit Symphony Orchestra, he is not retiring from its staff. He will return each year for one month of conducting in tae capacity of Detroit's honorary conductor emer- itus. DIAL 8-6416 ENDING THURSDAY Rita Tushingham Winner Best Performance Award Cannes Film Festival 1162 Murray Melvin Winner Best Performance Award Cannes Film Festival 1962 Winer of 4 British Academy Awrds Hewes To Speak On U.S. Theatre Henry Hewes, drama critic for the "Saturday Review of Litera- ture," will speak on "A Forward Look at the American Theatre," first in a series of lectures begin- ning Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the Arena Theatre of the Frieze Build- ing. The series is being sponsored by the University Professional Theatre Program. PROVIDENCE, R.I.-The Pem- broke Honor Council is debating a proposal to change the nature of its self-reporting honor system. The proposal recommended by last year's Honor Court would shift the responsibility for social offenses from the individual girl to a per- manent "late-committee." This plan for a permanent com- mittee, which would replace the method of self-reporting, reflects a basic change in the philosophy of the honor system. * ** * KALAMAZOO - The s t a t e Legislature should change its mind and participate in the federal pro- gram of Aid to Dependent Chil- dren of Unemployed P a r e n ts (ADC-U), Dean Fidele F. Fauri of the social work school said in, a speech he delivered here recently. He told the Kalamazoo Comn- munity*Services Council that the ADC-U program "as passed by Congress this year is a sound one. It would help Michigan to meet some of the problems that result from long-term employment." One Point Left The revised measure removes all but one of the Legislature's previous objections to participat- ing, Dean Fauri said. The only point of criticism still remaining is the program's re- quirement "that the employees administering it must be selected under a merit system." This provision may cause a jur- isdictional conflict, however, as employees of the state social wel- fare department may be the ad- ministrators. Must Qualify These personnel, except in Wayne County, are not under a merit system, "and would there- fore have to qualify for their posi- tions under state civil service or another merit system," Dean Fauri continued. "I am certain-or should I say I hope-the citizens of Michigan will not tolerate the foregoing of perhaps $100 million in federal funds for the next five years be- cause a few elected officials and, some of the employees of county departments of social welfare op- pose a merit system for the selec- tion of personnel," he declared. Committee Studies Plan For residential College y:. "Words Are Completely Insufficient To Express The True Quality And Extent Of Eloquence Got Into This Picture!" Mar LAWUI. Ur188 ViNN (Continued from Page 1) contact with faculty members in other fields. "The fourth concern is faculty involvement in undergraduate ed- ucation ... the very complexity of our lives leads us to view with sus- picion proposal for change in the pattern of undergraduate educa- tion. Good ideas may not be'tried because there are too many other things to do or simply because our collegedis so large that no one can clearly foresee the possi- ble implications and repercussions of the change. Try Out New Ideas "We see, a small college as a chance for those heavily involved in undergraduate education to try out new ideas-ideas which may, if successful, be adopted by the pres- ent." The committee's report also in- cluded a general discussion of the administrative organization of the new college, although any such plans are still very vague. The college is to be located in Ann Arbor, probably on. North Campus. "This is quite likely since it is a terrific expense to under- take new construction work on the main campus," Heyns said. The administration of the col- lege will consist of "its own dean and executive committee, chosen roughly in the same way as those of the literary college. However, the new college will not be a; separate unit of the University (like the law and medical schools) but rather a branch of the literary college. It is expected that the new col- lege will have the majority of undergraduate courses up to the "400" range, currently offered by the literary college. If a student in the new college wished to take a course not available to him as a member of the college, he would be able to take a regular literary school course. Enrollment Distribution Because initially, the new col- lege would have classrooms-but not laboratories, due to expense-- "the new college will probably not reproduce the exact same distri- bution of enrollment among de- partments found on the main cam- pus," and would, therefore "be relatively stronger in the human- ities and social sciences and weak- er in the laboratory sciences." "If this new college succeeds, it will be followed by other 'small residential' colleges within the literary college: each of these would have its own flavor, such as mathematics or humanities," Heyns said. "This would not mean that we would get a small college devoted solely to mathematics or another to political science, but rather, that the University would have centers for mathematical or other studies. I would say this will en- able to expand and remain a qual- ity institution," he said. USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered organizations oniy. Organizations planning to be active for the fall session should register by Oct. 8, 1962. Forms available, 1011 Stu- dent Activities Bldg. Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rms. 3K-L. Everyone wel- come-beginners and experts. Congregational Disciples E .& R Stu- dent Guild, Cost Luncheon: Quakerism -"Its Tenets for Peaceful Ways," Prof. Robert Blood, Oct. 9, Noon, 802 Monroe. La Sociedad HispanIca, El profesor Anderson-Imbert que nos dara susim- presiones de una reunion de escritores hispanoamericonos en Berlin, Oct. 10, 8 p.m., 3050 FB. * s s U. of M. Folk Dancers, Regular Meet- ing, Dancing, Instruction, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. Wesley Foundation, Cabinet Lunch- eon, Oct. 8, 12 Noon, Pine Rm.; Holy, Communion followed by breakfast in Pine Rm., Oct. 9, 7:00 a.m., Chapel; Coffee Hour, Oct. 10, 4 p.m., Lounge; Holy Communion, Oct. 10, 5:10 p.m., Capel. U, Chapel Seethe LIME LIFE KS 2 I "Exciting . . , Authentically and. Overwhelmingly Real! -N.Y. Times "Blood-Curd- ling Rites! Astounding From Beginning To End!" -Mirror Feature Starts 1:20-3:25-5:25-7:3 DIAL 2-6264 at 30 &9:30 Presented by Assembly Association, Alpha Phi Omega, and the Folklore Society Sunday, October 14, 1962 8:00 p.m.- HILL AUDITORIUM TICKETS: $3.50-$2.50-$1.50 r ::. t.. :::.:{ . .. f :. . . .. = .....r I