eets ebraska-See Special Football Section I SGC DELIBERATES See Editorial Page C, r 5k 4 &iitit4 CLEAR High--60 Low-42 Cool and sunny today, chance of showers. Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Railway Strike Ends, Goes to Arbitration Wirtz, O'Neill Come to Agreement; Northwestern To Resume Service WASHINGTON () - President John F. Kennedy announced settler ment last night of the 30-day Telegraphers' strike against the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. The railroad said trains will be rolling again over its 10,600 miles of track within a few days. The strike-ending agreement, engineered by Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz and Federal mediator Francis A. O'Neill Jr., sent to arbitration four unsettled issues, including key questions on elim- Barnett Faces Fine, Sanctions , On Contempt of Court Char ge .. - - - "ination of jobs by the rail- No1tes Waves In Milky Way University radio astronomers have successfully measured the intensity of low frequency radio waves in the Milky Way, Prof. Fred T. Haddock, director of the University Radio Astronomy Ob- servatory, reported yesterday. The measurements were made with a 145-pound rocket-borne instrument package which was road. The three arbitrators to be named within 24 hours by the un- ion, the railroad and by agreement between the two, are to hand down their binding decision within 10 days. - First Settlement The strike on the nine-state northwestern railroad was the first handled by Wirtz as Secretary of Labor since he took over from Ar- thur J. Goldberg late in August. The 1,000 members of the AFL- CIO Order of Railroad Telegraph- ers walked off their jobs Aug. 30, in a dispute that hinged on job elimination procedures. Railroad chairman Ben W. Heineman said, "We would hope that the freight trains would com- mence operation as promptly as possible, certainly within the next day or so." Resume Service He said commuter service would be restored in time for the Monday morning rush hour. Through pas- senger service will resume after the tracks have been inspected, Heineman said. Agreement came after five days of talks on a dispute over back- to-work arrangements that de- railed negotiations at the last min- ute, when the telegraphers and the railroad had agreed on most major issues. Summoned Leaders Wirtz summoned 22 leaders of railroad unions, members of the Railway Labor Executives Associa- tion, to conferences yesterday on back-to-work questions. This issue was settled with an agreement that will return the striking telegraphers to their jobs today. Remove NSF Loyalty Oath By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Senate voted Thursday to remove the Communist disclaimer affidavit previously required for National Science Foundation grants. The provision was included in a repealer which removed the nec- essary disclaimer, required before under the government's college student loan program. Sen. Wayne Morse, (D-Ore.), chairman of the Senate Education Subcommittee, handled the mea- sure on the floor. The Senate action would substi- tute for the affidavit, a criminal provision fixing a $10,000 maxi- mum fine and up to five years im- prisonment. REGENT EUGENE B. POWER ... lecture policy To .Prepare State Policy The committee set up by the, Michigan Coordinating Council on' Higher Education to formulatea+ uniform policy on off-campus speakers for the state's public- supported colleges and universities hopes to have its report ready by Nov. 15, Regent Eugene B. Power said yesterday. The committee has received numerous requests from groupsj wishing to be heard on the speak-i er question, including the Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union and the+ American Association of Univer- sity Presidents. Regent Power+ said that the committee would try to hear from all groups who wish to discuss;the problem. Members of the committee in- clude Regent Power, Prof. Samuel Estep of the law school, Regent Donald Thurber, Russell Seibert of Western Michigan University, Benjamin Burdick of the Wayne State University Board of Gover- nors, Provost Russell Seibert of Western Michigan University, and Dean Paul Varg of the Michigan State University literary college. Uniform Policy The role of this group is to at- tempt to come to an agreement on a uniform philosophy on off- campus speakers. Implementation of the Coordin- ating Council's decision, and its administration on each campus, will be up to the individual schools, Regent Power explained. Model After 'U' Regent Power said that the Uni- versity's new policy on off-campus speakers should be an influential force in the committee's delibera- tions. He praised the policy as "an excellent way to place responsibil- ity concerning speakers, while maintaining a minimum of re- strictions." He noted some confusion re- garding the purpose of the Public Discussion Committee, set up as part of the University's new speak- er policy. Power said the function of this board was simply to bring speakers on important issues to campus, and to try to ensure that these talks would present both sides of issues. He emphasized that the PDC will have no censoring or review- ing function. Commissionj Seeks More Welfare Aid Bulk of New Request In Public Assistance LANSING-The Michigan Wel-i fare Commission yesterday for thec first time, voted to seek a $1001 million budget from the Legisla-; ture. The actual request, totalingE $104.7 million, was adopted at the commission's meeting in Adrianf and compares with a current bud- get of only $95.4 million. Included, in this year's record figure is $98.91 million for operation and $5.8 mil-1 lion for capital outlay. Cite Federal Grants According to State Welfare Di- rector W. J. Maxey, federal grants would raise the total spentj on Michigan welfare programs to over $156 million. This year's to- tal, however, is expected to reach1 only $6 million less than thati figure.a Public assistance grants account for the bulk of the commission's, request and this would directly af-1 fect about 400,000 persons, accord- ing to Maxey. This is about five per cent of the total Michigan population. Three Major Areas The three major areas of added costshwould be medical assistance to the aged, Aid to Dependent" Children and the building program at Boys' Training School at Whit- more Lake. In addition, some of the larger items in the proposed budget in- clude old age assistance grants,' aid to the blind and the disabled and general relief. Although no new welfare pro- grams are included in the com- mission's budget request, next year will see the first full year's opera- tion of a new conservation rehabil- itation camp for delinquent youth in northern Michigan. The exact site of the new camp has not yet been decided. This year, the Legislature gave $100,000 for the operation of the rehabilitation camp and $80,000 for its construction. Educators To Visit 'U' in U.S. Study Four Japanese military educa- tors, including the vice-superin- tendent of the Japanese Defense Academy, will arrive at the Uni- versity tomorrow evening in an ef- fort to learn more about American methods of teaching and academic administrative organization. By KENNETH WINTER Rapidly - growing enrollments, the spiralling need for educated citizens, the role of pure research in a growing economy, and the problems of the individual student in a world where everything gets increasingly bigger-these are four of the crucial challenges facing higher education today, Univer- sity President Harlan Hatcher said last night at the University Press Club dinner. Regarding growing pressure on enrollments, he spoke with ur- gency on the need to meet them with adequate facilities. "The lee time we had at our disposal dur- ing the 1940's is used up," he commented. "I find too many families that have not calculated their respon- sibilities with respect to this crisis," President Hatcher added. Appropriations Lag He urged parents to consider the problem of how they were go- ing to educate their children, and pointed out that gifts and state appropriations - "however gener- ous they may be"-will not be able to keep pace with the growing need for educational facilities. He went on to view the new de- mand for highly educated people in modern society. Specifically, he noted the explosive demand for scientists and technicians in the space age, but he added that the demand is equally great in other fields. Moving on to universities and business, he noted the recent de- velopment of the idea that alert businessmen can turn the discov- eries of pure research into prac- tical business enterprise. When this occurs, the economy of the area where the research is cen- tered often benefits when the new industry is established there. Students' Problems Finally, President Hatcher turn- ed to the problems of students in this fast-moving, mass society. "They feel that they are onlook- ers - detatched spectators - for longer than at any time in his- tory," he said. He observed that young people today often feel a sense of despair about their nation. Students fre- quently dislike compulsory mili- tary service, and see hypocrisy in many American governmental pol- icies and institutions, he said. ?resident Hatcher noted student concern over such issues as nuc- lear warfare, the House Un-Amer- ican Activities Committee, and ra- cial discrimination. "We're play- ing out the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Emanci- pation Proclamation at Oxford, Miss.," he remarked. HATCHER ADDRESS: Cites Educational Challenges EDUCATION PROBLEMS - University President Harlan Hatcher (left) and Prof. William Haber, chairman of the economics de- partment, spoke on the problems of education yesterday. They both emphasized the problems of population growth resulting in increased enrollment pressure. Haber Tells of Dem and For School Expansiont "The real minority group of tomorrow will be determined by educational shortcomings," Prof. William Haber, chairman of the economics department, told the University Press Club yesterday. Prof. Haber cited several reasons why more people will need more education in the years to come. First, he explained, people today must have some education to get a job. "A high school education has become an indispensable pre- reusttoepomn.Usil PROF. FRED T. HADDOCK .. charts radio waves lofted 1,050 miles over the Atlantic Ocean from Wallops Island, Va., last week. The experiment was designed by Prof. Haddock, Hal F. Schulte, Jr. and Dennis Walsh. It was under-, taken jointly by the departments of astronomy and electrical engi- neering through the RAO. Excellent Signals Schulte reported that "telemet- ry signals from the rocket were ex- cellent throughout the flight. "First indications are that all parts of the experiment worked perfectly.'' He noted that interpretation of the records would take several months. The researchers hope that the records will show for the first time where an expected drop-off of electromagnetic radiation in- tensity with decreasing frequency takes place. Determination of this point will show whether the drop- off is related to the density of electrons spiralling around mag- netic fields in our galaxy. New Physical Properties If found, the decrease should reveal physical properties of the Milky Way that weren't known before, Prof. Haddock pointed out. This in turn may help to clarify theories about the origin and des- tiny of our star system. In addition, the measurements may help space engineers to learn about the radio background noise against which communications be- tween space vehicles may be made. These measurements are not possible using standard radio as- tronomy techniques on the earth's surface because the earth's ionos- phere blocks signals in this re- gion of frequencies - comparable to those used for standard radio broadcasting. Probe Users Of Narcotics WASHINGTON WP)-Conflicting views on how best to handle nar- cotics sellers who are addicts themselves were aired yesterday by officials of the Justice Depart- ment and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. I \. Canada Orbits New Satellite With U.S. Aid VANDENBERG AIR F O R C E BASE 01)-A Canadian spacecraft, the first designed and built by a nation other than the United States or the Soviet Union, roared aloft last night toward polar or- bit. The spacecraft - dubbed the Alouette-packed the longest radio antenna ever carried into space. The satellite is designed to study disruptions in the ionosphere - an electrically charged layer of air-which interferes with radio communications. The experiment is a joint effort with the United States. The United States supplied the launch site at this Pacific missile range base and the launch vehicles. FROM 182 HIGH SCHOOLS: l Band Day By MARJORIE BRAHMS in Hawaii, where Marching music and enthusias- play "Little Grass . Machig rusi an enhusas- Before the team tic cheers will float over Ann Ar- itsoclasheagns bor today as another football sea- its clash against son - and another colorful Band 1,500 drum majo Day - brings crowds out to Mich- and the University igan Stadium. will also display t. Begun 14 years ago by Prof. At half-time, th William D. Revelli, director of brightly uniforme bands, Band Day has become an march out onto th annual event, now imitated all bands will be able over the United States by high in about 35 secon school bands participating in the said. About 40s excitement of college football. quired for the ba 13,000 Students after the show. This year 182 high school bands .The main prob will participate in Band Day - ng so large a gro a total of over 13,000 Michigan precision and unit high school students. Fourteen said. Sound, unl years ago there were only 28 time to travel bands. fractions of a secy Pre-game festivities will feature to create disunity the Battle Creek Central High Solves Techni 'equisite to employment. Unskill- ed jobs are being eliminated rap- idly," Prof. Haber observed. Population Crisis The second problem is "the sim- ple fact of population growth-and a fiscal structure that doesn't keep up with it." The concurrence of these two factors has brought on a crisis in education, and "the crisis exists at all levels," Prof. Haber noted. There is, for example, the prob- lem of high school drop-outs. With increased competition for jobs, and a declining number of (See related stories Page 2) unskilled jobs, students without high school diplomas are "un- wanted and unneeded," he said. The problem of getting enough support for higher education is even more difficult, Prof. Haber noted. Support for grade schools. and high schools is easier to come by,, because at these levels educa- tion is almost always compulsory and universal, he explained. But at the college level, reach- ed even today by only one out of three young people, the demand for support is seen by the general public as less acute. Compounding the financial prob- lem will be the increased demand for space for more students-a de- mand coming ooth from youths wishing to get in, and from a so- ciety with a growing appetite for the fruits of education, Prof. Hab- er predicted. System Must Grow "In the aggregate, then, there is no choice for colleges and uni- versities, but to grow larger, or more numerous-or both," Prof. Haber remarked. To make this growth possible, the state's fiscal power must be stabilized, Prof. Haber said. He advocated a state income tax. YRs Condemn Barnett Action Mississippi Governor Ross Bar- Compliance Must Come By Tuesday Require Governor To Integrate School, Maintain Law, Order NEW ORLEANS ()-The Fftt United States Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday held Gov. Ross Barnett of Mississippi in civil con- tempt for blocking desegregation at the University of Mississippi. The court gave Barnett until 11 a.m. Tuesday to purge himself of the contempt. If he does not comply by that time, the court ordered that he be committed to the custody of the United States Attorney General and fined $10,000 a day until he complies. Defines Compliance The court defined compliance as (1) ceasing all resistance to the orders of the federal courts for desegregation and (2) maintain- ing law and order at the Missis- sippi campus and cooperating with officers and agents of the federal courts. Assistant United States Atty. Gen. Burke Marshall told the fifth United States Court that the Jus- tice Department is prepared to enforce any sanctions on Barnett if he does not comply with edicts to stop blocking integration at Mississippi. The court went ahead with the contempt trial despite the absence of Barnett from the courtroom. Barnett in Jackson The 64-year-old Governor-who has vowed to go to jail rather than integrate the University of Missis- sippi - was reported in Jackson. Meanwhile, at Oxford, Missis- sippi mysteriously dispersed its citizens army of peace officers yes- terday, giving no sign whether it will continue to fight enrollment of James H. Meredith, a Negro, in the all-white university. Army Prepared In Memphis, the 110 engineers from Ft. Campbell, Ky., and Mil- lington naval air station, stand ready to help with administration and logistics of the growing force of marshals. These are the first troops called out in the dispute. The justice department in Washington would not say when the task force might move out to force entrance of Meredith into the campus. He said the Defense Department had not been asked yet for troop assistance other than some house- keeping help for the marshals. The defense secretary noted some units in United States forces are always on alert for possible re- action to overseas emergencies. InWashington, Secretary of De- fense Robert S. McNamara said, "We're prepared to respond to whatever emergencies may devel- op." Momentary Lull But, despite the momentary lull in the furious collision of state and federal governments - great- est for Mississippi since the civil war - seven Mississippi members of Congress warned the nearly un- precedented situation could ex- plode. In Jackson, the Mississippi Legislature in special session to reapportion quickly jerked the rug from under a proposed resolution that would have sought to sever Mississippi's relations with the Union. The measure would have peti- tioned the Congress to cut the con- nection with Mississippi and the Union if the federal government didn't like the way the state op- erated. To Feature 13,000 Students the band will Shack." hits the field in Nebraska, about rs and twirlers Marching Band their skills. ,he thousands of d musicians will he field. The 182 to take the field ds, Prof. Revelli seconds are re- nd to be seated blem in conduct- oup is achieving ty," Prof. Revelli like sight, takes and the crucial cond are enough' cal Problem Statistically speaking, it takes about 50,000 sheets of music and $1 million worth of musical instru- ments to put on Band Day, Prof. Revelli estimated. Half-Time Program Numbers scheduled for the half- time program include "Anchors Aweigh," "Marine Hymn," "U.S. Field Artillery March," "Old Man River," "Whiffenpoof Song" and "Stars and Stripes Forever." The massed bands facing west will be conducted by Prof. Revelli. Prof. George R. Cavender, assist- ant director of bands, will conduct the band facing east. The festivities will begin about 11:40 a.m., as the football players begin final preparations for the opening game. Each band will then begin marching out into the field anr ..m lhP it,.ndle, MAenvofa ,}4 s: T + 1 ''. . . to-.{. ': ..:.:"'K:t,.....