PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY;, SEPTEMBER 14, 1962 PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1962 Present NSA Acts on Testing, Iudices, Cold War S Resolution Condemns All Nuclear Blasts FACT: The 13th National Student Congress "supported the con- tinuing nuclear test ban negotiations and all serious efforts to realize an .effective and definite agreement concerning the cessation of nu- clear bomb testing." The 14th NSC urged that the "nuclear powers continue both at the negotiating table and in the laboratory their efforts to arrive at effective arms control measures and mutually satisfactory agreement. The goal should be general disarmament based on effective controls and inspection measures, so that no party can begin or increase the production of nuclear arms without the full knowledge of the others." The ,14th NSC further recognized that complete and total cessa- tion of the production of the means of warfare - chemical, radiologi- cal, biological and nuclear - must be the goal of all negotiations on this subject." The Soviet Union announced resumption of atmospheric nuclear testing on August 30, 1961, and initiated these tests on, Sept. 2, thus breaking a 34 month U.S.-U.S.S.R. moratorium on testing. In March, 1962, the United States announced its intention to begin its current series of tests in April, and in late April started this series. On August 6, 1962, the Soviet Union started its second and current series of atmospheric tests. PRINCIPLE: Throughout history, war has been a major deterrent in the attempt of the academic community to define and realize the 1 goal of a free society; its impending threat continually obstructs the university's right to retain an independent critical position toward society. DECLARATION: USNSA realizes that each of the nuclear powers is acting on what it feels to be its national interests. USNSA condemns militarily and politically oriented tests of nuclear devices - whether by the Soviet Union, United States, United Kingdom, France, or, by any other nation currently developing nuclear devices or whether at- mospheric, underwater, underground or in outer space. USNSA feels the consequent fear of radioactive contamination and the effect of such tests in accelerating the arms race, make more difficult the successful conclusion of any negotiations for the cessation of nuclear weapons testing and the provisions of adequate international inspec- tion and control. USNSA particularly condemns the resumption of nuclear testing by the Soviet Government in 1961 which broke the 34 month U.S.- U.S.S.R. moratorium in testing. USNSA supports the present efforts at Geneva by the U.S., USSR and U.K. to achieve agreements on testing but urges that all nations possessing nuclear weapons also. participate in these talks. USNSA urges the present nuclear powers to make all efforts to prevent an expansion of the number of world powers which now possess nuclear arms so that the realization of a test ban and general disarmament will not become any more difficult. USNSA supports the right of students to express themselves on the question of testing and. disarmament and hopes that students in all parts of the world will continue to make known their feelings. In particular USNSA notes the demonstrations of American students in Washington and across the country this last .year, and the recent at- tempt of Japanese students to protest Soviet and American testing in Moscow. USNSA deplores the action of Soviet authorities in pre- venting such expression of student opinion and reaffirms that such actions by any government constitute a denial of essential student rights. ACTION: USNSA encourages member schools, to assist in the dissemination of information on the subjects of nuclear testing and disarmament, and to support action designed to encourage discus- sion of proposals for nuclear disarmament. USNSA encourages the formation of groups to study and act on the isuses of nuclear testing and disarmament on campuses where such groups are not now in existence. Cites DangersTo Education NSA SESSION-Many hours of debate and discussion went into the various resolutions passed by the United States National Student Association. Urges Due Student Judicial Processes FACT: In recent years, college and universitynadministrations have suspended or dismissed stu- dents without permitting the ac- cused students to defend them- selves, cross examine the witnesses against them, or be present at the proceedings. S o m e universities have refused to give students the specific reasons for their suspen- sion or dismissal. In other cases, only after the commission ofhan apparently innocent act have amorphous regulations been con- strued to render this action a vio- lation of university policy. PRINCIPLE: USNSA affirms its belief that: 1. The university has the respon- sibility: a. to state clearly, as clearly and completely as possible, which actions shall; be considered violations of university regu- lations; b. to delineate and make public the penalties which could be imposed; c. to give the accused student adequate notice of the partic- ular charges placed against him. 2. The student has the right: a. to have access to all relevant information, including the testimony of his accusers; b. to offer personal testimony and witnesses in his own be- half; c. to decline to testify against himself; d. to receive the rationale be- hindthe decision; e. to be free from the possibil- ity of double jeopardy; f. to be tried by an impartial body; g. to have free choice of coun- sel; h. to be prosecuted by someone other than a member of the trial body. DECLARATION: In accordance with the preceding principles, USNSA recommends that each university esablish a judicial coun- cil, which shall be either the ulti- mate court of appeal or the only judicial court. The council should be composed of faculty and stu- dents; in no case shall the coun- cil include a member who has brought charges or who is en- gaged in pressing charges. All in- fraction of university rules, both social and academic, which can lead to expulsion or suspension should be heard by the council, unless the accused requests that Oppose Postal Censoring Bill FACT: An amendment to the Postal Revision Act of 1961, known as the Cunningham Amendment has passed the House and has been sent to the Senate. The amendment would prohibit the "receipt, handling, transport or delivery of mail matter deter- mined by the Attorney General to be Communist political propagan- da financed or sponsored directly or indirectly by any Communist controlled government." PRINCIPLE: Any act of re- stricting, suppressing, or censoring the flow of any material for po- litical reasons interferes with the citizen's right of free access to in- formation and with academic freedom and places in jeopardy the foundations of an informed democratic society. the case be heard in the appropri- ate administrative office. Any stu- dent in danger of dismissal should be given adequate notice of the hearing and sufficient information concerning the offense of which he is accused to enable him to prepare for the adjudication of the registered charge. A hearing would be conducted in which the accused would have an opportuni- ty to present his defenses and to cross examine witnesses giving evi- dence against him. A student appearing before this council should have the right to have assistance of his own choos- ing in the presentation of his case if he so desires. Complete records of the proceedings should be kept to facilitate possible appeals. The decision reached by the ju- dicial council should not be sub- ject to review by any other uni- versity authority, except where state law provides that the presi- dent of the board of trustees of the university are to have the ulti- mate disciplinary power. In such situations USNSA urges that the president or board of trustees dele- gate their authority to the council. FACT: Since the end of World War II, institutions of higher ed- ucation have become involved in and vitally affected by what is known as the cold war. Universities have become func- tionally tied to the conduct of do-' mestic and foreign policy. Vast amounts of federal funds subsidize a great proportion of the scientif- ic resources of the academic world. Infringement of academic free- dom and restrictions on access to information have been justified in the name of implied or explicit threats to national security. PRINCIPLE: The principles of academic freedom, university au- tonomy, student rights and unbi- ased inquiry require constant de- fense and reaffirmation. Intellectual communities best contribute to their society when the critical and exploratory fac- ulties are free to confront the cru- cial questions before the society. Maintaining the c ha n nels through which knowledge may be freely obtained and deliberately considered has become a prime task of ,those concerned with the future of education. Unless relevant knowledge can be obtained and judiciously ap- plied to the decisive events of this era, our competence to master these events will be at best inade- quate. USNSA recognizes the responsi- bility of the system of higher edu- cation to the society which sup- Excerpts The following are excerpts from resolutions passed at the National Student Congress. ports it. It affirms also, the obli- gation of the universities to take the initiative in establishing the manner by which they shall ful- fill their responsibilities. DECLARATION: USNSA calls upon universities and colleges, students and faculty to reexamine their relations to the Cold War. USNSA reaffirms the right and the obligation of faculty and stu- dents to maintain and foster the spirit of free inquiry, and to con- tinue, with renewed vigor, to exer- cise the critical function of the academic community.iThe aca- demic community should also edu- cate the broader society to the dangers inherent in the restric- tion or elimination of both un- biased inquiry and social criti- cism. Such practices can only im- pair the ability of institutions of higher learning to face the cru- cial problem of our time with in- tellectual competence and integri- ty. USNSA commits itself to respon- sible and continual attempts to comprehend the broad implications of the present relationship be- tween higher education and inter- national events. It urges students to examine and redefine the in- tellectually and psychologically harmful institutions of the cold war and seek the best means by whichethe nation can remain true to the principles oif liberty and democracy. Continue To Sell Bicycle Licenses Bicycle licenses to be displayed on all bikes before October 1 are on sale this week, and if necessary, next week on the first floor of the Student Activities Bldg. Sales of the licenses will continue follow- ing this time at the office of the city clerk at City Hall. Cost is 50 cents. DISC SHOP Fi (ENTER 1210 S. University 304 S. Thayer NO 3-6922 NO 5-4855 I I . r~. nt . n . ... .. ....... n .................... ....t :r .:::: : v :::: : ::._ ::: :" ? %iii': r. ... re. .. .: ..rr. . ,. , .. .. ..... . Y.. .,. : :.. . . ... . ...,...ti."a..:.- .... . . . . . . . . . ... . ... r. . .. .... . .. .... .. c... . ... ....,......'t.. .. :.t ".,. .,." . . :":r..:: " r, y. I a4P I tfditgan Datly and The Michiganensian will be holding their annual 'vf.!±ivi iitl rti; LT'"i}M1 f+fii:if .:n.f YS^i;: lfi:" vYf r iiii Songs of devotion and love by the great Mario-some never before released. Ave Maria, Because, Trees, 11 more. LM-2607 (Monaural only.) Two brilliant examples of the dazzling technique and incom- parable musicianship of the master of the violin. LM/ LSC-2503 r ON RCA VICTO RED SEAL $4.98 $5.98 now $Z.49 now $,99 Price Save on all Klemperer Recordings Fresh from her triumph as Aida, Leontyne Price sings 14 favorite spirituals straight from the heart. Leonard de Paur conducts. LM/LSC-260* "Live" on-stage recording from Rubinstein's smash 1961 con. cert series. Works by Debussy, Prokofieff, Villa-Lobos, Szyma- nowski. LM /LSC-2605" Saturday, Sept. 15 from 9-12 A.M. in the STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. Charles Munch at his, peak conducting the fiery music of his favorite composer in a truly "fantastic" reading. LM/LSC-2608* PucciNi , zMOFFO TUCKER <=?MERRILL # rz;' O LEINSDORF conducting For the first time in ten years, Dr. Otto Klemperer returns to America to conduct a series of concerts. The concerts promise -to be sold out. So that no one need miss the experience of a Klemperer performance, Angel takes pride in announcing a unique discount on our entire Klemperer repertoire. During August and September, the purchase of two Klemperer discs entitles you to a third absolutely free! Your choice is unlimited. You may purchase such magnificent new packages as the three record set of "Fidelio," available August 20, for the price of two records. In September, a five record set of the stirring "St. Matthew Passion" becomes available. won't you join in our tribute to the rare genius of Dr. Klemperer-unde- niably, a toweringF musical figure of our time. Take advantage of this timely offer to own and to delight in some of the world'sA greatest recordings at outsanding. savings. BACH: The Four Suites for Orchestra (2 discs) 3536 B St. Matthew Passion (5 discs) (S) 3599 E/L:: BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 1 in C; No. 8 in F (S) 35657 Symphony No. 2 in D; Overtures "Coriolan," "Prometheus" (S) 35658 Symphony No. 3 in E Flat "Eroica" 35328 Symphony No. 3 in E Flat "Eroica" (5) 35853 Symphony No. 4 in B Flat; Overture, "Consecration of the House" (S) 35661 Symphony No. 5 in C minor; Overture "Consecration of the House" 35329 Symphony No. 5 in C minor; Overture "King Stephen" (S) 35843 Symphony No. 6 in F, "Pastorale" (Si 35711 "Choral;" Incidental Music to Egmont (2 discs) (S) 3577 B The Complete Nine Symphonies (8 discs) (S) 3619 H Fidelio (3 discs) (S) 3625 C/Li Overtures: "Fidelio," "Leonore No. 1," "Leonore No. 2," "Leonore No. 3" 35258 BRAHMS: Symphony No. 1 in C minor (S) 35481 Symphony No. 2 in D; Overture, "Tragic" (S) 35532 Symphony No. 3 in F; Overture, "Academic Festival" (S) 35545 Symphony No. 4 in E minor (S) 35546 The Four Symphonies (4 discs) (S) 3614 D Violin Concerto (Oistrakh) (S) 35836t BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 7 WAGNER: Siegfried Idyll (2 discs) (S) 3626 B.;, HAYDN: Symphonies No. 98 in B Flat, No. 101 in D "The Clock" (S) 35872 MAHLER: Symphony No. 4 in G (Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano) (S) 358291_ MENDELSSOHN: Symphony No. 4 in A "Italian"/SCHUMANN: Symphony No. 4 in D minor (S) 35629 Symphony No. 3 in A minor "Scotch;" Overture, "The Hebrides" (S) 35880 A Midsummer Night's Dream, Incidental Music (with soloists and chorus) (5) 35881 MOZART: Symphonies No. 29 in A; No 41 in C "Jupiter" 35209 Symphonies Nos. 25 and 40 in G Iminor (5) 35407 Symphonies No. 38 in D "Prague;" No. 39 in E Flat 35408 Horn Concertos (Civil, horn) (S) 35689 SCHUBERT: Symphony No. 9 in C "The Great" (S) 35946 RICHARD STRAUSS: Till Eulen- spiegel, Dance of the Seven Veils from "Salome," Don Juan (S) gRIT'7.. 420 MAYNARD (in back of the Administration Bldg.) Two current Rodgers hit scores Anna Moffo's sparkling soprano on one L.P. in the brilliant soars through this brand new new sound of the Boston Pops! complete La Boheme. Brilliant Delightful Fiedler fare. cast, 2 L.P.s, libretto. LM/ LSC-26370 LM/LSC-6095* LIVING STEREO (LSC) AND MONAURAL HI-FI (LM) *ALSO ON TAPE A& 1 Dli uiRn YnHi SFF THIS SYMBOL- We affer the new TOURS WILL BE GIVEN i i