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September 23, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-23

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Nebraska ....53 Purdue.......
South Dakota 0 Washington ...


Northwestern .37
S. Carolina . ..20

Indiana ..
Kansas St.

... 0

Missouri ..

....21 USCe
.... 10 1 Duke


Penn State f...

41 Slippery Rock 21
7 Delaware .....12



. .. ....0 .

See Page 4


Sir iArn

Awomqqwp -

Cool in morning,
cool tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Guido Forces Attack Capital,
President Proclaims Victory

ATO Chapter Fails at Congress;


Chi Situation Clarified

BUENOS AIRES (P) - Military
forces supporting President Jose
Maria Guido hit Buenos Aires with
lightning air and ground attacks
yesterday and wrested control of
the capital.
The president proclaimed a vic-
tory for forces that rebelled
against military control of the
His announcement came only
six hours after tanks routed anti-
Guido troops from the heart of
the city and air force jets bombed
others camped in a city park.
In Control
The announcement said troops
favoring a return to constitutional
government and early elections
were in control throughout the
nation. Tle president said mili-
tary operations had ended.
One of the leaders of the anti-
Guido forces was reported under
arrest. Gen. Bernardino Labayru,
army chief of staff, was being
held by grenadiers in Buenos Aires.
The other, Gen. Juan Carlos Lorio,
army commander-in-chief, was
reported to have fled.
Announcement Reads
Guido's terse announcement
"Military operations in the fed-

eral capital and greater Buenos
Aires as well as in the major part
of the nation have terminated. The
troops that dominate the situa-
tion obey the government and
have established necessary con-
tacts with security forces to
achieve maintenance of order.
"We ask and recommend (that
the public take) the greatest pru-
dence in an effort to avoid un-
fortunate incidents that might
provoke new and lamentable con-
sequences at a time when the mili-
tary situation has been overcome."
Tank Columns
During the day, tank columns
of pro-Guido army leader Gen.
Juan Carlos Ongania rumbled into
the city and struck at opposition
forces in Constitution Plaza.
Shortly afterward, jets bombed
most of the rebels into submission.
This left only a few holdouts in
another park and at the war sec-
retariat. They surrendered last
night, ending all opposition in the
Orders Arrest
Presidential sources said Guido
-until now pretty much a front
for military decision-makers-had
ordered the arrests of all military


j W



... in command again

L egislative Group Designs
Military Procurement Plans
The Joint Legislative Committee on Economic Development,
which met Friday and Saturday, concurred in setting up programs
designed to make Michigan employers more aware of opportunities
for military procurement contracts, Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), committee chairnan, said yesterday.
The meetings, which took place at the Army Mobility Command
in Sterling Township near Detroit and the University's Dearborn

.. keeps trying

4,Center, then concluded with a tour
of the Toledo port area, included
a report from Prof. Joseph Crafton
of the Dearborn Center which em-
phasized the role of University re-
search in the economy of the
"In the long run, research is the
most important factor in develop-
ing space and electronics industry
in the state."
Near Christmas
Bursley also announced that the
committee has asked the Chamber
of Commerce to set up a number
of meetings beginning in Decem-
ber to disseminate knowledge on
procuring defense contracts.
"There has been case after case
where, if Michigan businessmen
had known the proper procedure,
they could have obtained army
procurement contracts," Bursley
"The army officers with whom
we met were very frank about
army procurement; it is not ter-
ribly profitable. But they can help
many factories, especially those
in cyclical industries, round out
production schedules and at least
save them the costly loss of paying
large amounts for unemployment
compensation and for being shut
More Jobs
"Most importantly, they will
help to maintain full employ-
Bursley suggested the December
date because by then a survey on
defense procurement, being done
by Prof. Crafton, will be done
and the election will be past re-
moving any "political" tone the
meetings might have.
Another survey, dealing with the
machine tool industry in the state
will still be incomplete.

chiefs who opposed Ongania's re-
The president ordered his cab-
inet into permanent session but
beforehand accepted the resigna-
tions of defense minister Adolfo
Lanus and Interior Minister Car-
los Adrogue - both of whom ac-
cused Guido of siding with On-
gania from the start.
Guido named Economic Minis-
ter Alvaro Alsogaray to take on the
additional post of Acting Interior
Minister. He named-Bonifacio Del
Carril Foreign Minister and or-
dered him to take off immediately
for New York to attend the United
Nations General Assembly session
and later to go to Washington for
informal talks by hemisphere for-
eign ministers on Soviet military
aid to Cuba.
Reports from Salta, 770 miles
northwest of Buenos Aires, said
Gen. Federico Toranzo Montero
continued fighting against pro-
Guido forces. But the newspaper
La Nacion said it received a tele-
gram from him saying he was
placing his forces at Guido's dis-
Romney, lNunn
Argue Issues
On UAW Show
By The Associated Press
Republican gubernatorial candi-
date George Romney and United
Auto Workers' television commen-
tator Guy Nunn taped a half-hour
long television show in an ex-
change of angry charges.
The program, which will ap-
pear tonight, is regularly sponsor-
ed by the UAW. Romney asked to
appear after his Democratic op-
ponent Gov. John B. Swainson
spoke on the Sept. 16 show.
Romney, in answer to charges
made by his opponent, said that
Swainson, in the 1960 gubernator-
ial campaign had refused to ex-
plain what his tax program was
while Romney's Citizens for Mich-
igan had come out in favor of a
fiscal reform plan based on an in-
come tax.
Speaking on the recent fight in
the Legislature over the income
tax, he said, "I certainly didn't
want to block fiscal reform in the
He categorically denied the
charge that he had run away from
the fight in the, Legislature at that
He also added "I have never in
my life said that the AFL-CIO is a

Action Taken
In Sunmmer
Assert Compliance !
With Regents Bylaw }
"Clarification" was made at
Lambda Chi Alpha's national con-
vention this summer to make it
clear that each chapter has the
right to select members on the
basis of personal merit only, local
Lambra Chi President Roderick
Johnson, '63A&D, said yesterday.
He declined to divulge the exact
nature of this "strengthening"
from the entire national frater-
nity, but noted that, as a result,1
"further clarification" was made1
afterwards on the chapter's state-
ment concerning membership se-I
lection criteria that are on file in
the Office of Student Affairs.
"It is and has been our opinionc
that we are in perfect compliance"c
with Regents' Bylaw 2.14, Johnson
said; "we have had no need to
change" any of the selection prac-i
Campus Image
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent John Meyerholz, '63 BAd, a
member of Lambda Chi, said the
need for the clarification was
spurred by overall campus concern
about discriminatory clauses in
He hoped this action would dis-
pel allegations that Lambda Chi
possessed racial and religious re-
strictions in its ritual.
This, charge first became public
last December, when the Brown
University chapter reportedly ap-
plied for a waiver after consider-
able "pressures" by student organ-
izations there.i
Raps Sational
According to an article in the
Brown Daily Herald, the chapter
scored its national fraternity for
"the most blatant hypocrisy in
excluding from membership those
of non-Caucasian and Semitic
This report in turn led to spec-'
ulation here that the fraternity
would face possible punitive action
from Student Government Coun-
cil as it began to probe into viola-
tions of the anti-discrimination
Meyerholz, however, deplored
these "misconceptions." He said
that the Brown local, like the
University's chapter, had merely
asked its national for a clarifying
interpretation of some of Mne
wording in its membership selec-
tion provisions.
"They couldn't have asked for
a waiver; there is nothing for
them to get a waiver from," he
Meyerholz also noted that there
has been no contact yet from
SGC's Committee on Membershipj
in Student Organizations.
AEC Announces
Portable A-Plantt
IDAHO FALLS (p)-The Atomici
Energy Commission said yesterday
it has produced electricity from
a nuclear power plant that can
be moved on a truck and can run
for a year without refueling. I

Mississippi Case Co

United States Fifth Circuit Court
of Appeals yesterday ordered three
top University of Mississippi offi-
cials to appear at a contempt
hearing here tomorrow - along
with the state college board-in
the James H. Meredith desegrega-
tion case.
The appeals court acted after
the United States Justice Depart-
ment and attorneys for the 29-
year-old Negro filed separate pe-
titions asking that the three off i-
cials also be made parties to the
hearing-ordered after Meredith
was denied admission to the all-
white school.
The board's contempt hearng
had been set before acquittal of
the three officials came late Fri-
day in federal court in Meridian,
United States District Judge
Sidney Mize held that the state
college board-officially the board
of trustees for institutions of high-
er learning- .had sole power to
enforce the court's order direct-
ing Meredith's admission to the
New Center
Establishment of the Center for
Research on Learning and Teach-
ing. approved by the Regents at
their meeting Friday, is quickly
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns said yes-
terday that all the paper work is
being taken care of, and that it
actually had started before the
Regents took formal action on the
Prof. Stanford C. Erikson was
appointed director of the center
at the Friday session. Heyns noted
that his office is still looking for
a professional colleague who would
be Prof. Erikson's assistant.
Still Looking
Although space for the center
has not definitely been selected,
Heyns indicated that it would
probably be housed in a building
formerly used by the Center for
Programmed Learning on Hill St.
The budget established for the
center and not yet released also
provides for some secretarial help
and funds for supplies and equip-
ment. In the beginning the profes-
sional staff is to consist of four to
five persons.
It is expected that the center,
whose aim is to provide maximum
assistance to the University facul-
ty in their task of providing effec-
tive instruction, will carry on re-
search and experimental work
supported by governmental and
foundation grants.
The 'new center is to have very
close connections with the Bureau
of Examinations and Evaluations
of the Institute for Human Ad-
justment, both of which will study
teaching and learning.
No specific functions have been
assigned to the center, as it is
felt that it will evolve into an in-
stitution with a broad and flexible
range of activities.

"]y /' 0
n / . ti. 1 ttes

Ordered to appear at a second
contempt hearing were Chancellor
John D. Williams, Liberal Arts
Dean Arthur B. Lewis and Regis-
trar Robert B. Lewis.
The order directed the board
and the school officials to show
cause why they should not be
held in civilian contempt for their
failure to comply with the court's
previous ruling ordering Mere-
dith's admission.
Meredith, whose attempt to en-
ter the 114-year-old university
was. personally blocked by Gov.
Ross Barnett Thursday, has drop-

ped out of sight for the moment.
In an interview with a New
York radio station, Meredith said
he may be in New Orleans to-
morrow in connection with the
On the campus at Oxford, the
opinion among students remain-
ing on the campus over the week-
end was that any danger of clos-
ing the university was apparently
'Mize's dismissal of contempt'
charges against the three officials
brought a happy mood to many

-AP Wirephoto
CONFERENCE-Gov. Ross Barnett, left, stands with Lt. Gov.
Paul Johnson at the state capitol, where the state legislature re-
cently passed a law designed to keep Negro James Meredith out of
the University of Mississippi.
end RacialI Segregation
In Nne tats' olleges
By The Associated Press
Racial segregation has ended at state-supported colleges and uni-
versities in nine Southern states during a slow, often grudging and
unwilling transition marked by few bursts of trouble.
More than 2,000 Negroes are enrolled this term at formerly white
colleges and universities in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Vir-
ginia, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. Only three
E'islands of resistance remain -_

Efforts Fail
To Gain Votes
For Aid Bill
WASHINGTON (R)-Rep. Albert
H. Quie (R-Minn) said late Fri-
day efforts to gain support of
House Republicans for the federal
aid for colleges bill have failed.
But he said Sen. Wayne Morse
(D-Ore), chairman of the Senate-
House Conference Committee on
the bill, should call another ses-
sion so House Republicans could
try to save some of the bill.
In his view, Quie said, the col-
lege bill could not pass the House
with the student-aid provision in
it. But he_ said there might be a
chance to save the classroom con-
struction and aid to junior colleges
Than a Doornail
Senate sources in touch with the
situation said they believe the bill
is dead. The House Friday re-
jected 214-186 the conference re-
port on the measure.
Quie said efforts by Sen. Jacob
K. Javits (R-NY) to gain support
of Republican House members for
the measure had failed but said
Morse had a duty to call back the
conference for another try.
This same plea was made ear-
lier in the day in a letter to Morse
by GOP Representatives Quie, Car-
roll D. Kearns of Pennsylvania and
Charles E. Goodell of New York.

Rusk To Meet
With Gromyko
At Assembly
was a live issue yesterday as Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk headed
for New York City to confer with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
Gromyko and others here for the
United Nations General Assembly.
But it was all words and no
action. The United States on the
one hand and Cuba and the So-
viet Union on the other exchanged
charges in the Assembly's general
debate. But none of them made
any move to get a special debate
such as would give the charges
more prominence.
An official source disclosed that
Cuban chief delegate Mario Gar-
cia-Inchaustegui had put himself
down to speak. Oct. 1.

Clause Stays
After Fight
At Meeting
'U' Delegation Heads
Attempt at Revision;
See Progress Ahead
At its recent national congress,
the University chapter of Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity lost by the
4w'rest of margins an attempt to
elinnate all discriminatory claus-
es frd'n its national constitution.
Local eresident John McConnell,
'63E, noted last night that there
was pressure for change from
several groups at the congress.
"Different groups gave varying de-
grees of support to the fight for
removal; our delegation was one
of the three or four most active."
He named the University of
British Columbia, the University
of California at Berkeley, and
Middlebury College in Vermont as
ATO chapters with which he was
in constant cuntact
Chances Improve
McConnell, while disappointed
that the motions for change didn't
pass this tinie, is certain the
clauses will be gone within four
years. In fact, there is little doubt
in his mind that they will be voted
out at the next congress, to be
held in the fall of 1964.
"The national is very much
aware of the changing situation
More important, the rjouthern
chapters, which have beei mainly
responsible for keeping the clat ses
in, are beginning to uriderstand
that they must go. A breakdown
of last montn's votes shows sr
prising support from even deep
South ATO's."
McConnell's interest in eliminat-
ing the clauses does not stem from
a primary concern for bringing
ATO into compliance with Regents
Bylaw 2.14, which forbids discrim-
ination on the f art of student or-
Received Waiver
Local ATO receiveda waiver
from the national last fall allow-
ing it to ignore the constitutional
requirement limiting membership
to "white males of the Christian
"Our waiver is good," McConnell
says. "Our status as a student or-
ganization is not in doubt.
"Nevertheless, our chapter has
always wanted to see the clause
removed as soon as possible. The
chapter officially charged us to
work for its elimination P t the
congress, even though we have the
Students Hear
Candidates Vie
On Cuba Issue
FLINT () - The sharpest ex-
changes yet in a series of face-
to-face appearances of candidate's
for Michigan's congressman-at-
large came Friday - both before
student audiences.
At Flint Junior College, Demo-
crat Neil Staebler attacked Repub-
lican Alvin Bentley's suggestion
that United States ships - as a
last resort - blockade Cuba to cut
off her supply of war goods.
Staebler called the idea "a fool-
hardy position on Cuba that would
amount to a declaration of war on
Russia. Invasion of Cuba is not
the answer," Staebler said. "Let's
not push the panic button."
Take Turns
Staebler had the last turn at
the rostrum in the session before

an audience of- high school debate
students, and Bentley had to wait
until later in the day to answer.
The question was re-opened be-
fore 300 students who filled a lec-
ture room at the University's Flint
Bentley said any act taken
against Cuba should be with in-
ter-American cooperation if at all

South Carolina, Alabama and Mis-
sissippi. And the latter now is in-
volved in a fight over this issue.
One of First
Paradoxically, one of the first.
schools desegregated in the south
was the University of Arkansas at
Fayetteville. It removed racial re-
strictions prior to World War II'
and long before the bitter fight
over desegregation of a Little Rock
high school.
Texas, with its numerous col-
leges, leads the South in the num-
ber of Negroes attending desegre-
gated schools. Negro enrollment in
that state is estimated at more
than 1,000.
Kentucky, based on last year's
enrollment of 422, would be sec-
ond although figures aren't avail-
able for the current term.
Sharp Pattern
Louisiana - next-door neigh-
bor to Mississippi - reflects the
sharp pattern cut by state lines in
the deep South. There are more
than 300 Negroes attending for-
merly white Louisiana State Uni-
versity in New Orleans and Baton
In comparison, Virginia and
North Carolina combined have
little more than 100 Negroes in
desegregated schools. However, in
North Carolina both state uni-
versities have been integrated for
several years.
Only about 58 Negroes attend
desegregated state-supported aca-
demic institutions in Virginia.
This includes some night school,
single-course students.
Complete Registration
Tennessee will have 125 to 200
Negroes in formerly white state
universities at Knoxville and Mem-
phis when registration is com-
In Florida, about 24 Negroes are

Analysis of Local Bookstore Pri ces

In 1959, the Regents rejected a
student book store.
Explaining their denial of Stu-
dent Government Council's re-
quest for a discount book organ-
ization, the Regents reiterated a
long-standing policy:
".. That it is not and will not
be the policy of the Regents to en-
courae oranrove the establish-

However, a survey of certain
texts (only new books) revealed:
1) There are in some cases dis-
crepancies in the prices charged
in local bookstores and the price
listed in the latest edition of
"Books in Print" (issued at the
end of 1961), the standard trade.

reference book on publishers and
2) There are instances where the
price of the same edition of the
same book varies from store to
store in Ann Arbor.
3) Wayne State University's
bookstore allows a saving of more

than 14 per cent over the cost of
the same books purchased at Ann
Arbor bookstores.
For example, a book by Prof.
Irving A. Copi of the philosophy
department, "Introduction to Log-
ic," used in several introductory
logic courses sells at the WSU
bookstore for $4.95. It lists in
"Books in Print" for $5.25. How-,
ever, two Ann Arbor bookstores.
were selling it at $5.50.
Another example is the edition

bookstore for $7.95 and at
for $6.75.


A section of books and supplies
used both at WSU and the Uni-
versity revealed that at WSU the
student would pay $87.95 while
in Ann Arbor the same texts would
be priced at $99.85 plus four per
cent sales, tax, which is not
charged at WSU.
H. W. Haskins, director of the
WSU bookstore, said "we discount
textbooks approximately 10 per

..-: .. ...vwd - 2?R

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