Seventy-Third Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MCH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"aa Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MARCUS Burning Deck LA BELLE FRANCE: The North and the South Beginning of the End For the Southern Die-Hards GOVERNOR ROSS Barnett stands today a beaten man. Despite all efforts to halt it, some light will shine in Mississippi soon and James A. Mere- dith will be able to register as the first Negro student at the University of Mississipip, as- suming that he is not killed first. It must not be forgotten that Meredith's life is in continual danger for he is surrounded by hate. He stands as the symbol that will shatter the Mississippi way of life which is rooted in prejudice, ignorance and hatred. Barnett will stand trial for contempt of the court order. This is the first time in history that a governor has been brought up on such charges. But this is the first time a governor. to the utmost of his power, has ever tried to undermine the federal laws. The legal implications of this hearing are hard to determine. No one is certain whether the court will sentence the governor to jail, a fine or some other form of rebuke. However, it does appear that the court will remain firm in its stand that Meredith must be allowed to register. If it should fail to uphold this stand, the foundations of our government will have re- ceived a severe blow. The federal government will have succumbed to state sovereignty at the price of its own strength. THIS LEGAL issue is of great importance to the nation. However, as individuals, our first reaction is on a moral level. The question now facing all Americans con- cerned with an end to segregation and the hideous human cruelty accompanying it is, first, who must be held responsible, and sec- ond, what must now be done? It is the common thing to assume when a great mass of people is wrong that no one, rather than everyone is to blame. It is also common to give way to big groups no matter how wrong they may be. This latter logic makes people passive when the will of such a large segment of the popu- that the federal government cannot go against facing the integration problem. They assume lation, even if this segment is blocking the rights of another large segment of the popu- lation and is undermining the very basic tenets of our government. IT MUST not be forgotten that Barnett and the school board are not going against the will of their constituency, but are the person- ifications of the people they represent. If Bar- nett and the school board were jailed, the people who would be elected to replace them would hold the same views. This does not eradicate the blame, but spreads it. The problem of blame is moral, legal and sociological. Morally, guilt lies with all Americans who believe that the color of a man's skin is sufficient cause to deny him the right to public - education. It lies with every member of the jeering crowd and equally with every integrationist who would keep silent. So- ciologically, the guilt goes back hundreds of years, embracing economics, religion, politics, and psychology. Legality enters the picture when it becomes necessary that a symbol be chosen to indentify this vague, misty, ugly human condition, so that something may be done. Justice requires that the human symbol must not be chosen arbitrarily. There are undoubtedly thousands of South- erners who heartily echo Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett's vicious innuendo against Mere- dith. The real problem lies with each and every one of them, for they are all guilty of Barnett's vow "There is no case in history where the Caucasian race has survived social integration. We will not drink from the cup of genocide." But Governor Barnett has furnished the courts of Federal law with an ideal, self- proclaimed symbol of a society's mass guilt- himself. LAW CANNOT immediately deal with the blatant guilt.of thousands of people. The legal system must punish all in one man, and let him stand as a symbol of outraged justice, to proclaim to all who follow him the irrevo- cable end of a vicious way of life. We cannot jail them all, but we can put the fear of the law into their list of social ideals. Governor. Barnett has volunteered to go to jail to defend the so-called principles of white supremacy. Let him stand by his word. May other segregationists watch and be warned. For the warning is vitally important, not only to segregationists, but to every American, because of the vast international implications of this, one of the most severe of our national shames. It has been said over and over again that every incident such as this does great damage to American sincerity all over the world. How- ever, most people do not realize its full signi- ficance. INCIDENTS LIKE this make other nations form their opinion of the integration situa- tion. None of the progress reaches people as the failures do. An overwhelming number of Europeans think that all Americans want to suppress the Negro. The African people are almost convinced that Americans hate dark people and will do noth- ing to eliminate the oppression of the Negro in this country. It is absurd to expect any cooperation and understanding from a Negro nation thus firmly convinced of our insincerity. Thus, this nation must enforce its laws and grant every citizen the rights guaranteed him in the constitution. The law and its adminis- trators must not be apologetic or lenient. It must be carried out because it is just and our nation can be only as strong as its foundation in justice. BUT IT IS most important of all that we re- alize that integration is far more than an abstract legal right. Integration will not have succeeded until the Negro is equal to the white, not only in our laws, but in our minds and hearts, as Americans and as human beings. Governor Barnett and his ilk still hold one last bastion, deep in the private consciousness of every man who believes in white supremacy. It is a stronghold that no law can touch, that no jail can stifle. The rest is up to everyone, Negro and white alike - we must conquer the segregationist mind with reason, example, and keen sensitivity before America can truly avow her stand on "liberty and justice for all." CAROLYN WINTER -MARTHA MacNEAL (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles by Daily staff members who have travelled in Eu- rope.) By GLORIA BOWLES SOUTHE RNFrance is, in some ways, much like our own south- ern United States. Montesquieu, 18th century French philosopher and founder of modern political science, says in Book 14 of "L'Esprit des Lois" that the men- tality of a man is in large part dependent on the climate in which he lives. "One has more vigor in cold climates. The people of the warm regions are as timid as old people and those of colder climates as courageous as young men," he tells as, adding that the former are more pleasure-seeking. Montesquieu's oft - repeated theory holds up: the southern French are easy-going, hospitable and friendly. An understanding of the personality traits of the resi- dents of the Midi and the Cote d'Azur is imperative to an under- standing of the political and econ- omic environment they have cre- ated in this most centralized na- tion of Europe. Paris is the over- sized head of a southern body that is weak and anaemic by compari- son; the body, says liberal Le Monde editor Jacques Fauvet, is being modernized and the head is already atomic." * * * THE PARISIANS and the farm- ers and small shopkeepers of southern France do not get along, whether they meet in Paris or in the south. The Parisian calls his compatriot lazy and uneducated; southerners have a whole reper- toire of jokes about the unscrupu- lous, ambitious Parisians. Most southern Frenchmen have been to the "big, wicked" capital. Some, like Rastignac of Balzac's Pere Goriot, go to find their for- tunes and are disappointed; more of them make the 500-mile trip armed with a thick roll of French francs. They fulfill their touristic desires, and come back when the money is gone. Though the farm- er's pride doesn't allow him to ad- mit it, these tourists are glad to be back; the bright lights, the chic and sophistication of Paris ex- hausts them and makes them un- comfortable. "C'est une ville qui tue," (it is a city which kills you) they say. * * * EVERY SUMMER there is an exodus from Paris to the coast. Almost every middle class worker, hoping to "get away from it all," packs up his family and heads for the summer home on the Riviera. These bumper-to-bumper pleasure seekers have chased away the rich, who reigned on the Cote d'Azur a generation ago. The find fellow Parisians by the thousands and little of the solitude they have sought. There is, then, Paris, and the North: this is the France that creates and progresses, "la France dynamique." Then there is anoth- er France, the France situated south of the Seine and, farther still, south of the Loire which pro- duces little and which produces it at relatively high costs: this is "la France statique." It is the France that is dying or, at the least, in decline, the France of slow social and economic reform, where are posed the most serious agricultural and industrial problems of the nation. THE MENTALITY of the south- ern French, and this present econ- omic stagnation, have interesting political manifestations. It has been said that the French nation is conservative because it is a na- tion of peasants. In 1956, these rightist tendencies found their ex- pression in an extremist move- ment, an elementary fascism that was authoritative, and violently anti-parliamentary. Poujadism -- in the beginning a pressure movement for the defense of small shopkeepers in regions of economic deelne - became a powerful party (UDCA), which scored an amazing electoral suc- cess in 1956: 2,500,000 votes and 52 Assembly seats. Perre Poujade, himself a small businessman, cam- paigned for abolition of the in- come tax and trumpeted the cause of the little man. His party was much less successful in 1958, the year of de Gaulle, when they and the UHR captured only 50,000 votes. * * * HOWEVER, the farmers are be- comng less and less conservative and more and more accessible to Socialism and Communism. One of the most rural sections of France, la Creuse, where 66 per cent of the active population is employed in agriculture, also cast more Communist votes than any other region, in France, in 1956 a total of 44 per cent. The regions south of the Laire are pro-Com- munist and Communist strength increases as one approaches the Mediterranean. Daniel Halvey, a French politi- cal scientist, argues that this re- gion has always been one of re- publican leanings, or radical or socialist, depending on the period. "A fourth word comes," he says, "Communist, Bolshevist, anarchist even, and the peasant adopts it. What's in a word? The intellec- tuals invent them. The peasants repeat them. But the sentiment which moves them come from very far off, and from themselves alone. It is a mixture of pride, suspicion and jealousy." Most of these are directed against the more pros- perous industrial north. * * * THUS, in France, there is a di- vision between an area which stag- n? tes and one which progresses. Jacques Fauvet, in "France Divid- ed , Against Itself," notes that French society is rooted in agrar- ian structures, in villages and the ships of small artisans. "The longer this archaic econ- omic structure remains, the longer the country runs the risk of revo- lution," Fauvet says, for revolu- tions are born when reforms are delayed." The southern French deserve something better. With the end of Algerian conflict and the wasteful drain on the French economy, per- haps politicians will turn to reform within the country. Hopefully, they will cast their eyes toward the sun and the sea of southern France, to the land that Picasso and Cezanne and Van Gogh found so lovely, and to its friendly peo- ple. Perhaps "la France statique" will begin to take on the look of "la France dynamique." HELSINKI FESTIVAL: Conflicting Reports Accurate The illustrious Alums (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles discussing the World Youth Festival.) By MICHAEL ZWEIG THE EIGHTH World Youth Fes- tival for Peace and Friendship is over, having ended in August amid sharp world disagreement about its real functions, its desir- ability, its honesty and its fairness to participants. A perhaps surprising fact is that almost all of the conflicting re- ports are true. The significant as- pect is that analysts who wish to "prove" a point indulge in pur- poseful selection of supporting evi- dence, and conveniently neglect important and sometimes o'er- riding evidence. The result is a misleading, monolithic, simple analysis twisted beyond recogni- tion by evidence greatly lacking in perspective. There are reports that partici- pants from certain nations (Ni- geria, Senegal, England, Hungary) were not given an opportunity to speak at seminars, yet there are reports of anti-Soviet speeches, translated honestly into six lan- guages, given by students from neutral countries as well as West- ern participants. There are reports of the large number of Communist partici- pants, and there are indications of a great many non-Communist participants who disagreed with Soviet policy. * * * ALMOST every American news- paper account of the Festival cen- tered on the demonstrations in Helsinki, yet occasionally one reads that the "riots" were not a manifestation of typical Finnish reaction to the Festival. The list of conflicting reports can be drawn much longer. Let us try to construct a com- prehensive picture of the Festival. * * * THE FESTIVAL lasted from July 29 to August 6. In those nine days were crowded som 800 sched- uled events, about 775 of which were .non-political in nature. These included athletic events, exhibitions, and competitions, in- ternational variety shows, where groups from different nations per- formed folk dances and songs rep- resentative of their national cul- ture, and performances of classi- cal music, ballet, and opera. There were national shows devoted en- tirely to cultural performances of a single nation. The United States presented such a show, as did Cuba, Poland and many others. Interspersed throughout the nine days of the Festival were about 25 political seminars, col- loquia, or other kinds of scheduled discussions of political, social and economci issues. One such collo- quium was entitled "Colloquium on the Problems of Peace and Na- tional Independence", another "The Democratization of Educa- tion," a third "Economic Plan- ning", and many more. The topics of these seminars, as well as the entire program and schedule, were drawn up by the International Preparatory Com- mittee, the overall coordinator of the Festival. The IPC was predom- inately Communist, although its membership included people from * * HE RECOMMENDATION of the University of Wisconsin Faculty Committee on Human Rights to ban Delta Gamma sorority from that campus brings a new question of local auton- omy to the fore. Previously sororities and fra- ternities faced possible demise on many cam- puses because of racial or religious discrimina- tion. Now a new force, national or alumni pres- sure, may prove to be a deciding factor. The question is strictly defined at Wiscon- sin; under the resolution passed in 1954 all sororities and fraternities must be free to de- cide upon their own membership or face ban- ishment from campus. But at the University the issue is not so clear. It is obvious that Student Government Coun- cil is not now deciding the fate of any one fra- ternity or sorority dependent upon its local autonomy. But sooner or later the question must come up since any discrimination question must probe into whether or not the local chap- ter is subject to pressures from outside sources. WHAT EXACTLY is meant by the term local autonomy is difficult to discern. A sorority or fraternity member is considered a member for life; his membership does not cease upon graduation. Therefore, alumni influence on deciding the membership practices of a local chapter is justified if one accepts this role of the "alum." But it seems as if the University of Wisconsin doesn't accept this traditional interpretation. It feels that a member of a sorority or frater- nity is a member of the group only for the period of time he spends in college; after he graduates he has no right to interfere with the affairs of that chapter. asked to register by name and na- tionality with the secretary for the seminar, who was to call the speakers in the order in which they signed up. All speeches were to be limited to ten minutes. It is here that some participants experienced discrimination. One delegate from Nigeria, having waited patiently for two days to be called to speak at the "Collo- quium on Peace and National In- dependence," burst out at the end demanding to be heard. He was told by the chair that time had run out, yet another speaker, who registered the day after the Ni- gerian, had had time allotted. The Nigerian had been passed by and not heard from, Such discrimina- tion marred many, if not all, of the political sessions, an inexcus- able occurrence and almost cer- tainly not accidental oversight. the University and out of contact for so long. Yet this is precisely what a fraternity or sor- ority alunnus is entitled to do. O UT OF contact with the life of the campus, unknown to most of the members of the particular local an alumnus can come to a fraternity or sorority house and help in the decision making process. Often, alumni do not even return to campus at all; they make their presence felt through letters or telephone calls. And there are others who join a local alumni group within an area where they live, never having gone to the particular school which is in the area or been a member of its chapter. Under such circumstances it is conceivable that an alumnus of a fraternity at a college in Oregon could join a group of alumni in the state of New York and, if he is very active in the organization, influence decisions made at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Just such alumni pressure can be felt in de- ciding upon membership and this is the ques- tion at hand. The committee at Wisconsin has concluded that with any of this kind of pres- sure the local should be barred from the cam- pus. But if this is true, then almost any fra- ternity or sorority will be liable to expulsion. IN CONSIDERING sorority or fraternity dis- crimination it is very necessary to delve into just how much pressure the alumni or the national organizations have, for if either pos- sesses a great deal of jurisdiction then mem- bership will not be decided upon individual merit but upon alumni whims. Student Government Council might do well to consider the question of local autonomy, for without it the sorority or fraternity may be THE DISCRIMINATION seemed patterned against English-speak- ing Africans such as Nigerians and Kenyans. Perhaps because those people tend to be less harsh in dis- cussing African colonialism than nationals of former French col- onies. This discrimination, reprehen- sible as it is, must be seen in the total context of opportunity for exchange of views, as well as in the light of at least some anti- Soviet, even pro-Western speeches given by neutrals at political ses- sions. Some of the 10-minute speeches I heard were descriptions, de- fenses and explanations of West- ern policy and goals, given by American, Englishmen, Dutchmen, and others from the West. I heard a Brazilian speak out against what he explained to be the "myth of Soviet aid to Brazil", and he praised the reality of Alliance for Progress. A woman from Ceylon and a student from Denmark called for honesty on both sides, and an im- mediate end to nuclear testing. There was serious castigation of the Soviet decision to resume nu- clear testing. In short, a wide range of political views were ex- pressed, although all who would have liked to express them were not allowed to do so. * * * BUT TO look at the political seminars alone is to look at a rather small segment of the time in which political matters were discussed. Participants often met in the streets of Helsinki, intro- duced themselves, found a com- mon language or translator, and began talking. Often people met at cultural events, and discussed serious questions. The Interna- tional Students' Center was an- other locus of personal tete-a- tetes where individuals met at random or sought one another out to exchange ideas and explain is- sues. In these meetings there were no imposed bars, no discriminations, and no restrictions on what might be said. Many more hours were spent informally than at the more s t r u c t u r e d seminars - which heightens the significance of these free and unstructured meetings to the total communication at the Festival. Tf is - - u- ir-wnfr- +^v e f n r_ very exaggerated and boringly repetitive. Even Western speakers often felt themselves forced to speak equally unintelligently in relation to So- viet policy or in defense of our own. Africans particularly were dis- appointed by the lack of real analysis and constructive, intelli- gent debate, and to a lesser or greater degree almost all partici- pants agreed that the scheduled seminars were in fact almost worthless to attend from an in- tellectual standpoint. * * * ANOTHER source of contact, personal although organized, were the inter-delegation meetings, at which members of one national delegation visited another nation's delegation, mixed freely and dis- cussed any topic which came up. Americans met on such terms with "Russians, Germans from both sides, North Vietnamese and other students from Eastern as well as neutral nations. These meetings were 'often the scene of serious discussion and explanation of issues as both sides saw them. All public schools in the greater Helsinki area were converted into dormitory quarters. The advantage was clean, not uncomfortable liv- ing; the great disadvantage was considerable dispersion of people throughout a large area, THIS PHYSICAL separation of delegation headquarters by large distances, not a feature of any ed by almost all participants. Some previous festival, was disappoint- ing to us in the suburbs, and not- political implications were perhaps justifiably attached to the actual placement of the delegations. The demonstrations which took place the first four evenings of the Festival cannot be forgotten, but again are in desperate need of context if they are to be under- stood. Unquestionably, the majority of the Finnish population was op- posed to the staging of the Festi- val in Helsinki. The Soviet govern- ment, through economic pressures, managed to convince the Finnish government to allow it. Faced with the fait accompli, the great majority of the Finns resigned themselves to the fact and perhaps anxiously awaited the end of the Festival. A SMALL group of Finnish youth, however, staged violent demonstrations against the pres- ence of Communists in Helsinki. Time Magazine reports 140 Finns arrested, but the New York Times adds the important fact that all. were under eighteen years old. The Finnish people received the Festi- val with resignation and indiffer- ence, but they received the parti- cipants as individuals with kind- ness and openness. The violent acts of a few drunk- en teen-agers distorts the resigna- tion which was the attitude of the Finnish people, and to point con- tinually to the violence as indica- tive of popular mood not only overstates the real opposition, but is a disservice to the Finnish peo- ple, who acted with dignity in the face of an unwanted Festival foist- ed nnn them bh internatinnd To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL by Miss Ruth Hetmanski c o n c e r h i n g me which appeared in The Michigan Daily September 18, has occa- sioned me no little astonishment and chagrin. Miss Hetmanski, evi- dently a young woman of integ- rity who merely got her facts bad- ly confused, has had the goodness to write me a letter of profuse apology. Lest some of your readers remain impressed by the original ' editorial, however, allow me to en- lighten you and them with the fol- lowing brief set of facts. I was one of many scholars who played some considerable part in the preparation of the N.A.A.C.P. brief in the now celebrated school segregation cases of 1954. This gave me an opportunity to work rather closely with Thurgood Mar- shall over an interval of several months in the fall of 1953. Last December at the annual meeting of the American Historical Asso-' ciation I read a paper describing in some detail the process of the preparation of the N.A.A.C.P.'s school brief that fall. My paper made it entirely clear that the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board was, in the opinion of the author, an eminently sound and just one. I praised Thurgood Mar- shall virtually to the skies as a great American who would take his place in history as one of the principal public figures of our times. And because I thought I was addressing solely a group of historians, I told a number of very affectionate anecdotes about Mar- shall, none of which, when con- sidered in context, reflected in the' slightest fashion on his character, personality, integrity or ability. I had hoped after careful revi- sion to publish this paper for an - -a1r1%A itinnn t m rorsn LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Marshall Appointment THEREAFTER, certain South- erners in the Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee charged with the consideration of Marshall's ap- pointment as a judge of the United States Court of Appeals, secured possession of the paper and used the distorted version as a pretext for their opposition to Marshall's confirmation. To do this, they were obliged to pull quotations out of context and to mangle and dis- tort completely the paper's basic theme. In furtherance of their pursuit, I was presently subpoe- naed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. I at once prepared a statement which strongly condemned and ridiculed the Committee's proce- dure and reaffirmed my faith in Thurgood Marshall's integrity and ability. To reassure certain wor- ried N.A.A.C.P. officials in New York, I communicated my state- ment to them. They in turn ex- pressed complete approval of what I planned to say. In a sense, the entire incident was a piece of nonsense from be- ginning to end. The Southern senators in the Judiciary Com- mittee were privately assuring their Northern colleagues that they would allow Marshall's ap- pointment to go out on the Senate floor as soon as the principal Southern primaries were over. In other words, they did not expect to change any votes - they were merely putting on an act for the benefit of their constituents. My appearance before their Commit- tee was merely part of that show. In the last analysis, the South- ern stratav hnkfired hadlv The my . permission, paper at length tailored to fit its purposes. published the but carefully own "peculiar" ,,.. I I I