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October 02, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-02

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li. it I igaYt


Mostly Cloudy Today,
Fair Wednesday


Years of Editorial Freedom




Stresses Control Element in

U' Growth














Sold ie o End
Riots, Disorder
Arny Places* Howze in Command
As Security Tightens oi Campus
By The Associated Press
OXFORD - Hoardes of combat-ready troops clamped
rigid control on this seething Southern town last night after
James H. Meredith, a Negro, ended segregation at the Univer-
sity of Mississippi.
Bent on smothering continued riots that took two lives
Sunday night and led to yesterday's arrest of former Maj.
Gen. Edwin A. Walker, helmeted troops patrolled with loaded
rifles and fixed bayonets.
The Army named Lt. Gen. Hamilton Howze of Ft. Bragg,
N.C., to head the massive buildup of nearly 10,000 Army troops.

_Observers said appointment of
the 3-star general may mean
there will be more soldiers in
the state than were ever as-
sembled in peacetime.
Loaded Rifles
Military police and infantrymen
patroled Oxford with loaded rifles
and fixed bayonets. They imposed
tight security measures on the
Ole Miss campus.
Soldiers permitted no outsiders
on the grounds. They searched
everyone entering the gates. They
kept the numbers of milling stu-
dents under 100-scattering them.
Scattered arrests persisted into
the night. Soldiers broke out tear
gas to quash one demonstration
of about 30 brick-throwing stu-
dents near a fraternity house.
Troops caught a man wearing a
white-hooded garmet to his waist
and carrying a home-made gas
Arrest 215

-AP Wirephoto
EMBATTLED CITY-Armed soldiers hold back a crowd of Oxford residents at the main square of
the city yesterday. Last night was quieter as troops with loaded rifles and fixed bayonets patrolled
through the streets of the university community. The 35 arrests made by federal officials yester-
day brought the total arrested in the city to 215.
isconsin Staff Delays Vote

The University of Wisconsin
faculty yesterday delayed a vote
on a resolution to ban Delta Gam-
ma sorority from that campus.
The faculty Human Rights
Committee had recommended that
the local chapter be banned from
the campus due primarily to the
action at Beloit College, Beloit,
Wisconsin. Prof. Jack Gilch ist, of
the psychology department, and
chairman of the rights commit-
tee introduced the delay motion
on the grounds that students had
not had enough time to make
themselves heard. (The commit-
tee report was issued early last
The Delta Gamma chapter had

- ; arrested
U.S. Marshals
Arrest Walker
In Mississippi
OXFORD, Miss. (m)--Maj. Gen.
Edwin A. Walker, who led a
charge of students against United
States marshals at the University
of Mississippi Sunday night, was
arrested by federal officers yester-
He waived preliminary hearing
before U. S. Commissioner Omar
Craig on a charge of attempting
to obstruct justice. Bond was set
at $100,000, which the controver-
sial Texan had not posted by mid-
When federal officers took him
into custody at a military road-
block on the outskirts of this riot-
torn town, Walker told them: "I
guess I am in custody."
Commanded Troops
Walker, as a Major General,
commanded federal troops sent
into Little Rock, Ark., in 1957 to
enforce court ordered public school
desegregation. He resigned from
the army after a controversy over
a troop indoctrination program in
Walker walked into the court-
room with a slight smile flickering
across his face. Craig advised
Walker he could waive the pre-
liminary hearing or be represented
by counsel.
"My counsel is not in this state,"
Walker said. Craig told him he
could get competent attorneys in
Mississippi. Walker asked for and
received permission to ,leave the
court momentarily.
Still Smiling
He returned, still smiling and
asked: "Is it proper to ask that if
I waive this hearing, I will be as-
sured that it (his trial) comes
back to Mississippi?"
Craig told him the trial would
be held in U. S. district court in
"IT waive this hearing," Walker

Federal forces arrested at least
39 persons last night -- most of
them youths taken in custody at
campus roadblocks. The total
brought the arrest number to 215
since the rioting began Sunday
night. Many have since been turn-
ed loose.
For the most part, quiet settled
over Oxford as night fell. The
darkness ended a day marked by a
1downtown riot quelled o9 rifle fire
into the air and tear gas.
Gov. Ross Barnett charged last
night that the responsibility for
'"unwarranted breach of the peace
and violence in Mississippi rests
with the President of the United
In a nationally-televised speech
(CBS), his second of the day, the
defiant governor said President
John F. Kennedy "ordered armed
forces to invade Mississippi and
their actions were directly respon-
sible for violence, bloodshed and
Asks Troop Withdrawal
He urged Kennedy to "put a
stop to further violence by the
immediate removal of Meredith
and the withdrawal of federal
troops and marshals from Missis-
sippi soil.
Meanwhile, the state of Missis-
sippi yesterday challenged a fed-
eral appeals court's continuing jur-
isdiction in the James H. Mere-
dith desegregation case.
Appeals to Court
It asked the 5th United States
Circuit Court of Appeals to dis-
solve its restraining order that
blocked a variety of Mississippi
officials, including Barnett, frome
interfering with Meredith's enroll-
ment at the University of Misss-
The state also argued that if
the restraihing order is dissolved,
the contempt citations aganst
Barnett and Lt. Gov. Paul B John-
son Jr. would necessarily fall.

City Councl I
Permits Use
Of Equipment
The City Council has granted
=permission to the 1962 home-
coming committee to use two
sound trucks and a steam calli-
ope on campus between 6:30 and
7:30 p.m on October 26.
Permission had already been
given for the committee to close
off Ingalls Avenue between Hill
Auditorium and the League for
Homecoming activities.
The council also voted that a
special committee be set up by
the mayor to study and make rec-
ommendations on the advisability
and possible provisions of a fair
housing ordinance.
Professor Lynn Eley of the poli-
tical science department, a council
member, had objected to the pro-
posed committee's studying the
advisability of the ordinance. An
amendment adding that the com-
mittee would study advisability
and p r o v i s i o n s concurrently1
settled debate and the amended
motion was passed.+

placed ads in the Daily Cardinal,
the Wisconsin student miewspaper.
and two local Madison papers,
charging the committee with un-
fair practices, Jeffrey Greenfield,
Daily Cardinal editor told The
Daily yesterday.
Accuses Committee
The ads charged the committee
with making up its mind before
the hearings were held. Although
the committee chairman noted
that one of the reasons for de-
laying the vote was to allow other
hearings to be held if the parties
involved wanted them, Green-
field commented that the Delta
Gamma officers felt that little
could be accomplished and would
not press for another hearing.
Votes Delay
The faculty meeting, one of the
largest such meetings in the last
few years Greenfield noted, voted
for the delay after Prof. Richard
Hartshorne of the geography de-
partment defended the commit-
tee's efforts. He commended the
committee and attacked the Delta
Gamma advertisements as "De-
"He was applauded vigorously,"
Greenfield said.
The next faculty meeting will
be held Nov. 5 and the vote will
be taken then. Greenfield com-
mented that he thought action
taken at Minnesota this Friday
would probably affect the out-
come of the vote.
Minnesota will decide Friday
what action it will take regarding
Rusk Sets Limit
For Withdrawal
tary of State Dean Rusk empha-
sized in talks with Poland's For-
eign Minister Adam Rapacki yes-
terday that the United States is I
pressing for Communist with-
drawal from Laos by an Oct. 7 C

Delta Gamma. As at Wisconsin,
the issue is the local autonomy of
the local chapter since at both
schools regulations have been
passed to outlaw those groups
which do not have such autonomy.
Delta Gamma chapter at Be-
loit has gone local to protest its
suspension from the national af-
ter having pledged a Negro wo-
man last year.)
Scene Tense
As 'Ole Miss'
Ends Tradition
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mark Acuff,
director of the Collegiate Press Serv-
ice, spent Friday at the University.
of Mississippi in an attempt to re-
port the Southern crisis from a
student perspective. He was hamp-
ered by the reluctance of univer-
sity officials, faculty members and
student leaders to talk with re-
Special To The Daily
OXFORD - The University of
Mississippi is more than a univer-
sity to the white population of the
south . . . it is both Ole Miss and
an institution in belief. If South-
erners were to pick the last insti-
tution they would want to see in-
tegrated, it would be Ole Miss.
But sooner or later, it was bound
to happen. Last week it did, as
James Meredith, Negro, Air Force
veteran, son of a Mississippi cot-
ton farmer, grandson of a slave,
applied for admission to Ole Miss,
federal court order in hand.
At last count, there were two
dead and 75 injured, and the Ole
Miss campus looked like nothing
so much as the scene of a recent
military battle Troops continued
rounding up rioters and eliminat-
ing the last pockets of resistance
I spent a (lay on the Ole Miss
campus. I contc ss to being fright-
See TENSION, Page 6

Blames Riot
On Barnet
Accuses Governor
Of Breaking WordS
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
John F. Kennedy was reported
yesterday to feel that Gov. Ross
Barnett went back on his word to
provide adequate state police pro-
tection on the University of Miss-
issippi campus for the enrollment
of James H. Meredith.
A government source close to the
events building up to the rioting
on the campus implied this feeling
by Kennedy in telling of exchang-
es between the governor and
Washington officials.
This source and the Justice De-
partment both recounted a time-
table of state police shifts on and
off the campus-a sequence indi-
cating the rioting reached its
height while the Mississippi of fi-
cers were of f campus.
It was reported that Kennedy
talked with Barnett three or four
times by telephone Sunday and
tat Attorney General Robert F.
Kennedy also talked with the gov-
ernor in a series of calls initiated
by Barnett in the early afternoon.
Blame Marshals
Meanwhile Mississippi,members
of Congress sought yesterday to
f ix on federal marshals the blame
for murderous mob violence at the
University of Mississippi.
And they called for congres-
sional investigations of the role of
the Justice Department and of
United States peace officers in the
The Mississippians charged that
U. S. marshals set off the riots by
"firing directly into a group of
Responsible Source
The Mississippi senators said
their information came from an
unnamed "responsible source" on
the campus.
One senator from the Deep
South suggested an investigation
by the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee-headed by Sen. James .
Eastland (D-Miss).
The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
yesterday congratulated Kennedy
for his action in the University of
Mississippi crisis.
Shaul Comments
Dennis Shaul, president of the
United States National Student
Association, called Meredith's reg-
istration and attendance at the
University of Mississippi "an at-
tempt to promote the ideals of
America, to extend the rights of
citizenship to those now denied
them, and to make this nation's
protestations about civil rights a
He added that Meredith "-.
has the full support of the vast
majority of American students."
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro said last night the U.S. was
right in sending federal troops to
compel admittance of James Mere-
dith to the University of Missis-

Views Strong Trend
Towards Expansion
Outlines Plans for Changeovers
To Year-Round School Operations
The University's guiding principle in planning expansion is "con-
tinued steady growth in a controlled manner, so that there will be
t no decrement in quality," University President Harlan Hatcher told
the faculty last night.
With this principle in mind, President Hatcher viewed the Uni-
versity's plans for a change-over to year-round operation.
"The pressures on this University to grow are relentless - Both
from outside and inside the University," he said. Regarding outside
pressures, he noted the postwar',
birth rate increase, which is about
to affect the colleges; and the ex-
panding need for educated people
in modern society.

Inside pressure comes from the
department heads and deans with-
in the University, seeking expan-
sion of their own disciplines, he
noted. "It would be a disaster for
us to inhibit their enthusiasm -
but there must be some en-
thusiasm for the common good of
the University," President Hatch-
er remarked.
One answer to the need for ex-
pansion is the year-round Uni-
versity calendar, he continued.
Two Major Steps
He noted two major steps which
have already been taken: (1) Ad-
ministration of the summer ses-
sion has been transferred from
the Office of the Summer Session
to the individual schools and col-
leges; and (2) a 1963-64 calendar
has been approved which will
"permit the University to move
into a modest full-year opera-
Further advances toward full-
year operation - involving three
terms of equal length each year-
will be made "cautiously," so as to
retain full housing, staff and fi-
nancial support, President Hatch-
er said. A pilot full-year program
is being readied, so that the Uni-
versity will be prepared to move
into complete full-year operation
"when the conditions and sup-
port are there," he added.
Academic Freedom
President Hatcher next turned
to the question of academic free-
dom. A University "can only be
honored as a place of free in-
quiry," where no subject is closed'
to debate, he said.
He said that University policies
had been misinterpreted as pro-
moting censorship of controversial
views, but asserted that such was
not their purpose.
President Hatcher concluded
with a discussion of student atti-
tudes today.
Refers to Book
He referred to "Student," a book
by University of California teach-
ing fellow David Horowitz; who
writes that a large number of stu-
dents drop out of college today,
and those that remain don't en-
joy their studies. He quoted Horo-
witz's charge that "the most im-
portant force defeating students,
is the irrelevance of knowledge"
taught by today's universities.
President Hatcher acknowledged
this student discontent, but re-
marked, "The answer is not to
empty the classrooms, to sit down
in the lobbies of House Un-Amer-j
ican Activities Committee hear-
ings, or to ride buses into tense,
hate-torn regions of our country."
"We, as faculties, must create in
the students the positive exper-
ience of a sense of growth, or
values, of usefulness, that will
identify their present process ofs
growth with the larger sphere oft
participation for which they sof
clearly yearn," President Hatch-
er concluded.

.. full-year operation
Gosling Wins
High Award,
Prof. John R. G. Gosling of the
gynecology d e p a r t m e n t was
awarded the University's highest
honor for faculty members of in-
structor or assistant professor
standing last night - the $750
Henry Russell Award.
The award, established in 1920
by a bequest from Henry Russell,
'73, is presented annually for out-
standing teaching and scholarship.
E Secretary of the University
Erich A. Walter, in presenting the
award, citedrthe qualifications
which led to the choice of Prof.
Gosling for the honor.
Cancer Research
He noted Prof. Gosling's cancer
research, his authorship of the
widely-used text, "Fundamentals
of Gynecology," his role as faculty
advisor to Victor Vaughn Wo-
men's Residence House, and his
chairmanship of the medical
school-LSA Liaison Committee.
Prof. Gosling's award was part'
of $7,750 awarded to faculty mem-
bers last night.
Five Distinguished F a c u 1 t y
Achievement Awards, presented by
the Development Council, consist-
ed of a certificate and $1,000
They were presented to Profs.
Carl E. Badgley of the medical
school; Arthur W. Bromage, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment; William G. Dow, chair-
man of the electrical engineering
department; Rensis Likert of the
sociology and psychology depart-
ments and director of the Institute
for Social Research; and Floyd
A. Peyton, chairman of the dental
materials department.
Seventh Year
This is the seventh year that
these awards have been presented.
Also presented in the ceremony,
which followed University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher's "State of
the University Address" to the
faculty and staff of the University,
were four Distinguished Service
These commendations, totalling
$500 each, were provided by the
Universty Club of Chicago. Only
assistant professors and instruc-
tors are eligible.
This year's recognition went to
Profs. Carl Cohen of the philoso-
phy department; Clarence J. Laf-
ler of the pathology department,
technical consultant at University
Hospital; Louis J. Orlin of the
near eastern studies department,
assistant chairman of freshman-
sophomore counseling in the lit-
erary college, and faculty associate
of Winchell House: and John P.
White of the political science
Brown, Nixon

r'U' Newman Club Pastor Receives Monsignoriate

Msgr. John F. Bradley of the University's St. Mary's Catholic
Student Chapel received the purple robes of his office at ceremonies
in Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit Sunday.
He was elevated to the position of Papal chamberlain. The Mon-
signor was made a member of the Pope's household, sharing in the
title and distinction of those who serve the Pope in his residence in
Formal Garb

post of chaplain on a secular campus was thought to be merely a
necessary evil.
"It is extremely obvious to me and my fellow priests that this
honor is conferred to signify the importance of, the work of the Catho-
lic Church on a secular campus," Msgr. Bradley said.
It is the method of a Bishop to say publically "thank you" to the
Catholic faculty that have been trying, each according to his own
talents, to further this work and present a proper image of Catholi-
cism to the University and to the Catholic students, he continued.
Method of a Bishop

Goldberg Joi

IS j


The formal garb of the office includes a purple cassock with a
floor length cape. For informal occasions the Monsignor wears a black

{ '

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