Ci I r
41Iat ii
Showers ending this morning,
fair, slightly cooler tonight.
See Page 4
Years of Editorial Freedom
Reveais Compliance to State Speaker I
Communists Banned
By Legislative Action
Hilberry Describes Rule as 'Interim'
Until Co-ordinating Council Meets
Wayne State University announced Sunday that it will comply
with a resolution by the state Legislature which asserts that "the ap-
pearance of Communists at state-supported universities . . . is con-
trary to the public policy of the state of Michigan."
A letter from WSU President Clarence Hilberry to the legislators
stated the new policy. It requires groups inviting a non-WSU speak-
Views Clash
Over Bylaw
Tentative revisions in By-law
8.11 approved by the Regents last
Friday has divided people con-
cerned with the University's
speaker policy into two camps:
those who feel the proposed by-
law change is adequate and those
who feel it is a total disappoint-
ment and an attempt to pacify
the Legislature, at the same time
making the University appear to
be a "liberal, academic" commun-
Both groups feel the suggested
changes are necessary and repre-
sent, at least in part, a substantial
improvement over the present con-
troversial bylaw.
Among faculty members, there
was some concern that the Re-
gents' action agreed with the rec-
ommendations given University
President Harlan Hatcher last se-
mester by a committee appointed
to investigate and suggest changes
in the bylaw.
Close Correspondence
However, Prof. Samuel Estep of
the law school, who headed the
committee, indicated that the Re-
gents' proposal corresponds very
closely with the recommendations
submitted in the committee's re-
He indicated that he was satis-
fied with the proposed bylaw, and
said he felt it allowed for aca-
demic freedom at the University.
Most Student Government
Council members have maintained
some interest in the bylaw issue:
seven Council members were pres-
ent at the Friday Regents meet-
Generally Pleased
Union President Robert A. Finke
'63, who last week proposed a suc-
cessful motion asking that the Re-
gents modify Bylaw 8.11, was gen-
erally pleased with the Regents'
He said he approves of the ac-
tion because the motion prohibits
speeches which advocate unlaw-
ful changes in "our form of gov-
ernment - the Regents have real-
ized that freedom of speech does
not include license to act contrary
to law and urge freedom's de-
struction, even in an academic
Finke added that he felt the by-
law adequately protected academ-
ic freedom, and expressed his de-
sire for SGC to issue a statement
of commendation on the Regents'
" Not Adequate"
Unlike Finke, Robert Ross, '63,
felt that the bylaw "clearly is not
adequate. I don't think this bylaw
is any way less restrictive than
the other. In fact, it should be
condemned as being more restric-
"It seems naive of President
Hatcher, or whoever engineered
this, to say that an American
Communist will be able to speak
here, and expect this to satisfy
the state Legislature. I'm rather
glad they made certain changes
like the abolishment of pre-cen-
sorship, but the Regents' position
doesn't answer many of the ques-
tions brought up by a speaker ban
such as University autonomy and
the University's responsibility tc
the Legislature."
SGC president Steven Stock-
Meyer, '63, agreed almost entirely
with Finke, but he felt no motion
of condemnataion was necessary
"since the action Wednesday night
indicated SGC's position. We have
indirectly, already commended
ommended banning the fraternity
and the faculty and the Univer-
sci+y of Wroensin Regents, unheld
" er to talk at WSU to "state that
their study of his background and
experience provides no proof that
his appearance would be in con-
flict with the concurrent Resolu-
tion" of the Legislature.
Hilberry emphasized that the
newly-announced WSU policy is
only an "interim one". It will be
in effect only until the Michigan
Co-ordinating Council for Higher
Education, which has appointed a
committee to formulate a speak-
er policy for all of the state's col-
leges and universities, reaches a
decision. At this time, WSU will
likely reconsider its whole speaker
policy, Hilberry said.
"It does not seem to us that we
should attempt to review our
whole speaker policy while the Co-
ordinating Council has this under
complete and thorough review,"
he commented.
In Ann Arbor, University offi-
cials have not announced that
they will comply with the Legisla-
ture's resolution.
University President Harlan
Hatcher said Friday night that the
new Regents' policy on non-Uni-
versity speakers, which prohibits
only the advocacy of violation of
national, state or University regu-
lations, would not prevent a prop-
erly-calendared talk by a Com-
munist on this campus, if the
speaker did not advocate any of
the prohibited actions.
This indicates that the Univer-
sity does not intend to comply
with the Legislature's resolution
that Communists should be
banned from speaking solely on
the grounds that they are Com-
Hilberry explained why WSU
had complied even though the
University had riot. He pointed out
that both institutions are estab-
lished by provisions in the State
Constitution, and as such are free
from most direct legislative con-
trol over policymaking. Thus, he
noted, the Legislature's resolution
"is not a law. No legal compulsion
is involved."
However, WSU's constitutional
status is slightly different from
the University's and, as a result;
"your Regents can exert certain
kinds of leadership that no one
can expect WSU's Board of Gov-
ernors to exert," Hilberry said.
WSU Director of Public Rela-
tions Frank X. Tuohey discussed
the manner in which WSU would
apply this decision to specific
"We have said that we would
decide each case on its individual
merits. We will try to co-operate
with the Legislature as far as pro-
hibiting people who advocate the
violent overthrow of the govern-
ment," Tuohey said.
Speakers who meet these criteria
would be allowed to appear, he
He noted two vague aspects of
the Legislature's resolution which
will make WSU's 'decision on in-
dividual speakers difficult.
First, the resolution asks that
See WSU's Page 2
Wisconsin Committee
Recommends DG Ban
ippi Board
Court Sees Contempt
InRegistration Delaly
Barnett Gais State Judicial Order
Baring Enrolellet of First Negro
NEW ORLEANS (R)-Under threat of court contempt, the
Mississippi State College Board last night agreed to enroll
James H. Meredith, a Negro, in all-white University of Missis-
The 5th United States Circuit Court of Appeals set 4 p.m.
today for his registration.
Meredith would be the first Negro admitted as a student
at Mississippi in 114 years.
The Faculty Committee on Hu-
man Rights at the University of
Wisconsin recommended that Del-
ta Gamma be banned from the
campus since it did not have local
autonomy in membership selec-
The committee, consisting of
three faculty members and two
students, decided that Delta Gam-
ma had interference from its na-
tional organization which is con-
trary to the "1960 clause" which,
is university policy. (The clause
states that no fraternity or sor-
ority may refuse to pledge a stu-
dent because of race, color, sect
or creed.)
The committee noted that all
social organizations (by which it
means fraternities and sororities)
should have "complete autonomy
Deems Data
Student Goveinment Council
President Steven "tockmeyer, '63,
ruled Delta Sigma Theta sorority's
membership statement "totally
adequate" yesterday following re-
cepit of additions to the original
The action decreased the num-
ber of fraternities and sororities
who have failed to file adequate
statements to f i v e sororities.
Stockmeyer said that he believed
the delay in receiving an adequate
statement f r o m Delta Sigma
Theta was due to an ignorance on
the part of the group as to what
SGC required.
The sorority is the second to
have submitted an adequate state-
ment after the date it was due.
The other sorority which turned
in an adequate statement after
the deadline was Gamma Phi
I U Supends
Three Students
By The Associated Press
Three students had been sus-
pended, 70 others disciplined, and
five fraternities placed on proba-
tion in a scandal involving steal-
ing and peddling of examination
questions, Indiana University an-
nounced yesterday.
Dean of Students Robert Shaffer
said that the final examination
questions in a sophomore econom-
ics course were stolen last May,
and that the suspensions came
after a summer-long investigation.
in the nomination and selection of
members . . ." It concluded that
Delta Gamma did'not have such
autonomy on the basis of action
taken at Beloit College, Beloit,
(During the summer the Beloit
Delta Gamma local was suspend-
ed by the national for violations
of minor rules. The suspension
came one month after the chapter
had pledged a Negro woman and
Mrs. Russell Nash, an alumna of
the sorority, charged that the im-
mediate action was due to a dis-
criminatory policy.)
A letter was sent from Delta
Gamma national to the Wisconsin
committee, Jeffery Greenfield, edi-
tor of the Daily Cardinal, said
yesterday to The Daily. "The let-
ter in a sense was a waiver in that
it exempted Delta Gamma from
any national interference in mem-
bership selection."
However, the faculty committee
decided that the letter was mean-
ingless since under the "1960
clause" the sorority should have.
already had autonomy in member-
ship selection and shouldn't have
needed a waiver, he explained.
Martha Davenport, president of
the Wisconsin chapter, told the
Daily Cardinal that the recom-
mendation of the committee was
drawn up without the knowledge
of the student members of the
committee (Greenfield said that
all five members. of the commit-
tee signed the report), that "Del-
ta Gamma did not receive a fair
hearing" and that the Beloit
chapter case was not relevant to
the Wisconsin chapter.
The faculty committee's report
will be voted on by the entire fac-
ulty next Monday. Usually the
faculty goes along with this com-
mittee's recommendations, Green-
field said. He noted that last year
Phi Delta Theta was banned from
the campus and forced "to go
local" under similar circumstances.
Seeks Better
BELGRADE (')-President Tito
said yesterday that differences
with Moscow should not hinder a
bettering of relations between his
Communist regime and the Soviet
Tito said his views are identi-
cal with those of Moscow on what
he called a series o2 essential in-
ternational questions. He told vis-
iting Soviet President Leonid Brez-
hnev, "I believe that I share your
opinion that there exists mutual
sincere readiness as regards fur-
ther advancement of mutual rela-
-Daily-Frederlck Kleinhaus
CITY HALL STAND-Demonstrators stand outside city councilE
meeting in a "vigil for fair housing legislation." The Ann Arbor
Fair Housing Association hopes to persuade the council to act
in the matter which has been left floating for several years.
Appoint City Committee
1o Compose Housing Bill
City Council, meeting as a committee-of-the-whole last night,
decided to set up a committee to draft fair housing legislation in its
regular meeting next week.
The action came as about 50 picketers for the Ann Arbor Fair
Housing Association took part in a peaceful demonstration outside
City Hall.
The Association wishes the council "to take effective steps to
implement the unanimous recommendations of the Human Relations
Commission to the council that{
it adopt a fair housing law."
The subcommittee that the city
council will set up in its next ses-
sion till consider recommenda-
tions made by HRC and the extent
to whiph they will be used in pass-
ing on its own recommendations.
Council decided further to set
up a commission to examine the
report and suggestions of the Ann
Arbor Citizens' Council subcom-
mittee to review the city govern-
ment as operating under the re-
vised charter of 1956.
The committee, consisting in
part of Prof. Arthur W. Bromage
of the political science department,
Professors Paul G. Kauper, Rus-
sell A. Smith and Charles W. Join-
er of the law school, concentrated
its report on the office of city ad-
ministrator, held currently by Guy
It recommended the city admin-
istrator be given direct appointive
power over subordinates respon-
sible to him, that his authority
over personnel administration be
clarified and strengthened, that he
be given power to "prepare" and
not simply to "assemble" budgets,
and that the assessor and treasur-
er be made responsible to him
rather than the mayor.
Soviets Stall
Tax, Abolition;
Cite Arms Cost
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet gov-
ernment yesterday announced sus-
pension of its tax, abolition pro-
gram, explaining that it needs
more money for defense.
The bad news for taxpayers;
came in a decree putting off tax
exemptions scheduled for this
year. It said they were suspended
until further notice.
The decree was published with
a long explanatory editorial by the
government newspaper Izvestia.
The brief decree said the action
was being taken "in connection
with the intensification . of the
aggressive schemes of imperialism
and the necessity for strengthen-
ing the defensive capacity of the
Soviet Union.
The order postponing tax re-
ductions, scheduled to go into ef-'
fect Oct. 1, affected taxpayers
earning from 60 to 70 rubles
monthly who were to have become
tax exempt on that date.
Jackson Site
The board offered to register Meredith at Jackson, the
Mississippi state capital which is 150 miles closer to New Or-
leans than is the University of>
Mississippi campus at Oxford.
Meredith's attorneys agreed.
But thes.e agreements did not
take into account Gov. Ross Bar-
nett of Mississippi, who has sworn
to go to jail rather than enroll a
Negro in a Mississippi school.
Barnett Action
During the day, when the college
board was being forced into ac-
tion, Barnett did these things:
1) Got astate court order for-
bidding university officials from
enrolling Meredith and Meredith
from trying to enroll; and
2) Issued an executive order '
which orders state police to ar-
rest anyone who tries to arrest
or fine a state official,
Long Hearing
Just before the long hearing in
New Orleans ended, the Mississip-
pi highway patrol announced a 24-
hour standby alert. It didn't say JAMES MEREDITH
Swhy . . may enroll
Meredith told newsmen after the. a
hearing: "I've been admitted a lot
of times before." LIBER ALIZE'
A Justice Department spokes-
man said the department had-been
advised of the board's agreement
and he added: tsl n
"We're making arrangements for Erollm ent.
Meredith to register."At
Asked whether this meant Atty. Credit Rules
Gen. Robert F. Kennedy was tele-i
phoning Barnett as he had done
several tins in recent oays in an By GERALD STORCH
attempt to settle the controversy,
the departme~nt spokesman said "I Provisions regarding cross-en-
rollment and transfer of credit in
can't ,ay at this tiY1 , the state's graduate schools may
'Staggering Blow' be liberalized at today's meeting
Mississippi Atty. Gen. Joe Pat- of the Michigan Council of State
terson said, "a great institution in College Presidents.
Mississippi has bee-i dealt a stag- Before the group will be a pro-
geri g onstitutional rights of posal which would allow cross-en-
"ThecosttuenalrgthsUniofrollment privileges for "formally
over 5,000 stidents at the Univer- admitted students of the cooperat-
sity of Mississippi have been ig- ing collegiate institutions" and
nored to gratify the pretended con- would permit up to 40 percent of
stitutional rights of one," Patter- the required credit hours for mas-
son said. ter's degree programs to be earned
Judge Elbert P. Tuttlehof At- at other institutions within the
lanta, Ga., Iresiding, said the court state.
found the board members did "wil- If the changes are sanctioned
fully ani intentionalily violate" the by the council. they would also
Meredith desegregation order. have to be approved by the grad-
No Order uate school executive council and
"However," he added, "no or- the Regents before having any ef-
der is being entered immediately fect on the University.
regarding their guilt." Alter Rulings
Judge Tuttle then asked if the
members were "ready and willing The proposal, formulated last
to take such action to comply with year by the Michigan Coordinat-
the injunction."f ing Council of State College Field
Board Chairman Tom Tubb, Services, would alter considerably
speaking for the 12 members of the current rulings, but would
the 13-member board who were probably carry little real weight
present, told the court the board upon enrollment, Dean Ralph A
will comply with any o der of the Sawyer of the graduate school said
court. last night.
One of the 13 members was hos- "Everybody would like to see
pitalized in Jackson, Miss. But he more freedom of exchange" among
confirmed by telephone that he the state colleges, he said.
would join the other 12 in their Little Participation
action.h But the University's most un-
Robert B Ellis, registrar, one restrictive credit transfer arrange-
of three top Mississippi officials ment at present-a program al-
also summoned to the hearing, was lowing graduate students here and
instructed to register Meredith no at Wayne State University to take
later than 4 p.m. today. one third (eight hours) of required
The court -at first put a noon courses at either institution with-
deadline on action by the board out formal admission or additiona
showing its compliance with the fees-is elected by "only 10 or 12
'U' Student Aids Dancer Escape from Communists
The young Hungarian dancer who fled daringly to the West from
amid a Communist escort this weekend has come home to Ann Arbor.
Emese Szklenkay is safe in the home of her brother-in-law Ste-
phen Dinka, a laboratory technician and doctoral candidate in the
public health school. It is far from her native Budapest, from Paris and
the tightly guarded Hungarian ballet and folk dance troupe from
which Dinka helped Miss Szklenkay to escape last week.
In a news conference at his home yesterday, Dinka told of the
harrowing defection and of Miss Szklenkay's flight from Communist
He had escaped Communist rule in Hungary himself with his
wife during the 1956 revolution, and it was he who engineered the
fast-moving rescue operation with the help of a metropolitan Detroit
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