PANTY RAIDS See page 4 .Ait43an :4Ait MOSTLY CLOUDY High-65 Low--42 Continued cool, partly cloudy cooler tonight Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES SGC On A Lewis Views SGC=OSA Relationship By RICHARD KRAUT Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis spoke to Stu- dent Government Council last night on his relation to Council and SGC's relation to the proposed advisory committee for the new Office of Student Affairs. SGC should not be hesitant, Lewis said, to discuss contemplat- ed legislation with administra- tors and faculty members. If they were invited to discuss campus problems with Council, it would be more likely that Lewis would not consider SGC's actions unreason- able. Prior consultation therefore lowers the possibility that a mo- tion will be vetoed. Lewis stressed that the power to veto SGC's actions rests with him alone. Prior Consultation" He added that the proposed ad- visory committee would be a good instrument for prior consulta- tion. Howard Abrams, '63, asked whether the committee would di- lute the power of SGC, presently the official liaison between the students and the administration and faculty. The students on the advisory committee, Lewis answered, could easily report the discussions of the committee. In addition, SGC could recommend that certain points be brought up at the next meeting of the committee. Turning to the nature of the ad- visory committee, Lewis said that its purpose would be to inform him of various opinions-not to reach a consensus on any given pr blem. For thi sreason, nc votes would be taken. Stating Opinions Robert Ross, '63, asked Lewis whether he considered a vte as a method of clearly stating one's opinions. Lewis replied that he would like to have opinions "push- ed in all directions," and a vote would be likely to be a barrier to such diversity. Daily Editor Michael Olinick, '63, asked whether Lewis would object to a system in which any mem- ber of SGC or the Student Rela- tions Committee could attend meetings of the advisory commit- tee. This would make the commit- tee cumbersome, Lewis replied. The variety of opinion would decrease instead of increase. However, if the. Council would want to try this systme, Lewis would not be denifitely opposed to it. Senate Rejects Mailing Plan WASHINGTON ()-The Senate rejected.last night a move to strike out of a bill to raise postal rates and federal pay a section aimed at mailign of Communist propa- ganda in this country. dThis was the only vote taken in the first day of the debate on the bill, but sponsors looked for a quicker pace today with final rass- age likely. Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) called the Senate in to- day three hours ahead of the usual time. Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa) of- fered the amendment to delete the section on Communist propa- ganda from the bill approved by the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee. This section was a substitute for a rnore far-reaching provision in- eluded in the House bill and strongly opposed by President John F. Kennedy. The House provision would have prevented the Post Office from handling in first, second, or third class, any Communist .political propaganda financed or sponsored by a Communist-controlled gov- ernment. It would not have pre- vented shipment in parcel post. Postpones Hearings JOHNSON STALLS: Blocks Third Meredith Try aequacy Statements Szklenkay Flees to U.S., Freedom By DALE NOIJSE Of the Detroit Free Press DETROIT VP) - The slender blonde glanced up and down the Rue de Faubourg in Paris, then quickly slipped an envelope into the ornate French mailbox. Praying she had gone unde- tected, Emese Szklenkay, a 20- year-old dancer from Budapest, vanished into the crowd and re- joined a Hungarian national folk dance troupe. That letter, postmarked the evening of Sept. 10, arrived shortly before noon two days later at a white frame house in Ann Arbor. Scarce News Mrs. Marguerite Dinka, a pretty housewife and Emese's older sister, trembled as she rip- ped open the envelope. News from relatives behind the Iron Curtain is scarce and seldom good. The letter said Emese was then in Paris, but the troupe was going that day to northern France. Then it added, in part: "We shall be back in Paris again on the 19th, 20th and 21st of this month (September). I don't know how you could arrange a meeting with me one of these days. I would like it very much if you could arrange it finan- cially. Please excuse this hur- ried style, but I have only a short time." Afternoon Visit Mrs. Dinka's brain whirled. The letter's meaning was clear. Emese knew that a pleasant trip to Paris for an afternoon ka saw Jack C. Stewart of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Detroit. He was sym- pathetic but though the pro- posal of escape almost impos- sible. Stewart sent him to the Free Press. Then he laid out his des- perate plans to go to Paris and snatch the girl from her Communist guards. Free Press editors recognized the odds involved, but were im- pressed with Dinka's determin- ation. They agreed that the Free Press would finance the venture and provide all possi- ble help. In two hours James Haswell of the Free Press Washington bureau had approached a half dozen federal officials and re- layed back a thorough outline on procedure to be followed. By late Friday, Dinka had his passport and smallpox vacci- nation. He was provided with a work- ing partner in Free Press cor- respondent Mary Goodfellow. Mrs. Dinka pointed out that in her letter, her sister had promised to write again the fol- lowing day to supply the Din-. kas with her address in Paris. Although ample time had elaps- ed, no letter had arrived. As the day wore on, nerves wore away. There was no clue. It had been decided that Din- ka would make the final deci- sion on whether he would go on what might be a wild goose chase. Sunday he had decided to go. NEXT: Rendezvous in Paris. Copyright 1962; The Detroit Free Press EMESE SZLENKAY' .. .flees to U.S. visit was financially impossi- ble for the Dinkas. Mrs. Dinka knew the letter had to be' carefully worded in case it was found on her be- fore she could mail it. That evening, Mrs. Dinka and her husband, Stephen, now a research assistant and doctoral candidate in empidemiology at the University, who had quit college in Budapest when World War II broke out to fight in the Hungarian cavalry, talked tensely. Both had suffered during the war. They fled Hungary in 1956 with their three children when the October uprising failed. The following morning Din- Seek Time TO Gather Counleil Delays Action On OSA Committee By GAIL EVANS Student Government Council postponed consideration of proce- dure for penalties or hearings to determine reasons why seven sor- orities failed to submit adequate membership selection p r a c t i c e statements by the established deadline. Council also postponed action concerning the nature of an Ad- visory Committee for the. Office of Student Affairs. SGC passed a motion to establish a student fac- ulty committee to investigate the University judicial system which will report its findings next March. After meeting in executive ses- sion for over an hour, Council is- sued the following statement about the hearings: Considers Questions "In executive session, SGC con- sidered a series of legal questions as presented to the body in a let- ter from Prof. Robert J. Harris of the law school. In lieu of these q u e s t i o n s, SGC unanimously adopted the following motion: "That SGC postpone its consid- eration of the procedure for ade- quacy hearings until such time as adequate legal counsel and guid- ance has been obtained. "SGC mandates the president to take all the steps necessary to secure such legal counsel for SGC with all possible speed. "SGC desires the advice of legal counsel admitted to the Bar of the State of Michigan before proceed- ing' further." Make Letter Public SGC President Steven Stock- meyer, '63, said that if the letter were made public or the Council's discussion of it, SGC might be put in a severe position. The postponed motion on the OSA advisory committee, was in- troduced by Robert Ross, '63, and Daily editor Michael Olinick, '63, It asked that instead of a commit- tee made up of faculty members of the Senate sub-committee on Stu- dent relations and five SGC mem- bers that the entire Council per- form the student function as a body, since Council represents all students. Alternate Methods The motion also proposed al- ternate methods by which the OSA could receive joint faculty- student counsel. It recommended that if an advisory committee were set up, a formal voting procedure be established to register advisory opinion. The original proposal called for informal discussion only. The Ross-Olinick motion was criticized fo rbeing an attempt not to cooperate with the OSA. OXFORD () - Embattled Mis- sissippi barred Negro James H. Meredith from the University of Mississippi for the third time yes- terday. A human blockade of unarmed highway patrolmen turned back Meredith and five cars of United States marshals 400 yards from the gates of the all-white school. Four times John Doar, United I States Justice Department attor- ney, tried to get passage through the grim line of Mississippi offi- cers. Four times Lt. Gov. Paul Johnson refused. At the airport Meredith shrug- ged and said. "Well, at least I'm getting a lot of flying time." Meredith Leaves Meredith left the area but there was no indication what he planned for tomorrow. With the governor under orders to appear in New Orleans on con- tempt charges tomorrow. there were indications from attorneys close to the case that no further legal moves were planned imme- diately. In New Orleans, the justice de- partment got an order late yester- day from the fifth United States Circuit Court of Appeals direct- ing Johnson to appear before the court Saturday to show why he should not be held in contempt. Not Named Johnson was not named specifi- cally in the court's sweeping re- straining order prohibiting inter- ference with Meredith. But the state of Mississippi was named. And the court said, in addition. that Johnson was "acting in con- cert and active participation" with Barnett. Rumors which could not be con- firmedkept popping up that Unit- ed States troops were moving into the struggle, but in Washington at Imid-morning justice department sources said no troops had been alerted. And later in Washington, Unit- ed States Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said "The question of federal troops is as it has been. That is, we'll use whatever is nec- essary to do the job, as I said three or four days ago." He de- scribed the situation as serious. Barnett Gets YD Invitation The Young Democrats yesterday invited Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett to speak at the University sometime this month, YD Chair- man Mal Warwick, '63, announced. The invitation was sent by tele- gram. "While the Young Democrats do hot agree with Barnett's poli- tical opinions, it does believe in freedom of speech and therefore feels that Barnett ought to get a hearing on campus," Warwick said. The YD's have offered to cover Barnett's expenses which they hope to recover through contribu- tions if and when he speaks here. Generation Seeks Two New Editors Petitioning is now open for the positions of Managing Editor and Business Manager of Generation, the student literary magazine. The Board in Control of Student Pub- lications has set Oct. 8, as the deadline for petitions, which may be obtained in the Board office in the Student Publications Bldg. -AP Wirephoto ADMISSION STALLED - Mississippi highway patrolmen, led by Lt. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Jr., block James Meredith, accom- panied by federal marshals as he attempts to enter the campus of the University of Mississippi. Officials Defy Governmuent Ino Civil Rights Case WASHINGTON(')-If Gov. Ross Barnett keeps his vow t&. go to jail rather than desegregate the University of Mississippi, he would not be the first governor imprisoned in a clash of state and federal authorites. After the Civil War, three Confederate governors were arrested "by order of the United States government" and were confined as "prisoners of state" at Ft. Pulaski, Ga. They were Andrew G. Magrathy t t THREE PHASES: Washburne Talks on World-Mindedness By STEVEN HALLER Either we must develop world- mindedness or else we will event- ually not have a world, Prof. Carleton Washburne of Michigan State University said last night. Washburne, who heads a re- search group advisory to UNESCO, spoke on the topic "Education for World-Mindedness." Washburne gave three basic facts which, he said, children and adults alike should "not merely recognize, but realize." The first of these is that all humanity has needs which are basic and essen- tial. Physical Needs We all have physical needs such as food, air, and shelter from the large organism, with transporta- tion its circulatory system and communication its nervous system. Washburne emphasized that stand and embrace the concept of world-mindedness, and he gave examples of techniques teachers could use in school and parents could use at home to replace pre- judice with world-mindedness. "In the world's good is our own, and in our own, the world's," Washburne said. Washburne's address was spon- sored by the Ann Arbor Commun- ity and Public Schools. A large exhibit of United Na- children must be made to under- tions teaching materials, books, and other instructional media will be on display at the Ann Arbor Public Library Community Rm. until Sept. 29. The display is open to the pub- lic. The city schools hope through the exhibit to promote interest in the United Nations. of South Carolina, Charles Clark of Mississippi and A. K. Allison of Florida. McCray Jailed Another governor, Warren T. McCray of Indian, was jailed in 1924, government records show. But that had nothing to do with the philosophy of government and states' rights. McCray was con-, victed of misusing the mails. He resigned the day after being sen- tenced to 10 years and was paroled in 1927. Mississippi Governor The Mississippi governor's defi- ance of a federal appellate court order in the James H. Meredith case had government lawyers searchingdfar into the night to yee whether any other governor had ever been the defendant in con- tempt of court proceedings. The search was not immediately productive, but they did come up with a 1932 Supreme Court ruling that the governor of a state is subject to the process of the fed- eral courts for the relief of private persons when he uses his official position to violate someone's Con- stitutional rights. This involved Gov. Sterling of Texas, who proclaimed martial law in several oil producing coun- ties during a dispute with some oil operators. Sterling contended the operators had defied a state oil conservation law designed to prevent wasteful production of oil. Declaring that the actions of the operators, threatened insur- rection and riot, Sterling shut down the wells by military force and authorized state officials to fix the limit of oil production. The operators took him to court. The Supreme Court upheld them. U.S. Marslialls Await Orders MEMPHIS () - A stream of United States marshals moved through the.big naval air station here yesterday in 'anticipation of further action in the Mississippi integration crisis. The marshals checked into and out of the base during the day and cars with four and five mar- shals in each were unofficially re- ported moving south toward Ox- ford, site of the University of Mis- sissippi which Negro James H. Meredith is attempting to enter. Lt. Cmdr. David Robertson, pub- lic information officer at the base, would say onl ythat "from 20 to 25 marshals a day" were passing through the base. He said last Wednesday that there were 25 marshals on the base. Robertson refused to comment on the activities of the marshals. There were also unconfirmed re- ports that security restrictions at the base were being tightened. This involved Gov. Sterling of Unofficial sources said that Meredith was staying at the base. Wayne To Study Speaker Policy The Board of Governors of Wayne State University are ex- pected to consider a speaker policy and whether to participate in a common. state-wide policy on the subject at their meeting tomorrow at WSU. Nasser Changes Cabinet To Stress Technicians E E , c i t C C 1 S t I E 1 i I 7 elements. These are obvious, he CAIRO (p)--President Gamal A added. We have the same emo- yesterday in a major cabinet reorga tional and psychological needs as the United Arab Republic governme well, such as love and a sense of of technicians. security. We all need to feel we are needed, part of a team. The reorganization will make Arwe havfndenaand turn executive duties over to a .And we have fundamental spir- time ie l ar.I spr f itual needs. In such manier aste aide, Aly Sabry. It is part of this, Washburne spoke in terms give the United Arab Republic col-"; similar to those parents and edu- lective leadership. cators might utilize in talking with No Names children. No names have been announced' The second prerequisite for officially, but the press authori- world - mindedness, Washburne tatively listed the majority of went on, is a proper perspective changes. Chief among these were of the value of difference between the appointment of a new head of peoples. the Aswan High Dam Ministry and Depends on Variation the inclusion of a woman in the He recognized that these differ- cabinet for the first time. ences are interesting, to be sure; The biggest change seems like- but h'e added that they are im- ly in the military field, although portant as well, saying, "All pro- no names havehyet been mention- gress is absolutely dependent on ed. However, there are strong in- variation." dications that Field Marshal Ab- Onerostacetdel Hakim Amer, long defense ne obstacle to gaining a proper minister and armed forces (:om- viewoin ofsuc difernce ismander-in-chief, will be moved up- prejudice, Washburne said. Of this stairs to the President's Policy thee subdiviisrion there are Council and his duties split among thre service ministers. The feeling "If my way is the Some Remain right way (and it must be the at right way if it is my way), thenmodawindEnmcAfis the other way must be the wrong mo az n cnmcAfis way isthefirt o thse.Minister Abdel Moneim El Kais- way" is thefirstof thse.n the cabinet. bdul Nasser was reported engaged nization that apparently will give nt less of a military look in favor Nasser head of a policy council new cabinet headed by his long- Nasser's announced intention to _, Me yerholz Cites Values of Fraternity Living By BARBARA LAZARUS Interfraternity Council President John Meyerholz, '63, told prospective rushees that they were "mature enough to decide for yourselves just who to listen to and who to believe" about the values of fraternity living. Speaking last night to the mass rush meeting at the Michigan Union Meyerholz said that there are many people writing and dis- cussing fraternities who have never experienced affiliated living. "They can only speculate as to its worth and to the actual facts. .'° :;"On the other hand, you have people like myself who have devoted their entire four years at college to working with and understanding fraternities." Decide for Self "I leave you to decide for yourself to whom youshould listen," " he added. Meyerholz said that to his knowledge there was no national fraternity at the University which selected its members on any other criteria besides personal merit. "This could not be said tenyears ago, but today there is little bind between the national and the local." Not True Here n -A n n -nl hanaa onnd time nolnger charac- Prejudice Imitationj Imitation of the prejudice ob- served in others (such as parents) i .t'..n! nr. flf Cl.h a *Sidky Soleiman, an engineer ex- perienced in economics, took over the Aswan Dam Ministry from