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August 25, 1964 - Image 90

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TIfE mrlcl YGAN DAIL'Y''"'





Colleges S nSectrumon




Central Campus .houses but a
small s'ection of' the academic
facilities of the University.
From the athletic fields to the
medical center to l-the resealrch-
complex of -North Campus, the
University extends far from what
may seem to many undergraduates
to be its hub at the diag..
The million-dollar physical com-.
plex in all .of these areas houses
the '17 schools and colleges that
compi'se the University.
Two of them are located outside
of Ann Arbor. These units, the
Dearborn Center and the Flint
College, are ,discussed in the "Uni-
versity A ' inistration" section of
this issue.
Architecture and"
Design Colege. *
This division offers three pro-
grams:- a five-year professional
program leading to. a bachelor of
architecture degree,- a. four-year
bachelor ,of science in landscape
architecture degree plan and var-
ious .curricula eading to a bache-
lor of science in design. It also
offers a -graduate program leading
to several graduate degrees.
Sometime with the next decade
or so, the college will leave - its
drab quarters on central campus
and move.to a new building-
currently nothing but a vacant
lot bearing a "to be erected" sign
-on North Campus..
The -new dean of the college,
appointed this summer, is Regi-
nald, ,F.Malcolmson.~
Business Administration
This school provides five degree
programs last yeai, requiring two
Welcome Students
and Un erstly Personnc1
to the newv retwodeled
(near Kesge's)
"Our dea is workmanship and
service-Senitation is the law!"
Class of '36
of the Doscola Barbers

years of, background in the liberal
One leads to a master's degree
in hospital administration, and
is conducted with the aid of the
public health and Medical Schools
and the" University Hospital. It
requires .one year's residence in
a hospital.
The other four degree programs
are confined mainly to business
and economic areas, as are several
of its :research and information
The school sponsors the Bureau
of Business Research,Bureau of
Industrial Relation's, and Bureau
of Hospital Administration. In
addition it holds numerous con-
ferences throughout the year with
interested parties from the busi-
ness- and industrial world.
Unlike many of its counterparts,
the business school is in "excel-
lent 'shape" as far as its physical
facilities¥ are concerned. School
administrators are presently
thinking about student housing
problems, One of the present ideas
begin considered is to set up a
living arrangement similar to the
one at the Law Quad.
Dean of the Business School is
Floyd. R. Bond.
Dental School. ..
The University has had a pro-
gram in dentistry since 1875. It
is presently being conducted in
two adjoining buildings - the
Dental-Bldg. and the W. K. Kel-
logg Institute, both located on N.
As with the architecture school,
the dental school also has a prob-
lem of space. Independent accred-
iting groups have appraised the
school's facilities as distressingly
bad in comparison with the level
of instruction.
A newbuilding for the school
ranks high in priority among the
University's various building plans.
The school offers both graduate
and postgraduate dentistry cur-
ricula. Dean William R. Mann
heads this University unit.
Education School. .
The: educational -school is lo-
cated in University High School
which is used as a laboratory for
instruction of teaching.
However, University High will
be phased out of the system as
soon as Ann Arbor builds a new
public high school. University
High will become an elementary

of four years of college and pass-
ing an entrance examination.
The dean is Allan F. Smith.
Literary College .. .
This is by far the University's
largest and most diverse teaching
division. In its buildings, which
fill most of central campus, the
literary college offers depart-
mental degree programs in 32
departments. In addition, its cat-
alogue lists eight interdepart-
mental programs, 13 "special pro-
grams" and four programs each
builtharound the study of one area
of the world: America, the. Far
East, the Near East and Russia.
As the University's liberal-arts
division, the literary college also
offers liberal-arts courses to stu-
dents enrolled in or planning to
enroll in other University divi-
sions. Business administration,
dental, and education school st .-
dents spend their first two years
in the literary college; the col-
lege's bachelor's degrees also help
qualify students for law, iredictal
and other professional cjrricula.
Even after being enrolled in the
specialized University divisions,
students often take advantage of
literary college courses.
Literary College departments
also offer graduate programs of
various descriptions.
The college's dean is nationally-
known economist William Haber.
Medical School*...
With more than 800 students
enrolled, the Medical School, es-
tablished in 1850, is the largest in
the country.
Offering work in 21 depart-
ments, the school comprises 2e
Medical Center complex. nor I of
the women's dormitories tn the
Students desiring to enter the
school must show 90 tours o2
undergraduate w o r k in the
science-oriented pre-medical pro-

The Medical School is iato'i-
ally known for the excelle ice of
its faculty and its University Hos-
Michigan residents are g'n
preference in admittance.
The dean is William !H.b. J.
Music School. . .
Once scattered across the cen-
tral campus area with its facilities
dispensed throughout some 13
buildings, the music school is now
unified in a new North Campus
With over 700 music majors and
nearly 80 faculty members, it is
the second largest music school in
the country.
It offers a standard four-year
undergraduate program as well as
a graduate program leading to
bachelor and master of music de-
Its faculty members have won
several national and international
prizes, and frequently give free
concerts on campus. The Univer-
sity of Michigan Glee Club won
the Welsh International Eistend-
dford at Llangellen, Wales, last
The school's summer program at
Interlochen is w el l k n o w n
throughout the country.
The dean is James B. Wallace.
Natural Resources.. .
The University has the nation's
first school of natural resources,
established in 1950.
Offering degree programs in
wildlife management, fisheries,
conservation, forestry and wood
technology, the school is situated
in the Natural Resources Bldg. on
East University, north of the en-
gineering buildings.
Many of the top officials in
government and private forestry
and conservation bureaus are
University graduates.
The dean is Stephen H. Spurr.

Nursing School ...
School officials are anticipating
an increase in the number of male
students wishing to apply to this
Its basic program consists of a
four year program combining gen-
eral and professional education
leading to a bachelor of science
degree in nursing.
The, Reason
The University's listing of
some of its divisions as "col-
leges" and others as "schools"
isn't merely arbitrary.
The distinction? A "college"
admits undergraduate freshmen
And offers them a full four (or
five) year undergraduate pro-
gram. A "school" is a more
specialized division which re-
quires at least two years of
college education for admission
and which gives mainly gradu-
ate, professional or technical
The one year old medical sur-
gical program which leads to a
master of science degree is also
expected to attract more students
this year.
Comprising one male student
and over 650 women, this unit is
situated in the Medical Center
The dean is Rhoda Reddig
Pharmacy College ...
Established in 1876, this college
is the smallest (about 150 stu-
dents) of the 14 graduate and
professional units at the Univer-
It provides a five year program
for a bachelor of science in phar-'
macy degree, a six year profes-

sional program for a doctor of
pharmacy and two graduate pro-
The curricula include special
studies for hospital and profes-
sional pharmaceutical work and
also for industrial technology.
The $1.2 million Pharmacy Bldg.
dedicated in 1961 provides modern
facilities and planning for re-
search activities.
The dean is Tom D. Rowe.
Public Health...
In order to prepare professional
workers, to offer in-service train-
ing to existing public health
workers and to conduct research,
this school was established in 1951.
There are only a dozen or so
comparable schools in the country.
As a graduate school, it offers
programs leading to masters de-
grees in public health and indus-
trial health and doctor of public
Research projects by the
school's faculty members include
a $144,000 five year study of
virus drugs and another study of
factors associated with nuitrition.
While situated in the Public
Health Bldg., new space is being
provided. this fall by the adapta-
tion of the former residence hall
Victor Vaughn.
Myron F. Wegman is the dean.
Social Work School ...
This school is found among the
various language centers and
classrooms in the Frieze Bldg.
It is a graduate school, with a
two year program leading to a
masters degree.
Most of the unit's work is done
with funds received from the fed-
eral government. One of these
projects, supported by a $200,000
grant from the Dept. of Health,
Education and Welfare, involves
a study of possible cures and edu-
cational"programs for juvenile de-
The dean is F. F. Fauri.






PHARMACY COLLEGE students apply their classroom knowledge
in the college's prescription department.

Presently, the education school
offers both 'A' and 'B' track pro-
grams. The first is for those stu-
dents desiring, to become second-
ary school teachers.
The 'B' track covers subjects in'
which student teaching is not
available and which are not fre-
quently taught in high schools.
The school has its library facil-
ities on the second floor of the
UGLI and sponsors semesters
abroad with the University of
Sheffield in England.
In 1879, the University marked
the path by being the first in-
stitution in the country to offer
a professorship in the science and
art of teaching.
Dean of the school is Willard
C. Olson.
Engineering College .. .
More than 3000 students are
enrolled in this unit, which pro-
vides undergraduate programs in
13 fields, leading 'to a bachelor of
science degree.
The college is offering a new in-
terdisciplinary program in bio-en-
gineering which combines work in
the biological and medical sciences
with those of engineering.. The
program is for graduate students
only and no' undergraduate de-
grees will be given.

The library facilities of the en-
gineering college are on the
UGLI's third floor.
The dean is Stephen Attwood.
Graduate School..
This is an administrative unit
offering 25 different degrees. The
actual instruction comes from the
faculty and facilities of other
Located in the Rackham build-
ing, the graduate school coordi-
nates and approves entrance ap-
plications of students into other
departments' graduate programs.
Much of the work involves the
sponsorship of post-doctoral pro-
Law School...
Established in 1860, the Law
School offers a three year course
leading to a bachelor of laws de-
gree. It also offers three graduate
Using the case method, students
examine and analyze the presen-
tation and validity of arguments
in a given case. A closed circuit
television hookup with Washtenaw
Court aids greatly in this respect.
Well known for their research,
Law School professors edit the
two publications in existence per-
taining to international law.


New LSA Unit Aims at Innovation

Next year a pilot group of 500 literary college freshmen will
participate in the University's newest educational experiment: the
residential college.
Aimed at improving the learning process and partially answering
growth needs, the residential college will integrate living, eating,
library, classroom and faculty office facilities in one building or
a small cluster of buildings, to be located between Central Campus{
and North Campus.
This unified, relatively isolated physical framework will hope-
fully provide for an intimate, small-college atmosphere where
academic pursuits will become a more complementary part of the
student's life and where contact among faculty and students is
greatly enchanced.
And perhaps most significant, the University may well use the
residential college concept as a guideline in other expansion in
the years ahead. Thus Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger

While urging its students to take The buildings that compose the
literary college courses, the Engi- Law Quadrangle are a landmark
neering unit does not have a two and are known to nearly all stu-
year language requirement. It dents and many visitors.
maintains a separate English de- Qualification for entering the
partment. Law School consists of completion

W. Heyns, charged by the Regents with the responsibility of working
out the college's details, considers that the new unit will also be
a "model" for future University growth.
The proposal for the residential college originally came from
the literary college faculty members in the spring of 1962. By
November of iast year the full college faculty gave its tentative
support to the proposal. Numerous reports followed-among them,
a paper by one of the literary college's associate deans and recom-
mendations by another college committee-and in April of this
year the Regents, after a second faculty endorsement, authorized
the Office of Academic Affairs to begin planning the new unit
Maybe 1965
While new facilities may not be available for the college-funds
must be appropriated by the state , Legislature-until 1967, it Is
hoped that the concept will go into operation by 1965 in existing
The residential college will be an administrative unit of the
literary college, with its director-Associate Dean Burton D. Thuma
-maintaining his appointment in the larger unit.
Its faculty, a volunteer staff, also with literary college appoint-
ments, will probably receive short-term assignments in the new
unit. This procedure and efforts to maintain a high quality of
education in the residential college are aimed ' at removing the
stigma-at first feared by some professors-of being assigned to
the literary college's "Siberia."
1000 Students
Eventually the residential college will contain about 1000 stu-
dents, all of whom chose to be in the residential college rather
than the regular literary college. They will represent roughly a
cross-section of the student body, and will not be selected for any
special level of ability or field of interest.
But to help' develop a strong feeling of identification with the
college, a freshman admitted to the residential college would be
expected-though not required-to stay there for his entire under-
See LSA, Page 7




The Center of Campus Activity...


w 11


The Unio; offers a multitude of facilities
including-Dining Room, Michigan Union Grill, Barber
Bowling Alley, Swimming Pool, Billiard Room, Listening
Student Offices, Meeting Rooms, Pendleton Library.


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