THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE THsIHGA IL PG HE Reds Prevent Medical A ToWounded Digger at' Rusk Notes I No- Progress ~ At Meeting UNITED NATIONS MP)-Secre- ' tary of State Dean Rusk and So- viet foreign minister Andrei A Gromyko conferred for 31/4 hours ' on Berlin yesterday but made no li progress. n Neither advanced any new ideas a toward breaking the East-West stalemate. C: "There is no new or startling development," said Rusk on leav- b ing the new headquarters of the t Soviet United Nations delegation pc on New York's upper east side. SUCCESS-Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett (left) received a rousig "It was a general review of the cheer from the fans of the Ole Miss-Houston football game in c E Berlin situation. There is not very Jackson as he entered his box yesterday while a federal judge in much to say." Oxford cleared the way for the release of former Maj. Gen. Edwin p Rusk said he probably would A. Waller from a Springfield, Mo., federal mental hospital v meet with Gromyko again but that no meeting had been set. Gro- inyko would not comment forl newsmen and Soviet aides said U Seeks Tolerance he would not issue a statement. g Luncheon Guest Toward Negro Student Rusk was Gromyko's guest for n lunch. Afterward, they began their ti talks which a United States OXFORD (P)-The Justice Department is quietly appealing to h spokesman said concerned only student leaders at the University of Mississippi to help make life tol- sI Berlin. erable as Negro James H. Meredith remains on campus with a shrink- 0 "Both sides spent the time re- W viewing the discussions to date on ing federal guard. Berlin, each side summing up "We're not asking them to like it," said Deputy Atty. Gen. Nich-a where they stood in the discus- olas Katzenbach. t sion" said the spokesman, James "But we are hoping there will be some generally respected w H. Greenfield, deputy assistant students who will stand up and say, 'all right, let's knock it off,' c secretary of state for public af- &when the jeering and catcdlls fairs. break out." r "Neither side brought up any- Sort ets Enforce Orders t thing new. This discussion brought d no change in the situation." Jal AeGease r Soviet Treaty Jail Release F. Kennedy's first assistant, is in r Greenfield was unable to say Of overall charge here of the effort rr Swhether Gromyko brought up the to enforce federal court orders for Soviet threat to sign a separate Meredith's attendance at the uni- peace treaty with Communist East OXFORD (P)-A United States versity. Germany. Greenfield said there Court order cleared the way yes- Meanwhile, college football tem- C was no discussion of the possibility of Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev terday for former Maj. Gen. Ed- porarily dulled the anguish of ra- coming to the United Nations. win A. Walker to be released on cial strife and a Negro school pa- s The conference was the first bond from the federal prison and rade passed without incident b United States-Soviet contact on medical center at Springfield, Mo. through the heart of Jackson-the k Berlin in this country since Rusk However, Walker still must un- But the fun, cheering and flag- and Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. dergo psychiatric examination to waving did not wholly obscure the Dobrynin concluded a series of determine whether he is insane, image of "Meredith. Washington talks last August in and also whether he is compe- . which they failed to arrive at a tent to assist in his defense on Receives Ovation basis for broader negotiations. charges of seditious conspiracy Gov. Ross Barnett received an p and insurrection. ovation, a frantic explosion of ap- l " The order signed by United plause, when he entered his box E R eport Gain States District Judge Claud Clay at Mississippi Memorial Stadium s ton requires Walker, within five to watch the football game be- t By Folr days of his release, to report to tween Ole Miss and the Univer- Dr. Robert Stubblefield, chief psy- sity of Houston. Barnett tried by i chiatrist of the Southwest Medi- every means to block Meredith's a of Royalsts a Center, D enrollment at Mississippi. It specifies that Walker is to be The American Council on Edu- examined by Dr. Stubblefield and cation, meeting at Chicago, adopt- AMMAN (P)-Yemen's legation another psychiatrist to be select- ed a resolution strongly criticizing N here, still loyal to the ousted mon- ed by the federal government and Barnett and Mississippi trustees 1 archy, said yesterday Prince Saif that the results are to be report- for their part in the university de- Al Islam Al Hassan is gaining ed to the court. segregation controversy. ground militarily in his efforts to restore the throne. Quoting reports from what it WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: called "Prince Hassan's headquar- ters inside Yemen, the legation Passes' o e g A4 said more than a half dozen tribes Congress Foreign ave flocked to his banner, along with. police and security forces in the area of Sa'da. By The Associated Press times on Wednesday, received a Sa'da is a town of 4,000 that WASHINGTON-Congress took friendly but scantily attended pub- was Yemen's capital until the 17th a big stride toward adjournment lic welcome yesterday on a 3-hour century. It is 110 miles north of yesterday with House passage of visit to Honolulu. E San'a, the present capital, which a $3.9-billion foreign aid money * * is held by the rebel regime of Col. bill. The measure was steered to LEOPOLDVILLE-The semioffi- Abdullali Sallal. a favorable 171-108 roll call vote cial Congolese press agency said The legation said Hassan's in the unusual Saturday session yesterday 1,200 soldiers sealed off forces have seized two Yemeni by Rep. Otto Passman (D-La)- areas of Bukwanga, capital of the planes, one of which carried army * * * diamond mining state of South officers and funds, and occupied a NEW YORK-Francis Cardinal Kasai, and are making a house to fortress in the Sa'da area and dis- Spellman was put under an house search for Baluba Emperor armed its garrison. around-the-clock police guard in Alert Kalonji. The report was the Sheik Abdullah Ben Manaa, the wake of a mysterious dynamite first from near-official sources whom the rebels appointed gov- blast set off yesterday in the base- that Kalonji, who once led a seces- ernor of the Sham district, was ment of his residence adjacent to sionist movement in South Kasai, reported to have spurned the job St. Patrick's Cathedral. Neither is still at large. and cast his lot with grand sheik the Cardinal nor anyone in the * Hamad Awjari of the Sahar and cathedral building was injured by VATICAN CITY-Unexpectedly Hamadan tribes in support of Has- the blast and damage was slight. breaching the Iron Curtain, Ro- san. WASHINGTON-Several House man Catholic prelates from Soviet Repulicas dnouned estedaybloc countries began arriving yes- Republicans denounced yesterday tray to atnd thenChuc'sc Six Die as Quake as a desperate political maneuver ond Vatican Council. First to - L.Ta charge by Rep. John Shelley (D-anVtinCocl.Frtoa- Rocks East Iran Calif) that Richard M. Nixon rive was a 9-member Hungarian helped a Romanian who was a delegation including two bishops TEHRAN (IP)-At least six peo- leading Nazi enter the Uniteds -the first visit of Hungarian bish- ple were killed in an earthquake States. which struck Ahmedabad and oth- * * * er villages in east Iran Friday HONOLULU-Walter M. Schir- WASHINGTON-President John night. ra, Jr., who orbited the Earth six F. Kennedy will step up his cam- . . . . . . . . . . . aA u,..afv: i.5:. . r.":"4:r{: .:. r.. A..f.*,. .w.v...~.. .. . ~ ...":.A :. U.S. To Try Neutrality 4Wall' Latest Move Challenges Berlin Rights East Germans Bar Red Cross, British BERLIN (1)-East German po- ce shot down a West Berlin tun- el digger yesterday and then pre- ented a British officer and two mbulances from giving him medi- al aid on the east side of the wall. By barring a British army am- ulance which attempted to go to ,he man's assistance from Check- oint Charlie and by preventing he British officer from getting loser than 100 yards of the spot, East German authorities chal- mged the right of the Western owers to move freely in this di- ided city. Prevent Crossing A West Berlin Red Cross ambu- ance also was prevented from oing to the scene from another iossing point in Berlin's wall. Hours after the incident it was ot known in West Berlin whether he man was alive or had died of is wounds. One West Berlin police ource said he was hit by a burst f tommygun fire and probably was dead. American, British and French uthorities immediately got in ouch with their capitals to see what should be done to meet the hallenge. The western allies claim the ight under four-power agreement o move freely in all Berlin. They do not recognize the East German egime's existence, much less its ight to stop Western military movements. Shoot Berliner The incident began just before a.m. when East German police. hot a West Berliner helping East German refugees escape through tunnel. His name was being kept ecret. A fellow tunnel digger said he was 21 years old, married and' nown as" "Brille" (spectacles). "Brille" and a friend were in he apartment of a tailor, at the East Berlin end of the tunnel, waiting for a group of refugees. The doorbell rang with the ex-. ected signal-one short ring, one ong, one short. At the door were' East German police. Brille was 1 i 1 CHARLES DE GAULLE . .. disbands assembly To .Disband Parliament PARIS (P)--President Charles de Gaulle yesterday ordered the National Assembly dissolved as a prelude to parliamentary elections, thus carrying his fight for con- stitutional reform to the people in two separate ballotings. He formally received the resig- nation of Premier Georges Pom- pidou and "took note" that Pom- pidou's cabinet had been over- thrown by the assembly on the re- form issue-de Gaulle's demand for popular election of French presidents. Then he decided to dis- solve the assembly and call elec- tions. ' A referendum on de Gaulle's presidential issue already has been set for Oct. 28, and interest cen- tered on what dates the president would pick for the legislative elec- tions. First balloting for the assembly thus might take place Nov. 4, with runoff elections later. Pompidou was toppled early Friday when the national assem- bly adopted a motion of censure condemning de Gaulle's plan to amend the constitution by refer- endum so that future presidents would be elected by popular vote. The present system is for election by a college of about 80,000 per- sons, including members of Parlia- ment, departmental and munici- pal officials. Specifically, the assembly con- demned de Gaulle's plan to put through such an amendment by national referendum rather than by parliamentary action. The op- position, which mustered 280 votes, well above an absolute ma- jority of 241, contended that the constitution itself requires parlia- mentary approval for any amend- ments. Deny Claim Of Agreement On Prisoners HAVANA (R)-Members of the United States-based Cuban Fam- ilies Committee dickering for re- lease of the 'Bay of Pigs invasion prisoners looked confident and optimistic today, But a Miami report that 1.113 have been freed was authoritative-, ly denied. Mrs. Berta Barreto de Los Heros, Havana liaison officer for- the committee, issued the denial. She said negotiations which re- sumed Friday between Prime Min- ister Fidel Castro and the com- mittee's legal agent, James B. Don- ovan of New York, have not been concluded. By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON - The United States pulled the last of its mili- tary advisory group out of Laos yesterday under a risky policy of trying to save that southeast Asian kingdom from Communism by giving it a protective covering of neutrality. Both President John F. Ken- nedy and Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev are committed to up- hold and indeed enforce this neu- trality. But Washington officials are uneasy about whether Khrush- chev will be able to make his will felt in the Laotian jungles, even assuming his intentions are of the best. The critical test issue in the still . smoldering Laotian contro- versy is whether the remaining thousands of tough, well-trained troops and technicians from Com- munist North Viet Nam will be pulled out of Laos in the immed- iate future. Escape Devise Whether Khrushchev sees the East-West deal on Laos mainly as a device to permit the United States to withdraw gracefully from the country as an alternative to putting its own forces in there is an important question. If Khru- shchev regards the neutrality agreement as a cover for United States retreat he could very well believe that Kennedy would not seriously expect him to hold Com- munist forces in the area indef- initely in check. Kennedy administration offi cals, however, say privately they believe Khrushchev intends to stick with the agreement because it was in his interest to avoid a war in Laos and now his reputa- tion is involved in the agreement to neutralize it. A more serious question seen here is whether Khrushchev really has a controlling interest over Communist military activities in Southeast Asia or whether the North Vietnamese leader, Ho Chi Minh, makes decisions primarily under the belligerent influence of the Chinese Communists. The final contingent of 25 United States officers and 53 en- listed men, under command of Maj. Gen. R. H. Tucker, flew out of Vientiane, the administrative capital of Laos, for Bangkok yes- terday morning. The group had once numbered 800 officers and men. The Americans had played a decisive role in keeping anti- Communist forces fighting in Laos when the Reds threatened to conquer the whole country. In recent years, however, Wash- ington increasingly despaired of generating any real military pow- er on the anti-Communist side, especially a force capable of deal- ing with attacks by the thousands of battle-hardened troops put in- to the country from North Viet Nam. It was evidently this hard- ening military prospect which led Kennedy and Assistant Secretary of State W. Averell Harriman, di- rector of Far Eastern foreign policy, to push theneutrality deal. Khrushchev presumably con- sidered neutrality a bargain from his point of view because he did not want to take unnecessary risks of becominginvolved in a major war in Southeast Asia. Strengthen Forces The United States meanwhile poured into South Viet Nam far greater forces than it had ever sent to Laos and thereby strength- ened its military position in the area and in a country which Washington considered more de- fensible than Laos. The neutralization agreement provided for withdrawal of all for- eign forces from Laos by this weekend. United States officials believe some thousands of North Vietnamese have been pulled out. But they are convinced other thousands remain in the country. Nevertheless they decided to with- draw United States military men as proof of good faith. The Ameri- cans remaining in the country are diplomats and a civilian aid mis- sion of a little more than 100 people. Even if all the Vietnamese troops get out, many obstacles re- main in the way of real neutral- ity for Laos. The military forces of the country are still divided among Communist, anti-Commun- ist and neutralist leaders. The ter- ritory of the Communists still has what State Department officials call a "jungle curtain" around it. The neutralist government of Prince, Souvanna Phouma still has no real authority and no real pow- er to enforce its will. Storm Rakes East Coast BOSTON (OP)-New England was battered by a violent northeast storm yesterday which drenched some sections with up to seven inches of rain, flooding highways, snarling transportation and dis- rupting power service. As the storm slackened after dark, the menace of hurricane Daisy was raised by the weather bureau as a new threat to the Maine coastline. DO YOU KNOW shot, his companion through the tunnel. escapedI About an hour after the shoot- ng, orders reached the British ambulance stationed at Check- point Charlie. October is Britain's month as chairman of the Ameri- can-British-French command in West Berlin and the month when the British furnish an ambulance at the crossing point to give as- sistance to victims of the wall. British Chief Defends Plan To Join EEC LONDON () - Prime Minister Harold Macmillan yesterday called his conservative government's de- termination to join the European Common Market "perhaps the most fateful and forward-looking policy decision in our peacetime history." "The time is past for harping on old disputes and nursing obso- lete conceptions," Macmillan wrote in a precedent-shaking party pamphlet spelling out why he thinks Britain must join the six- nation European Economic Com- munity. It already includes France, West Germany, Italy, the Nether- lands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Recalling that he had explained these reasons in the recent con- ference of Commonwealth prime ministers, Macmillan said, "I firm- ly reject the view that Britain is faced with a choice between the Commonwealth and Europe... The problem before us is how to reconcile these two structures, not to divide them." Fears for the future of the Com- monwealth and for British sover- eignty havebeen the two most potent weapons of antimarketeers here. Macmillan gave political and economic argument boiled down to his belief that Britain would suffer loss of political influence and of economic opportunity if it stayed aloof. that members of all clubs, churches, schools and organizations are eligible for the low group rates to Europe. You will need only 25 members to avail yourself of this opportunity. JET-Per Person-Round Trip New York-Glasgow ... 28500 New York-London ...30000 New York-Paris . . . 32600 New York-Rome.. . 38500 plus many other fares Savings up to 235e NICKELS ARCADE Campus Area NO 3-8597 3368 WASHTENAW Near Arborland NO. 5-9105 did Measure paign for election of more Demo- crats in a two-day swing next weekend, hitting the important eastern states of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as Indiana and Kentucky. It will be his second appearance in Ken- tucky in eight days. TONIGHT AT 6 P.M. LAST TIME TODAY- MATINEE 3 P.M 4m THE UNIVERSITY of -MICHIGAN PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM Time Is Running Out! YOU MUST ENROLL Before Oct. 10 to receive HEALTH INSURANCE which together with U of M Health ServiceS PROVIDES AGAINSTS ACIET &SCNS .rr Proudllv Presents . APA (ASSOCIATION OF PRODUCING ARTISTS) IN - I. FOR CW by RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN DirectedB By Ellis Rabb "SUPERB!" ! r t -Det. 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