Seventy-Fifth Year ETmD AND MANAGo Da tSTUDENTS OP E UNVERstrY Op MIC=USAa UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBUCATIOMS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Facts Versus the No-Curriculum Approach I ... . Where Oplnio re r 420 MAYNARD S'., ANN ARDOR, MICH. Truth Winl Prevan NEWs PHoE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM East Quad Food Problem: Legitimate Beef O PARAPHRASE an old saw, everybody talks about quad food but nobody does anything about it. But this is no longer true, for a group of students in West Quadrangle are doing something about it. In cooperation with West Quad Busi- ness Manager Gilbert P. Lutz, a seven- nan student committee has been formed to look into student protests over the quality and quantity of food being served in the West Quad cafeterias. Such a committee is surely a good idea, but why should the concept be limited exclusively to West Quad? I cannot speak with first-hand knowledge about the conditions in South Quad, except to utter some hasty generalization such as "things are tough all over;" but as a four-year East Quad resident, I can testify that conditions there could certainly stand a bit of looking into. 'CONSIDER FIRST the matter of "quan- tity." West Quad students have pro- tested that their cafeterias have occa- sionally run out of the food mentioned on the menu "before even half the residents have passed through the meal line." Yet how is this any different from East Quad, where one can never count on get- ting what the menu says he will (wheth- er he enters at the middle of the meal hour or not)? Students have even complained that the line has run out of peanut butter and jelly, the ubiquitous "second choice" of which the dietitians continually boast. (Quote: "Well, if you don't like what we serve you, you can always take peanut butter and jelly.") One is reminded of Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol": "If they would rather starve, then they had bet- ter do it, and decrease the surplus popu- latitn." A Citation A CITATION (if small) for beleaguered administrators. Someone, somewhere, somehow has managed to get bus service to North Cam- pus expanded from every hour to every half hour during most of the day. While patronage will probably continue at a low level for a while (until new riders are attracted and old ones adjust their personal schedules to take advantage of the changes), the expansion is a much- needed step toward providing convenient accessibility -to North Campus. It would also help considerably if the buses could circle the central campus picking up riders, rather than forcing them to walk to the shelter by the Dental Bldg. MAYBE WE can't do much with the big problems of the University, but with small ones at least there is a chance. Every little bit helps. -R. JOHNSTON EVEN IF one concedes that the dieti- tians do manage to turn out a good meal once in a while, this fact is far over- shadowed by the small size of the por- tions allowed. The late President Ken- nedy's "physical fitness program" ap- parently cuts no ice with the East Quad dietitians; second helpings of meat (a healthful food, to be sure) are forbidden, while the quaddie is forced to gorge him- self on bread, butter and potatoes in order to leave the table with a full stomach. The situation may be exactly the same from one quadrangle to another where "quantity" is concerned, but it is doubt- ful that this is so; one often hears of dif- ferences between what is served in one quad and what is served in another (as when a resident of one quad notes that chocolate milk is served every night there while another quad is lucky to get it on Sunday nights; likewise with lemonade or iced tea on hot days). WHERE "QUALITY" is concerned, it seems that East Quaddies would once again have a legitimate gripe. Some of the weird combinations that the dieti- clans manage to come up with simply must be seen (or eaten, if one feels up to it) to be believed. What would Duncan Hines say, for ex- ample, about "Oriental Soup," which re- sembles nothing more than a bowl of dishwater in which a few wilted pieces of 'grass (or the like) are floating? Or "Macaroni Neapolitan," which no respect- able Italian would touch with a 10-foot pole? It is doubtful that such delicacies as these could have found their way in- to a treatise on "Adventures in Good Eat- ing." Or, as Newton might put it, "What goes down must come up" NEAR THE end of last semester, a ques- tionnaire was circulated in East Quad, purporting to ascertain what the quad- dies liked and didn't like in the way of food. The report was a grammatical gem, containing references to such foods as "tost, rost beef, plumbs, and plu." Never- theless, many quaddies diligently filled it out and returned it in the hope that food conditions would improve as a result of their having done so. The result? As far as can be seen, the questionnaire has been ignored. Condi- tions have not improved; if anything, they have gotten worse, with little hope for better luck in the foreseeable future. IS A STUDENT committee the answer for East Quad residents, as it may be for West Quad? I am sure that East Quad director Stuart M. Zellmer would be just as interested in meeting with the stu- dents on such a matter as is West Quad's Mr. Lutz, but it would be up to the stu- dents to initiate such a move. East Quad- dies "talk about the food" as much as West Quaddies do; so if West Quad stu- dents can "do something about it," why not East Quad students? -STEVEN HALLER Contributing Editor To the Editor: THE DAILY editorial writers have done it again! Done what? Put forward yet another scheme which is, let's face it, com- pletely impractical by today's standards. I refer, of course, to Edward Herstein's editorial on the "non- curriculum approach" for the resi- dential college. What he is, in fact, suggesting, is a form of tu- torial system and I, for one, would be the first to agree on the desir- ability of such a system. BUT-let us face the facts. Mr. Herstein wants a 30-hour week of student contact, in one form or another, for the staff. If one assumes that a reasonable amount of contact per student is about 12 hours per week, with something like 4-6 hours of indi- vidual discussion (this would be needed so that a personalaassess- ment is possible), then a little arithmetic suggests that this re- quires a student-staff ratio of anything from 4:1 to 7:1, de- pendent upon how you make up the other hours. -Now face the facts, Mr, Herstein! * * * I WOULD also like to comment upon certain other points in the editorial, in particular the lack of feasibility in the curriculum sys- tem implied by Mr. Herstein. Un- fortunately I do not have any sympathy with Mr. Herstein's problems in being forced not to learn some things at all and being forced to learn other things twice! (Quite an achievement!) Also with his statement that "the Univer- sity" will not help him to learn some of the things which he does wish to learn. I seriously doubt whether anyone who expresses the first viewpoint has any wish to learn anything, in fact. Coming to the University from outside, one of the more exciting things here is the flexibility of the course system of study, con- taining, as it frequently does, "reading courses" whose content can be decided very liberally by the faculty member concerned. In addition to these formal courses, I have found my own collegues only too willing to help anyone who wished to learn some- thing not provided for in the for- mal manner and I am sure that they are not a unique set in this matter. AT THE HEART of the matter, finally, is the desire and willing- ness of the student himself to learn-not to be taught-and I would hope that such a student would have little or no cause for complaint at the University. -Thomas M. Dunn Professor of Chemistry Equal Rights To the Editor: THE YOUNG Democratic Club would like to extend sincere congratulations to the Young Re- publicans, in their decision to join the battle for equal rights in the local community. This battle is one that transcends petty politics and one that requires complete devotion to the ideal as a means of achieving the possible. Thus, we have no desire to renew old rivalries or reincarnate minor dis-' putes, when such an ideal is con- cerned. As an initial step of good faith, may I suggest that the Young Republicans refuse to endorse or in any way support for re-election Councilman Paul Johnson, a staunch opponent of the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordinance. May I also suggest that YR's in- form the six present Republican councilmen that they whole- heartedly support the attempts to di k' L+" A"' 5 Std C r t 4'1 " "A " . VgU/I i(t 4 d 4I"t t k y f . .fir' ? K f S r5 tjf" tlta y Y ; f make that ordinance effective. through enforcement and amend- ment. While we are taking the YR resolution at face value, we are now looking for positive action by the Young Republicans on iiat resolution. THE FIRST STEP has, we feel, been a completely sincere on by the Young Republicans. It now remains for them to make an in- depth investigation of the racial problems which beset Ann Arbor, and to use their political influence to bring about specific solutions to these very difficult problems. Perhaps the most encouraging step is that students are at last realizing that Ann Arbor affects them and that they in turn have a vital role to play in the com- munity. Hopefully, together with YR's, we can erase the stereotype of the student as a rather undesir- able transient resident of the area. We are voters and we are citi- zens, and we should be considered responsible Republicans and Dem- ocrats. But this will only be brought about by establishing our credentials as people who can take a realistic view toward real prob- lems, and as students who are not merely "playing politics." We wish Young Republicans much success in their efforts, and assure them that we will continue wrk- ing toward these goals in the Democratic Party. -Michael W. Grondin, '66 Chairman, Young Democrats Berkeley To the Editor: P ERMIT ME to disagree with Phyllis Koch's editorial re- marks concerning the Berkeley demonstrations. I will not presume to require the space needed to re- fute each paragraph. She maintains that the picture is one of "disorder and confusion." On the contrary, every report that I have read on the subject has pointed instead to the great de- gree of orderliness which the stu- dents have observed despite the odds of administrationand police coercion. As for the confusion, I think that is most probably prev- alent only in Miss Koch's mind. It is a question of minimal free- dom versus restrictive authority, and that is hardly a confusing distinction. MISS KOCH further maintains that "the minority of students have been too impatient," that far-reaching reforms take time. I think this is probably a gross mis-reading of facts, for the stu- dents have not demanded "far- reaching reforms" (more's the pity). It does not take any time at all to provide for freedom of political action (which Miss Koch apparently does not distinguish from freedom of speech) if those in power would just resolve to do it. One's beliefs (a true democrat might'reasonably affirm) must have proper and abundant chan- nels for expression. Otherwise, that expression tends to be found in channels which bastions of authority traditionally consider "improper" and "anarchical." Fa- cetiously called "universities," our institutions of higher education are inherently undemocratic, anti- individualistic, authoritarian and intellectually stultifying. They tend to manufacture mindless humans who continue to babble the shibboleths of a sick society. It is not free. It is frightfully in- stitutionalized and subtly author- itarian, and our "universities" are remarkable examples. No, I think the concessions made to the students at Berkeley are indicative of the righteousness of their cause and the effectiveness of their methods. What Miss Koch calls the peaceful methods, on the other hand, have been failing infamously at the University. -Everett Woods, '65 No Inspiration To the Editor: AFTER READING Tuesday's editorials of Merle Jacob con- cerning the situation at Roose- velt University and of Phyllis Koch concerning the situation at Berkeley, it seems to me that The Daily has hit a new low in editorial writing. In the first case, that of Miss Jacob, there cannot nossibly be any excuse for running an edi- torial that takes less of a stand than your news columns. The gist of her writing seems to be naughty children, you did wrong, and naughty administration, so did you. Not that such a statement is necessarily out of order, but it takes a much less insipid or hope- fully more inspired way of stating her message to warrant publica- tion in your columns. MORE INSPIRED, but with much less sense, is the article of Miss Koch. She uses the example of the student employes' union to show that a small group work- ing quietly within an orderly framework can accomplish great things. If this were satire, I would be appreciative, but I sense that it is not. I offer the student em- ployes union as an example of the fact that working within the framework of the administration, you can accomplish exactly what the administration wants you to. Moreover, I prefer to offer Mahatma Ghandi as an example of what Miss Koch describes as "lawlessness and disrespect for authority" which "can lead only to disorder, confusion and chaos." When the administration is as clearly wrong as at Berkeley, it is their duty to admit that fact and make the necessary conces- sions. YET, I do not quarrel with what is said in these two editorials as much as with the lackluster expression they are given. Is it asking too much of your staff to writeion issues aboutwhich they are interested enough to be in- spired and informed enough to be sensible? -Robert Shenkin, '65BAd Hmm ALL SUBJECTS offered at the University are classified as academic regardless of their con- tent or method of presentation. -Bulletin of the University of Washington 4 "WILL THERE BE ANYTH ING ELSE?' i MAGAZINE CONTAINS OGELSBY'S NEW PLAY: 'Peacemaker' Makes Generation a Collector's Item Memo to the Athletic Director DEAR FRITZ CRISLER, Saw where Coach Elliott picked a 44- man squad to go out to Pasadena. They should dismember Oregon State., It's sound football not to take the third fourth stringers. They aren't going to score any points for you. They would just be extra fares. Sure, they may be seniors who have been out for football for four years at Michigan getting their brains bashed in, H. NEIL BERION, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial °Director ANN GWIRTZMAN...............Personnel Director BILL BULLARD .....................Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY........... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND........Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND .......... Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER.......Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER ............Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER;.......Contributing Editor CHARLES TOWLE....... Contributing Sports Editor but they don't count because they can't help you win. They spent this year play- ing the parts of Dick Butkus, Gary Snook, Tom Myers, and so on in practice while the regulars gave them their lumps. We don't want this kind of loser going out to the Coast. It would be bad for morale. Sure, they went out to practice every day and gave it all they had, but sport is no place for sentiment. CONGRATULATIONS on deciding to take the Athletic Board in Control out to California. These are the nice fellows who really deserve to have an expense- paid trip. The monthly meetings you and the rest of the members had are the real reasons the Wolverines won the Big Ten Title. Football games are won by old men drinking coffee in smake-filled rooms. So have a good time, get a nice tan, and WIN for the Maize and Blue. Respectfully Yours, -LLOYD GRAFF Tg 1 T HIS IS NOT a free copy of Generation I am reviewing. I bought it, and would now buy another for a friend. Three quar- ters of the writing in this issue is a play which may make it a collector's item in the future. The other poems, stories and art will suffer by comparison, but they should not be ignored. There are some good things scattered there. There is some sensitive photog- raphy of faces and hands; on the other hand my ignorant eye doesn't see much in the drawings. They attempt very little, and they succeed. There are two good "critical" poems. In muscular lines, like "Smilin' Jack on PT 109" him- self, the writer turns that large accumulated imagery of the com- ics, "that never changing hair," against itself. "Newburgh" is quietly conversational and effec- tive. If poems could talk to each other, "Understanding" and "Love Poem" might chatter bloodily; the first despises what the second commends. There are a good number of haiku-inspired poems in this is- sue. Perhaps meditation will en- hance their effect, but I don't find in any of them that instant re-seeing of the commonplace which invites meditation. In poems so visual, the lack of a fresh eye is not redressed by decent lan- guage. But I found this haiku-like eye in pieces of improbable poetry where it was not expected. In the very tail end of "After Leaving the startled from/ that place in which he hears no other calling/" And again: ". . . as air descends through cloud, lost deeply in it- self/ the more it falls and is sustained by meeting/ its memory alone . . ." Meditate on that and watch chlidren with new eyes. The two short stories both play the popular game, "let's think of yet another way to go mad." But there are infinite ways and game soon palls. Both stories feature two men and a woman in a little insanity party, but the madness is too much like a fashion put on. The stories have traded cosme- tics; in one,, the girl has "lemon slacks . . . long blond hair . . . fierce green eyes"; in the other, "lemon-colored hair . . . green eyes." The main trouble with this game is that the more obviously mad the scene the more common- place the effect. Madness is closer home, in the structure of our so- briety, as when we say, "Why, everybody knows that . ..". From this point of view, Carl Ogelsby's perfectly real non- fictional letter on the Viet Nam war to perfectly real Congressman Vivian is a better story than either story. If the writer and the recipient of this letter were fic- tional, we readers would ask what kind of people would "call their very eyesight a liar" and support such a war. And the answer-plain old functionaries trying to do a sober job-would begin the mad- ness. To render this madness, the writer needs to extract and extenr settle this feud. It appears to ask: Why intercede in a situation, how- ever abominable, which you can- not change and which will destroy you? But this question alone would have produced a wooden play which "The Peacemaker" is definitely not. And I do not agree that in this feud peace was im- possible; nor, says Oglesby's let- ter, is it impossible in Viet Nam. Peacemaking is not for a dilet- tante. What is his concrete life stake in peace? In this play, his concrete stake is paradoxical; it dooms the peacemaker to death and the clans to endless war. I will discuss this briefly and as- sumed the interested reader has run out and bought his copy. TWO YEARS BEFORE the play begins, Dyke, returning from war, has inadvertently shot Harmon McCoy, has kept it secret, and the McCoys blame it naturally on the Hatfields. In Act 1, 2 Dyke asks himself and his wife Sally "Why did I not tell?" and when she reminds him of his own stated excuse, "the best way to keep your guilt," he knows it to be baloney. "It has my curliness. It makes me sick." Sally: "But why tell: what question would it answer?" She wants them to go West and forget the feud. Dyke regards this choice as plain, sleep-destroying coward- ice. To tell is critical for Dyke, and he really believes his telling would dismantle the war. As he lies dy- ing he believes this: "But I told. a participant. How could he tell and trust himself to jail and a trial when the Hatfields would not commit the three captive McCoy boys to jail but shot them instead, and the McCoys would do like- wise? * * * SO HERE is Dyke's problem and how he meets it: He is afraid to tell and fall into the fire of feudal justice. Therefore, he tries to get the feud under control by eliciting pacts of nonviolence and trying to get in marshalls. But he fails con- tinually and his secret corrodes his family life. When he consents to family pressure to leave, he confesses and dies and the feud goes right on. Dyke does not make public his own stake in peace; and so de- stroys his public purposes and projects. This peacemaker is neither an Olympian neutral nor a full participant. He cannot flee, as his wife recommends, nor truly enter. He will not use that resource, plan the occasion of its use as a peacemaking tool, which he believes is his most valuable asset. He is a part-time, part- minded, part-hearted peacemaker. Is he like a good, liberal, well- intentioned congressman - and the rest of us - waiting for some- body else to bring a peace to Viet Nam when it will be safe for us to confess and act on our own secret? Namely-I consent to the killing, I pay for it, killers are my agents, I am part of the abom- ination. "was." The whole auxiliary sys- tem is collapsed into the granite verb, "be." This is much more than just dialect imitation. In "The Peacemaker," "be" is almost a real character, gathering its identity from the hard concrete terms it mingles with, terms some- times mixed in metaphorica3 colors. "Or stay as you be, like tombstones foregathered, and them bouldery faces." And why, shoot the three McCoy boys? "Be- cause! This here be the way! Heh! This little old world go round." The talk is also well distributed among the characters which helps the play to move. And finally, here are some unforgettable spots of group chatter, those features of pre-linguistic vocalization found in animal communities besides man; features marvelously am- plified in the University produc- tion. If Dyke is.a partway peacemaker he is an ambiguous talker as well. Somebody should do a statistical analysis of verb auxiliaries and relative clauses in Dyke and the other characters. I guess that not only would the distributions be different, but that Dyke's data would divide into two clusters de- fining his public talk as peace- maker and his talk alone and with his wife. I think we would find certain ambiguous points in his talk where the style clusters overlap, where the talk is mixed. I sense that often these points come at moments where Dyke's personal failing paralyzes his I A