. eTr £i1iw ~i Seventy-Third Year .EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN g._ UNDER, AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail~ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: DENISE WACKER The Trial of Gen. Walker On The Psychiatric Couch, " r. Di ,7- N ( ' -- t .f ,,. I li ;, + - : '+., _ , _ - FORMER ARMY officer Edwin A. Walker reasons, which have nothing whatsoever to do has been ordered to undergo psychiatric ex- with the riots. Suppose he were a sexual per- amination, presumably to determine his 'san- vert. What relation would this deviate behavior ity. He has, therefore, been sent to the United have to do with a riot at Oxford? Nothing. States medical center at Springfield, Missouri But if, under these circumstances, he were for this examination which should take about judged insane before the trial then he would 60 days. not be tried for an act in which he was totally Walker has been charged with inciting in- responsible for his actions. surrection and seditious conspiracy. This is a question for the courts, not the couches. The LET WALKER be tried first on the charges order to send Walker to Springfield must be of inciting insurrection and seditious con- based on a notion that he is possibly insane. spiracy. Let him be found guilty or not guilty Upon what is this notion based? It is based and if not guilty let him go free. If he is found on his actIions at the University of Mississippi guilty then examine the evidence and testi- last Sunday night. But what if Walker were mony to see if, beyond a reasonable doubt, he not guilty of the charges; would he still be could possibly have been insane. Then begin sent to a psychiatrist? proceedings to have him examined. In what manner has Walker demonstrated To send a person to be interned for 60 days insanity? He is an army man and obeys, un- for psychiatric examination is to taint his fu- questioningly, his superior officers and expects ture in the same way as to call him before the the same obedience from his inferior officers House Un-American Activities Committee. In and men. When ordered to Little Rock in 1957, one case he may be insane, in the other a Com- Walker, apparently in opposition to personal munist. But in both cases, regardless of the belief, carried out, the fateful orders of the outcome, the average citizen imputes insanity President. When a commander in West Ger- or'Communism to the person subjected to the many, he presented to his men what he be- ordeal. lieved to be the truth. This truth is a political I disagree with the political and social views, viewpoint expounded by the ultra right. Most of Walker, have reason to believe that he may may disagree with the ultra right's interpreta- have led an 'insurrection against the United tion o the world, but few would judge them, States Government, and think he may have as members of this group, medically or legally taken undue advantage of his former army insane. position. But I do not believe that on these When, as a private citizen who believes in grounds Walker should be considered a candi- segregation and in fighting integration, Walker date for the insane asylum or the special pro- did just that, he was judged possibly not in tection which the penal codes offer to the in- control of his faculties and was therefore sent sane. Walker should not be considered for psy- to be examined by a psychiatrist. chiatric examination until he is proved guilty of his charges. If he is proved innocent he may PSYCHIATRISTS have no place at this point live down the riots, especially if he remains in the Walker trial. If Walker is found in- in Mississippi, but he will have an extremely sane before he is found guilty, then justice has difficult time living down the fact that a been perverted. Suppose a court of law finds federal judge believed him to be possibly insane. Walker not guilty. Then there would be no The society has no right to question the cause to examine him for psychiatric reasons. sanity of an individual for a unique action His actions at Oxford were entirely within the until he is proved guilty of transgressing the law. Yet, because he is presently considered as law. Then and only then should society begin possibly insane, because he may be found in- to ask whether the individual has transgressed sane for any reason, Walker will be prejudged the rule of the couch. and will not stand trial for his deeds alone. -HARRY PERLSTADT And if he is found insane it may be for other Co-Magazine Editor The Clamor UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY: International School Would Benefit World ttl "R u . r .. y rrwr ;-4' r34 ,,, Y .-r f r . r. a k'i 2A Wi t.t" isM ,2 ~ :\~j-Uov\~' g(~.AQ~~~,Qf S A% EZ>oT ?" SIDELINE ON SGC: Committee Will Test Council Decision (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of three articles on the proposed United Nations University). By MICHAEL ZWEIG THE ASSOCIATION For Com- mitment to World Responsibil- ity (ACWR), a student-faculty organization at the University, has been discussing and working for the establishment of a United Nations University. In the last 27 months it has produced an articulate expression of need for the university, its pos- sible functions, and some analysis of practical problems which stand in the way of its fruition. A major purpose of modern na- tional education is the presenta- tion of national culture and po- litical heritage in such a way as to educate supporters of that herit- age. The very nature of modern education is therefore conserva- tive and is, in fact, more slow to react to change than the culture for which it teaches respect. National universities, whose pri- mary nature is conservative, and which must to a great extent view political and social development only in the limited context of their own heritage, cannot effectively handle such disciplines from an international, multi-cultural per- spective. * * * THE INTERNATIONAL prob- lems of peace, disarmament, eco- nomic and social development, and others must somehow be resolved. Much study and research must be done, and natural locus for such work are the academic at- mosphere and facilities of a uni- versity. But these questions cannot be studied in a broad, international. context at a national university- neither in the United States nor in the Soviet Union nor in any other national institution. Based on the desire to see a university established wherein the problems of economic and social development can be studied and analyzed in the broadest pos- sible manner, ACWR suggests that the United Nations or one ,of its specialized agencies establish an international university, a United Nations University. * * * THE UNIVERSITY would have three basic functions: education, research, and service. The curriculum of the univer- sity would include disciplines rele- vant to the problems of economic and social development. Students at the university would be drawn from among the finest graduate and post-graduate stu- dents from all countries of the world. A national representation quota number might be establish- ed on the basis of proportional population, financial contribution to the UN or to the university it- self, or some combination of these methods. The faculty would be drawn from outstanding academic figures around the world, and might be twofold in character. There could be a core faculty of permanent professors in each department, with rotational year-long resi- dences of visiting professors to fill out the staff. These latter might be drawn on their sabbatical leaves. Such a structure would tend to insure at least some continuity from year to year, yet provide suf- ficient freshness of staff and ideas to prevent any particular philos- ophy or ideology from long dom- inating any discipline. * * * UNESCO PRESENTLY under- takes a great many studies rele- vant to economic and social de- velopment, as do other agencies of the United Nations. The United Nations University could well serve as the center of much of that re- search, drawing upon the talents of the faculty and students to analyze, synthesize, and present research papers and results for the United Nations. Of course, in- dividual research would be en- couraged. Once trained in the academic problems of social and economic development, and once exposed to some of the practical problems through the research projects, stu- dents or graduates of the univer- sity would work for the United Nations in the United Nations Ser- vice Corps, already established on a small scale. These internationally trained people might take their places in international society as inter- national mediators, members of disarmament inspection teams or within the Secretariat of the United Nations. Essential to these positions is an internationally ed- ucated and oriented attitude. That attitude and training can only be developed at an international university. * * * THE INTERNATIONAL char- acter of the university is basic to the successful operation of these threesfunctions. Internationalism is needed to free the channels of academic inquiry from the re- strictions of national outlook. It is a necessary, if not altogether sufficient requirement for edu- cation free, from the cold-war. International representation on research projects to reduce ten- sion and find solutions to social conflict willserve to concentrate the maximum number of ideas and perspectives, facilitating an even- tual sythesis, especially if the rep- resentatives are academic people. If the UN Service Corps is to expand and function effectively, it must be staffed with .trained people. No national center can or is allowed to train the bulk of the Corps staff. That is a task for the United Nations itself, perhaps through a UNU. THERE ARE many very diffi- cult practical problems involved in establishing a United Nations University. The greatest one seems to be financing the university but such questions as "How will you teach economics?" or "Can po- litical scientists from the United States and the Soviet Union really be expected to work together in the same department?" pose frightening stumbling blocks. Some problems have already been considered in various depths by ACWR. Others will be ,more fully analyzed in the coming year. A rather complete outline of factors-of-consideration for loca- tion of the university has been compiled by Richard Ahern of the University of Detroit although no definitive suggestion has yet been made. Some of the factors are: poli- tical stability of the area; trans- portation and communication fa- cilities servicing the area; prox- imity to cultural centers political neutrality of the country and na- tive language of the area. Thrace, India, Sweden, are a few of the many possibilities. * *' * SOME PRELIMINARY outlines have been laid for sources of fi- nance, including national govern- ments, international academic as- sociations, private foundations and contributions, international Uf tax on space travel and communi- cation. Still, the satisfactory solu- tion of the financial question re- mains high-priority on the list of activities and research. Some professors here and on other campuses have contributed 'analyses and suggestions concern- ing academic, curricular, and structural possibilities for the uni- versity. These are being compiled into a fourth draft proposal for a United Nations University. The major work of crystalizing specific objectives and functions of the university has occupied ACWR since early 1961. Those ideas are more or less defined as described here, although possibilities for re- vision are always open and con- sidered. The tasks of answering the many practical problems, and establishing the university, re- main to be done. (Tomorrow: Prospective method for establishing the UNU.) di I 41 ONE OF THE MOST reliable-of campus per- ennials is the issue of freedom of the press. Every academic year some college deans or uni- versity presidents decide that a student news- paper is injuring the school's image or other- wise getting out of bounds, that it is exposing the student body to dangerous ideas and there- fore ought to be confined to the reporting of social events and non-controversial lectures. And every year there is an outcry from the student body, sometimes muffled, sometimes not, but always there, just as the concept of freedom of the press is always lurking some- where in those minds which understand Amer- ica.1 First for this year is the case of the "Col- lege Clamor," a student newspaper of Flint Community Junior College. E SUSPENSION of the Clamor, almost lit- erally by dictatorial decree from FCJC Dean Louis"Fibel and General Superintendent of City Schools Lawrence L. Jarvie, is especially odious because no specific charges have been made, ob- viously because no one seems to be able to scratch up any specific crime. Instead, Fibel and Jarvie.have attacked the Clamor in a series of incomprehensible generali- ties-ranging from Jarvie's charge that the paper had become less a newspaper than an organ of student opinion on topics sometimes not related to the college, to Fibel's charge of "unfair" articles and "poor journalism." In drawing up a policy statement to direct further activity of the Clamor, Fibel has named the virtues of a newspaper as truth, decency, fair play, and has condemned bias and inflam- matory material. Further, he has declared that the newspaper should present an "accurate and comprehensive image of the college" and should show "a high moral purpose." BUT THE FRIGHTENING question remains: According to whom? Does "truth" exclude opinions? Does "bias" exclude opinions? Does "high moral purpose" exclude opinions? Who will judge? When? It is a fact that last year a moratorium was placed on any student activity of a contro- versial nature following student condemnation of the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee. At that time, Clamor went to press with a Wank editorial page. It is a fact that the Clamor has been suspended on no specific charges whatsoever. How can those who levied the moratorium and suspended the Clamor speak of "high moral purpose," let alone define and implement it? The staff members of the Clamor, in agree- ment with the Publications Board, have declared that they cannot work within the framework of Dean Fibel's nolicv statement. Clamor staff still refuse to accept the policy, "there will be no College Clamor." Jarvie has noted that the function of a col- lege paper is to provide a learning experience, and that freedom of the press is not part of the question. This is a plain contradiction of terms for all questions, including that of freedom of the press, are necessarily part of a learning experience. Jarvie's theory not only abolishes freedom of the press, but also makes education a shallow veneer over a rotten core. Instead of learning as the ability to seek farther and farther for an expanding truth, Jarvie sees learning as the adoption of one point of view, henceforth un- questioned. Only freedom can teach responsibility. How else are students to learn to view their actions in a context of consequence? It is the great virtue of youth that it will not accept the hear- say "knowledge of life" from its, elders. Youth knows that it can learn deeply only through its own experience-and it is willing to accept the risks involved. ACOLLEGE NEWSPAPER must be free to criticize its home institution so that youth may develop responsibility instead of blind re- liance on the mouthings of elders, so that youth' may learn to think seriously its own thoughts, not solely the pre-digested thoughts of its elders. The policy statement as originally proposed by Dean Fibel is incredibly vague. Its implemen- tation could grant almost complete freedom to "College Clamor," but it could also be used to impose almost complete censorship. The latter possibility seems decidedly more likely, from the simple fact of the suspension in the first place. The policy statement, combined with the sus- pension itself, can be nothing except a most flagrant denial of the intelligence, integrity and learning ability of students everywhere. It is a denial of the whole purpose of a student newspaper if that purpose is, as Jarvie has de- clared, one of education. HE END of all freedom is the logical exten- sion when pressure from individuals can make academic freedom and freedom of the press hollow and meaningless for others. Jarvie and Fibel have argued that "College Clamor" does not have the same rights as a private newspaper because it is financed by public funds and tuition money. But freedom of the press is one of the basic principles of the American public-and thus it is censorship, not freedom, that would betray public support. Dean Fibel said last night that he felt that "College Clamor" could learn a great deal from other professional and university newspapers in the solution of its problems. He was right. By GAIL EVANS STUDENT Government Council voted Wednesday to send seven member delegates to the Advisory Committee for the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. Although Council members, and the adopted motion itself, express important reservations as to the effectiveness and use of the ad- visory group, SGC has done its share in making a positive at- tempt to coordinate administrative policy and student interest. The next phase is in the hands of Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis. Originally, Lewis had requested five student delegates. Now, he is faced with accepting or rejecting a more representative group of seven. Lewis has said that he wanted to keep the bea rd small and functional, but now Council has proposed that the meetings be open to all SGC members and that they have the prerogative of addressing the board at the end of meetings. * * * LEWIS SHOULD incorporate this suggestion into the planned structure for the advisory hoard. In no way would the presence of additional Council members in- hibit the discussion of student or faculty board members and the benefits of such an arrangement are numerous. It would give Council members not on the board first hand know- ledge of issues before the Board. It would make available to the Vice- President additional views, with- out enlarging the size of the ac- tual advisory group. Also. it would make available substitute student representation, if any student del- egate failed to attend the meeting. Basically, it would serve as a high- level parallel to constituents' time at SGC me tings. Actually, it is difficult to under- stand why the whole Council could not sit on the advis.ry board, since Lewis has said that the group will be used only to feel the pulse of student-faculty sentiment on certain proposed policies. Since Lewis says that no formal con- sensus need be reached, it would seem that the more opiinons aired, the better. The motion adopted by SGC provides the next best way to achieve a well-balanced ex- pression of student interests. BUT THESE questions of the technical structure of the advisory board are subsidiary. The cloud of doubt surrounding the use and effectiveness of the committee is paramount. SGC has met OSA half-way by agreeing to appoint delegates and it has clearly stated the nature of the reservations regarding ad- visory groups. Now it is up to Lewis to dispell these doubts and reservations by honestly using the board for its stated purpose and no other. Since Council has voted to par- ticipate and has incorporated withii its motion a provision that the appointees will also act as a study committee to evaluate the board, it will and must keep close scrutiny on the group's effective- ness and use. * * * COUNCIL'S DELEGATES to the advisory body will have an impor- tant affect on its success. To be eligible for appointment, members must submit to the executive com- mittee a statement with reasons for wanting to serve on the board and an interpretation of the func- tion of students on the committee. Then the executive committee-- Steven Stockmeyer, Richard G'sell, Kenneth Miller,, and Thomas Brown - will recommend seven nominees. The executive committee has promised to nominate a balanced, representative group. In order to do this four delegates should be elected Council members and three ex-officios. But of the 11 elective SGC mem- bers, there are three seats vacant and four expiring terms. That means that seven new/ members will be elected on Nov. 14, and of these there may be 'three incum- bants returning to Council * * * WITH AS MANY as seven seats open, it hardly seems right to ap- point all of the elected members before the election. However, the advisory board should begin to function this month. To solve this dilemma, the executive committee should nominate only six people- three elected members and three ex-officios. The seventh seat should be .filled after the Novem- ber election. With major changes in the ju- dicial structure and other policy changes impending, the proving- ground for the advisory committee is right around the corner. It should not take long to find out what function the group will per- form. It should not take long for Council to determine whether it made the right decision to partici- pate Dichotomy "There is an abundance of capital available for expansion and modernization, but no one will take this venture while Dr. Schlesinger is .advising the Presi- dent and the world that we must have a socialistic economy; and while Dr. Galbraith is advising the President that more income should be siphoned out of business prof- its and individual earnings and redistributed over t h e whole world; and the director of the budget is advising the President that there is no need to reduce spending because this wealthy nation can afford anything." -Rep. James B. Utt (R-Calif) in Human Events - ...rx:+ NN.w:..w. N. :+.v.4" ,WWV WW r" ""5ar Y v "WA+ .vw + NhW':rV . l: SYYr " '"Y ........... r. ..a ...... .. ...+ ... r...RYY..tr N"r'l.Vr: " ': + "Nh".' V ..T:4.4:"'45}.. .. ... .. .W V. ! N 1 h.... rF.{5.....h. .ASY r"}.. F. .J "r.'Y.{....r Y .ry-+ hW4h:r r....r .r.r.r. ". . '" ....a. ".. ......... ....! .Yt'r V h. hr .. ... ".. .... 'h.... . .... ............. " .." ' .: . R... ". ... ":'r {lfj.. YY+Irh" M"'AV ..r .JAS......r.. .hr r.... J..ANA...S..... Rh.A.a . ... r.... ... h.vrv 5 .. :YG ............. Lr h....... ...f..N...w . }. Mfr... ! ....1 ...... ... ...... ..........L..h..A.'p.".'h.A..A.I, fi.. 4 ... T.. JF ......5. ... .. . + ... .. l . Av.Jn .. R ...5., .\.fir:.. ...1h. , r 4'r ...h 1..J ..... tW..n ..}. 3' ' . 4f f!, f .A$":.AS. 1.... F.4.. r"'F. ..r.. .. { fi. ..h. -0l v::.'S y' ! P. "" .5.. .:f.4v .. ." ":$ .F Y.Y::r"'r h,.. 1... .f h,".h.......ll}lY.".".....".".Ah.{....... 45..{h"Jh4MM.W.,V ..r W.YW rr}. hY' { 'rye ha h:" 5 r. F{4} Nrh'":.1 ., v.'."'. .. 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The Daily Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial respon- sibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 Day Calendar 8:30 a.m.-Fifth Annual State Property Fire Safety Seminar - Reg- istration and all sessions: Rackham Bldg. 10:00 a.m.-University of Mich. Devel- opment Council Conference -Coffee Panel, Wilbert Me- Keachie, Merritt Chambers, Stephen Spurr, James H. Robertson, and John Bru- bacher, "What Extra Effort Will Be Required to Keep Michigan In Forefront of American Higher Education": Michigan Union; Luncheon, James B. Wallace, "Toward a Greater School of 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild-Brod- erick Crawford, Mercedes McCambridge, and John Ire- land, "All the King's Men": Architecture Aud. 8:30 p.m.-Professional Theatre Program -Rosemary Harris and Will Geer, "School for Scandal": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8:30 p.m.-Concert-Victor Borge: Hill Aud. General Notices University Officials announced today that because of a very recent change in fee regulations a few part-time stu- dents were charged for football tickets. The new fee schedule provides that all students resident on the Ann Arbor campus on payment of reduced pro- gram fees are entitled to admission to certain athletic events (including foot- ball). Refunds will be made to these part- time students beginning at 8:30 a.m., Oct. 3 at the Mich. Ticket Office. To qualify, a student must present his ID card, together with 'his football tick- cards and part-time registration certifi- cate. Botany 101 Final Exam make-up will be given on Thurs. evening, Oct. 11 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2004 N.S. Fall Semester Fees: At least 50 per cent is due and payable on or before Oct. 8, 1962. Non-payment by Oct. 8 will result in the assessment of a de- linquent penalty of $5.00. German Make-Up Examinations will be held Wed., Oct. 10, 7-9 p.m. in Rooms 1088 and 1092 Frieze Bldg. Please reg- ister in German Dept. Office by rues. noon, Oct. 9. Summary of Action Taken by Student Government Council at Its Meeting of October 3, 1962 Adopted: The appointment of the fol- 'lowing persons to standing committees for terms of office to expire September 30. 1963: LouiseGeller to the Committee on the National Student Assoc. Claire Walter and Mitchell Stengel to the Committee on Student Activities. Student Government Council notes the prospective formation of an Ad- visory Committee for the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. While the proposal is not new, it is nonetheless surprising. The Student Government Council plan itself desig- nates the whole Council as "the offi- cial representative of the University student community in expressing opin- ion and interest to appropriate faculty (and) administrative . . . agencies." The SGC Plan also assigns to Council the following job: "To participate through whatever means at its disposal in the discussion of University policy and to serve as. official liaison between University policy-making agencies and the University student community." In its report to the Vice-President for 'Student Affairs of March 7, 1962. the Senate Committee on Student Rela- tions calls for the retention of separate faculty and student groups to serve in an advisory capacity. The faculty committee state dthat "Advisory and appellate structures should be kept outside and independent of the OSA" and "The relevant official advisory groups, Student Government men living in a ree democratic so- ciety.' Yet the structure intended to provide these merely asks the faculty and students to advise ... SGC believes that the vigor of democratic values de- mands that its education should in- clude self-government and should en- courage proposing, criticizing; and building anew where the old is inade- quate, Any education which provides not authority to enact but only oppor- tunity to advise will not promote these ... Student Government Council ques- tions the logic of placing administra- tive officers on Boards which advise themselves . , . SGC particularly ob- jects to the proposed administration membership on the Executive Coun- "There presently exist faculty and student organizations fully equipped and prepared to serve the functions as- signed to the proposed advisory boards .Rather than increasing faculty and student participation in policy for- mation these proposed advisory boards would weaken existing channels for such participation." Student Government Council believes that its comments last spring are rele- vant to ,~the resen1t nrnosal. In at- ( fl