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September 21, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-21

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Si tr i an
Seventy-Twoo Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy today
with little chance of rain

Seek Citations Against U. of ississ

c a s






Barnett Refuses
Meredith Entry
Justice Department To Challenge
Legality of Administration's Action
WASHINGTON (A)-The Justice Department announced last night
it would ask immediately for contempt of court citations against
three University of Mississippi officials for failing to enroll James H.
Meredith as the first Negro student in the all-white institution.
Edwin 0. Guthman, department information official, identified
the officials as Chancellor John Davis Williams, Dean Arthur B. Lewis
and Registrar Robert Byron Ellis.
He indicated the department had decided to ignore the actions in
the case of Gov. Ross R. Barnett, who a short time earlier had an-










;es Regarding
Senior Hours

GOP Work
To Kill Bill


.. . hosts group

SNCC Group
Seeks Funds
f Representatives of a Detroit
chapter of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC) were in Ann Arbor last
night seeking funds to support
their work in segregated areas of
Southern Illinois.
They spoke to four members of
the Voice Political Party executive
committee, including Robert Ross
'63, Voice chairman. The group
also met with members of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
(SDS), at the home of Thomas
Hayden, Grad, former Daily editor
and currently SDS president.
Ross said that he expects Voice
to loan the SNCC group about
$250, but the executive committee
has not yet made a final decision.
Need $800
Gwendlyn Kemp, one of the
group's representatives, said that
$800 is needed for appeal bonds
posted after several students were
arrested in Charleston, Illinois,
and convicted of "loitering and
disobeying a police officer."
After being held for two weeks
in the Charleston county jail,
eight students-four from the De-
troit area-were found guilty at
a trial last Friday. To appeal that
decision, a $200 bond was re-
qjuired of, each person.
Wish To Continue Efforts
Besides the $800 for bonds, the
group needs funds to continue its
efforts in Charleston and nearby
Cairo, where work has progressed
to seeking fair employment prac-
tices and aiding voter registration,
another member, John Watsomi,
Watson added that most of the
work in the two town is done by
the Charleston NAACP Youth
Chapted and the local SNCC
Cotton and Relief
Watson characterized the Cairo'-
Charleston area as "chronically
depressed, where going on relief
and picking cotton are the two
main sources of income,"
He -said that there is almost
no omiddle class in the area, only
the very rich and the very poor.

nounced he had assumed enroll-
ment powers at the university and
had denied Meredith's application
after a 23-minute interview with
'No Legal Effect'
"In our view Gov. Barnett's'ac-
tions have no legal effect," Guth-
man said.
"We are proceeding against
those names in the court's orders
whose responsibility, in our opin-
ion, remained unaffected by the
governor's action."
Guthman had said earlier the
contempt citations would be sought
against "certain officials" at a
hearing last night before United
States District Judge Sidney Mize'
at Meridian, Miss.
Kennedy Interest
He made the announcement in
the Justice Department press room
across the corridor from the office
of Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy,
who had been closeted with top
aides planning the government's
next moves in the legal struggle
over Meredith's attempt to enroll
at the university.
The department information of-
ficer made a second visit to the
press room 15 minutes later to an-
nounce the names of those against
whom the contempt of court ac-
tion would be taken.
The officials he identified had
been named in earlier Federal
Court orders directing university
officials to admit Meredith, a 29-
year-old Air Force veteran from
Kosciusko, Miss., who had carried
to the Supreme Court his fight to
become a student at the univer-
Week-Long Publicity
A week ago Barnett told Mis-
sissippi in an impassioned speech
that he would go to jail rather
than integrate a Mississippi school
and more than hinted that he
would close schools before so do-
When Gov. Barnett took his ac-
tion the court had ordered all Mis-
sissippi officials not to interfere
with Meredith's admission- to Ole
Miss under previous court orders;.
to try to arrest Meredith under
his conviction on voter registra-
tion fraud charges, or to put into
effect anorder by Jones County,
Miss., Chancery Court which would
bar Meredith from the state uni-
Postpone Firing
Of 'U' Space Craft
A four-stage rocket carrying a
University-built p a y lo a d was
scheduled for firing 120 miles into
space last night from Wallops Is.,
Va. Weather delayed the sched-
uled firing of the rocket Wednes-
day night.

To Try Salvaging
Foreign Aid Plan
WASHINGTON (R)-In a full-circle switch of strategy, Adminis,
tration leaders moved yesterday to avoid a sinwdowvn effort in the
House at restoring funds sliced from the Foreign Aid Bill.
They plan instead to make the fight in the Senate.
The leaders had said after a White House breakfast earlier inj
the day that they had decided to do battle in the House against at


Green Sees
For Future


balked at accepting any student
aid in a college construction bill
yesterday, sending it back to a
House-Senate conference, where it
is expected to die.
"I'd say it's dead," Rep. Edith
Green (D-Ore), who managed the
bill on the floor, said. "I don't
see that there's any chance for
She said also the action prob-
ably dooms all Federal aid-to-
education legislation for many
Democrats Support GOP
The 214-186 roll-call vote that
sent the bill back to conference
came on a Republican-sponsored
motion that was also strongly
supported by Southern Democrats.
Although Republicans directed
their attack against the student-
aid section, many Southerners are
believed to have joined them be-
cause of the religious issue raised
by a provision in the bill for
Federal grants to private as well
as public colleges.
One-hundred and thirty Repub-
licans and 81 Democrats voted for
the motion to recommit and 156
Democrats and 30 Republicans
voted against it.
Blames NEA
Speaking to reporters after the
vote, Mrs. Green said the religious
issue was the chief cause of the
defeat, and she blamed the Na-
tional Education Association for
raising it.
The NEA, largest national
teachers' organization, sent tele-
grams to the members urging de-
feat of the bill because of the
provision for Federal grants to
church-related colleges.
During debate on the floor, Mrs.
Green told the House an NEA
lobbyist had "insisted" the House
act on a bill to provide funds for
elementary school construction
and teachers' salaries before tak-
ing up the college-aid bill.
Success Signifies Failure
"If they (the NEA) are suc-
cessful in stirring up the religious
issue on this bill and thus helping
defeat it, I do not think we will
see any education b:ll ir this Con-
gress in the foreseeable future."
The bill would authorize $1.5
billion in construction funds over
the next five years, $900 million
of it in grants and $600 million in
50-year loans at low interest rates.
The grants could be used only
for building science and engineer-
ing facilities, and libraries.

Judge Orders,
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - A graduate of a,
high school honors program,
turned down by the city's tuition-
free Brooklyn College because his
average was .7 below the required
85 has been ordered admitted to
the school by the New York State
Supreme Court.
Justice "Louis B. Heller ruled
yesterday that college authorities
had made an "arbitrary, capricious
and unreasonable" decision in the
case of Melvin Lesser, 17.
Barring Lesser from the free
college, Heller said, would penalize
him for electing an honors pro-
gram in high school and would en-
courage students to take easy
courses instead.
Scholarship Bloc
A graduate of Lafayette High
School, Lesser completed high
school in two and one-half years
instead of the normal three by
taking the 'scholarship bloc" hon-
ors program.
The college barred his admission
for last January because his av-
erage was 84.3 - .7 below the re-
quirement for non-tuition day
students in the City University of
New York divisions.
Lesser's mother, Mrs. Mollie
Lesser of Brooklyn, petitioned the
court to admit her son to the col-
Lack of Due Credit
Heller said that the high school'
had not given due credit for Les-
ser's enrollment in the "scholar-
ship bloc" and did not even indi-
cate it on his transcript.
"Why should parents advise
their sons or daughters to take
the more difficult program which
not only gives far more work but
jeopardizes their chance to gain
admission to one of our city col-
leges," Heller asked.
(University attorney Edmund
D. Cummisky said that it is un-
usual for a court to make such an
administrative decision. He indi-
cated that the University haslnever
had to deal with such a situation.)

least part of the nearly $1.4-billion
cut recommended by the House
Appropriations Committee.
Showdown Too Risky
But a few hours before the bill
cameup for debate in the House,
Democratic leaders told newsmen
they figured a House showdown
would be too risky. They feared
that opening up the measure to
amendments wouldhstir the aid
cutters ito action and the appro-
priation might end up even further
The best strategy, the leaders
decided, was to let the appropria-
tion slide through the House in its
present form and then try to jackt
up the totals in the Senate, where
traditionally this has been easier.
Then the final amount would bet
worked out in a Senate-House con-
ference, although the leaders con-t
ceded they might lose some of the
ground gained in the Senate.
This was the way the Houset
leaders had been reasoning before
they went to the White Houset
Hope To Regain Funds ;
The $5.9 billion measure com-
pares to $7.3 billion President Johnt
F. Kennedy asked for economic
and military aid.
The Administration hopes to re-1
store at least $200 million of thei
$457-million slash in the develop-1
ment fund for which Kennedy hadl
requested $1.25 billion. An effort
is expected to be :made also tol
restore part of the $11.75 milliont
whacked out of the Peace Corpsf
Kennedy had sounded the call
to battle for Administration lead-a
ers in Congress by denouncing the s
cuts as "irresponsible action" c

Screening Committee To Function
A Special Fact-Finding Agency
Barbara Portnoy, '63, chairman of Woman's Judiciary
Council yesterday announced a tentative reorganization of
the women's judiciary system and also announced that senior
women's hours will probably go into effect by October first.
Speaking to the president's council of Panhellenic As-
sociation, Miss Portnoy explained that Woman's Panel, cur-
rently the highest appeal body for women, would be abol-

... worry over bills

House Votes"
WASHINGTON (P)-By a razor-
thin five-vote margin, the House
approved yesterday a compromise
farm bill' that would give Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy some of
the tools he says are necessary to
control grain surpluses.
The 202-197 vote was a reversal
of the 10-vote beating the House
gave the original Administration
farm bill in June. The compro-
mise now goes to the Senate, which
may act next week. If the Senate
approves as expected it will go to
the President for his signature.
Republicans a r g u e d bitterly
against the new version and all
but two of them lined up against
it. Thirty-seven Democrats, many,
but not all from the South, joined
Republicans in voting against it.
Secretary of Africulture Orville
L. Freeman said he is delighted by
the House action and described it
as a vote of confidence for sensi-
ble long-range farm programs.
The bill worked out by a Sen-
ate - House conference, was not
subject to amendment during the
one-hour House debate.

Plan. To Abolish


Rabb Cites APA

By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES - Late last
night Argentine rebels who dur-
ing the day had battled with
government artillery outside
Buenos Aires, agreed to a tem-
porary truce and negotiations.
President Jose Maria Guido

The "organic unity of a theatre
group" is the concept on which
the Association of Producing Art-
ists was initiated, Ellis Rabb,
founder and artistic director of
the APA, explained yesterday.
Speaking at a press conference
Rabb said the APA was organized
"to correct evils, artistic and econ-
omic, which exist in Broadway
theatre." The middleman - "the
dilettante producer who is today
rampaging American theatre" -
and the lack of direct contact be-
tween what the artist wants and
what the audience wants are typi-
cal evils.
VANCM~llihipi 'r., i

In the framework of the APA
there are playwrights, actors,
technical directors, a managerial
staff and others. On Broadway too
many other interests, besides the
artistic, are at stake and this ham-
pers a unified production, Rabb
Working Philosophy
The APA has no overall philos-
ophy of acting or staging. "The
only definition of the company is
the work which it is doing," Rabb
While membership fluctuates,
making an overall philosophy im-
possible, about one-third of the
players are steady contributors to
the company and the rest are

though several others have re-
cently joined.
Student Opportunity
Rabb noted that the coming of
a professional company to a uni-
versity community is an opportun-

Expect Regents To Mull
LSA Dean, By-Law Change
The Board of Regents is expected to consider faculty appoint-
ments, leaves of absences, accept gifts and grants and discuss other
aspects of University business at their monthly public meeting 2:30
p.m. today in the Regents' Room of the Administration Bldg.
Cleland B. Wyllie, Director of Information Services said that the
Regents, while not expected to take final action, would probably
' discuss the Estep committee re-
port recommending revision of Re-
gents by-law 8.11 on University
speaker policy.
w May Name LSA Dean
Also probable is the naming of
cJ l& jya temporary dean for the literary
college. No action is expected on
filling the position permanently
ity for students to work in the however.
theatre with skilled performers. The Estep committee stems from
Seven fellowship students who are the fall of 1961 when Prof. Sam-
getting their advanced degrees in uel Estep was asked by University
the speech department, are work- President Harlan H. Hatcher to
ing with the APA. Similarly, Ty- head a six-man. group whose job
rone Guthrie, who is starting a was to review and recommend pos-
theatre group in residence at the sible changes in the speaker by-
University of Minnesota, insisted law.
his permanent theatre be built in The committee handed its re-
conjunction with a university. port to President Hatcher last
Rabb, who founded the company January but because of his Latin
in 1960, will enact a leading role American trip during February
as well as direct Sheridan's "The and March he was unable to con-
School for Scandal," the first APA siderFi-t.
production. Married to Rosemary
Harris, who will play Lady Teazle The Regents received the rec-
in the play, Rabb will play the role ommendations in April but as they
of his wife's would-be seducer. were busy then with tuition and
Rab ha npviouipv niaved in the Office of Student Affairs no

ished and a general screening-
committee may be added to
the judiciary structure.
Miss Portnoy also said that next
Tuesday she would meet with all
judiciary chairmen, house presi-
dents and house directors of the
dormitories and League Houses to
discuss methods of implementing
senior hours. She will hold a simi-
lar meeting with sororities on
New Screening Committee
'The new screening committee
will be a fact-finding body which
will channel judicial matters, in-
cluding more serious infractions,
to the proper body.
This committee would probably
' be composed of a representative
of the office of the Director of
Student Activities, the chairman
of Woman's or Joint Judic and a
representative' of either affiliated
or independent housing.
This group would serve as a
fact-finding group, and not a court
to judge the student's violation,
Miss Portnoy said. It would de-
cide if the case should be sent to
Woman's or Joint Judic or, if
necessary recommend guidance or
Panel Heard Appeals
Woman's Panel, which was ori-
ginally composed of the dean of
women, the chairman of Woman's
Judic and the highest woman
member of Joint Judic, heard ap-
peals from Woman's Judic and
cases of a more serious nature.
Under the suggested arrange-
ment, appeals from one of the ju-
diciaries may be -sent to the Sub-
Committee on Discipline, com-c
posed of faculty members.
House Judicst
The judiciaries on the house1
level will continue to handle less
important cases and to take care
of the basic functions of the in-c
dividual living units, Miss Portnoyi
noted. Appeals from the house ju-
diciaries would continue to go to
Woman's Judic, as they have int
the past. ,
Mary Beth Norton, '64, Assem-
bly Association president, said that
the proposed reorganization of
Woman's Judic strengthens the
appeal structure and the whole
idea that women's rules will no
longer be separated from the gen-t
eral University regulations.
Miss Portnoy announced thatt
every senior woman who wishes to
have unlimited hours must have
See PORTNOY, Page 2 r
Women Seek
Final Quartersr
Only about 30 women are nowt
left in temporary dormitory hous-s
ing and will be placed into per-c
manent quarters as soon as pos-
sible, Special Assistant to the:
Vice President of Student Affairs1
Elizabeth Davenport said yester-s
She explained that as cancella- f
tions come in, women are beings
placed in permanent positions. Shea

... more medical schools
'otes Need
For School
To do its share in meeting an
increasing demand for doctors, the
University must establish at least
one, and perhaps two, new medi-
cal schools by 1971 William N.
Hubbard Jr., medical school dean,
said yesterday.
Speaking at'a scheduling meet-
ing for the 97th annual session
of the Michigan State Med'cal
Society, Dean Hubbard stated the
case for more state medical man-
At present Michigan taxpayers
are supporting the largest number
of medical students of any state
in the nation, he said
Increased Enrollment
During the 1960-61 school year,
the state's two medical colleges
at the University-200 enrollment
-and Wayne State University-
125 enrollment-graduated a total
of 248 medical doctors.
The graduates represented 33
per cent of the national output of
7,500 medical doctors and os-
teopaths while the state's popu-
lation represents 4.4 per cent of
the national total, he noted.
"It's reasonable to say that
Michigan's fair share of medical
manpower output should be a
figure equal to its percentage of
national population," Hubbard
Need for Improvement
"If Michigan's population re-
mains at 4.4 per cent of the na-
tional figure, then we will need
to be providing 158 additional
state medical graduates to meet
our fair share by 1975."
In order to provide these 158
additional graduates, it has been
proposed that: Wayne's medical
school be expanded to increase
enrollment to 200; or that a third,
four-year medical school for 100
students be built to open in 1971
and graduate its first class in 1975.




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