al rP S iri~iouatn Ua4iit VOL. LXXV, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 SECTION 4 I I, AWAY FROM ANONYMITY N Extra- urricula r- Lie {. By MARY LOU BUTCHER THE UNIVERSITY'S enrollment is nearing 30,000. At times, the thought of being "one in 30,- 000" can be overwhelming. The imagination lends credence to fears of anonymity and isolation; visions of crowded lecture halls and haras- sed, can't-be-bothered professors loom large. What's worse, often the fears and visions come true. Yet there is an "out" for the student who finds himself compet- ing with 30,000 others - unknown competitors at that-for recogni- tion and a sense of purpose. When he begins to differentiate between isolation and individuality; he is better able to guide the course of his education.. Academically, this conscious planning manifests itself in the de- gree of initiative the student dis- plays-in the classroom, in outside readings, in frequent consultations with instructors. But no less important to his in- dividual development is the direc- tion he pursues outside the purely academic confines of the Univer- sity. The opportunities afforded by: the University community are scarcely restricted to the lecture~ study-research pattern. They en-" compass moments of sharing and of giving on the part of the student -whether they be in the excite- ment of University tradition or in the turmoil of daily tasks. THIS SENSE of community among the diverse segments of the campus-so often lacking in the classroom-is keenly felt by the student who chooses to participate in the melee of Homecoming or Michigras, who works backstage for Soph Show or attends the per- formance of Musket, who joins the crowds at football or basketball games. For in taking part in Uni- versity traditions, he helps to pre- serve them and to promote a defi- nite campus unity and a sharedt pride. Far subtler is the pride and sense of community of the student who chooses to devote himself to the furtherance of campus organiza- tions. These organizations play a vital role in filling the needs of all students: providing services, set:- ting up communications links be- tween living units, organizing cam- pus activities, worki'g with the administration. Often, the character of these or- ganizations and the services they, provide demand a time and energy commitment which equals or ex- ceeds that of the academic; in this sense, they are scarcely "extra-cur- ricular activities." The day-to-day responsibilities are often dull and unrewarding; frequently, they ate frustrating. Ample recognition is uncommon. WHAT, THEN, draws a stu- dent into these organizations and warrants his deep involvement? Initially, the attraction may stem from a desire to "belong," or a search for' an outlet for academic pressure. Those whose interest re- mains superficial, usually abandon their efforts after a brief period or merely linger on halfheartedly. Those who can see beyond the frustrationsand routine realize they are contributing both to the Uni- versity community and strengthen- ing their particular orgt aization. They see their continued partict- pation is as crucial to their, educa- tion and individual growth as is their class schedule. Whether novice or leader, they are called upon to give -- their time, imagination, enthusiasm-to the campus; through this giving, they may discover a new capacity in themselves to work with and for others. And they come to accept responsibility as essential to their roles as students. THE "EDUCATION" each stu- dent carries away from the Uni- versity will necessarily differ-ac- cording to academic interests, class curricula, faculty contacts. None- theless, virtually the same intellec- tual opportunities are available to everyone for the asking. But the student who becomes committed to a particular campus organization adds a new dimension to his "education." He learns to give as well as to take, thereby expanding, the peripheries of lec- ture halls and textbooks into the horizons of personal responsibility and individual self-fulfillment. s i m