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August 25, 1964 - Image 97

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-25

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Seventy-three Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXV, No. 1


Russell Buntin Lead Hoo per's Basketball to
Bid Dfor Big Ten, NCAA Titles ost ollar
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by Charlie Towle
Contributing Sports Editor
"Well, it will be all you guys
next year."
So said a Duke sportswriter
after watching his team eliminate
Michigan at the NCAA final in
Kansas City last year. "It" was
the NCAA title and in his most
,gracious Southern manner our
friend from Durham, N.C. was the
first to do what a lot of basketball
prognosticaters will be doing this
year - picking Michigan to grab
off all the basketball goodies they
can palm their collective hands
With the loss of only one starter
from last year's quintet, guard
Bob Cantrell, and the return of
All America guard Cazzie Russell
and All America center Bill Bun-
tin Michigan basketball should see
the continuation of a rise in bas-
ketball power that carried the
Wolverines to third place in the
NCAA tournament last year as

well as being co-champions of the
Bib Ten with Ohio State.
The Flaws
Basketball coach Dave Strack is
not without a few problems, how-
ever. The first problem is to find
a replacement for Bob Cantrell at
guard. Strack seemed to indicate
after the NCAA tournament last
year that the frontrunner for this
positions is John Clawson-
Clawson stands 6' 4" and his
style of play seems to be similar,
to that of 6' 5" Russell, though
naturally not as good. Although
he played in 16 games last year
his total points, 23, show that he
did not have that much actual
game time.
Michigan with Clawson in the
lineup would be a very unusual
team - they already were slightly
unusual last year. Both Buntin
and Russell showed a propensity
last year towards playing more
like a forward than a center or

guard. Now with the addition of
still another man who likes to By TOM WEINBERG
get in under the basket, Clawson,T W
Michigan will have in essence five' Students, faculty and employees
forwards on the floor. The rrost of the University will be charged
guardlike one of the group, in $1 for each basketball game they
fact, is probably Larry Tregoning, attend next season.
this year's Captain. The Board in Control of Inter-
Strack is counting.on Tregoning collegiate Athletics.announced the
to solve another problem provid- decision to abandon the athletic
ing a holler guy to replace Can- coupon system for automatic ad-
trell. Tregoning should have no mission to basketball games last
trouble filling this role. spring.

by Tom Rowland
I remember when I was a kid, for entertainment the show cost
14 cents-saw Tom Mix western spectacular, saw latest segment of
Batman serial, ate big bag of popcorn valued at 10 cents.
What price progress? Hang on to your wallets, le pickpocketuer
abounds about the grounds: Yost Field House, Michigan Stadium-
and the Athletic Administration Building. Twelve dollars for football,
about twelve more for basketball, ten more portraits of Mr. Washing-
ton out of tuition. And if hockey is on your list of favorites, add a
dollar a game more.
In small addition, the price of popcorn has risen with the
national debt, the cost of a single cold hot dog is astronomical and
the lines to the washrooms are unreal.
To the average freshman who has yet to encounter sex, Colt .45,
and Chem 106 exams, it may hardly seem worth the working out.
But Saturday afternoons in the General Library can be depressing,
and the show at the corner of Main and Stadium Boulevard is
a big one.
There the largest college-owned stadium in the country houses
the excitement of a football Saturday that really doesn't necessitate
a national grid powerhouse to make the show worthwhile. It had
better not. But you'll see some of the top college football in the
country-Rose Bowl champs Illinois, Heismann Trophy winner Roger
Staubach and the Navy grid crew, Tommy Myers trying to quarter-
back Northwestern to the top.
Coming Up . ..
The home team will be better this fall, too. A big chunk of
Bump Elliott's middle line is gone via diploma, but the quarterbacks
look sharp, last year's host of top ends returns, and speed-some-
thing lacking since the days of McRae and Pace-is on the upswing.
It appears as if there'll be improvement all around the Big Ten,
with early season predictions putting Illinois and Ohio State at the
top. Despite the word of moan from East Lansing that "everyone"
is gone, don't count out Michigan State as a strong dark horse
It's the year of the mass substitution-a rule change has made
it almost unlimited, bringing back the days of two-platoon football.
When the clock is stopped, a coach may now throw as many new
players into the game as he wants,
and he can insert two even when
the clock is running.
But it's not all pigskin in Michi-
gan Stadium. In the Crisler pack-t
age deal you also get the best
college band in the country-
they've never lost a game-plus
an assortment of goodies, includ-
ing a troupe o grinning, bouncing,
jumping, male cheerleaders, a
Block M section, and, at halftime,
the "passing up" of some passed
out fan upthe rows of the west h .
"Band, take the field," and herex
they come, 20,000 beats a second,>
or something like that. Then on.
with the cheerleaders and a sneak
preview of next winters gym
nastics and diving teams. The first BATMAN
time you'll scream (you thought
for sure they were going to drop him), the second time you'll laugh.
third time you'll grin. The next time you'll wonder why they don't
think up some new routine, and then you'" wonder why they don't
have girl cheerleaders.
The cheerleaders are worse at basketball games (no trampoline)
-so is the band (poor acoustics). The field house is a crypt. And the
basketball team is about the best in the nation. A five-star attraction,
sports fans-Cazzie Russell, Bill Buntin, Oliver Darden, Larry
Tregoning, an as-yet-unnamed second guard make a show that
almost balances the two-and-a-half hour wait that anyone who
desires a seat must endure. A seat is defined as anything within
binocular range.
Ready for More .. .
The Wolverine cagers took a third place in the NCAA finals
last year, losing to Duke in the semis after tying with Ohio State
for the Big Ten title. Only guard Bobby Cantrell is gone from the
starting five with graduation, and Coach Dave Strack appears to
have the goods to go an even better season than last year's-the
best in Michigan history.
It looks like the last year for the immortal Yost edifice, and
while the pressure is on to get Cazzie and the boys out of the
State Street dungeon, there's a lot of history that will always haunt
the first big college field house.
Over in the Coliseum you can pay a dollar to learn how to
pronounce the names of the hockey stars and watch the Wolverines
go after a second straight NCAA title. Polonic may not be bad, but

Besides Clawson other guard
candidates are old hands John
Thompson and Tom Ludwig and
newcomers Dennis Banke and
Odell Handcox.
Thompson came to Michigan
with the same freshman team
that contained Russell, Oliver
Darden, Clawson, and Jim Myers.
He was regarded as the best out-
side shot in the bunch, but so far
in his freshman and sophomore
years Thompson has. been only
Ludwig is one of the hardest
workers on the basketball team.
This and his maturity, he is a
senior, could win him the starting
guard spot.
Banke was the consistent per-
former on the freshman team last
year. He displayed an uncanny
ability to get the right plays going.
He is the most likely sophomore to
break into the lineup. Handcox,
another sophomore is a real long-
shot to see much action this year.
His ebbullient style of play, how-
ever, blends with that of Russell
and this could give him a boost.
So much for pessimism. Now
for the brighter facts about this
year's team. If Clawson starts,
the starting lineup, will average
nearly 6' 6" and should be even
more brutal on the boards than
they were last year when they
See NCAA, Page 5

The fee for athletic coupons re-
mains at $12 for students and $15
for faculty and employees, and
will entitle the purchaser to a re-
served seat at each of the six
football games in Michigan Sta-
dium in 1964. The student coupons
will again be sold at registration
in the fall.
Athletic Director H. 0. Crisler
mentioned skyrocketing costs and
the need to supplement athletic
revenues in explaining the policy
that eliminates free admission to
basketball games.
Crisler said the board also felt
- - - -

MICHIGAN STADIUM, home of the Michigan football team looms large and empty in front of the athletic administration. In
order to make the Michigan athletic success formula work Michigan Stadium has to be filled. Last year in front of a mediocre team
the benches stood at nearly 40 per cent empty in the Stadium. This year things look somewhat better for the football team; but it will
take at least one great year before Michigan can hope to draw good crowds again.

Gridders Sharper
For Rough Big Ten,
Elliott Says Experience and Depth
Key to Success in Stronger League

'M' Collects
Alil-S ports
Title Again
With three second places and a
third place 'in the spring sports
competition Michigan rapped up
its fourth consecutive Big Ten
all-sports crown.
The seconds in track, tennis
and baseball and the third in
golf gave Michigan 35 points based
on a system of ten points for a
first, nine points for a second,
etc. The Wolverine teams ended
up with 98% points. Runnerup
was Michigan State with 88%
Using the more refined quality
points system which divides the
total number of points each school
earns by the number of sports they
compete in gives Michigan an even
more impressive looking margin.
Michigan had 8.95 quality points
to second place Michigan State's
Last year Michigan's margin of
victory for the all-sports chai-
pionship was only 7.54 to second
place Wisconsin's 6.88.
Besides the spring sports Michi-
gan got its other points for first
place finishes in gymnastics,
hockey, indoor track and wrest-
ling, a tie for first in basketball,
See 'M', Page 4


much of the confusion caused last
basketball season with the distri-
bution of tickets would be elim-
The precise implementation of
the new plan will not be announc-
ed until next fall,nbut Crisler in-
dicated that the tickets would
probably be sold in a manner sim-
ilar to the way they were exchang-
ed last season. At that time, on
the day before each home game
tickets were given in exchange for
punches on athletic cards.
The implementation of the new
policy will, according to Crisler,
solve many of the problems caused
last season by long lines and over-
sold demand for admission. Last
year some 19,000 people had claims
to seats at the basketball games in
Yost FieldHouse, where the ca-
pacity in non reserved seats is ap-
proximately 6200.
The increased revenue that is
expected from the sale of admis-
sion to basketball games is not
earmarked toward the construc-
tion of the new $3.5 million sports
arena on Stadium Blvd., according
to Crisler. Rather, he commented
that the increased revenue will be
applied to the total athletic budget
in an effort to combat rising costs.

Sports Editor
Coach Bump Elliott says his
football team will be improved
this fall over last season's team
which compiled a 3-4-2 record but
the catch is that he expects Wol-
verine opponents to be improved
"Improvement 1i & relative
thing," Elliott says. "We'll field,
a better team this fall but so will
the teams we'll play.
I'll definitely say we'll be a
betterfootball team because we'll
have more speed, more depth, and
more experience. And in some
cases we'll have more ability.
Overall, we'll just have better per-
The increased depth will come
at an opportune time as substi-
tution rules have been liberalized
for this season. There is now un-
limited substitution when the
clock is stopped and a maximum of
two substitutions at other times
when the clock is running. Thus
Elliott feels he will be able to
platoon more than under the old
Strong and Weak
With 25 lettermen returning, El-
liott points out the team is strong
in some areas but weak at other
spots. The interior line-especial-
ly the left side-is a special con-
cern for Elliott and new offensive
line coach Tony Mason.
Mason came to Ann Arbor just
before spring practice after an
almost fantastic Ohio high school
coaching tenure. His overall coach-
ing record was 87-9-7 and includ-
de a 47-game unbeaten streak at
Niles McKinley High School over
the past five seasons. Mason re-
places Jack Fouts who resigned

to become head coach at his alma
mater, Ohio Wesleyan.
Mason and Elliott's problem
started when left guard Joe 0'-
Donnell, last season's captain, and
left tackle Tom Keating used up
their eligibility in the 1963 season.
This left two big holes in the line.
to be filled and no experienced
replacements in sight.
At left guard, Elliott tentatively
puts junior Bill Keating (Tom's
brother), senior DavegButler, and
;junior Dennis Flanagan, a con-
verted end, in his three-deep line-
up. This trio had little game ex-
perience last fall and none of the
three is a letterwinner.
Another non-letterwinner, jun-
ior Chuck Kines,khas been put
into the left tackle slot. He is
backed up by a pair of letter-
winners, junior Chuck Ruzicka and
senior John Yanz.
There is more experience on the
right side of the line at guard
and tackle. Senior Rich Hahn at
guard and junior Bill Yearby at
tackle were starters last season.
Behind Hahn arerveteran senior
John Marcum and Bob Mielke, a
sophomore who has been con-
verted from fullback.
Right behind the 6'3", 230-pound
Yearby is junior Tom Mack whose
height and weight measurements
are about the same as Yearby's.
Mack did not letter as a sopho-
more end last fall. But after
switching to tackle he won the
Meyer Morton Trophy as the
most improved player in spring
practice. Third position at right
tackle is held jointly by senior
lettermen Gerald Mader and Ar-
nie Simkus.
See ELLIOTT, Page 10

by Bill Bullard
Financial Report or...
..Football Uber Alles
Football is king at the University of Michigan.
That's the way it should be. That's the way it has been. And
that's the way it will be unless my faith in Bump Elliott and his
assistants is misplaced.
The importance of a winning football team is sometimes
rationalized away by those who justifiably point with pride to the
outstanding Wolverine teams in all other sports. But without a
representative football team, the whole athletic program is hurt.
To put it bluntly, the athletiQ department needs the money which
a winning football team will bring in. Skyrocketing costs have
occurred at a time when receipts, made up largely of football attend-
ance revenues, have not kept pace with the costs.
There have been over 40,000 empty seats on an average at
each game in the last two seasons. This compares most -un-
favorably with such years as 1950, 1956 and 1957 when an
average of over 80,000 fans attended each game. In 1949, at-
tendance was at an alltime record of almost 94,000 fans per
game. And this was at a time when the Stadium's capacity was
only slightly over 97,000.
The one thing that these years had in common was that these
were winning years. More importantly, the preceeding year was
usually a winning year. The 1949 attendance record was set, for
example, after two straight undefeated seasons.
Everybody Loves a Winner.. .
There can be no doubt that a winning team makes more money
than a losing team. But how does this affect the other sports and
athletics in general? The example of the new basketball arena
probably answers the question bettew than any other.
Basketball has been growing rapidly in popularity and the need
to replace Yost Field House has been acknowledged by everyone
concerned. For two seasons now the attendance problem at basket-
ball games has been crucial, yet Wolverine fans will probably have
to suffer through two more seasons before the new arena is completed.
With larger revenues from football, the new arena would be ready
for next season if not before.
But a winning football team }s important for other reasons
besides the money angle. Alumni and the general public probably
read more about the Wolverine football team in their local news-
papers than about any other facet or activity of the University.
The success or failure of the team makes a big impression on these
groups. It is hardly a good advertisement for the University when
it fails at an activity which most people easily identify with the
It has always been my opinion that whaat makes the Univer-
sity of Michigan stand out among the great Universities is the
overall excellence achieved in many varied activities. The foot-
ball team is perhaps an insignificant part of the total picture.
But its impact on the alumni and public is certainly not.
Among the supposedly apathetic student body, the football team
is still the great unifier. It represents the University in a tangable
way that almost everyone can identify with. Without the football
team, the graduate student and the undergraduate, the engineering
student and the one in liberal arts, the serious student and the one
engrossed in student activities have little in common.
Good Prospects ..
The prospects for this particular season look good. Last season's
squad was generally a steady outfit, with only a little offensive
punch lacking to make it a winning team. On paper, the Wolverines
this season have the best personnel in the Big Ten outside of
Illinois and Ohio State.
Transforming this material into winning points on the scoreboard
is the job of Elliott and his staff. Although I personally have been
overly optimistic in the past two seasons and could be making the
same mistake again, I look for a winning team and marked improve-
ment as the season progresses.
At Michigan, although football is the No. one sport, there
has never been a need to downgrade the other sports to make
football look good. With the advent of athletic scholarships

Hockey Sextet Reverses Dismal Season,
Last Year To Win National Championship

Few hockey fans would have
believed it possible that Michi-
gan's team could come back from
the WCHA cellar to the NCAA
championship, but the puckmen
surprised everyone.
The 1961-62 season was one
of the most disappointing ones
for Wolverine hockey fans. Michi-
gan was able to win only seven
games, while losing 14, and tying
three. The 1963-64 season was a
complete reversal as Michigan
won 24, while losing four and ty-
ing one.
The accomplishments of last
year's team are reflected in the
trophies and awards that they
brought home. These include the
Big Ten hockey championship, the

two WCHA All-Stars, the NCAA
Most Valuable Player, the WCHA
scoring champion, and the win-
ner of the Big Ten Scholar ath-
lete award. Perhaps the most grat-
ifying of all these honors was the
WCHA Coach of the Year award
which was given to Al Renfrew
who is in his eighth season as
Wolverine mentor.
The awards alone, however. do
not give a picture of the entire
season. The statistics have a story
to tell, too. Michigan scored 217
goals, a new record, for an aver-
age of 7.5 goals per game. Mean-
while, a defense that improved
throughout the season, held op-
ponents to a meager 2.7 goals per
game. In addition, the Blue set a
new individual game scoring mark

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