s COMMUNIST CUBA POSES -CHALLENGE Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom 471 att PARTLY CLOUDY Low-48 High-70 Scattered showers this afternoon and evening. See Page 4 VOL. LXXIII, No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES AT MISSISSIPPI: Stall IntegrationDecision Kennedy Takes Aassachusetts JACKSON (P) - Political pres- sure against desegregating the University of Mississippi mounted yesterday as the State College Board delayed a decision on hether to let Negro James Mere- dith register under a federal court order. The Mississippi Legislature adopted a resolution commending Gov. Ross Barnett for his opposi- tion to integrating the'university and unsigned pamphlets were dropped around university dormi- tories. Meredith, a 29-year-old Negro, waited in Memphis while his lawyers decided when he should appear on the campus at Oxford, 50 miles southeast of Memphis. Concerned' Meredith saidhe normally would register Thursday and told a news conference he wanted to enroll be- cause "I'm concerned with Negroes getting a better education in Mis- sissippi." Barnett called last week for de- fiance of any federal court school desegregation order and called on all officials unwilling to go to jail if necessary to resign. Dr. Verner Holmes of McComb, vice president of the board, said at McComb he "will not vote to close the university. The injunc- tion reads that if, the university should be closed, other colleges and universities could be closed down also. (I will) go to jail if l need be but provided that the uni- versity's integrity is maintained and that the university remains open." Other Institutions Holmes warned if the 'iniversity were closed, Meredith could go to other institutions and create a "basis for closing them down." He also noted that it was mem- bers of the state college hoard and not Barnett who would be jailed under any federal contempt of court citations growing out of re- fusal to admit Meredith. The legislature, convening in a special session to tackle legisla- tive reapportionment, gave near unanimous approval of a resolu- tion commending Barnett for "his fearless and courageous stand against political aggression, abuse Set Bl1ast-Off- Of U' Payload By The Associated Press WALLOPS ISLAND - An Ann Arbor-built rocket payload was scheduled for blast-off to some 1,- 200 miles into' space last night, weather permitting, according to the University's Radio Astronomy Laboratory, builders of the pack- age. The payload, all of which was built in North Hall under .the di- rection 'of Prof. Fred T. Haddock of the engineering college and Hal F. Schulte, Jr., a research engi- neer, was set to be carried into space by a four-stage Journeyman rocket. Add Bizet Opera To Playbill Fare The University of Michigan Players have announced that George Bizet's "Carmen" will be the laboratory opera on this year's Playbill. The opera will be the' second offering of this year's sea-I son. Season tickets for the entire Playbill will be available at the Trueblood Aud. box office, Frieze Bldg., Oct. 22-26. and misrepresentation designed to disrupt and destroy Southern in- stitutions, traditions and way of living . ." Integration Stand Barnett had no reference to the university in his prepared address to legislators opening the special session, but when Lt. Gov. Paul Johnson praised the desegregation stand in his introduction, Barnett responded: "I'm going to stand steadfast all the way down the line. I'm going to keep the faith- in order that we may perpetuate the great Christian ideals and principles our forefathers handed down." Kennedy Conference The governor disclosed to news- men he had conferred with United States Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy by telephone about the desegrega- tion case. Wins- Spot * * * * * * * 4 * OnTIiketSe ao By22-I Ratio."4 Requests Union I w Lodge Leads Curtis In GOP Runoff A* med at Crushing Castro FRATERNITY ADVISOR: OSA Position Handed To Past SGC Leader By ANDREW ORLIN Along with the new OSA administrative system, John Feldkamp, '65L, has been appointed to the new position of Assistant to the Director of Student Activities and Organizations. Instead of this lengthy title, he prefers the more informal one of "counselor to fraternities." Feldkamp, a past Student Government Council president, sees his position as one of an advisor and in no way one of a policeman. Disciplinary problems will be handled Fraternities Make Public New Merger By ELLEN SILVERMAN Theta Xi and Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternities merged into one on August 20, the Theta Xi na- tional recently announced. The new fraternity will retain the name of Theta Xi as well as the badge and motto. It will oper- ate under the constitution of The- ta Xi also. Although there is no Kappa Sig- ma Kappa local on the University campus, the regional Theta Xi or- ganization will be increased by membership of locals from Gen- eral Motors Institute in Flint, the University of Detroit, Ferris Insti- tute in Big Rapids and Wayne State University in Detroit, Paul R. Sullivan, '63E, Theta Xi presi- dent, said yesterday. The new merger will increase the size of the national and thus there will be increased opportuni- ties for expansion, Sullivan added. Larger Representation The Kappa Sigma Kappa chap- ters will bring to Theta Xi a larg- er representation throughout the country, he commented. Many of the Kappa Sigma Kappa chapters are in the south. The 21 Kappa Sigma Kappa lo- cals will join with 47 Theta- XiI locals. Sullivan noted, however, that he could not estimate total membership. (Since Theta Xi has already filed a statement with Student' Government Council which was' deemed adequate, there probably will be no need for refiling of the new fraternity's status.) Regional Conference Sullivan said that he would soon go to Flint to initiate the new fraternity there and that a re- gional conference willbe held at the University sometime in the spring which will include all of the new and old locals within the area. All of the Kappa Sigma Kappa locals will be called Theta Xi and assume their new status beginning this semester.1 Oby the executive committee of the Inter-Fraternity Council. He added that if they failed, the matter would be handed over to the Di- rector of Student Activities and Organizations, John Bingley or to Vice-President for Student Affairs, James Lewis. Feldkamp views the role of the fraternity as a "supplement to the academic life." Historically, the fraternities came into being as a "smaller society inside the larger university complex," he added. Today, they are multi-purpose with a divided loyalty between the University and their respective na- tional organizations. A fraternity is a student organization recogniz- ed by SGC and could also be look- ed upon as a housing group. Fraternities also serve as an extension of the ideals of the national organizations, Feldkamp said. In addition, there is a close relationship between the frater- nities and their alumni. He added that it would be dif- ficult to say which received first loyalty although all fraternities have to meet certain requirements set by the University. "Often we get help fron the nationals when problems arise since one of their main doctrines is loyalty of a chapter to its respective institu- tion," he added. BOSTON ( P)-Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy won by a landslide last night the Democratic nomination Ifor the Senate seat his oldest brother, John F. Kennedy, gave up to become President. Making his first race for public office, the 30-year-old Kennedy engulfed Edward J. McCormack; Jr., 39, nephew of House Speaker John W. McCormack, in a vote tide that rolled out of the Demo- cratic stronghold of Boston and swirled across the state. The count from 1,071 of the state's 1,988 precincts gave Ken- nedy 277,103, McCormack 131,857.1 In a race that seemed likely to go down to the final tabulations, 69-year-old Rep. Laurence Curtis and George Cabot Lodge, 35, zig- zagged in the lead for the GOP nomination to battle Kennedy in November for the two remaining years of the President's term. Other Contests Returns from 1,016 precincts gave Curtis 70,413, Lolgen81,169. In another major contest, Endi- cott (Chub) Peabody, a former Harvard football star, led State Auto Registrar Clement A. Riley for the Democratic nomination for governor. The count from 506 pre- cincts was: Peabody 120,772, Riley 35,330. The winner will oppose GOP Gov. John A. Volpe, nominated without opposition by Republicans for a second two-year term. 'Unqualified' McCormack, who had stung Kennedy with charges that he was running on his presidential broth- er's name and was unqualified for office, bowed out of the Demo- cratic senatorial race, on the basis of the early returns which showed his opponent leading him almost two-to-one. Congratulating his successful rival, McCormack called on all those who had supported him to work for Kennedy in the general election. When some of his listen- ers booed the Kennedy name, he shushed them. Speaker Ban Major Issue Before SGC By EDWARD HERSTEIN A motion urging that the Re- gents revoke Bylaw 8.11, the Uni- versity's speaker ban, will high- light the first Student Government Council meeting of the school year tonight. As proposed by SGC member and Daily Editor Michael Olinick, '63, the motion declares "the pres- ent bylaw poses a very real threat to academic freedom on the cam- pus." The bylaw prohibits speeches which "urge the destruction or modification of our form of gov- ernment by violence or other un- lawful methods or which advocate or justify conduct which violates the fundamentals of our accepted code of morals." Also before SGC are two mo- tions regarding the new Office of Student Affairs Advisory Commit- tee. The first recommends proce- dures for filling the student posi- tions on the committee, while the second asks Vice-President for Student Affairs, James A. Lewis, to speak to the Council about the role of the committee. No action will be taken at this meeting regarding the seven sor-. orities that failed to submit state- ments concerning membership se- lection practices since SGC Presi- dent Steven Stockmeyer, '63, is not yet prepared to make recommen- dations on procedure. The Council also has on its agenda a report from the Summer Interim Committee, a commenda- tion of appreciation to Mrs. Ruth Callahan for work as OSA admin- istrative assistant and a motion on an SGC news letter. DISMISSAL OF COMMANDERS: Argentine Cavalry1 Declares Rebellion BUENOS AIRES (A). - The cavalry corps and the nation's largest military garrison declared themselves in rebellion last night against the army high command. Troop units throughout Argentina were put on alert after cav- alry officers and commanders at the powerful Campo de Mayo garri- son near Bueons Aires defied the top brass and called on President Jose Maria Guido to choose be- tween the rival army factions. There was no immediate move- ment of troops, but a high civilian. source said the renewed army ri- valry "may develop into real battle." The latest crisis was touched off earlier in the day when the. War Secretary, Gen. Jose Carnejo Saravia, ordered three top gener- als relieved of their commands. -. They are Gen. Julio Alsogaray, commander of the first armored division and the Campo de Mayo garrison; Gen. Pascual Pistarini, Commander of the Cavalry Corps; and Gen. Eduardo Luchesi, Depu- ty Chief of Staff. All three have advocated a quick return to con- stitutional rule in Argentina, Reject Offer Cavalry units throughout the country reportedly rejected Car- nejo Saravia's order. NEIL STAEBLER iA d ff \ 4 Smathers Cites Arms Spt Asks Recognition Of Exile Government; Debate on Cuba Rages WASHINGTON (W-The Sen- ate was urged yesterday' to en- dorse an inter-American military alliance aimed at ,crushing Com- munist Cuba-a Soviet satellite one Senate leader branded -an "ominous threat" to the entire Western hemisphere." Sen. George A. Smathers (D- Fla) proposed the NATO-like or- ganization plus recognition of a Cuban government in exile in two resolutions submitted for Senate approval. He said the exile government could "begin the job they (Cuban refugees) wish to do, which Is to free Cuba" from the dictatorship of Fidel Castro. Joined Debate Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Il). the Republican leader, joined in the running congressional debate over Soviet military supplies flow- ing into Cuba with a statement in the Congressional Record. It said in part: "This is not only a threat to our people in the United States of America,. it is a violation of one of our basic declarationsof*free- dom, the Monroe Doctrine, since .it poses a threat by a foreign na-, ton to the whole Western hem- isphere." He said the danger, which he Balled an ominous'threat, is now on "the very doorstep of the Unit- ed States." The developments came against this backdrop: Announce Meeting 1) Announcement by State De- partment Press Officer Lincoln White that all Latin American for- eign ministers or their representa- tives, except Cuba's, are expected to attend a meeting opening here Oct. 2 on the Cuban situation. New economic and travel restric- tions to further quarantine Cba may be considered. 2) Continued work by three con- gressional committees to complete by today a single declaration of what Congress feels should be done about the Cuban military coup. 3) A House speech prepared by Rep. A. Paul Kitchin (D-NC) claiming that a United States blockade of Cuba would be respect- ed by most Latin American, Far Eastern and NATO countries. EXPLAINS OBJECTIVES: Graf Cites Intellectual Gap' uampo e mayo o icers vow ed; to use any means to dislodge Cornejo Saravia and his top aides,' who are identified with the army faction seeking to set up a so- called democratic dictatorship in, Argentina. Temporary Chief Gen. Carlos Caro, undersecre- tary of the army, was appointed temporary chief of the Campo de Mayo garrison, but he was unable to assert his authority at the camp. Afterwards Caro said he would return to Buenos Aires to resign and place himself under the command of the forces op- posed to the top brass. The dissidents at Camnpo de Mayo called themselves legalists and said Guido had shown favor itism to the top brass, which is sympathetic to an outright mili- tary takeover in Argentina. Communists Push Farm Crackdown MOSCOW (M)-The Soviet Com- munist Party ordered yesterday a sharp crackdown on farm laborers responsible for production losses. The Party directed agricultural and judicial departments to study ways of enforcing work discipline on farms. Sallade Raises 'Slander' Issule About Romney A former Republican state rep- resentative from Ann Arbor yes- terday accused GOP gubernatorial candidate George Romney of "slanderand character assassina- tion," following a Romney speech Saturday endorsing Republican congressman- at - large candidate Alvin M. Bentley. Romney's "slander" was directed against Bentley's opponent, Demo- crat Neil Staebler, according to former legislator George Sallade. Sallade quoted Romney as tell- ing his Washtenaw County audi- ence, "You have a man running against (Bentley) who was a So- cialist candidate for City Council here. We need a congressman whose Americanism can never be questioned." An aide said Romney did not speak from a prepared text at the rally. He said he did not recall that Romney mentioned "the So- cialism business." slandered' JOIN THE DAILY: Image-in Yourself By DENISE WACKER Pits talent is lost and the kind of Prof. Otto Graf of the German academic opportunity they might department and several members want cannot be found," Prof. Graf of the Honors Steering Committee said. last night formally welcomed Offers Explanation freshmen honors students to the He then offered an explanation University and offered a rather of, how honors courses are ar- brief explanation .of honors pro- ranged, alluding that there was gram objectives and advantages. one basic difference between 'In an institution of this size, honors courses or sections and the standards which admit a stu- "regular" classes-the students dent and enable him to stay are themselves. often inconstant. For this reason "You," Prof. Graf said to the there is a tremendous intellectual freshmen honors students, "arid gap between the upper 10 per your classmates are the actual cent and the lower 50 per cent differentiating factor. The lack of the average literary college of indifference exhibited by you class, in your classes pretty well charac- "If this top 10 per cent is not terizes the honors students' at- properly engaged, a good deal of titude." Prof. Graf added that in order to remain in the program, each student is expected to maintain a B-average. However, "in view of -*the record and the impression we .have of each of you, this is a fairly s!I modest request," he said. Prime Stimulous There is a new image at The However, he cautioned students Daily, to guard against letting grades Dbecome their prime stimulous for There is a new type of person at excelling in course work, suggest- The Daily. ing that they "should rather con- Each new type is unique unto I sider what the professor wants you itself, and The Daily needs every to do, regardless of grades. If you type it can get: Roman, Bold or do this, I assure you the grades curious. will fall into line." The new image is individuality. Susan Koprince, '64, cnairman You can be ivy, beatnik, mother's of the Honors Steering Committee, little boy or a father. As long as followed Graf's opening address you can write a story or learn with a discussion of the work of how to write one, you can join The the committee and a little advice Daily. to entering freshmen. We only guarantee that you will She said that the chief purpose be controversial. of last night's meeting was to in- Also you can join skinflint troduce freshmen to the opportur- Sclar on the business staff and ities available to them as members share in the profits of Ann Arbor of the honors college. ' businessmen. Or you can be in the Every Opportunity ran,'r I ,'nrn, ,I xith ni.rhntnrrnnl. Aic~c Knnri4nnp ,nri tbflint nnn,. Sailing Club Welcomes Members' in extra-curricular activities. 'Jast because you're an honors student. doesn't mean you're 'straight books'," Miss Koprince said. Prof. Graf added his approval of certain extra-curricular activi- ties, suggesting, for one, participa- tion in the honors program's mu- sical ensembles. "After all," Miss Koprince said in conclusion, "there's a motto used by some of our most success- ful honors students: 'Don't let your class work interfere with your education!'." By CAROLINE DOW Personnel Director "A wet sheet and a flowing sea and a wind that follows fast and fills the white and rustling sail and bends the gallant mast." Sailing is the joy of putting the elements and the boat into a uni- son of speed. The comradeship is unmatchable, one sailor has said of the sport. Sailing Club open meeting will be held at 7:45 tonight in the League Ballroom and prospective members will hear about the club, meet members and see slides of past exploits. Prospective members are welcome to sail at the club this weekend to see the facilities and experience the joy of sailing. Limited Lake 'We haven't got the Gretel or the Weatherly but we couldn't fit them on Base Line Lake," Sailing Club Commodore Joe. Buck, Grad, said. Sitting on a boat on the Diag hoping for enough wind to blow him into the General Library, the Commodore revealed that. The Sailing Club, with a fleet of nine Jet 14's and three iceboats, has an aspect of the sport for everyone. Lesson Programs No experience is needed to begin sailing. Many inexperienced members have become qualified skippers through the lesson programs on Saturday morning. ? m s. _. .: . . ' M{ 4 { ' ' ,,..._.. :. . ....._.. ... . _. ..T .: ... .._.._ ...._ .....