TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,196Z TWO UE MCHIAN DILYTUESAYSEPTMBE 18,198 Moon" olitical Cartoonist Bill Mauldin Goes to Capitol x , __,, , " ' .:c r----}- ' } / u ..yam i ""':.., f ,r ; .. c K Y A ' C , q s e a> (EDITOR'S NOTE: Recently, when Daily cartoonist Bill Mauldin took a vacation, his home paper, the Chi- cago Sun-Times, notified syndicate members that he was in Washngton. Here, to prove it, is Mauldin's eye- witness account, complete with the inevitable Mauldin art work.) By BILL MAULDIN Masters of the Horn-rimmed Spectacle Doff' PICTURES CONVERGE: Doe, Felheim Compare Ameriean, By JUDITH BLEIER Associate City Editor Although it is fashionable to tout the virtues of foreign films, it is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish between American motion pictures and those made abroad, two Univer- sity faculty members agreed re- cently. This merging has, in part, been fostered by the film industry it- self, Andrew Doe of the speech de- partment explained. "American producers are putting increasingly larger amounts of money into for- eign films every year." At the same time, more and more foreign actors are being giv- en large roles in American-made productions, Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department de- partment declared. "And we, in turn, are sending some of our best actors to Europe." Art Form "The motion picture is the most representative 20th century art form," he declared, " and if we look at the character of art today, we can see that an accepted inter- national style has developed." This international m e r g e r, which has been achieved by the finest foreign and American films, may have an important influence upon world relations, Felheim said. "The movies are the one place in which we are truly one world, and art is usually in advance of politics, economics and social re- lations." True Popularity Both Felheim and Doe tended to doubt that foreign films have become truly popular in America. "There is a critical tendency to ap- preciate foreign films' more than American motion pictures, but is this popularity?" Doe asked. Proportionately, we probably have no more foreign films today than we've had in the past, but their audience is still highly con- centrated. Comparing foreign and Ameri- can movies, Felheim doubted whether the average film made abroad is actually better than the average film produced in the United States. "It is true that we oreign Films get finer foreign films than most of our domestic ones, but we re- ceive only the cream of the crop," he said. Poor American movies are often put on the same bill as the finest foreign films, he noted. The ludi- crous combination of a marvelous Academy Award winning Yugo- slavian short and our worst "Woody Woodpecker," both of which played at a local theatre recently, "cannot help but give the impression that foreign films outrank American productions." Equally False The notion that E u r o p e a n movies tend to be more realistic than American pictures may be equally false, he asserted. "Al- though, for example, foreign film writers probably would not have stuck a compromise ending onto "Breakfast at Tiffany's", there are plenty of European films which are just as unrealistic as those made in the United States. "I wish more attention were paid here to our own 'avant-garde' films," Doe said. "While our owli experiments are appreciated in other parts of the world, one can hardly find them in the United States." But Americans may be begin- ning to think a little more, Doe conceded. "The European film tends to make one feel as if he's thinking - even if he really isn't." Publisher Sets Writing Award The Encyclopaedia Britannica Press has established an annual award of $10,000 for the best man- uscript submitted for publication which makes the "most significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge." The first award will be in 1964. To qualify for the award in any one year manuscripts must be re- ceived before August 1 of the year preceding the announcement of the award. The winning, non-fic- tion manuscript will be published in book form by the Encyclopaedia Britannica Press. WASHINGTON-In the politi- cal cartooning game, we depend pretty much upon photos for ref- erence when drawing public fig- ures We keep pictures of often-used dignitaries, such as JFK or Khrushchev, in untidy little piles in our desk drawers; for lesser- known folk we go to our newspa- per library, euphemistically called the "morgue." The system works, but has its faults. After struggling over thou- sands of drawings and millions of photos, sooner or later we begin thinking of our subjects not as politicians, but as two-dimension- al, paper figures. Paper Figures There is no denying that in real life some of them are two-dimen- sional, paper figures. But most people have all sorts of special characteristics which don't show in photos: mannerisms, postures, ways of talking. i A real caricature is more than an exaggeration of some feature like a big nose or a squinty eye- it should portray the whole per- sonality. And it has long been my conviction that cartoonists should sally forth from time to time, pref- erably at the publisher's expense, and study their victims in their. natural habitat. Thus, I found myself in Wash- ington the other day, trudging up Capitol Hill under a blazing Au- gust sun to see "The Ev and Char- lie Show," a weekly press confer- ence in *which the Republican Par- ty expresses itself through Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ili) and Rep. Charles Halleck (R-Ind). I had heard these werethe two most caricaturable men men in town. Versatile Actors it was true. Dirksen and Hal- leck played the role of "loyal op- position" with gusto, an exquisite sense of comic timing, an emo- tional scope which ranged all the way from lugubrious to owlish, and flashing wit. I recall two notable examples: an administration pub- lic works proposal was a "slush fund," and negotiations on nu- clear test controls were "conces- sions." I was too busy with my sketch- book to hear everything, but I had the distinct impression that the administration would have to get up awfully early in the morning to put anything over on these fel- lows. I noted that "Ev and Charlie" are masters of the "Horn-rimmed Spectacle Doff," a device for add- ing pomp to a weightless state- ment. The expert doffer, as he speaks, slowly removes his glasses, lowering them to half -mast, and holds there, peering intently at the listener. If the listener speaks, the doffer snaps the glasses back on. Interpretation: "I am a scholar, which is why I own glasses. I have been studying our subject, so I am wearing them. I am removing them as I communicate with you so nothing will stand between us. Also, my eyes are blurry from all tthat study. I am putting them on as you speak so I can listen with all my senses." Ev and Charlie doff beautifully together: as one pair goes up the other snaps down, producing, in profile, a pumping effect, like two Quartermaster sergeants parading out of step. This is the sort of stuff you just won't find in photos in the morgue. I had lunch with Pierre Salin- ger. (The Kennedy administration wants cartoonists to know that JFK has got a sense of humor.) In the restaurant you could tell right away which people were tourists and which were Washing- tonians. The tourists gawked out- right at Pierre; the local types looked the other way, but you could see their ear muscles strain- ing and quivering, like little pink radar sets. I'll bet we could have launched a hot rumor over the soup and it would have circled the city twice and got back in time for dessert. Salinger asked me if I'd like a visit with the President.hProfes- sionally speaking, I could have ob- served JFK in the flesh just as well at a regular press conference. But that wouldn't be nearly so much fun, and besides, it's up to the President not to see people, not up to people not to see him. In Pops the President So, at 4 p.m. I reported to Pierre's office. He told me to wait in the" Cabinet Room. I tried out some of the chairs around the big, boat-shaped table (in the South they'd say I was walking in tall cotton), inspected some ship mod- %, ?aNt -N------9 els, and was staring out the French doors at the garden when the Pres- ident popped in. Physically, he's a lot skinnier than I used to draw him. Those jowls fool you. (I made a mental note: "Narrow from Adam's apple down.") He has a warm smile and a cool eye. (Add mental note: "If Pierre offers to fix you up with a presidential poker game, decline.") He has had a rough summer, and when I said I was pleased to meet him, he actually looked as if the words meant a lot to him. We exchanged some small talk about newspapers, a subject he seems to enjoy. I remembered hearing somewhere that he was a frustrated journalist. He needn't be. Most papers will take on men with political savvy at the age of 52. His chances would be even bet- ter at 48. I didn't want to take up more of his time telling him all this, so I left the message with Pierre on the way out. x , ~ ,. He stirs up little pink radar sets K and E DECI-LON Slide Rule onsale at U LRICH'S Bookstore i_"_ NEW SHIPMENTS. of USED TEXTBOOKS arriving daily!' NEW BOOKS IF YOU PREFER For that hard-to-find textbook try . ±"' MICHIGAN BOOKSTORE 322 South State Street Bob Graham, Mgr. 0 4, THE ENGINEERING SCIENCE SLIDE RULE See DECI-LON and other fine K&E slide rules at your college store. KEUFFEL & ESSER 'CO Hoboken, N.J. . K and E DECI-LON I Subciet h Michigan Daily Those jowls fool you +r ,r r'n tnf11 I deRAr'nv -u!T m i,