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September 11, 1962 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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The crop of babies born immediately after World War II didn't the University
know they were destined to revolutionize higher education. But the aDwyer of t
educators did. academic yes
And since about 1950, there had been jingles on television and semester leng
signs on buses portending disaster to American education unless
provisions were made for the schooling of the millions of youngsters The Dwy
who were then in their first years of elementary school. faculty memb
By the mid-1950's, most institutions of higher learning had faculty could
begun some form of study into the means of mass education. that "courses
At this University, a series-of faculty committees' recommenda- what little co
tions resulted in the decision this year to switch to full year-round lost."
operations by September, 1965, and to an intermediate calendar, In 1959,a
with a long summer session, in the 1963-64 school year. importance o
In 1957, the first such faculty group inspected the problem of years, no gro
increased undergraduate enrollment and the solutions which could study of possi

To Attempt Full- Year Operations

ter, this first report was followed by a proposal from
y Calendar Study Committee, chaired by Prof. Paul
the mathematics department, which asserted that an
ar could be long enough to include three terms of
Oppose Proposal
er committee's proposal met strong opposition from
bers and some students who feared that a decent
not be recruited to teach on a year-round basis and
would become perfunctory and mechanical and that
ntact there is between students and faculty would be
a third study was made, and this one played down the
f a three semester plan. For a period of nearly two
up, faculty or administrative, carried on any major
ble calendaring changes.
inistrators and staff members were not blind to the

pressing need for an increased enrollment. Nor could they over-
look the fact that an enlarged staff and increased problems would
have to result if the size of the student body was increased
It was generally thought that there were two methods of doing
this. The first would mean freezing the enrollment at a given point
and increasing it a little each year (as the University received
more funds for classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls, libraries.
and professors) and would have resulted in no calendaring
change from the two-semester academic year currently in use.
Students Increase
However, it has been predicted that within the next five years.
there will be a jump of 37 per cent in the number of students in
Michigan who will be able to attend college, and this first system
of gradual increases made when the University could afford to,
simply wouldn't have been able to accommodate them.
But besides increasing physical facilities and staff size, and

thus increasing student enrollment, there is another means-raising
the amount of time in which students are able to attend classes
during the school year.
Appoints Commission
In February, 1961. University President Harlan Hatcher ap-
pointed an eight-man faculty commission to look into the problem,
and to determine whether continuing two semesters would be the
best idea, or if instead a multi-mester plan would prove more
practical for the future needs of the school.
"The commission had the right to come to whatever conclusion
they wanted: one issued any directives as to the sort of recom-
mendation we should make. We could either have decided that
no change was necessary or could have found, on the basis of our
study, that a program leading toward year-round operations of the
University was necessary and desirable," Prof. William Haber of
the economics department, chairman of the study group, explained.
See 'U', Page 2

be reached.

Yet, adm


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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Regents Raise Fees;
To Collect $2 Million
Upperclassmen Must Pay More;
Money To Go to Faculty Salaries
Last May the Regents unanimously approved a selective tuition
hike which made the University the only state-supported school in the
country charging more for upperclass students' education than for
classes on the freshman-sophomore level.
The entire increase-which represents an addition of about $2
million to the University budget-has been slated for faculty and non-
academic employes salary increases in an effort to "maintain the Uni-
(versity's position" in relation to

'U' Abandons
Senior Hours
For Women
Hours for senior women* have
been abolished starting this fall.
The abandonning of these re-
strictions came early last summer,
as one part of an eight-point re-'
vision of women's rules.
The actual end of senior hours
will not begin until the details of
implementation have been worked
out with members of Women's-
Judiciary Council in the opening
weeks of the fall semester, Special
Assistant to the Vice-President
for Student Affairs Elizabeth Dav-
enport said last summer.
Keys are probably the answer to
checking in and out of sororities,
but something else will have to be
done for the large dorms, she
Additional personnel may have
to be hired, as "resident advisors
can't be expected to be letting in
girls all night," she pointed out.
As 'to freshman hours, Mrs.
Davenport noted that although
the proposed extension was not
granted, the time during which
they can entertain male guests
w it h i n doromities has been
lengthened, as the buildings will
be open until midnight.
Women's Judic Chairman Ber-
bara Portnoy, '63, said yesterday
that she was generally satisfied
with the OSA action.
She commented that the deci-
sion on freshman hours "was the
best compromise that could be ar-
rived at," and said that only two
other "minor" matters-revision
of overnight permissions and hav-
j ing women guests during periods
when school is not in session-
were not approved.
Prdvisions for signing out have
been revised so that a woman may
accumulate up to 10 late minutes

salaries at other colleges, Execu-
tive Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss indicated.
Raise Outstate Fees
The largest tuition increases
were for out-of-state students.
Non-resident graduate students'
fees were increased by $250; up-
perclass undergraduates in most
schools and colleges were upped
$210; and non-Michigan fresh-
men and sophomores were raised
Most Michigan residents' tui-
tions were also increased, although
by an appreciably smaller amount
-in-state graduate students were
raised $70; upper-classmen $30;
and underclass residents' fees were
At the same time, there was a
reduction in music school fees,
which formerly had been consid-
ered higher than those of any oth-
er University school or college.
Presently the music school fees are
the same as other tuitions.
The fees raise had been antici-
pated for some time before it was
officially announced by the Re-
gents, because of a state financial
deadlock and because of the Leg-
islature's failure to agree on a so-
Approve Raise
In May, when the raise was ap-
proved, the state Senate Appropri-
ations Committee was consider-
ing a plan to match any tuition
increase with a dollar-for-dollar
appropriations raise. But the Leg-
islature failed to do this.
The staff salary increases, ap-
proved at a specially-called Re-
gents meeting last June, will not
be across-the-board (in which
every faculty member receives a
pre-fixed amount), but rather the
raises will be on a selective merit
It is hoped that the increase
will reaffirm the confidence of the
faculty shown last year when a
near-record low number decided
to leave their jobs here for perma-
nent employment at another in-
stitution or in industry.
After the low number of staff
resignations, various department
heads and administrators express-

MUG Sets,
In Facilities
The first step in a "series of
new improvements" to renovate
the lower floor of the Michigan
Union will be ready in two weeks
with the reopening of the Michi-
gan Union Grill.
The new wood panelled MUG,
when it opens for business, will
have a new atmosphere created
by the subdued lighting and the
partitioned booths, Union presi-
dent Robert Finke, '63, said yes-
"Steps have also been taken to
improve the presentation and
quality of the food served," Finke
MUG Remodeled
The MUG was remodeled in re-
sponse to student needs and
wants, he said. On the basis of
polls and surveys plans were
drawn up to remodel the north
room this year and followup
plans for the middle and south
r'ooms will soon be completed.
"I hope the new facilities will
encourage more couples to use
the MUG for coffee dates," Finke
commented. He added that future
plans for renovating the other
two rooms will also make them
more available for both before
and after show dates:
With the new MUG opening,
more social activities will be
planned although l a s t year's
TGIT functions will be eliminated.
Union Madness, a traditional
Orientation function, will be held
this Saturday night. Little Clubs
will also be held on Friday nights
once classes begin.
Formulate Plans
Other remodeling plans will be
formulated within the few months
for changes in the middle and
south rooms and the swimming
pool, Finke added.
"The Union is here to function
for the entire University commun-
ity and principally the students.
We are attempting to answer the
needs of the students and reply to
other demands as well," he added.
Already completed is the install-
ation, of a canopy over the drive-
way on the north side of the
building. The covering is designed
to protect people alighting from
buses and cars from the inclement
The MUG renovation began at
the beginning of the summer. Al-
though a target date was set for
this week, mill production lagged
and the new date is now set for
two weeks. "We hope that every-
one will come to make use of the
new facilities," Finke said.

Appointment ~C~
Puts Position
In Operation
Aide for Housing I
Not Yet Revealed
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis early thisb
week announced aides for the
three directorships for housing,
financial aids and student organi-
zations and discipline.
These positions replace duties
formerly carried out by the deans i
of men and women.
Lewis has not yet determined
who he wants as director ol hous-;
ing, but hopes to make tfie ap-
pointment as soon as possible. He
and University President Harlan t
Hatcher will be interviewing can-
didates for the post during the
fall semester.
Name Assistants
Charlene Coady and John Hale
will be assistant directors for
women's and men's residence holls
respectively, 'and Merediii Cody SLOW PROG:
and Dorothy Scott will be general
administrative assistants.
The housing directorship w ill
handle only, matters coniceinnirg MEMBERS]
residence halls.
Other living units will be grou p-C
ed under the authority, of JohnC i
Bingley, director of student or-
ganizations and discipline. By PHIL
Other Appointments
Former Student Government Dealing with
President John Feldkamp, -65L, sororities who
will oversee fraternities, and Eli,- inadn)atem
abeth Doman will assist scrorities iaton
and associated housing. Suzanne major problem
Meyer has direction over off-cam-
pus housing. SGC will also
Lesf ll b as-five of its memi
Elizabeth Leslie will be an as-fdent James A.
sociate director under Bingley. committee in
For Walter B. Rea, irector of Office of Stude
financial aids, Frederick Hicks, also consider its
Florence Lyons, Ivan Parker and Judiciary Counc
Karl Streiff will be the chief aides. The seven sor
Although some reshuffling of to turn in ad
personnel and areas of authori y are: Alpha Ep
has been done, Feldkanp is the Delta, Phi Mu,C
only new official. He ceplaces Lou Delta Delta De
C. Rice, who accepted a pus tin Theta and Sigm
at the University of California at Fraternity
Berkeley last summer. .-



ssrooms Near Completion



-Daily-Bruce, Taylor
RESS-Work advances on the new Physics-Astronomy Bldg., being built with capital.
outlay funds from the state.
urncil To Consider Sorority Bias

Replace Dean
In Hierarchy
Lewis To Revamp
Operating Philosophy
After Consultations
The Office of Student Affairs
begins this academic year with a
concrete philosophy of adminis-
tration and a drastically revised
structure, in which the deans of
men and women have been re-
placed by functional directorships
which cut across gender lines.
Vice'President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said early
this week he has completed a new
philosophy for the OSA (based
on the 'educationally - oriented
Reed Report administrative theor-
ies adopted last May by The Re-
Rents) and has formulated speci-
fic job descriptions and areas of
authority for personnel in the
Lewis said these documents
would probably be mde public by
next week, although they may
undergo "some reiuement" after
consultation with other OSA offi-
New Bv.Law
He also plans to propose a new
by-law to the Regents so that
the vice-president for student f-
fairs would for the first time have
clear and definitive responsibility
to formulate and supervise all
non-academic student regulations.
At the end of the first year of
the revised OSA, Lewis will re-
view the entire structure and
philosophy, and will make any
changes he thinks necessary at
that time.
The new philosophy, job out-
lines, and bylaw t roposals were
drawn up in response to charges
by several student and faculty
groups in recent years that OSA
functions were hampered consid-
erably by confusing lines of au-
thority and a lack of central
These complaints culminated
last year in the formation of a
special student-faculty-adminis-
trator committee, chaired by Prof.
John Reed of the Law School, to
propose a new philosophy and
new structure for Lewis' office.
After six months of intensive
discussion, the group formulated a
philosophy of administration
which laid heavy stress on its ob-
ligation to induce an education-
ally-oriented atmosphere in stu-
dents' lives outside as well as
within the classroom.
Accept. Philosophy
In their May meeting, the Re-
gents unanimously accepted this
philosophy, and delegated author-
ity to University President Harlan
Hatcher and Lewis to make the.
structural revisions in the OSA.
Lewis announced his plans last
July, the changes going into effect
immediately. Much of his outline
was based on the Reed Report's
structural recommendations, but
differed in one important re-
spect: the supervision of women's
aff airs.
Tni'~ar nrpacnrfr~~nmnwul,fii

seven recalcitrant
ave failed to turn
mbership (discrim-
aents will be the
facing Student
uncil this fall.
have to appoint
bers to Vice-Presi-
Lewis's advisory
the newly-revised
nt Affairs. It may
s relation to Joint
rorities that failed
equate statements
silon Phi, Kappa
Gamma Phi Beta,
elta, Delta Sigma
a Kappa.

ject to SGC sanctions, Stockmeyer
said. The seventh, Sigma Kappa,
received a special letter because
they seemed to be confused, he
Aid Fraternities
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent John Meyerholz, '63, aided
fraternities in preparing adequate
statements before their deadlines.
He indicated that he received-"re-
luctant, yet diligent cooperation"
from them.
Council will also appoint five of
its members to Lewis's new advis-
ory committee this fall. The com-
mittee, created in the new OSA
structure, also included members
of the Student Relations Commit-
tee and will meet "from time to
time" with Lewis or his staff to

consider any matter affecting the
OSA. It will also serve as a chan-
nel for complaints or suggestions
about the Office of Student Af-
Stockmeyer said he has no con-
crete plan to recommend to Coun-
cil for filling the positions. He in-
dicated that he hoped Council
members could get together before
the year began and consider var-
ious methods of equitably select-
ing Council members for the posi-
The relationship between Joint
Judiciary Council and SGC may
also be considered this year, Stock-
meyer indicated. He said clarifi-
cation of its duties and its rela-
tions with student organizations is

per semester without penalty. ed their concern over the possi-
After 10 minutes, however, she bility of a large turnover this com-
must serve an hour and a half of ing spring, due to "faculty disil-
late time. lusion."



'T-he Haunted Daily Staff Wants You!I
The last remaining vestiges of the feudal system may be found
at The Michigan Daily.
Here capital punishment, Chinese tortures, dungeons, tower
prison chambers, and all the horrors of the Dark Ages are -a part of
the daily routine.
Daily Personnel Director Caroline Dow, who serves well as the
Head Sorceress, is ready to lure unsuspecting volonteers in The
l Daily Lair.
Witching Hours
Come to The Witches' Convention, where you will learn of all the
pleasures of being a Daily Hob~oblin. There will be daylight and
evening conclaves to suit your preference. Watch your Daily for
announcement of the exact Witching Hours.
As a Daily guy or ghoul, you can gain useful experience haunting
houses, spooking horses, frightening kiddies, torturing maidens, and
clanking chains.

All fraternities turned in their
statements and these have been
accepted as adequate.
Under terms of a Council pro-
cedure adopted at the May 23
meeting, SGC President Steven
Stockmeyer, '63, will confer with
Prof. Robert Harris of the Law
School, SGC's legal counsel, and
set up a hearing procedure and
Stockmeyer expects hearings to
begin the third meeting of the
year. although no action has been
taken on the matter to date.
National Opposition
He surmised that most of the
seven sororities failed to file ade-
quate statements because of oppo-
sition from their national organi-
zations, who do not want to deal
with student governments about
discriminatory policies.
Under the SGC membership se-
lection regulations, fraternities
and sororities were required to file
copies of their membership clauses

Oscars piel Zoo

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