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September 28, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-28

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Variable cloudiness today,
fair and cool tonight.

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


















Kennedy Fears
Major Violence'
NAACP To Halt Negro's Entrance;
Awaits Action Against 'Insurrection'
WASHINGTON ()-A 110-man Army engineers' unit is head-
ed for Memphis, Tenn., to provide support for United States mar-
shals involved in the government's efforts to enroll a Negro in the
University of Mississippi, the Defense Department said early
A Defense Department spokesman said the Army engineers
will provide logistics and administrative support for the marshals,
but will not themselves intervene in Mississippi.
OXFORD (A) - James H. Meredith -- headed for his fourth
attempt to enroll as a Negro at all-white University of Mississippi -
backed off at the last minuteyesterday under direct order of the Unit-
ed States Attorney General.
The order came dramatically in mid-flight from Atty. Gen. Robert
Kennedy, who saw "major violence and 'bloodshed for the citizens of
Mississippi" if the 29-year-old Negro went through with his trip.
Waiting grimly on the ground in this North Mississippi college
town were a helmeted and club-carrying army of Mississippi peace






.turns back

T Express.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-An effort de-
veloped yesterday to express Sen-
ate disapproval of Mississippi's
defiance of a federal court order
to admit a Negro to its university
-but it's unlikely to come to a
Former President Dwight D.
Eisenhower last night branded as
"absolutely unconscionable and
indefensible" the defiance of fed-
eral court orders requiring the
admittance of a Negro to the
University of Mississippi.
Edwin A. Walker said he was
on the wrong side in leading
troops to enforce integration at
Little Rock, Ark., and appealed
for civilians to. oppose any sold-
iers sent to Mississippi.
Gov. John Patterson of Alabama
asked President John F. ]Kennedy
..yesterady, "If troops are sent into
Mississippi, I ask if you are pre-
pared to invade Alabama as well?"
Richard M. Nixon said he will
support the President in the Uni-
versity of Mississippi controversy
"in whatever action he deems
necessary-even to calling troops "

" officers - showing not the slight-
est evidence of backing down, force
or not.
Adamant Stand
Once again the adamant stand
of Mississippi against integration
put off the final showdown of
strength between state and fed-
eral governments - and perhaps
brought nearer the use of federal
In Washington, Kennedy con-
ferred with a key Army general.
Informed sources said the conver-
sation - held after the call-back
for Meredith - revolved around
arrangements for the use of
troops, if that became necessary.
The Attorney General said: "Mr.
Meredith will be registered."
Orders Marshals
Apparently still not at the
trpop-using stage, Atty. Gen. Ken-
nedy ordered several hundred ad-
ditional federal marshals to Mem-
phis, Tenn., about 50 miles north-
west of Oxford.
In New Orleans, an official of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
"We will advise him to make no
further efforts to enter the cam-
pus until after the insurrection
there has been put down by the
executive branch of the govern-
Guard Gates
At the time Meredith was turn-
ing back in late afternoon, a small
army of 500 peace officers - high-
way patrolmen, sheriffs and city
police-grimly guarded the five
gates to the Ole Miss campus.
They blocked four of the gates
with parked cars, figuring to force
Meredith and the marshals to
make their try at the main gate-
if they showed up at all.
And at the main gate, between
two brick pillars on either side of
the road, they set up their line.
Highway patrolmen wore steel
helmets and carried riot sticks.
Gov. Ross Barnett, on the cam-
pus all day and apparently ready
to step in personally to block
Meredith again if the opportunity
presented itself, spent about 20
minutes at the gate.
He drew loud cheers from the
crowd. Some of the people held
up two fingers in the "V" sign
for victory.
When he returned to the cam-
pus, part of the crowd followed.

WSU Plans'
Speaker Ban
Facilities Denied
Regardless of Topic
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Wayne State Uni-
versity will bar all Communist
speakers - regardless of the pro-
posed speech topic - from using
campus facilities as a matter of
'interim action,' WSU President
Clarence B. Hilberry explained
The ban, which applies only to
open meetings of student organi-
zations, will be in effect until the
Michigan Co-Ordinating Council
f o r Public Higher Education
reaches a decision on a unified
speakers policy.
Hilberry earlier this week wrote
to the state Legislature that stu-
dent organizations would have to
submit information on proposed
speakers that "their study of his
background and experience pro-
vides no proof that his appear-
ance would be in conflict with tie
concurrent resolution" of the Leg-
Search for Truth
The resolution sets forth the
representatives'and senators feel-
ing that appearances of Commun-
ist speakers at state tax-supported
colleges and universities "does not
advance the search for truth and
is contrary to the public policy
of the state of Michigan."
The 'interim action' modifies
WSU's previous policy 'n outside
speakers which set "academic
competence to discuss the subject
matter" as the basic criterion for
judging guest lecturers.
"This does not mean, and has
not meant, t that the university
will allow speakers who use the
platform for purely selfish reasons
or for rank propograndizing," Hil-
berry said.
Hilberry explained that the
speaker ban went beyond poli-
tical lectures and covered all aca-
demic areas.
In an interview after the WSU
Board of Governors' meeting, Hil-
berry stressed the desirability of
framing a uniform policy on out-
side speakers, if all the state sup-
ported universities and their gov-
erning boards agreed to it.
"Any decision by the coordinat-
ing council has no legal weight on
the individual schools, of course;
it would be up to the boards to
accept or reject the suggested
If t h e coordinting council
chooses not to work for a uni-
fied policy, Hilberry said that
WSU will re-examine its policy as
soon as that decision is made.
Sees Progress
Donald Lobsinger, who was a
leader in a petition campaign
against WSU's earlier policy two
years ago, viewed the interim
policy as evidence that "real pro-
gress is being made at Wayne"
but said he was disturbed that
Communists would be allowed to
address closed meetings.
Lobsinger had not yet seen the
University's new policy, but ne
forecast citizen opposition if a
student organization invited a
Communist to speak in Ann Arbor.
At their meeting the Governors
approved a $27.1 million budget
for 1963-64. Of this, $22.5 million
will have to be appropriated by the
state Legislature with the rest ex-
pected from student fees and other
The extra funds are needed to

add necessary personnel to the
staff as well as for buyig new
equipment. Provisions are also in-
cluded for wage and salary in-
creases and maintenance.
Governor Benjamin D. Burdick

Repeal N

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - In a surprise
move, the Senate voted yesterday
to repeal the Communist disclaim-
er affidavit required under the
government's college student loan
The repealer, handled on the
floor by Sen. "Wayne Morse, (D-
Ore.), chairman of the Senate
Education Subcommittee, was
adopted without explanation or
debate as an amendment to a
House bill.
"The universities have been urg-
ing that this affidavit be repealed
for some time as it is unneces-
sary and is a double disclaimer,"
University President HarlanI
Hatcher commented.
"We are all glad that this was
abolished because we have been
working for this."
House concurrence will be nec-
essary if the repeal is to become
effective. The Senate was rushing
through a series of minor }bills at
the time.
Morse said the matter had been

pus speakers yesterday, and set up a new student-faculty
committee to enforce it.

Lund Accepts Tiger Offer.
To Supervise Minor Teanis
Sports Editor


Don Lund, Michigan's baseball coach for the past four seasons,
resigned suddenly yesterday to accept a job as director of minor,
league operations and scouting for the Detroit Tiger professional
baseball team.
Lund's resignation will be submitted tonight to the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. The Board has the job of deter-
minig Lund's successor, but the problem will probably not be con-
sidered until the next meeting.

The Ic
under th
It repe
a crimin:
The St

MSU =President John A. Hannah, in a memorandum to
his faculty, said that outside speakers appearing on the
school's campus "must not advocate or urge actions which
are prohibited or illegal under University, State or Federal
He added that such speakers must be sponsored by a
recognized MSU organization, and the sponsoring group must
submit written forms concern-
ing the subject to be discussed
by the speaker.
The new committee will receive
applications from groups wishing
to schedule speakers and will grant
or refuse permission according to
these criteria. It will be composed
of five faculty members, appoint-
ed by Hannah; and five students,
the presidents of representative
campus groups.
MSU's new policy-and its new r
speaker committee-closely paral-
lels the machinery. set up by the
Regents here last Friday.
Both University and MSU speak-
er regulations prohibit advocacy
of the violation of school, state or
national rules, and both universi-
ties have set up a speaker com-


meaning by both Democratic and Lund's r.personal recommei
cleared "on both sides of the aisle," tion is Moby Benedict, pres
Republican leaders. Sen. Winston the assistant baseball coach
L. Prouty (R-VL), a member of is a former Michigan baseball
the education subcommittee, was tain. "Moby knows the fel
present and concurred in this. very well and would do a g
President John F. Kennedy, job," Lund said.
when he was a Senator, twice tried Regents To Decide
and failed to get the affidavit re- The University of Mich
pealed. About 20 universities, in- Board of Regents retains final
cluding many prominent ones, in the choice of a successor,
have declined to take part in the the Board in Control's rec
student loan program because of mendation has always been
the disclaimer requirement. cepted in the past.
The Senate action would sub- Tiger Shakeup
stitute f-r the affidavit a criminal Lund's new position cam
provision fixing a $10,000 maxi- the result of a Tiger front o
mum fine and up to five years im- shakeup which found Ja
prisonment for any person who Campbell promoted to ger
was a member of a subversive or- manager. Rick Ferrell, who I
- dled the general manager d
this season, will remain as
The move into the admini
. -W: tive ranks for Lund follows
kind of winning season all coa
dream about. His team of last
was barely nosed out for the
Ten title and then moved of
win the NCAA title and then
the first World Collegiate Tit
In his four short years I
Lund compiled a 34-19 Big
mark with one title and last y

1 say-
,but ;
com- I

OKA Affida vit
in and received such a Welfare Committee, of which the
eductionsubcommittee is a part,
)yalty oath requirement voted last year to repeal the stu-
e loan program would be dent affidavit in approving a bill
to amend the 1958 NDEA Act.
eals the Communist dis- But that bill never has been
affidavit, and substitutes called up for debate because of thes
al provision, snarl which has bogged down all
senate Labor and Public of Kennedy's education program.; M

o Enforce Rules
To Prohibit Advocacy of Actions
Against School, State, National Law
Michigan State University announced a policy on off-cam-

Provost Office
e as - Formerly, the appearance of off-
iffice campus speakers at MSU was
ames' cleared through the Office of the
neral " Provost (corresponding to the Uni-
han- versity's vice-president for aca-
uties demic affairs).
vice- The creation of the speaker
committee "represents an attempt
strq- to bring faculty and students in-
the DON LUND to speaker policymaking." Eldon
ches ... Tiger farm director Nonnamaker. of the MSU Dean of
year Students' Office, explained.
Big CIVIL RIGHTS: Nonnamaker. chairman of the
n to __CIVILnew committee, said that it will
cop . serve as an interim body until the
le. K ig To Talk Michigan Coordinating Council on
here, Higher Education recommends a'
Ten 'uniform speaker policy fai all
ear's Oh, C a mU s state-supported colleges and uni-
versities in Michigan.
The Rev. Martin Luther King, A committee of the Coordinat-
n to will make two public appearances ing Council is now studying the,
wrte in Ann Arbor in November, spon- speaker question and may come up
guys. sored jointly by the Office of Re- with a recommendation early next
this ligious Affairs and the Michigan month. When this happens. MSU
eave, Union. -as well as the University and
por- He will speak at both 4 p.m. and Wayne State University-will e-
8 p.m., Nov. 5, in Hill Aud. consider and then finalize weir
ritz) I Exact details of King's visit were speaker policies.
not immediately obtained. . MSU Provost Clifford E. Erick-
son commented that the tew
speaker policy would not prohibit

speaker policy
Gindin Cites.
Dual Levels
Albert Camus' novel, The Plague,
has both metaphysical and social
implications, according to Prof.
James Gindin, of the English de-
Discussing the work last night
at an informal seminar, Ginden
said that he saw no contradiction
between the social and metaphysi-
cal interpretations which may he
drawn. "The feeling that th. :sieta-
physical must be emphasized over
the social is to set the metaphysi-
cal on a scale which Camus would
definitely deny," he said.
The rejection of a possible read-
ing of nazism into the novel on
the basis that the identification is
not carried on throughout the
story is invalid, Prof. Gindin said.

near miss.
Tough Decision
"It was a tough decision
make," Lund said. "They
team) were a great bunch of g
They gave out a lot for me
last summer. It's tough to le
but this is a wonderful op
Athletic Director H. O. (F
See FORMER, Page 9

handles bill

'U' Chapter. 'inds
'Missing',MS Bell
"The bells are ringing for . . ." the University this weekend, not
the neighboring university to the north known as Moo U.
The traditional Delta Upsilon green and white bell which tolls
out MSU points is missing-from MSU. It was "found" by the Uni-
versity chapter of Alpha Tau Omega' and will be around to toll out
points tomorrow against Nebraska.
Excess Baggage
* While on a routine visit to East Lansing last week, certain ATO's
returned with a little excess baggage, a one ton bell. After a renova-
tion job it will, appear this afternoon at a pep rally in its new blue
garb with a large gold 'M' as ornamentation.,
The "All Greek" rally will be held at 4:00 today at the ATO
house. On hand to greet the new acquisition will be Maxamillian's
Band, the Cheerleaders and Dick Kimball, their coach, and WOIA

'U,' NEBRASKA GAME: a member of the Communist inar- Camus is not interested in the on-
ty from speaking on the MSu ahginsor ideology of' nazism but
campus, if his talk was clewed 'rather what it is like to live under
through proper channels and if hethcodinstimseesad
did not advocate illegal actions. The belief that The Plague does
My tComplyto some degree concern itself with
--__May Not C lynazism obviously precludes a pure-
By ELLEN SILVERMAN !-This indicates that MSU, like the ly metaphysical interpretation,
Bteams will stage a two-day reun- of the University team. The pro- University, will not comply with a Prof.Gindin said.Since the plague,
Forty-five years ago the Univer- ion in honor of the game. In ad- gram will include informal din- resolution by the State Legisla- however terrible, is only a teinpor-
sity football team played Nebras- dition to the celebration and rem- ners, a laying of a wreath on the ture which says that "the appear- aiy condition, the death men face
ka's Cornhuskers. Today these, iniscing of the two teams, the grave of Yost and, of course, the ance of Communists at state tax- because of it is not a death com-
same teams who fought in 1917 group will also pay homage to the 11962 Michigan-Nebraska game. supported colleges . . . is contrary mon to all mankind, and it makes
will meet on the occasion of an- University's coach in 1917, Fielding A dinner in honor of Amos to the public policy of the state of men impersonal only for its dura-
other Michigan-Nebraska game. H. Yost. Alonzo Stagg, former coach for Michigan." tion.
In conjunction with the 1920 The reunion was arranged by the University of Chicago, will be Wayne State University an- The insistence on the immediate
tribe of. Michigamua, the two A. B. Weston who was a member held Friday night. Bennie Ooster- nounced earlier this week that it and the abandonment of the ab-
..,; ,. " .--: :,:;.::.:.<::::::,- ::'baan, of the physical education would com ply with the resolution, stract has reflections in The
department, and Prof. William D at least until the Coordinating Stranger, Gindin said. The only
tRevelli of the music school will Council sets its recommendations. way to resist the enormous irra-
speak. The resolution, passed last May, tionality of the plague is through
On Saturday morning, before ?was not a legally binding decree to a fierce concentration on the im-
the game, there will be a cere- the state's colleges and universi- mediate "The Stranger," too,
: mony to lay a wreath on Yost's 'ties, due to the constitutional stat- found himself involved only with
yave. Mrs. Yost will be present' us of the schools. the present and the daily trivia
grave. at peYesraweaenisewort.

A farewell dinner will be held
Saturday night.
In honor of the group, Prof Re-
velli will stage a pre-game intro-
ductory ceremony.
Among those present will be the
captain of the team in 1917, Ced-

--- -that penetrated his world.
A U Iit is possible to consider the
Set Address plague as symbolic of capital pun-
ishment, Gindin said. This would
B Secretary be an undeniable comparison be-
tween the two novels. Both society,
which is responsible for setting up
By The Associated Press ; th' lesmlvetem which dpetrvs



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